#she and sarek were sitting on her (6 paragraphs) bed.
bumblingbabooshka · 11 months
🎈💞 for the fic writer ask!
💞what's the most important part of a story for you? the plot, the characters, the worldbuilding, the technical stuff (grammar etc), the figurative language: That the prose is interesting (in my opinion) and that the characters shine~! If you look through my arsenal of fics you'll see I have very little plot or larger world focused fics...hEHEHE!! A looot of them are just like 'Tuvok puts his kids to bed' or 'Amanda and Sarek hang out'. That's where I live, that's my happy place! 🎈describe your style as a writer; is it fixed? does it change?: I think my style is generally drawing attention to small things and little intimacies...delving into a character's inner world...a lot of the time I'll go off on tangents that way hehehe. My newest favorite example is in my fic 'Strange Thoughts':
She and Sarek were sitting on her (theirs now, everything had slowly become shared between them.
There was a moment Sarek remembered often; he and Amanda had not yet begun their more intimate relationship and she was ineffectively complaining about the cold while she used chapstick, smacking her lips together. When she was done she held the small tube out towards him without even looking, having already moved on to rummaging in her bag.
“Mm?” she’d asked and Sarek had taken it, careful not to disrupt the product’s shape. When he had given it back she hadn’t even commented on his having used it, continuing an argument about a book they’d both been reading earlier.
It was the moment Sarek had begun to believe that a relationship between them would be possible. The Vulcan ideal of a partnership was two bodies, one mind. Cooperation, understanding, another’s mind being as familiar as your own.
He had no doubt that Amanda had forgotten the moment - it was small to her. However, Sarek often thought of it whenever he found himself using the woman’s plates or blearily handing her her personal items in the morning. He knew where everything was and that he was allowed to use and handle them.
“My home is your home,” Amanda had said the first time he’d been over and asked if he could make a cup of tea. “Only your home’s probably tidier.”
“That is accurate,” Sarek had said, thinking of proposals and jewelry) bed. I laughed to myself as I realized I had to just write 'bed' to finish the thought since I wrote an entire scene in what was supposed to be an aside!
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