#shdjkskdksk I like talking to you so much
Well hello darlin'
(I guess a little fact about me is that i'm NOT from the south, and thus have never been called that before you. it makes me a blushing mess each time)
sorry it took me so long to respond I tore my room apart trying to find my wrist brace lol
I ALSO play guitar, though mostly electric!
Every time you compliment my singing voice i'm just like awww <333 but I also feel the need to let you know that I have a lullaby voice. which does not mean it;s soft and sweet but means tired, cranky babies don't mind it (but tired, cranky adults do)
Русская Принцесса is about how it's hard to be around a russian princess but they're already part of the inner circle and it's interesting (probably in a 'person observing an insane person' kinda way I think)
I've actually never heard of the song to recommended but the vibes are very 'neon green' (like the colour) if that makes any sense.
I forgot to say but I listened to the songs you sent me and Apple Tree Blues is probably my favourite out of the bunch!
we really are two peas in a pod lol. guess who also has a bit of a stutter! it gets worse for me when i'm having a bad day(thanks autism!)
very random but, if you have any house plants what is your favourite one? and if you don't have house plants just favourite plant en général
also forgot to add but a man had the audacity to ask me out today, and to put it nicely I was dressed very not straight (my shirt had the word boobs on it and i was wearing so many rings, and my pants were cuffed, to list a couple things things) also side note but i might dye my hair purple again, thought?
your damsel who is currently in distress - el
Good evening my lovely! <33 I’m always so excited to see that you’ve messaged and definitely don’t gay panic for a solid 15 minutes minimum ☺️
(That’s so sweet! If you like it, I’ll continue. It’s not even common here, it just makes me swoon when I hear it, so I thought I’d try it out. I like the way it sounds, and if I ever get to say it out loud, I like to think it’ll sound nice with my accent)
That’s incredibly okay! I hope your wrist is okay. I would kiss it better if I could <33
That is so incredibly cool, omg. And you play BOTH?! Be still my poor gay heart. I want to learn both so bad, and any new favorite song changes my mind which I want more, but I’m on a solid acoustic kick rn. I have spent too long on the Donner website staring at their guitars and daydreaming 😔
A lullaby voice is still really cool! I’m tone deaf as shit but I think there’s a song or two where I can hit the notes okay. I love belting songs alone in the car with no judgement. Hopefully someday someone will want to do it with me.
Oh that’s so interesting! I think I did find the right translation then, I was having trouble lol.
No that absolutely makes sense! I definitely don’t have synesthesia, but I think some songs definitely have colors, you know? I mean you must since you said it 😂 It’s fun to connect little things like that, just take a song or a movie and say “yes, this is indigo blue” because of some specific reason or even just Vibes
Oh I’m so glad! I love that one so much. I listen to basically anything, but folk music has a special place in my heart (bet you couldn’t tell 🤪). What genres of music do you usually listen to?
Oh boy do I feel that. Mine comes out with nerves or excitement. My brain gets to fast for my mouth and then I just get stuck on a word. I think it’s fun, and my friends are all nice about it. We all laugh every time I hit a new record for how long I was stuttering over one damn syllable 😂
I do have a house plant! Turns out I have the opposite of a green thumb and I can’t even keep succulents alive (I managed to overwater one and underwater another despite them being the same species on the same water schedule shekekks), but I’ve found my match. I have a little golden pothos plant, and I named her Becky because why not. She’s going strong! Do you have house plants and do you have a favorite?
Favorite plant in general would by hibiscus though. I have a hibiscus tattoo, because my Papa used to have some in his backyard and we’d go see what new ones had bloomed every time we stayed over <33
Okay, first of all, that outfit sounds sick as hell and I adore your style. Second of all, ew why do men. I wish I could have been there to defend your honor, my darling damsel. Purple hair sounds sick as hell!
Your knight in shining armor who’s definitely not plotting homicide on said man,
- Max/Lo
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