#she aint the blue paladin.
swagging-back-to · 1 year
naur seriously can we talk about how allura was even like 'the lions were made to be piloted by you and you alone'referring to the fact they are the only five people in the entire multiverse to have pure quintessence corresponding to the colors oftheir lions....
if one paladin is MIA then that lion should be inactive, benched. you dont simply play musical chairs with the lions. if it waa that easy then ANYONE could be the paladins at ANY time and theres no reason for the human paladins to be there at all especially if they dont want to be. but no the human paladins are NEEDED or else keith and allura would have no problem with pidge leaving in the first two episodes. nor would they mind if lance went home. but they DO mind. they PREVENT pidge from leaving and they make lance believe going back to earth isnt an option at all--that it isnt even on their iternary.
So no. i refuse to acknowledge the lion switching as canon.
#i feel like i should also bring up my headcanon that altean markings correlate to quintessence colors.#this is why lance has PURE blue meanwhile coran has teal.#coincidentally coran also embodies characteristics of the green and blue lion (loyal compassionate curious eccentric)#so allura having PINk markings?#she aint the blue paladin.#i know that theory falls apart quickly when you look at alfor--the red paladin who has blue markings#but still#it also makes zero sense to have the only person who can create a wormhole and PILOT THE ENTIRE CASTLESHIP be#in a lion fighting a battle that they could die in any second--therefore stranding everyone who needs the castleship to escape#allura being the blue paladin would-in reality- lead directly to the galra winning the war.#it only takes five seconds to put her and blue out of commission. simply fire an ion canon or two directly at her and then the other#paladins + coran are stranded and completely helpless.#after that it would be a piece of cake for the galra to capture every single lion and their paladins.#from that point they could go into the castleship and go through any + all information about rebels#the coalition and the blades of marmora. all because allura wanted to be RVEN MORE in the spotlight than she already is#the rntire war against the galra would be irreparably destroyed. the galra wpuld win flat out to the point#that no amount of rebellion would even make a dent in their power.#meanwhile if they simply just stayed in their proper lions and fought without shiro (with allura still manning the castle)#they would take lots of blows and it would be very hard-but at least they would win.#voltron#rant
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adamarmeadowcroft · 4 years
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“Tell us a story from your journey, Sir Adamar!” Rosemarii had asked with a smile. “I'm sure you have such exciting tales!” Adamar sat silent for a time, debating if such a tale was appropriate given the happy mood everyone was enjoying. His eyes lifted from the flames of the campfire, a slow exhale escaping past his lips with a nod of defeat. “Very well, my Lady... where do I begin?”
The night gave way to the gentle touch of the sun, dew and mist still clinging to the air about the small makeshift camp. The flames of the fire had died hours before, leaving only the feint wafting of smoke and the crackling of dying embers behind. The sound of blue jays and sparrows trekking off to find this days breakfast stirred the lone man propped against a large oak. A groan escaped the armored figure as he reached up and rubbed the sleep from his eyes, feeling the ache in his back as he sat up straight. “No comforts of town, he said. What I would give for a straw mattress.” A light chuckle escaped Adamar as he pushed himself to his feet to stand in the peaceful ambience of the morning forest.
He found himself days behind schedule as he trekked his way across the Eastern Kingdoms towards Uther’s Tomb. No time restraint was given as he was commanded to leave the city, and so he had no grievances taking the longer scenic route through the forests and hills. Adamar groaned some more as he stretched out, digging his boot into the embers of the fire in hopes of igniting it once more. When his lazy attempt failed, he begrudgingly collected some timber about the grounds and worked to lite the fire once more. 
Hours had passed and breakfast had been finished as Adamar readied to pack up and head further north. The camp was packed up quickly enough and the fire was doused with a bucket of dirt. He took up his sword and once more stood idle in the sounds of the forest. Slowly, he dropped to a knee and buried the tip of his sword into the dirt. Wrapping both hands about the hilt, he rested his forehead against the pommel and took in a deep breath. “As a new day dawns, send the radiance of your light to shine in my heart. Make me true to your teaching; keep me free from error and corruption. Give me the strength to carry on; to right my wrongs. Let me be your healing hand to the sick; Your hammer of Justice to the wicked; and the keeper of all that is good.” Even though his eyes were shut, he could feel the warmth of the light piercing through the morning mist to wrap about him and bathe him in its presence. 
The silence of the woods was broken at the sound of a woman's scream. It echoed off the trees and sent birds fluttering to the sky. Adamar raised his gaze to the mists that surrounded his camp, unsure of where the cry had came from. Moments passed before another scream echoed from somewhere to the east of him... the sound of armored foot falls and men shortly after.
She ran as fast as her feet could carry her, soiled white gown fluttering in her wake. Blood spotted her fine wear and mud caked her knees where she had fallen several times. “No... no, light please” She gasped, barreling through the bushes as the branches scratched and tore at her face and arms. “She’s over here!” Came the cry of her captors not far behind. “ ‘urry up an’ nab her! The boss ‘ell ‘ave our heads if you let her get away!” The men cackled as they split up, darting through the underbrush after her. They knew these lands better than anyone and made quick work of cutting the girl off. “NO! Get away from me! I wont go back! I’ll die first!” The girl backed away from the thugs, unaware of the steep hill behind her. One more step sent her tumbling backwards and down the hill, crashing through bushes and bouncing off the boulders that were half buried. “Ha! You ‘ave a nice fall, darlin’?!” Blood trickled from her brow as she clawed at the dirt to pull herself away from this hell. The men were once more upon her, falling upon her like wild animals as they ripped at her clothing. “Get off of me! Light, please... someone... please.” 
The area grew silent suddenly as he eyes raised from the dirt to her assailants. They were no longer focused on her, but something else. Still sobbing, she followed their gaze as the sound of metal echoed yards away from them. He emerged out of the mist like an armored ghost, sword glinting in the morning light. “Who the hell is that? You lost, mate?” The men pointed their swords as the armored figure continued to grow closer. “Mind ye’ fuckin’ business afore you go an’ get hurt!”
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Adamar stalked forward, his sword readied before him as he shifted his gaze between the two men. “One chance, leave the girl be.” His eyes shifted to stare into the eyes of the battered girl, hands tightening about the hilt of his blade. “Or die, here and now.” The two men laughed as they stepped away from the girl. They knew she was to exhausted and beaten to make it much further. “Well well, aint you’s just a brave soul. Well, cmon then tin man! W’ell get back to her when were done guttin’ you like a pig!” Adamar took a deep breath, closing his eyes for the briefest of moments. “So be it.”  Adamar began marching forward as the thugs to began to move in on him. “Light above, guide my hand.” It was if the sun itself had answered his prayer, light bursting forth from his sword. The mist melted away and the thugs could only raise their hands to shield their eyes from the blinding light. “Wha’ the hel-” The mans words were cut short as Adamar closed the distance and make short work of burying the tip of his blade through the mans stomach. His pal could only stare in horror at the blade that stuck out the back of his companions back, a feint glow radiating from the metal where blood did not stain it. “A-a-a... paladin?!” The man back away as he fumbled at his belt, pulling a crude looking horn from his side.
Adamar ripped the blade free, causing the now motionless thug to fall in a heap to the earth. A loud bellow filled his ears as he turned his gaze on the second... a horn between the mans lips as he began to retreat back up the hill. Instantly, the forest came alive with the sounds of shouting and the clanging of metal. Adamar did not pursue the man, but instead made his way to the girls side. “Can you stand?” He asked, kneeling down to place a gentle hand upon the back of her shoulder. The girl shirked away from his touch, still sobbing until she looked up into the calm blue eyes. Her breathing steadied some, but the look in her eyes spoke a thousand words of pain and sorrow. “Take heart... I shall see you away from this place.” The smile that had began to tug at her lips faded into one of fear as her gaze went behind him to the hill above. Adamar rose and turned to the sight of two dozen men lines up atop the hillside. A well fitted bandit raiding party, to say the least.
“You sure got balls coming into my woods, Paladin. She’s pretty, aint she? Tha’ why you tryin’ to steal her away from me?” The man that spoke was clearly the leader as the rest of the men flanked him. He was a large intimidating man who clearly made his way to the top buy beating the shit out of anyone in his way. His massive form leaned heavily atop a massive Warhammer that could flatten a mans breastplate. The rest of his gang sported crude maces, short sword’s and crossbows. Though none of them had armor save for a few that wore graves or pauldrons over their leathers. “Aint you alittle tiny to be a knight?” The leader asked, causing a roar of laughter to erupt from his men. “Hes probably just a boy been listening tah to many ah nana’s stories!”
Adamar couldn't help but chuckle silently to himself, wondering if these men would be laughing if he still possessed his original body. The humor faded as he moved to put himself between the girl and the hillside, sword bloodied and at his side. “I will give you all the same chance I gave this one.” He raised his voice so that they all might hear as he gestured with his blade at the dead man near him. “Leave this girl be. Turn away from this life of evil and seek forgiveness for the crimes you have committed.” Once more, his words were met with a fit of laughter. He raised his voice even louder as he raised the sword, sweeping the point to trace the top of the hillside. “Do not, then you may seek judgment... here and now! The choice is yours!”
The leader gestured for the others to shut their gobs as he began to slow clap. “Nice speech, kid. Balls, you got. But smarts, your lackin’... ya see, I got all these men, and there's jest one o’ you. You gonna wiggle your fingers an’ kill us all?” Adamar stepped forward and traced a half circle with the tip of his sword in the dirt before looking back to the group of marauders. “If I must. Make your choice.” 
“Alright, I’ve had enough o’ this little prick. Kill em’! An’ bring me back tha’ bitch!” Yelled the leader, sending a roar up among the men as they all began to surge down the hill side towards the lone knight and battered girl. Adamar spread his stance and raised his longsword over his head with both hands as he watched the tide descend upon them. “The Light is my Salvation, whom, then shall I fear?” The glow upon his blade began to grow brighter as he continued. “The Light is the strength of my Life, of whom then, shall I be afraid?” The first couple men made it to the bottom of the hill and were running headlong for him, maces raised above their heads. “I shall not be afraid... for the Light is with me!”
Light erupted from all around Adamar, coalescing into two angelic like wings that sprouted from his back. The sight alone gave pause to the men nearest to him before they charged in once more at the urging of their leader. “WHAT ARE YA WAITIN’ FER! GET EM!” As the first man passed over the half circle in the dirt, he was met with a outstretched hand. Light burst forth from Adamar’s palm before taking on the shape of a glorious hammer. It slammed the thug full in the face and filled the area with a sickening snap as his head lulled back, neck broken. Several move were closing in now as Adamar parried the next attack, swiftly bringing the blade back around the open the mans throat. A swift kick to the mans midsection sent him sprawling back lifeless... just outside that half circle. Three more men leapt over their fallen comrades and pressed Adamar at once. He parried another strike as blades slashed him across his midsection and head. The blows glanced off and left hardly a scratch, such was the quality of castle forged full plate. Adamar slashed the hand clean off from the next swing made at him before the wings upon his back vanished. The light suddenly surged outward from the soles of his boots, holy fire spreading across the dirt as it licked and set flame to his attackers clothing. 
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The men fell to the ground, rolling like madmen as they tried to snuff out the flames that consumed them fully. The flames did not cease until the men lady motionless upon the earth. Seven men now surrounded him as they moved in, forcing Adamar back towards the girl as they sought to overtake him. Blows rang off his armor as he slashed and stabbed down two of them. But the sheer numbers overwhelmed even his kills as a mace slammed him in the side of the leg. “Graah!” He fell to a knee as another slash found the spot between the armor of his arm, causing a wide gash that began to trickle blood down his armor. He seized one man by the front of his leathers and pulled him into the downward strike of his comrade, his head cleaved in two. More and more men entered the fray until he was surrounded on all sides. The blows began to dent his armor and take their toll as his head began to throb from the constant hammering. “Tha’s it boys! Gut tha’ little weasel!” Adamar saw for the briefest second, between the legs of his attackers... that poor girl. Her knees were pulled to her chest and all hope had left her eyes at the sight before her. 
He would see her away from this place. Gritting his teeth, he braced himself firmly against the ground as the power welled within him. The leader could only gawk as the pile of men suddenly erupted and men went scattering everywhere. In the middle stood that lone knight, surrounded in a bubble of glorious light. Most of the men that hadn't been knocked out by the blast were now high tailing it deeper into the woods. “We don’ get paid enough fer this! Lets get the fuck outa here!” The leader snarled as he pointed after the fleeing men. “Get back here you cowards! I’ll fuck yer skulls when I finds you!” He cursed loudly as he looked back at the lone knight.
Adamar breathed deeply as he looked at the bodies that littered the ground about him. He slowly trudged back towards the line in the dirt he had drawn. He readied his sword before him as he locked eyes with the meat head at the top of the hill. Though, he faltered and staggered as his wounded arm fell to his side. It was then, he noted the small pool of blood forming beneath his feet. The strength went from his legs and he fell hard to one knee. It took everything to keep from falling face first into the dirt. “Fuck....im outa shape.” He mumbled to himself weakly. 
“Fuck it! Looks like ima have to finish this myself!” Bellowed the leader as he was already making his way down the hill, that massive hammer propped on his shoulder. “You put up a good fight, you little shit! But playtimes over! Hope the bitch was worth it!” Adamar buried the tip of his sword into the dirt and used it to prop himself up as he watched the man loom over him. “She is.” Adamar said, raising his chin in defiance and tugged off his helmet to drop in the dirt beside him. “Shitty last words, boy.” He hefted the hammer high over his head, sucking in a deep breath. Adamar closed his eyes and a smile came to his face as the clouds above opened up and basked them in the warmth of the day. Just as that hammer was about to come down, a globe of light descended from the heavens towards the pair. Adamar opened his eyes as that orb formed into a massive hammer that crashed into the top of the leaders skull, slipping a knife from his belt. The blow sent the meathead crashing to his knees in front of Adamar, hammer falling into the dirt beside them. The two stared at each other for a moment before Adam spoke up. “I’ll pray for your soul.” The leaders eyes went wide as Adamar thrusted that dagger into the side of the thugs neck. The leaders massive form fell backwards as he struggled to breath past the gurgling of blood in his throat. It only took a minute before the struggling stopped and the forest once more grew quiet and peaceful.
Adamar took in a slow deep breath, using what strength he had left to push himself to his feet. “Light... have mercy on these lost souls. Bring them home.” He turned and staggered his way towards the battered girl, who was now on her feet and wide eyed. “Y-you... saved me. Why?” Adamar only smiled to the best of his ability, holding out his arm to help her away from the grisly scene. “Because... there is good in this world worth protecting.”
Adamar looked up from the fire as he finished the story of his adventure to Uthers Tomb, smiling lightly at Rosemarii. “Her name was Liandri. Im just happy this one had a happy ending for a change.”
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tumblunni · 6 years
It’s really hard to think up Lesser Nobody types for all the members of Organization XIII that died before KH2. Like they really don’t align easily with FF job classes like all the others! I wanna actually try and design some more Nobody designs, so here’s my ideas so far:
Zexion - Illusionist. He’s the only one who’s easy!
Larxene - Honestly shoulda been Assassin, why is Axel this? So I guess maybe one of the other classes that are often related to that in various games. Thief, Ninja, or even Trickster..?
Marluxia - Odd idea- maybe Puppetmaster? Cos I mean there isnt any class specifically for fighting with flowers, but you could say its sorta like that since you’re technically controlling something thats alive. Plus it fits thematically with his plot role and how his monster transformation is this weird conjoined two people thing that people are all theorizing is actually the ghost of some lady who just got introduced in the mobile game. (I aint up to date on my spoils!)
Lexaeus - Geomancer could work cos its sorta earth magic, but he’s a very physical based character instead. And Beserker would have fit him in terms of what weapons the class generally uses, but Saix fits that better in terms of personality. Maybe just straight up default Warrior or Knight? Or even Dark Knight or Gladiator?
Vexen - This is where it gets extra tricky! Him and Lexaeus have the opposite problem, they’re both using abilities that are traditionally on the other side of the physical/magical split. Pretty much every defensive class is a sword user, and anyone that can use ice magic has defense as their lowest stat! I guess maybe he could be Astrologician just because its the only damn mage class that has any defensive anything. (Tho its support buffs rather than using an actual shield) Or maybe Paladin because that’s sorta the most magical defender? Even if its just ‘big buff guy that can also cast Cure’. It could work well tho, cos I mean its already ironic that a wimpy scholarly guy fights with a massive shield, itd be extra funny if grumpledad’s job class was the epitome of light!
Bonus: Xion - Mime/Mimic/Blue Mage. Because replica! Though the generic non-job-class Creeper nobodies already kinda have shapeshifting as their power. It could kinda fit her really well if her Nobodies were just an ascended form of the weakest one of all, like how she was supposed to be a soulless puppet but became something real.
Oh, and maybe Namine is Time Mage? Or maybe jobless/Freelancer because she’s “not technically a real nobody” and all. Confusing metaphysics, lol!
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literallylaoshu · 2 years
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ about me ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
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lao || she/they/it || fluffy dragon || dec 19 ♐︎
♡ flowers are for decorating your horns ♡
hello howdy, i'm lao or laoshu and this is my space now!~ ♡
︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿୨ ⭑ ୧‿︵‿︵︵‿︵‿
i'm pretty self reserved unless i know you quite well, but i am friendly! don't be afraid to message me or anything, i do love making friends. i probably won't post much unless it's about something i like, art, or just messing around with friends.
i love to see and recieve art however, so if you want to draw a character of mine or somefin, i won't say no! ♡
︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿୨ ⭑ ୧‿︵‿︵︵‿︵‿
some stuff I like include
anime: fullmetal alchemist: brotherhood, blue exorcist, demon slayer, fairy tail, mha, death note, beastars, a whisker away, miss kobayashi's dragon maid, chi's sweet home, orenchi no furo jijo, my little monster
movies/shows: supernatural, httyd, mcu, stranger things, gravity falls, bluey, atla, over the garden wall, mlp, great british baking show
games: okami, undertale, pokemon, undertale, night in the woods, overcooked, paladins, pokemon unite, acnh,
books: harry potter (fuck jkr we accept everyone here in the nest, aint no phobia except arachnophobia), the lunar chronicles, warriors, percy jackson, heroes of olympus, the inheritance cycle, waterfire saga, life of pi
︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿୨ ⭑ ୧‿︵‿︵︵‿︵‿
i speak fluent english but i'm working on learning other languages. i can understand some spanish and am currently working on learning japanese. mandarin chinese, korean, italian, french, and maybe xhosa and tut
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senseisimp · 7 years
voltron spoilers
I kinda need to rant/rave 
-Okay first off Allura is the most cutest fucking this ever like I could not deal. I was fangirling so much! And she's hella badass fighting and shit. Her with the Paladin suit and her hair down I was just like YAASSS QUEEN! I was hoping for some Shallura after Shiro came back but we didn't I’m so sad. But then again I was weak af when Allura kept telling Keith Shiro was right lol.
-But like we got so many Klance moments that my heart could not take like fight me we better be canon out here.Like Keith and Lance basically comforting each other and giving each other vice like ughh I was dying! We were blessed!
-Hunk is super adorable and smart as always. Less food jokes then last season so they making progress.
-Poor Pidge didn't find Matt this season. But she was super adorable too. 
-They disrespected Shiro out here like I am mad about that. How y'all let me son look bad with that long ass hair and shit. Omg like I dead ass didn't know if it was really him at one point I was like is this another reality too? And the haircut after just noooo. I mean some angles is was good but like nooo. Also the Black Lion a fake ass bitch just saying how it found Shiro but denied him as pilot???? I’m confused. And his outfit don't like it either lol looks super weird. (I’m sorry but I love Shiro and they like messed him up) But it was cool that they gave him a whole episode like they did in season 4 of LOK for Korra, like it reminded me so much of that. I hope Shiro gets the Black Lion again tbh cause Keith aint fucking fit for it I am not sorry for even saying that, Keith is getting way too much hype for idk what. (Sorry it’s just that I fucking love Shiro and I just didn't like how he looked cause I'm a bitch lol).
-Keith was getting me so mad tbh like fight me but he was also being such a pain in the ass like I get it he wanna do shit his way but like I don't see him as leader material sorry not sorry.
-Lance had a fucking sniper guys I was dying! My son the Sharpshooter out here sniping. And his pickup line to blue lol but I’m also glad he never used that on an actual person.
-Poor Coran was barley there but it was so cute how he laughed so much in the flashback.
-That part in the alternate reality with Sven, I did not expect like omg it was kinda weird and I was lost af. Slav though, he was the MVP.
-Haggar or whatever was super fucking cute and shit bitch messed herself up and now looks busted af lol. Also I thought she was like Zarkon’s side first I was like ohhh drama but no they were married lol.
-But who knew Zarkon was such a romantic ass mother fucker lol. I was here like hold up is this the same Zarkon?? I was hoping baby Allura (so cute!!) would cry around Zarkon so it would be like she fucking knew. Also he did Alfor wrong so fuck him of course.
-Alfor was the man tbh! Like I loved his character. Also Allura’s mom was so beautiful and Allura looked exactly like her like I cannot! 
-I hate that I like Lotor cause I also fucking hate him lol. 
-Lotors girl gang are super badass af like they stole the show. They were on some next level shit.
-As for the episodes in general I feel like everything was so over the place like they did to the last season of Korra and I didn't like that. Like I was super confused and I don't think viewers should be (just my opinion). But I would love it if they like slowed down lol.
Overall this season was alright in my opinion. I feel like season two got me more pumped up but then again they cut the seasons in half so maybe thats why I feel this way. I just didn't find myself as excited throughout this season but hopefully in season 4 it will be lit.
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strixmoonwing · 7 years
Instead of finding Keith’s mom in season 3....
....The Voltron crew completely throws a curveball and have them find his dad. In space. Specifically chilling at some shady, low-life space bar.
Though it’s not officially stated the state of Daddy Kogane, most of us assume he either died when Keith was younger or just straight up left him at some point. I’m kinda leaning on the party of him leaving to try and find a way to locate Keith’s mom. Since it’s canon that she is a member of the Blade of Mamora, she probably went to Earth on a mission to locate the Blue Lion before Zarkon’s forces could (perhaps actually piloting the Red Lion to do so?) One way or another, she kinda get stuck and runs into this womanizer (I’m going with in the theory that he might also be Shiro’s dad), rough-neck country boy and forced him to be her guide. Love blossoms between the two and Keith happens. However Keith’s mom knows that she can’t stay there too much longer and has to return to her duties- now that she knows the Blue Lion is located on Earth she and the Blade have to ensure that Zarkon won’t find it. She leaves her family in the dead of night with only a note explaining her reasoning and her blade as a reminder for Keith of her love.
But Daddy Kogane ain’t one to give up. He knows the war going on up in space and his wife’s role in it. There no way in hell he’s letting her fight alone to keep Keith and Earth safe. So he makes a home for himself and baby Keith in the middle of the desert where he and his wife first met (and to keep an eye out for the Blue Lion who, unfortunately won’t open up to him. Damn giant robot cat. Should have been a robot dog, aint’ as damn fickle). He searches for anything that might be alien-like (searching high and low for cryptids and UFO sightings with little toddle Keith always at his side). Finally he comes across another alien that happens to be stopping on earth (stealing Kaltenecker and other random earth junk) and forces the poor alien (dude, put that knife down! I’m just doing my job man!) to agree to give him a ride into space.
Of Daddy Kogane doesn’t know what actually he’ll run into up in space looking for the Blade of Mamora. All he knows is that there is a war going on and a little kid like Keith won’t be safe. So, with a heavy heart, he leaves Keith with an old family friend with the promise that he’ll be back as soon as he can- both him and Keith’s mom will.
Years fly by and Keith and the paladins are currently looking for Shiro. Some aliens that they saved inform them that they have actually seen a human that looks similar to Keith within their town. Of course, everyone assumes that it’s Shiro and get pumped and excited.
Their alien guide leads them into the most filthy part of their village. The paladins excitement starts to dim and then just turns into confused when the alien points to what is obviously a seedy, criminal filled bar. 
This...this doesn’t seem like a place Shiro, their law-abiding and gentle-hearted space dad, would want to hang out in.
But they shrug their shoulders and head in. Who knows? Maybe Shiro just needed a drink.
Amongst all the burly, vicious looking aliens, they spot the hunched back of a figure that is obviously human. They get excited and rush forward, Keith in the lead, crying out “SHIRO!!!”
Then, the figure downs his drink and turns towards the commotion. A guy that is obviously not Shiro sends them a deadpan look.
“Who the hell is Shiro? The name’s Ryou.” His eyes widen. “Well, I’ll be damned, you fellas human?”
The paladins stare, jaws open in shock and then Keith speaks in a quiet, bewildered voice.
Ryou’s eyes widen even further in shock.”KEITH?! What the hell you doing here boy?! Why aren’t you back with Mrs. Harris?!”
“Mrs. Harris got into a bar fight and died of a stroke ten years ago!”
“Oh.” Ryou leans back and yells at the bartender, “I’M GOING TO NEED ANOTHER ROUND OVER HERE! MAKE IT REALLY STRONG!”
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malleusdraconia · 8 years
okay but for my paladin swap series i was always going to make shiro the blue paladin. and in ep 1 lance cuts off allura when she's talking ab it but just says. ‘takes the most handsome / best pilot of the bunch’ and if that aint shiro 
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brattyboyblue · 6 years
Personal Thoughts of VLD S6
After having a wild emotional day due more to hormones than the actual season’s release (lawls), I finally calmed down long enough to watch season 6 of Voltron. Now, I haven’t actually watched a complete season of voltron since season 3, but I kept up with enough spoilers from seasons 4 and 5 (while having watched at least the last 3 episodes of season 5) to understand what’s going on.
(Vague???) Spoilers under the cut. Sorry if you’re on mobile!
tl;dr: Keith’s arc was probably the most well done out of all the character arcs. Fuck you Lotor, but also, I really pity you Lotor. Shiro needs to go to Disney. Allura wipe your tears honey bunch. YAAAAAS HUNK. LOREMASTER CORAN; Team Punk the real saviors of the universe; I’m sorry the showrunners are making the writer’s do you dirty Lance. You are my sunshine hubby always. klance still has a chance and y’all aint gonna destroy that for me. Allurance can still be salvageable as long as they make Allura smart in regards to Loverboy Lance. Krolia is QUEEN. the fuck are the generals?
Keith & Shiro
- DAMMIT KEITH WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU HOT. also, I'm very proud of you. He came into his leadership, now I just hope season 7 provides more team bonding with the other paladins and not just Shiro.
- Speaking of Shiro, rest. Rest child. You have done well and you have earned your peace.
Lotor & feelings:
- The award for sympathetic villain goes to Lotor. He followed in his mother's footsteps and I hope--I can't believe I'm saying this--he either finds peace in death or he finds peace in a redemption arc.
- I actually do believe his feelings for Allura were genuine. She clearly had feelings for him and still did in the end when she was willing to sacrifice the lives of the team to save him (NOTE: this is an exaggeration of what actually went down, but she did insist on saving him despite everyone telling her they needed to go.)
Keith & Krolia:
- It's a damn shame they cut the Keith/Krolia bonding down to montages but it had to be done. There's just not enough episodes in a season to dedicate toward that. They learned from their experience on Avatar at least.
Lotor’s Ang--Generals:
- The generals are really just watered down versions Azula's generals but more stupid. I really don't understand their purpose in the show. (And this may be due to the fact that I skipped season 4 and half of season 5).
- All the allurance scenes, with the exception of the first one in the first episode, really didn't come across as being romantically coded. Every single scene with them didn't have the violet coloring but its possible that'll change in season 7.
- It's also possible that Allura will, finally and kindly, tell Lance that she isn't interested and wants to heal from Lotor’s betrayal now that she understands what its like to have your heart broken. It probably won't put an end to Allurance but maybe it'll be able to salvage it.
- I did see some hidden klance things. The stars in the astral plane was one. Lance noticing Keith's physical changes first before anything or anyone else, the parallels between Keith's parents finding the Blue Lion and their encounter with the Blue Lion. Lance is the first person Keith sees through the Black Lion's eyes followed by the rest. The fact that once Keith returned to the team, Lance was already by his side in terms of positioning when before he stuck around Allura. I'm not going to look any deeper than that until I know where Season 7 plans on going with Allura's heartbreak and healing.
- Keith's familial backstory confirmed brother Shiro--all of that was beautiful and executed wonderfully.
- The animation and coloring this season was top-fucking-notch. Bravo. All the pivatol scenes captured my attention just with the details they added to the characters. Everyone’s BSOD expressions (mostly Shiro and Lotor’s) were so well done I was praising the team outloud lmao.
Pacing of the Plot:
- Story-wise--when it focused on the plot--it was nicely done. It didn't feel out of pace like previous seasons or rushed. Its not quite as good as seasons 1 and 2 in terms of pacing but it's definitely one of the more better paced seasons among the shorter sets.
- I appreciate the temporal fuckery as a means to tell a story through flashbacks and the use of foreshadowing in the DND episode.
- The story through characters, I think Keith’s story and Lotor’s story were definitely well portrayed this time around. So it’s really nice to finally see that red ribbon on Keith's fucking arc.
- Hunk stepping up was absolutely gorgeous and beautiful and obviously expected and thank you for finally acknowledging that Hunk is an engineer.
- They reminded us that Coran was also an engineer and that was beautiful.
Team Punk:
- Hunka and Pidge's friendship is probably the better-depicted relationship out of the entire season. I’m not sure when they grew so close, but I really enjoyed their interactions.
(disclaimer: I’m a Lance stan and I love him with all my heart so my disappointment is warranted)
- Hoo boy, here we go. Its obvious this season Lance absolutely no longer has a connection to any of the paladins. I didn't see it like I saw it in previous seasons and while I love the langst that I did see, I didn't like that it revolved around his unrequited crush on Allura. With that being said, they utterly shaded Lance this season. He was the most pointless character in the whole damn show. CORAN did more than him and that's really saying something. THE FUCKING CASTLE OF LIONS DID MORE THAN HIM!
-it's interesting to note that the Monsters and Mana episode predicted [Lance’s uselessness] because all he did was vanish and teleport as a distraction or get the others fucked with a trap. (Speaking of which, the DND episode was the best fucking filler in the entire series and I love it so much. Bless you Shiro)
- Anyway, back to Lance--I cringed every time he opened his mouth. I know it's not his fault his writers hate him, but holy shit, I can understand why some fans would hate him.
- His characterization this season was about as captivating as a fucking cockroach on a wall. It actually destroys previously established moments of badassery in other seasons.
- However, it was really, really, REALLY nice hearing Lance bark out orders when Keith wasn't there to do so. He can step up in time of need, but the writer's don't really give him any credit afterwards.
- They could have handled the Clone Shiro arc in a different way that would've given Lance time to shine, but instead, its given to Keith who had the power of a Deus Ex Machina-esque vision that told him of Shiro's fuckery. It made the last scene in Season 5 between Shiro and Lance really unnecessary.
- I do look forward to them going back to Earth in season 7 and a part of me hopes it does focus a bit more on Lance BECAUSE they're going back to Earth. Its a great opportunity for him to really think about whether or not he wants to return to Voltron once the castle ship is built, but I get the feeling Lance will not be important in that season or in any season. (Of course, thats just me being pessimistic.)
General/Shipping Commentary:
- In terms of shipping, other than the klance moment I mentioned and the allurance, its hard to predict. The whole series is based on Identity and Family, so i guess ultimately a romance isn't really (and shouldn't have been) necessary but its really hard to say what will be endgame at this point. But that's okay. I rather no one end up with anyone in the end.
- I wonder what the significance of the wolf that keith bonded with is
- Krolia’s romance with Texas had me emotional.
Overall, I actually enjoyed season 6 despite my earlier heartbreak. I realized, as I was working, that the fandom is dramatic as fuck and certain people have a tendency to become toxic in the face of adversity, regardless if they mean to or not. I learned I should always form my own opinions on a matter as opposed to believing in others.
I also learned that the showrunners are shady AF, and while I understand they need to protect their show from spoilers as much as possible, I would really wish they’d stop making “promises” of... well, everything really. I rather they be vague (”You’ll just have to see for your own eyes”) as opposed to adding commentary to something that’s probably never going to happen.
0 notes