#she and kermit always play love interests in their movies and it's awesome
meatmensch · 7 months
when people propose muppet versions of stories where miss piggy plays the leading lady and a human plays her love interest...you understand so little 😭😭😭
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gaiapaia · 3 years
Kermit and Friends: Regulus
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This week’s special guest was Aaron Ozee, author of the very popular children’s book Regulus. The book was such a hit that it was made into an animated film, also titled Regulus. You can purchase the book here and rent or buy a digital version of the film here.
Regulus is about a ‘Rat King’ who refuses to share his cheese with the mice he considers beneath him. Unfortunately for the Rat King, he loses his King status and the bully then becomes the bullied. 
The book has a very strong anti-bullying message, and Elisa’s first question to Aaron Ozee was about that. Aaron would explain how he was bullied growing up and how it deeply affected him in a bad way, only then to use it as motivation in an effort to help others going through the same kind of bullying he suffered as a kid.
Bullying would be a strong theme throughout the rest of the show. Elisa got bullied for the shirt she wore, she was verbally abused by her fiancé, accused of exploitation by a moron, dogged by multiple KAF Wrap-Up show hosts... I mean, Elisa was catching flack from all angles this week for little to no reason. It was unbelievable and a bit disheartening if you’re like myself and care about Elisa.
Andy Dick is simply out of control. After trying to con Elisa out of $650 earlier in the week, he called her a “Fat whore” among other horrible names at The Grove in front of strangers and children on Saturday. He even got his ‘boyfriend’ Lucas to join in on the harassment. Just an awful situation that no one deserves, especially Elisa who has treated Andy like absolute gold these last couple of months.
Elisa finally seemed fed up with Andy’s abuse, but it wouldn’t last long. After claiming she was done with him, Andy actually appeared on the show just as Elisa was getting ready to end it. He was being nice and I could tell right away that Elisa would let him back in her good graces.
Andy would give a half-assed apology for his actions from the previous day, only then to call Elisa crazy and psychotic, only again to apologize after that. Elisa not only accepted his apologies but then offered to take him out to eat after the show. It seemed like she wanted to shift all the blame on to that Lucas guy, letting Andy completely off the hook.
People who don’t like Elisa will look at this behavior and call her weak, or they will say she’s hanging on to Andy no matter what he does just because he’s famous. The idiots who say that would be very wrong.
Elisa doesn’t have an angle. She’s been in abusive relationship after abusive relationship. I’m afraid Elisa doesn’t love herself so she’s more attracted to people that treat her like crap. Elisa will turn 33 in June so she’s old enough where this isn’t some wild young woman phase. My theory is subconsciously Elisa believes she deserves the abuse. It could possibly stem from her parents shipping her off to a demonic boarding school where it stuck with Elisa that sort of treatment is what she deserves in this life. She doesn’t deserve it, though. Not at all.
Elisa may not agree with me but I feel I’m right about this because I’m speaking from personal experience. I deal with the same self-loathing issues I believe Elisa has, but it’s easy for me to sit here and say Elisa should start loving herself more than to look in the mirror and tell myself the same. One of the many reasons why I will never look at Elisa in a bad light is because I can relate to the inner-struggle she’s been going through all these years. I just wish there was a way Elisa could see herself in the same spectacular light I see her in.
Elisa talked about these grandiose visions she had of herself and Andy, being featured on the cover of Forbes magazine, creating hit music, starring in movies... the works.
Just think about this... if you’re reading this blog, you already know how talented Elisa is, even if you don’t like her. You know she’s already achieved a level of success that not 1% of the population will achieve in the entertainment industry. So why does she need someone like Andy freakin’ Dick in order to vision herself on the cover of Forbes magazine? Imagine if Elisa set the goal without a man or anyone else’s help by her side... could she do it? I 100% believe she could if she gave it her all. I understand success isn’t anywhere near as fulfilling when you don’t have anyone to share it with, but you should at least strive to share your success with someone who treats you well.
Anyways, I apologize for jumping out of the review to share my personal feelings. I’m not happy with Andy, I’m not happy with that relationship. I want Elisa to have fun and create a show she can be proud of. It’s easier to accomplish that with a wacky outgoing famous guy like Andy Dick, I get that... but at this point, in my opinion, it’s not worth it if this is how Andy is going to treat Elisa.
Elisa is a grown woman though capable of making her own decisions. I will always love Elisa and wish the best for her because I know she has a beautiful heart/soul and her intentions are always good. There’s more I want to say about the situation but I’ll move on.
Back to Aaron Ozee... he gave a fantastic interview. He’s a very positive guy with big goals but also humble and polite. T-Bob tried to ruffle Aaron’s feathers with a couple of asinine questions about Black Lives Matter, and Aaron couldn’t have handled it more eloquently, even winning Trumpster Bob over (no easy feat). I was extremely impressed. On top of that, Aaron was respectful and non-judgmental to every KAF regular he talked to. Just a truly swell guy and I hope to see him more often on the show.
Kermit made a couple of new friends this week. One was Johnny B’s alter ego, Joannie B. Think Robin Williams as Mrs. Doubtfire and that’s Joannie B. Very humorous stuff. A guy in some kind of Star Wars helmet named White Kanye also made his debut on Kermit and Friends. Apparently he’s been in some escapades with Andy Dick and told some stories. Unfortunately, it was impossible to tell if he was being truthful.
Chris Christine blessed the show with her presence again. She opened up about the 20 years she spent in the American military and how it led to some traumatic mental anguish. Chris credited an Andy Dick Cameo she received as to why she didn’t commit suicide a couple of years ago. She was incredibly sweet and even offered to pay Andy that $650 I mentioned above. Chris also said a lovely prayer for Elisa and Andy. What a sweet soul Chris is all around, she’s easily one of my new favorites.
Sharmin and Dr. Roy joined us in Miami. They’ve been having a vacation together and they helped Elisa sort through her feelings regarding Andy. It was awesome to see them having fun and looking so happy.
Eric Riggs had another sex video presented on the show, this time involving a pen and his rear end. Eric called in and made Elisa shut off the video before the conclusion. He was fine with last week’s sex tape but I guess this week he felt embarrassed. Eric would later read a poem about some woman named Mindy that owes him money, which also somehow involved Elisa’s vagina and horseradish. One of the weirdest poems I’ve ever heard but hey... that’s Kermit and Friends.
Barry “Boss” Mezey called into the show to accuse Elisa of exploiting Kermit’s friends. Barry fails to realize that Elisa gives a platform to literally anyone who wants to make use of it, and the people who garner the most interest from the audience are the people Elisa will feature the most, just like every other reality show in human existence. Barry’s phone calls could not have been more wrong, shame on him.
Lastly, Elisa sort of snapped this week on a chatter by the name of Nikki. Nikki criticized Elisa’s shirt and then said she could have a more popular show than Kermit and Friends if she tried. I think Elisa had some pent up frustration regarding Andy and sort of it took it out on Nikki, which by my estimation Nikki honestly deserved anyway. I just wish Elisa had that same fire not to put up with Andy’s BS. But Nikki has said some very mean things about Elisa in the past, both on Discord and on other Kermitarian related streams, so it’s not like Elisa attacked some innocent princess who made one bad comment. Nikki can be funny but she’s not a nice person at all, so while I commend Elisa for apologizing and feeling guilty over her words to Nikki... sometimes the bully gets bullied just like in Regulus.
The show ended with Elisa playing yet another tremendously creative music video from her talented co-host, Sugar. Overall it was a good show. The interview with Aaron was very professional and well done, and the Andy stuff I’m certain was entertaining for most people. KAF continues to deliver every week, just as I’m sure it will next week. 'Til then, I sincerely thank everyone for reading and I hope you all have a superb week... well, unless your name is Andy Dick, in which case you deserve a very bad week with another bite to the face from my main man Fozzie.
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warehouse13pod · 5 years
Show Notes 107 "Implosion"
Evil is afoot, Agents.
As always, you can click on this link or by clicking play on the embedded player below to listen to this week’s episode while reading the show notes.
Also, don’t forget that you can support us on Patreon!
This week's Writer Appreciation Corner focuses on Bob Goodman, a true asset to the Warehouse 13 writing staff. We love Bob Goodman and even featured a quote from his io9 article in our "Bonus 01 - Podcast 13 Season 1 Trailer,” linked here and embedded below.
You can follow him on Twitter as @b0bg00dman.
The episode starts with Pete imitating a dubbed Japanese samurai movie. This week's episode dealt a lot with a lot of ~heavy themes~ related to Japan and WWII, and interestingly those themes tie directly into the media history of samurai cinema. Pete was almost certainly imitating the action-packed samurai cinema films that were popular after WWII. And, in fact, most samurai cinema was set during the Tokugawa/Edo Period--exactly when the Honjō Masamune was crafted. You can find a list of some seminal works of Samurai Cinema from The Criterion Collection.
It's interesting that the episode focused on a Masamune being given as a gift to a US president after WWII, because a Masamune was actually given to President Harry S. Truman after WWII and currently resides in the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library and Museum. That's a pretty direct allegory to a sword being given to Woodrow Wilson and residing in the Woodrow Wilson Museum of Peace.
Incidentally, there is no actual Woodrow Wilson Museum of Peace, but there is a Woodrow Wilson Presidential Library and Museum, and it is (at least partially) a house!
And since the episode got to the Honjō Masamune pretty quickly and led to an early introduction of our expert in the podcast, let's give her the same treatment here in the show notes! We are so grateful and honored to have had the highly illuminating Dr. Nyri Bakkalian as our Artifact Expert this week. She shed so much light onto a subject that I have just…no other knowledge of whatsoever. It was fascinating to hear all she had to say about the Honjō Masamune and about Japanese swords post WWII more broadly. You can find her on Twitter as @riversidewings, check out her blog, or support her on her Patreon for more information.
Dr. Nyri Bakkalian shared a cringe-worthy story of someone who stripped a samurai sword to the tang. If you know nothing about swords (like me) then you probably didn't know what a tang was--or that there are so many more parts of a blade than the hilt, tsuba, and that long stabby bit. For my fellow sword novices, here's some info on the anatomy of a sword. Here's some information specifically on Japanese swords. And here's some information specifically on tsubas and other Japanese sword mountings.
But guess what?!
Dr. Bakkalian was kind enough to give us even more information after Miranda's interview. She sent us a link to a Japanese resource that discusses the real Honjō Masamune--and that even includes a diagram of the sword itself. Dr. Bakkalian added that "the sword was appraised many times, but it was designated a National Treasure of Japan in 1939, so we're fortunate that we at least have a paper trail if not the blade itself."
While I don't know much about swords, I do know a bit about kitchen knives. And what I know about kitchen knives ties in--very slightly--with the history of swords. Specifically, the layering technique of forging Japanese steel blades. Here's a bit more information on how Japanese kitchen knives are made and how that ties into the history of sword-making in Japan. Not that anyone asked, but I'm a big fan of my hybrid knife set that has a Japanese steel blade but a piece of thick metal that extends all the way down through the hilt like a German blade. The knives have a nice thin, sharp edge like a Japanese blade but a comfortingly weighty, solid handle that makes me feel more in control as I cook. I've included pictures of them, because I love them and this is the closest I can come to being useful about anything related to blades.
This episode dealt a lot with the frustration that can come from poor communication between friends and coworkers. This is something that Artie struggles with a lot. Here is an interesting blog post for any managers or team leaders out there looking to foster better communication in their workplace.
In the stakeout scene in the parking lot of the Japanese Embassy, Pete makes a joke about how the goggles make him look like Kermit the Frog. I couldn't find a pic or gif of him in the goggles, but here's a pic of Kermit.
As we get further into the series of Warehouse 13, we're starting to encounter more and more artifacts per episode, which means that we may not have experts on to discuss every single artifact that an episode references or features. That said, we love this fan wiki as a resource to look into the artifacts that don't get as much airtime on Warehouse 13 or on our podcast.
In this episode, we don't spend a lot of time on it, but Artie uses a 14th Century Firework called an "Ice Flower" that mesmerizes onlookers by triggering a feedback loop in their optic nerve. You can find out more about mesmerism in our show notes for 103 "Magnetism." The fan wiki points out that the firework resembles  a type of firework known as a Catherine wheel firework. Here's some more information about the history of fireworks.
In the hotel room with Artie, Pete, and Myka, Myka demands that Artie tell them exactly what the sword does. We learn that the sword turns the bearer invisible but splitting light in half. The bending and manipulation of light to essentially mimic invisibility is actually a thing that scientists are researching. There are lots of techniques they try, and you can learn more about them here.
In this same scene, we got another great detail from the brilliant art department on this show. As Artie is explaining the history of the Honjō Masamune, he pulls out a Japanese handscroll. Japanese illustrated handscrolls are a beautiful and intricate form of visual storytelling media and you can read more about them here. Personally, I learned about them from the video lecture series from Sunday at the Met entitled "Storytelling in Japanese Art." You can click the previous link or click play on the embedded video below to watch that lecture series.
You can find more lectures about art and history from The Metropolitan Museum of art on the museum's website or more directly, from its YouTube channel. I've found some truly amazing information there.
We made a reference to Kluger getting "dusted" (RIP Kluger). That was, you guessed it, a Buffy the Vampire Slayer reference.
Miranda referenced using the Oxford English Dictionary to look up the origin of the word "kabosh." The OED, as it is affectionately called is an amazing resource at whom's alter Miranda and I both worship. It's so much more than a dictionary. It gives the history and first use of every word you can imagine.
You can gain access to it with your library card number, so please: support your local library. Go and sign up for a card, so you can access this awesome resource.
Now that you have a library card (I'm assuming you dropped whatever you were doing to go support your local library and get a library card), you can now check out the books where the phrase "to put a kabosh on" were first used. The first was Sketches by Boz by Charles Dickens and the second was The Wheels of Chance by H.G. Wells.
It is taking literally everything in my power not to post a spoilery gif of H.G. wells right now, but I'm committed to keeping major plot developments out of the show notes until we discuss them on the podcast, so instead here's a picture of me right now trying not to spoil things.
We also discuss how Artie's file said he was suspected of espionage but was actually arrested for treason. Small fact check, but espionage and treason are different crimes.
Outside the Wilson Museum, Pete and Myka have one of their patented heart-to-heart and Myka unintentionally reveals--much to Pete's delight--that she is a fan of Star Trek: The Original Series. Specifically, she and Pete discuss the trope of "red shirts."
We talked about how the orange vs. purple Tesla reminded us of lightsabers in Star Wars and Priori Incantatem in Harry Potter.
Miranda gave a Mini-Actor Spotlight on the actor who portrays Mrs. Frederic's bodyguard, Jung-Yul Kim.
Meanwhile, our main Actor Spotlight of the week focused on James MacPherson himself, Roger Rees. His IMDB is incredibly impressive, but his credits extend far beyond his work on the big and small screen.
Miranda recognized him from his turn as Lord John Marbury in The West Wing.
We also gave a shout out to Rees' husband, Rick Elice, an accomplished writer and actor in his own right. Sadly, Roger Rees passed from brain cancer in 2015. He was a powerful and talented actor who left an enduring mark on Warehouse 13. Rest in Pease, sir.
We referenced this hilarious scene with Pete and Myka's gesture-based discussion about needing to shoot unsuspecting Secret Service Agents with the Tesla...
…and how it reminded us of Spike knocking over the "Welcome to Sunnydale" sign every time he entered and left town in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. (Another reference #TakeAShot)
We also take a moment to appreciate the importance of Leena to the Warehouse. She's great, and we want everyone to remember that she's great.
We also talk about how Artie's unwillingness to address the source of his closed-off nature ends up putting Pete and Myka in danger and making Myka very upset. She says that Artie needs to address his emotions instead of allowing his emotional scars to hurt those around him. Miranda and I support mental wellness and therapy. Please see our show notes for 103 Magnetism for a list of crisis resources.
The episode ended with a couple of quotes from the Talmud. You can learn more about Jewish Sacred Texts here. I haven't personally used this resource so I can't very translations or commentary or anything, but we always link to books we reference in the podcast--so, if you want, you can read the Talmud online here.
That's all for this week.
See you next time, Agents.
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swan1974-blog · 8 years
Sam Says,Can I Tell You A Fun Fact? Swans Only Have One Partner For Their Whole Life, If Their Partners Die They Could Die From A Broken Heart. It's Like I Was Reading About Myself And Not The Species Of Bird. Swans Are Highly Intelligent And Remember Who Has Been Kind To Them, Or Not. Man, What A Compliment! Amazing Swan Facts About A Cob Make Them Distinguishable From Other Birds. A Cob Or A Male Swan Acts Responsibly For His Children And For His Partner. He Protects His Family By Making A Blow Using His Knucklebone. The Blow From His Wing Is Said To Be Strong Enough To Break A Man's Hand. Swan Says,I Wouldn't Want To Take A Punch From Him! Sam Says,That's Interesting, And I Will Want To Add Although It Is True That Swans Are Gentle And Defensive Animals By Nature, They Have Their Rare Moments Of Aggression. If Any Intruder (Such As Another Swan, Geese, Or Even A Human) Gets Too Close To Their Nesting Ground Or Young, They May Chase Them Away. They May Also Bite – Not In The Typical Sense Considering They Have No Teeth, But They Can Still Pinch The Skin Which Can Be Irritable. Can You Bite Like That, Daddy? Swan Says,Heck, Yeah! Sam Says,You Know What? I Would Love Twilight Better If Swan From Phantom Of The Paradise Was Bella's Father, You Know, Adding The Portrait Of Dorian Gray In The Vampires And Werewolves Film. What Do You Think Of That? Swan Says,I Lobe It. Sam Says,Do You Get Teased A Lot? Swan Says While Rolling His Eyes,You Sure Bet I Do. People Call Me A Blonde Austin Powers. I Think That Is Mildly Insulting. People Think I Am Stuck In The 1960'S,1970'S. That Doesn't Stop Me, Though. I Am Continuing To Incorporate Cultural Elements Of The 1960S And 1970S In 2017. I Continue The Dream, So To Speak. I Always Wear Flared Elephant Bells Bellbottoms,Waistcoats Lapels Vests,Colorful Patterned Frilly Shirts,Ascots To Look Out Of 1960'S Counterculture. I Do That Because I Like The Style Compared To The Style Today. I Was Often Accessorised With Bright, Bold Colorful Shirts And High-Heeled Boots. Some May Say I Looked A Little Feminine, But Never Mind That. The Flamboyant Look Was In,And Is Still In For Me. During The Mid-1960S Frills And Cravats Came Back In, Together With Vividly Printed Shirts. I'm Contributing To The Trend Even If I'm The Only One Still Doing It. My Patterned Waistcoats With Lapels Is A Little More Elegant And Dandy. It Also Works A Little Better When Worn On It’s Own Or With The Suit Jacket On. I Don't Think It's A Real Jacket, To Be Honest. It’s More Jacket-Like, I Guess You Could Say. One More Thing, I Promise. Finally, Lapels And Trousers Took On Exaggeratedly Wide Dimensions. I Kinda Of Like That. I Have Been Called A Hippie Nowadays, But I Have Also Been Called A Hippie Then, Too. I Don't Care About Being Called A Hippie. The 60'S Slang I Use Nowadays Are Far Out,Peace Out,Groovy,Outta Sight,Freakin' Out,Flower Child,Make Love Not War,Cop A Feel,Love Bite,Shag,Rave On, Rip-City,Peace And Love. Man, I Wish That Slang Was Used Today! How Cool Would That Be? The Woodstock Festival Was A Three-Day Concert (Which Rolled Into A Fourth Day) That Involved Lots Of Sex, Drugs, And Rock 'N Roll - Plus A Lot Of Mud. Mud Riding Would Be Fun! The Woodstock Music Festival Of 1969 Has Become An Icon Of The 1960S Hippie Counterculture. It Was In August 15-18, 1969. I Went There. I Went With Your Mother Whom Was A Flower Child Hippie Back Then. She Was So Beautiful. When I Was There, We Had So Much Fun Together. The Woodstock Was Just Absolutely Fantastic. That Was Not Even Close To All The Good Stuff You Can Imagine. Granny Takes A Trip Was A Boutique Opened In February 1966 At 488 Kings Road, Chelsea, London. The Shop, Which Was Acquired By Freddie Hornik In 1969, Remained Open Until The Mid-1970S And Has Been Called The "First Psychedelic Boutique In Groovy London Of The 1960S. You Want To Know Something Interesting About It? The Name Of The Boutique Was Giving Away Its Policy – ‘Granny’ Symbolized The Influence Of The Past, And ‘Trip’ , A Colourful World Of Bougeoing Hippie Movement And Its Drug Of Choice – Lsd. I Used To Shop There A Lot Because Lots Of Good Stuff There. You Something Else Fantastic? Granny’s Opened In February 1966 At 488 King’s Road, A Previously Unfashionable Part Of The Road Also Revered To As The World’s End, In London. That's Awesome, Right? They Used To Cut Up Colorful Blouses And Floral Dresses And Turn Them Into Colorful Patterned Shirts Or Tops For Men. I Guess You Can Say That Created The Feminine Look For Me. What Was Great About Granny’s Was That There Were No Boundaries. Anything Went And They Kept On Changing. The Effect Of Granny’s Clothes Was Foppish, Flamboyant And Decadent – A 1960’S Reinvention On Fin-De Siecle Dandyism. They Were Absolutely One Of A Kind. It Was A True Mish-Mash Of Influences - My Garments Had To Be Either Colorful Or Unusual Or Both. What Do You Think? Sam Says,Your Garments Are Colorful And Anything But Boring. Your Sixties Grooviness Is Just Awesome. You're A Blast From The Past. Your Personality Is 1960S Swinging London, With Your Advocacy For Free Love, Your Use Of Obscure Impressions And Your Colorful Clothing Style. You Are So Unique. Swan Says,Why, Thank You. I Am Embodying The Swinging London Mod Culture And Hippie Culture Of The 1960S,1970'S. I Hope You Like It. Sam Says,I Wouldn't Change A Thing About It. Swan Says,I Appreciate That About You. I Always Wear Elephant Bells, Popular In The Mid-To-Late 1967-1970S, Were Similar To Loon Pants Which Was A Variant On Bell-Bottomed Trousers, With An Increased Flare. They Are Great. Elephant Bells Had A Marked Flare Below The Knee, Often Covering My Shoes. Shoes? I Have Shoes! Oh No, Where Are They? Anyway, The Preferred Shoes Were Platform Shoes With Soles At Least 2 Inches (5.1 Cm) Thick And Heels 4 To 5 Inches (10 To 13 Cm) To Keep The Pants' Hems Off The Ground. That Way I Never Dragged My Pants On The Ground. They Were So Popular That They Became A Symbol Of The Outlandish And Colorful Style Of The Decade. Awesome, Right? Sam Says,Yeah, And Is The Shop You Shopped At Then Closed? Hey Where Do You Shop Now. I'm Curious To Know. Swan Jokes,You Know Where I Shop At Now? Forever 21. No Wonder I Always Look Young Despite Being Old, Obviously. Sam Laughed And Says,You Have Quite A Sense Of Humor. Swan Says,I Know Right? Sam Says,Where Do You Like To Shop At For Real? Swan Says,I'm Glad You Asked. I Like Hot Topic The Store Because Of All The Costumes And Accessories. They Fit My Tastes. It's So Gothic And Dark, And Others Don't Seem To Appreciate My Style, Honestly. I Have Been Called A Emo,Goth,Scene Because It's So Dark. You Know What? I Miss The Hippie 60'S. When It Was Cool To Wear The Clothes I Just Can't Stand Not Wearing I Love Them So Much. Sam Says,You Know What? Uncle Paul Was Very Popular In The 1970'S, Which I Know You Already Know. But Did You Also Know, Although Predominantly Known For His Music, Paul Williams Has Also Appeared In Films And Many Television Guest Spots, Such As The Faustian Record Producer Swan In Brian Depalma's Film Phantom Of The Paradise (1974)—A Rock And Roll Adaptation Of The Phantom Of The Opera, Faust And The Picture Of Dorian Gray, For Which Williams Also Wrote The Songs Also You Cowrote The Script With Brian Depalma. And He Was As Virgil, The Genius Orangutan In Battle For The Planet Of The Apes (1973). On February 9, 1973, Williams Made A Joke Appearance On The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson In Which He Sang A Song In Full Make-Up As Virgil. He Also Played Migelito Loveless, Jr. In The Wild Wild West Revisited (1979), A Reunion Movie Featuring The Original Cast Of Wild Wild West Television Series, And Played Himself, Singing A Song To Felix Unger's Daughter Edna, In The Odd Couple Television Series In 1974. After Appearing On The Muppet Show In 1976, Williams Worked Closely With Jim Henson's Henson Productions On The Muppet Movie, Most Specifically On The Soundtrack, And Even Had A Cameo In The Movie As The Piano Player In The Nightclub (Who Had A Sign On The Piano Saying "Don't Shoot Piano Player") Where Kermit The Frog Meets Fozzie Bear. He Was Also The Lyricist For Emmet Otter's Jug-Band Christmas. Williams Was Hired By Tv Producers Paul Junger Witt And Tony Thomas To Write Title Tracks For Two Of Their Abc Comedies, It Takes Two (1982–1983), On Which He Also Co-Sang With Crystal Gayle, And Condo (1983), In Which Williams' Theme Was Sung By Drake Frye. Williams Has Appeared In Many Minor Roles. He Provided The Voice Of The Penguin In Batman: The Animated Series. He Appeared On An Episode Of Walker, Texas Ranger As A Radio Dj Covering A Modern-Day Bonnie And Clyde. He Appeared In 2009 In An Episode Of Nickelodeon's Children's Show Yo Gabba Gabba! Entitled "Weather", Where He Performed "Rainbow Connection". He Has Also Appeared On Cartoon Network's Dexter's Laboratory Where He Played Professor Williams In An Episode Entitled "Just An Old Fashioned Lab Song". He Made Numerous Television Appearances In The 1970S And 1980S, Including On Hawaii Five-O, Match Game '79, Hollywood Squares, The Love Boat, Fantasy Island,The Hardy Boys, The Fall Guy, And The Gong Show. In October 1980, Williams Was Host Of The Mickey Mouse Club 25Th Anniversary Special On Nbc-Tv. He Stated That He And You Both Tried Out For The Show In Early 1955 And Were Both Turned Down. He Was A Frequent Guest And Performer On The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson. He Also Appears As The Man Making The Phone Call At The Beginning Of The Music Video For Hank Williams Jr.'S Song "All My Rowdy Friends Are Coming Over Tonight". And So, So Much More! He Was Very Well Known By Everyone, Including You, Of Course. Everyone Knew Him. Were You Jealous Of Him Getting More Fame Than You Back Then. He Stole Your Spotlight, Huh? Swan Says,Well, Yeah, In A Way He Did. Sometimes The Icarly Fans Say That Paul Williams Created The Show, But I Did. Sam Says,I See How That Would Be Bothersome. Swan Says,Yep. Sam Says,You Have A Creative, Colorful Imagination Like He Does. Swan Says,I Know, I Know. Speaking Of Colorful,And I'm Getting Off Topic Now, Cyclia Was Created By The Muppets Creator Jim Henson And Willy. Willy Wonka, You Know? The Club Was Very Small. Suddenly, It Got A Whole Lot Bigger. It Felt Trippy,Not Knowing If They Were Just Seeing Things. Sam Says,Was It Just Their Imagination? Swan Says,Nope.
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gaiapaia · 4 years
Kermit and Friends: A Work of Art
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Elisa kicked this week’s show off with a lovely prayer in honor of Kermit that was inspired by a caller from last week. Fozzie started kissing Elisa like crazy when she began talking about Kermit... it’s not possible to have started the show in a sweeter manner.
Co-host Sugar then showed off her beautiful Kermitarian shirt, much to the delight of a lot men in the audience. If you would like to purchase any Kermit and Friends merchandise, you can do so here. 
You know what? I’m positive if Kermit was asked what would be the best way to end 2020, she would have answered to make a new awesome friend for her awesome show. Well, Kermit would have got her wish granted with Trumpster Bob!
Trumpster Bob is a gentleman Elisa met on the Drunken Peasants podcast (which you can watch here). They clicked well and Elisa invited him to KAF and voila - here he is!
If I were to describe what I know about Trumpster Bob thus far, it’s that he has the patriotism of Honest Frank, the drinking capacity of Corey, the sexual appetite of Claire, and the no-filter gift of gab of Kleenex. He contains pieces of all these classic Kermit and Friends stars, so of course he’s just perfect for Kermit and all her amazing friends. Bob was actually dubbed COO of KAF by Elisa, so I’m really looking forward to seeing what all he will bring to the show in the future.
Other than that, of course Trumpster Bob is a big Donald Trump fan. He’s also an Adonis in the bedroom with the way he describes his ability to pleasure women. And he gets a lot flirtation from men too, as multiple male callers called in to announce their attraction to Trumpster Bob. He’s just an all around stud I guess!
Speaking of studs, William Quigley made his triumph return to Kermit and Friends this week. If you remember Quig from previous episodes, he’s the guy who sold a Donald Trump painting to Trump himself, and he also likes to cam up in the shower. He’s very fun and very accomplished.
Elisa asked Quig a question, which led to Quig sharing a long story about how he missed out on a big investment opportunity with Red Bull and Grey Goose vodka. The main point of the story was how much of a mistake that was, but then he used the story as an excuse as to why he shouldn’t invest his time and energy into helping Kermit and Friends without being paid or having some sort of contract.
Honestly, I will never be looked at as a real contributor because I’m not an on-screen participant on the show. Nothing I do really matters, the on-screen talent is the bread and butter for KAF’s success. But as a huge fan of KAF, as someone who loves Elisa very much... I do put a lot of effort into helping in the ways that I can. I don’t ask to be paid for it. I’m a fan; it’s not much different from being a fan of a sports franchise. The Houston Astros don’t pay me to watch their games, give supportive tweets, wear their merchandise, etc. I do those things on my own because I love the Astros, just like I love Kermit and Friends.
If Quig truly cares about Elisa, if he truly enjoys Kermit and Friends... he should want to help out. I’m not in the position where I can snag big guests for the show, but if I was, I’d happily do it. So Quig, my respectful advice to you if you read this is to just contribute in the ways that you can. And if Kermit and Friends becomes a huge multi-million dollar success, you shouldn’t be upset if you don’t get a piece of the pie - you should be elated for contributing to Elisa’s dreams coming true. That’s how it will be for me. I pray it happens in 2021 or 2022, even if that means I lose direct contact to Elisa due to her fame. I will just be happy for her, no regrets.
Okay, I’m rambling on like my man Quigley did... sorry! Back to the review.
There was a funny gimmick on the old Kermit and Friends that featured a Zebra music video. Elisa has brought that cute little video back and she is on a never ending quest to try to find out who the real Little Zebra is. A mysterious woman called in... could it be her? There was a cartoon zebra on cam... could it be that person? There was another caller who claimed to be Little Zebra... could he be the real one? Maybe we’ll find out in the upcoming weeks, but the video was a joyous experience every time it was randomly played by Elisa.
Laurie was back on Kermit and Friends this week, looking nice in her colorful hijab with Marylin Monroe pictures in the background. William Quigley kindly painted a portrait of Laurie and presented it to her on the show. That was a sweet and also somewhat hilarious moment. Maybe Quig will paint Trumpster Bob next!
Kermit was lucky enough to make even more awesome new friends this week with M3 and Etan. Unfortunately neither guy could stay long but it was cool seeing them both and I hope we’ll get more time to get to know them further in the future.
Billy the Fridge also returned this week and had an interesting discussion with Elisa about certain enemies they’ve made over the years. Elisa shared her experience with an awful radio host in Florida (I remember that interview vividly, it was back in 2016 when Elisa was in the middle of trying to get her writing career going... I was infuriated with how that went). She also discussed her beef with Jimmy Kimmel, which I always find intriguing. I still hope Elisa finds it in her heart to forgive these people one day, but for now at least they could be used as fascinating topic points for the show.
So one complaint I do have about KAF right now is the phone calls. Everyone watching was at one time in their lives a Howard Stern fan, so they should know that you turn down your radio before you call in. If you want to call in to sing or flirt with Trumpster Bob or read definitions about Republicans, please turn down the volume on the device you’re watching the show on beforehand, PLEASE! Maybe as the show grows, Brandon the Neighbor can start screening calls for Elisa.
But back to the good stuff... all heck broke loose when Trumpster Bob met Laurie. Bob isn’t fond of Muslims and let his opinions be known. Laurie had none of it and fought fire with fire, and her father Johnny B even joined in on the action to stand up for his daughter. Then Corey comes out of nowhere to defend his mortal enemies Johnny and Laurie against Bob. It was absolute PANDEMONIUM on Kermit and Friends!
Once the chaos chilled out a bit, Elisa allowed Laurie to play some Islamic prayers that sounded like the Satanic orgy ritual scene from the movie Eyes Wide Shut. Sincerely though, that was very kindhearted of Elisa to do. 
Following the Muslim prayers, Elisa gave her beautiful Greek definition of church (ecclesia - to assemble a group of people), and then Johnny B ended things with a lovely performance of God Bless America.
Lastly, in typical Kermit and Friends fashion, we were treated with an awesome surprise after the outro video, where Elisa showed some home movies of her late precious dog Kermit. It was just like a post credit scene in a Marvel film, only 100000x better! Thank you for that Elisa, Kermit would be so so proud of you...
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