#shawnmendes agnst
brianc521 · 4 years
A lol blurb idea I have is Shawn gets jealous over a pic of a boy you liked on insta and then y’all have an argument and he ends up sleeping on the couch but at the end it’s all fluffy and he comes running to you!!
Dumb Boy Logic | Shawn Mendes
He was guy you went to high school with. It wasn’t a lie that while in high school you had a major crush on him. Taylor Mason, everyone had a crush on him. He was the varsity baseball pitcher. He was tall, lean, shaggy brown hair, bright green eyes, the longest lashes on a boy you’d ever seen. 
You both grew up together, his grandparents lived across the street from you. You were the only one except his absolute best friend Nathan, that knew his parents split when you were kids and he lived with his grandparents for a while. 
You had a little thing during high school. It just made sense. You knew him, he knew you. He was the baseball team’s pitcher. You were the softball team’s first basemen. It just made sense. It didn’t work out, you guys found out you were just better off as friends. 
But earlier tonight when you liked a shirtless photo he posted on Instagram it  caused all sorts of drama. 
“Shawn, literally, it means nothing.” 
“I mean you obviously still like him.” His voice is raised, curls crazy because he’s been tugging on them all night. 
“I’m over having this conversation. You follow models and god knows who else from your fanbase, I’m friends with a guy from high school and it’s a crime. Cool.” 
“I don’t follow those models on my personal Insta though!” He points out. 
“Yeah?” You raise an eyebrow at him. “Why do you follow Hailey on your personal then? And Kendall. Oh and don’t forget about Winnie, who wouldn’t hop out of your DM’s after the fashion show?” You argue, royally frustrated with this argument. 
“They’re friends.” 
“He’s a friend too!” 
“No he’s an ex! You dated him, so that makes him an ex.” 
“Actually no, I never dated him. I kissed him, twice I think? Then we decided it was weird and that we were better off as friends. So that makes him a friend. Much the same that Hailey’s a friend right? You kissed her, more than twice. Still talk about her, talk to her, like her pictures and her Tik Toks!” 
He grumbles, rolling his eyes. 
“Whatever, I’m fucking over this. I’m going to bed.” You stand from the couch, stomping up the stairs to his bedroom. 
He huffs, standing up and locking the door before going to get a glass of water from the kitchen. He looks up from the sink when he hears you stomping back down the stairs. This time with your purse slung over your shoulders and your keys dangling from your fingers. 
“The fuck are you doing?” 
“I said I was tired and going to bed. So I’m going home.” You spit out.
“But you’re spending the night.” 
“I don’t think I’d like to sleep in the same bed as you right now. I’m upset and don’t want to be around you.” 
“For fucks sake.” He mutters, catching your hand before you turn the corner for the door. “Stay upstairs, I’ll sleep on the couch. You’re not driving home at 2 in the morning. That’s ridiculous.”
You huff, rolling your eyes as you toss your purse on the ground. You stare up at him, annoyed to the max. 
“Then I’m going to bed.”  You respond, turning away from him to go upstairs. 
“Okay.” He mutters, going back to his glass of water he left on the counter. 
He drops his head and sighs when he hears you shut the door to his bedroom. He pads his way to the hall closet, grabbing the few extra blankets he kept there. He keeps the TV on, that way he has a way to distract his mind from the fight that lasted all night. 
He’s uncomfortable, right arm over his head, hand on the back of his head. He lets himself stare blankly at the TV not really comprehending the show at all. Before he knows it it’s almost 3 in the morning. 
He sighs, sitting up and turning off the TV. He softly makes his way up the stairs, peaking into his bedroom. He strains his eyes to see you through the dark, and pouts his lips out when he watches you turn over with your phone in your hand. 
You jump and yelp a bit when you see him in the door frame. “You scared me!” You whisper. 
He walks up to the bed, standing at the end by your feet. He plays with the edge of the blanket, sneaking glances at you. 
“What Shawn?”
“Are you still mad at me?” He says in his baby voice.
“I’m still a little annoyed. I mean-”
“Shh.” He crawls on the bed, on top of you to be exact. “I was being an ass. But I can’t help but get jealous of guys like Taylor.”
“Why?” You choke out, staring at him like he grew two heads.
“He’s so much better for you. He doesn’t have a bi polar fan base, that likes you one minute and says the most rude things the next. He doesn’t have the craziest work schedule. He can be here for you, and with you literally any moment you need him.”
“Shawn,” You sigh, combing through his unruly curls. 
“He just, he can be a better boyfriend than I can. It just, it makes me worry a little bit when I see you liking his posts because I feel like you’re one more step closer to realizing he’s better.” 
“Look at me,” You tug on his curls so he has to look up at you, not just pick at the blanket some more. “You’re the best boyfriend I’ve ever had, including Taylor. No one, ever, has made me feel as loved as you make me feel. You accept all the crazy I am, and embrace it with your own. You make me feel special, and valued, and acknowledged. When all my life I’ve only ever felt like I was in the way.”
He scrunches his nose, lips pouted out. “I hate anyone who’s ever made you feel that way.” He grumps. 
“You never have, that’s the point.” You brush a finger down his nose, causing his eyes to flutter shut. “I love you, and I want you, and I’ll only ever want you. So when you have these ridiculous notions of not being enough, talk to me about them. Allow me the chance to squash them before we’re suddenly in a fight over the dumbest thing.” 
He nods, leaning closer and rubbing his nose back and forth with yours. “I love you, and I told Winnie that. That’s what finally made her hop out of my DM’s. Hailey was a rebound, but also a friend. Kendall? Don’t know why I follow her, honestly. You’re the love of my life, and if those three make you feel less than that then they’re gone.” He whispers. 
“Stop, they’re fine. It was just my rebuttal to you dumb boy logic.” 
He pulls back with a playful look on his face. “Dumb boy logic?” 
“Mhm. You said some stupid shit Mendes.” 
“Maybe you should sit on my face to teach me a lesson.” He hums, hand suddenly tracing up and down the inside of your thigh.
“Oh.” You raise both eyebrows at you. 
“Let me make up for my stupid shit.” 
“You wanna-”
“Oh my god, stop talking.” He rolls over onto his back, hands out ready to help get you up where your throne awaits.
“M’not passing that up.” You grin.
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brianc521 · 5 years
His World | Skyla Rae
No one knew how to help him. No one had any ideas on how to get Shawn to calm down. His voice is completely shot to hell, he can barely form a single word without having to cough or clear his throat. It was painful for those who watched, imagine being him. 
On top of it all, no one could get the cell phone out of his hand. He’d just posted that he has to cancel the show, which was heartbreaking in itself to watch Shawn admit. Now he was torturing himself by reading through the comments of those were supposed to attend the show. Some are supportive, but the ones he is reading are the ones that show disappointment and anger.
He keeps sniffling, and shaking his head, his poor curls are wrecked. 
Skyla sits with Brian at a table in the catering room, drawing pictures for Uncle Connor. She’s humming ‘Never Be Alone’ while drawing in what her camera with purple marker. 
“He’s destroyed because of this. I’ve known the kid for almost a decade now. I’ve watched him go through heartbreaks. I’ve watched him grow and mature into a young father, but never once have I ever seen him so broken. Cancelling a show has always been his greatest fear, the guilt of it all. Now it’s hear, and he doesn’t know how to handle it.” Andrew says from the next table over. Him and Cez are making arrangements for paying each and every ticket holder back. 
Brian watches the two older men and sighs. The last he’d heard was Shawn was being rushed to a local clinic for a check up. His small cold was getting worse and Manny had finally gotten Shawn to agree to be seen. 
“Uncle Brian?” Skyla asked, tugging on his sleeve.
“Yeah?” He looks down, smiling at his niece. 
“Is Daddy back? And Grandpa?” She asks with excitement in her eyes. She’d missed Manny more than Shawn did, so with him with them for the final leg of tour was exciting for the duo. 
“I think so.” Brian nods. “But Sky,” He grabs her hand before she can run off to find them. “Dad-” He starts, not knowing how to explain this to her.
“Is Daddy okay?” She asks with worried brows.
“Dad’s sick.” Brian says slowly. “He doesn’t feel good, and because he feels so yucky we had to tell everyone we can’t have the concert.” 
“We cancelled?” She asks with wide eyes, looking to Andrew. 
“It was gonna hurt Dad even more if he did the concert.” Andrew explained. 
“Where’s my Daddy?” She asks, scrambling off her chair, forgetting completely of her picture for Connor. 
Before anyone can answer Skyla has taken off down the hallway in a mad dash to get to her Dad. 
When the three men start to follow they run into Manny. 
“Where’s Shawn?” Manny asks in a rush. “I lost him. He told me he was going to call Karen, but I just got off the phone with her. He hasn’t called her, and he’s not in the dressing room.”
“What?” Andrew screeches. “Where is he then?” 
“I’m asking you,” He says turning to Brian, noticing that he’s not toting his granddaughter. “Where’s Skyla Rae?” 
“She took off to find Shawn.” 
“Shit.” All the boys say at the same time, splitting up to find them. 
After searching the green room and his dressing room Skyla went to the stage. It’s somewhere her Dad usually is, so she thought if she could stand on stage and see the whole world like he does then maybe she could see him.
She does, she spots him in the stands, all the way in the last row. It’s a trek but she finally makes it to him. She’s never heard or seen her Dad cry, but he is. He’s got his face in his hands as he sobs uncontrollably. His shoulders shake with each sob.
She takes a few more steps until she’s stopped right in front of him. 
“Daddy?” She whispers, touching his hair and pushing it back off his forehead. 
Shawn jumps at her voice, having not heard her approach, and peeks up from behind his hands to see his worried daughter standing in front of him. It makes him want to cry even more. 
Would his daughter think he was a failure because he couldn’t do the one thing he was meant to? Sing?
“Daddy.” Skyla says again.
“Hi Princess.” His rough voice growls out. 
She frowns at him and all but throws herself into his arms. He catches her easily and nuzzles his face into her neck as she squeezes her arms around his neck. 
“How are you feeling Daddy?” 
“I feel yucky.” He mumbles. 
“We need to get you soup.” She nods, remembering everything he’s done for her when she’s felt yucky. “And that gross medicine that will make you feel better.” 
“I have medicine to take later.” 
“Good, and rest. You need rest.” 
“I am resting. Because I feel so yucky I had to-”
“I know.” She rests her cheek against his shoulder. “I know.” 
He doesn’t know how he got so luck with a daughter as smart as his, but it’s moments like this that he thanks the lord. Skyla just knows. She just knows everything she needs to know. She knows that he had to cancel. She knows that he doesn’t want to admit that he did. She knows what it means to him. 
“I think,” She pulls back to look at him. Taking her chubby hands and wiping the  tears off his cheeks. “I think that if you feel yucky and playing will make you feel yuckier then you did the right thing.” 
Shawn stares at her for a moment and lets her words settle. 
“I think that everyone will know that you feel yucky.” 
“Some people are mad I had to cancel.” 
“Then those people are mean. You always tell me that you have to be healthy. Yucky isn’t healthy.” 
Shawn nods and hugs her again, kissing her cheek and holding her tight. 
He pulls his phone from his pocket as it rings for the 6th time. “Grandpa’s calling.” He says giving Skyla his phone to answer since he’s on vocal rest. 
“Skyla Honey? Are you with Dad?” 
“Yeah.” She nods, staring at Shawn who’s smiling at her. 
“Where are you?” 
Skyla looks around and leans back into Shawn when she answers; “We’re looking at the world.” 
Shawn closes his eyes and lets a few more tears fall before kissing the top of his daughters head. 
“Oh.” Manny answers, confused. 
“Dad’s okay Grandpa. I got him.” 
With that she says goodbye and hangs up, giving Shawn his phone back. 
“We’re looking at the world?” He whispers as he turns Skyla around on his lap so she’s leaning back into his chest, staring at the stage with him. 
“Yeah, every night you say you can see the world from the stage.” 
“Where do you see the world from Princess?” 
“The stands.” 
Shawn’s heart melts and and he lets himself sit and stare at the stage from the stands. Allowing himself to not feel guilty anymore. He needs to be healthy for his fans, yes. Most importantly he needs to be healthy for the little girl in his arms. 
“You’re my world Princess.” 
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