#she also really isn't one of the most versatile actresses out there so why do they keep casting her on every fcking show
zhoufeis · 7 months
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reaction2whatever · 2 years
Agents of SHIELD S2E16-S2E18 reaction
Agents of SHIELD S2E16
-Is that real needles on Skye
-That does not look like props
-the actress actually got acupuncture for this scene?
-but omfg Skye is so gorgeous
-I LIVE for Bobbi defending Skye
-Simmons is so beautiful too oh wow
-I can understand this old guy's motives but still he is annoying as hell
-So Simmons' gloves made Skye's transition harder?
-Did the new guy just make Skye fly?
-That's cool
-Is Simmons really helping this old dude open the toolbox? Simmons should be more loyal to Coulson than this???
-annnd FitzSimmons are arguing again
-why is this show tearing my heart apart
-ahhh Mike is Coulson's back up!!!
-I've missed him!!
-lol Skye is so smart, figuring out that Raina is here by just a sentence
-I can understand why Skye is mad at Raina, cause I think Skye kinda blames Raina for Trip's death
-Also she kinda wants to blame Raina for her getting her power
-Skye almost killed Raina by just looking at her??
-Oh shit that's Skye's mom isn't it??? she's got scars on her face but that's the same woman who was cut by Whitehall?
-family reunion time! ahhhhh!!!
-Skye that's your mom!!!
-So her mom really never ages huh
-This show is trying very hard to make the old man be likable but still, I'm just mostly annoyed by him lol
-He's got the whole moral high ground figured out huh
-So there's still a hydra head out there
-Do they ever die out
-ahhhh I knew it!!! I knew Simmons wouldn't have betrayed Coulson so easily!! Fitz's got the toolbox!!
-Good job FitzSimmons!!
-Awww and Jemma packed him the sandwich UwU
-They are soooo cute
Agents of SHIELD S2E17
-what am I seeing oh wow May in the shower???????
-Ma'am that is...That is a sight to see
-is this finally introducing May's background story??
-ahhhhh I'm so excited
-FitzSimmons' teacher is very good-looking, but that hair does her wrong. Why would they give her that hairstyle it's so ugly it hurts my eyes
-Okay. YET AGAIN. this speech that Skye's mom is giving her about how resonate frequency works should be FitzSimmons's speech like come on now
-This show is trying to make me believe that FITZ, god damn engineer who works communication ALL THE TIME, didn't tell Skye about frequencies and resonance.
-Are we going to pretend like Fitz didn't excitedly explain to Skye about the classical example of resonant vibrations destroying the Tacoma Narrows Bridge in Washington
-I like the new electricity guy and Skye's mom and no-eyes-man but come on now that frequency talk is science and belong to FitzSimmons
-Uggghh Can I get a fanfiction where FitzSimmons are the ones who helped Skye understand her powers?
-what is theta protocol though
-so Skye's power can play a note in a cup?
-if Skye can really control frequency her power is limitless omfg
-like she can legit change people's words when they are speaking or any sound traveling in the air because sound itself is vibrations that pass between air particles
-if she can learn how to alter visible light frequencies then she can basically make the enemy see a bunch of baby elephants when she's fighting them too lol
-She can destroy every object in the universe with minimum effort just by using the object's frequency
-Also she can just tap into phone signal, satellite, wifi, TV, GPS... basically all forms of communication by using her power, and she can alter them too
-Also Skye can use her power as a microwave lol how cool is that
-The ability to control frequency has to be the most versatile superpower there is ahhh her power is limitless
-ahhhh The engineer in me is fully having a happiness induced meltdown rn lol
-but hearing Skye talk about being in foster has got to be the saddest thing ever
-especially when her mom is right here
-The foster homes send her back to the orphanage for a glass??
-and they sent her back on her birthday once?
-That's a lot for a kid I feel so sad
-so July 2nd is Skye's birthday
-and her mom still remembers what happened on Skye's birthday awwww
-My baby has found and met both parents! ahhhhh I feel so happy for her
-ahhh I wonder what would happen if Skye had grown up with her parents
-May calls her husband before going in on a mission that's so soft awww
-her smile is so pretty too
-annnd ohhhh we're in combat mode
-she so handsome
-so May's mission is about Skye's mom's superpower group
-Did May end up killing the little girl
-oh fuck no May went in for the girl and ended up killing the girl herself
-welp killing a kid will for sure fuck someone up, especially a good person like May
-I feel so bad for May omfg
-awww Skye finally got to have a family dinner with both her mom and her dad
-Fuck hydra ugghh they really fucked up Skye's family
-they could have been very happy together as a little family if Hydra didn't fuck with Skye's mom
-Ohhhh Raina can see the future???
Agents of SHIELD S2E18
-awww I'm so glad that the family dinner went well for Skye
-ohhhh Bobbi is in work out outfit
-why is Bobbi hot in everything
-lmao why is Coulson calling Ward "hey sweetie" sooooo hilarious lololol
-mmmm interesting
-seems like Ward is finally getting redeemed?
-Skye's mom really does not care for normal people huh
-poor Fitz. he's being forced to be on the same plane as Ward, the man who damaged his brain
-I don't blame him for being emotional
-awww Skye's parents even got her school planned out
-I can understand Skye's dad's anger towards Whitehall and why he wanted to kill Whitehall himself. Whitehall fucked up all three of them in Skye's family
-holy shit Skye's dad owns a whole damn building
-how can he with a straight face say that he's not rich lol I feel poor now
-Skye could have lived a comfortable life like a princess
-It's a shame they can't make up for lost time
-Skye falling on top of electricity guy is sooo cliche lol
-what is this, some romantic novel's scene come to life? lol
-lmao May and Simmons and Skye looking at Coulson working with Ward has got to be some of the best reactions ever lol
-deathlock vs sparky electricity guy lol they fight each other to the death and then get captured together lmao just why
-So Ward is really gonna be redeemed huh
-The way Ward calls Coulson "Boss" reminds me so much of good guy Ward
-mmm what's Coulson planning? just surrendering like that?
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