#she behaves badly but she’s a really fun character to watch interact with everyone else
picturesofanpanman · 4 years
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Durian Oujo is a princess based on the king of fruits! Not only is she physically very strong, she has powerful personality. She’s very excitable, and frequently becomes fascinated by people she meets. Her fixation on those who catch her interest leads her to be overbearing- She may follow them, demand they act as a servant to her, imitate or impersonate them, make them dress up in fancy outfits, steal things from them, hug them without permission, or bring them with her by force. This makes many characters uncomfortable, but the fact that she likes them so much and that she hasn’t really harmed anyone makes them not have the heart to act against her. 
The person she’s the biggest fan of is Anpanman himself, and has given him gifts (including fruit baskets he’s unable to eat), blown kisses at him, attempted to follow him for an entire day, and has put herself in danger just to get his attention. Her companion Avocado Jiiya is a very agreeable and obedient attendant who tries to accommodate her demands and fan obsessions, but even he sometimes gets stressed out by her.
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ghostmartyr · 7 years
(SPOILERS for Justice League)
The nice thing about most of my problems with this movie is that I can still point back at Batman v Superman and blame it, because without the dangled plot threads of that, at least one awkward as hell scene wouldn’t have happened.
The other nice thing is that I just love Justice League to death, so regardless of quality I spent a good portion of the movie bouncing up and down.
Which led to me nearly accidentally choking, but not the point.
Less nice things include Bruce being an asshole for no other reason than that the script wanted to pretend it was giving Wonder Woman some kind of arc.
(It wasn’t, she was fine, how dare you bring shades of my ship into that mess, and now I get to whine about Fate Zero, too.)
Okay, so.
Brief background.
The only reason I ever ended up here, or in fandom at all, is thanks to fervently shipping Batman and Wonder Woman from the Justice League cartoon. I was in love with the show, and them, and there was Starcrossed, and I wanted fic. I’ve kept my moniker from that fandom experience in use for thirteen years.
That means I get twitchier than usual about how certain interactions are handled, and I kind of spent the entire scene Bruce was berating Diana wishing that Superman wasn’t dead just so no one would dream up that this was a thing that needed to happen.
I’m glad it was universally agreed that everyone would cover for Diana if she went with murdering him, but... writers, please. I want so badly to love your work, and you spend a lot of this movie not sucking at it, so why must you do these things.
Pure surface cringe, there’s enough shippy gaze that the framing utilizes that Bruce bringing up Steve at all just makes me want to hold my head in my hands and die, because as bad as talking about dead ex-boyfriends to get a rise out of your teammate is, it is a million times worse if you have to wonder if part of the reason the boyfriend is worth mentioning is that you want to draw attention to the romantic links of certain characters.
I don’t know if that’s something that would bother someone if they weren’t hyperly aware of anything that could possibly be taken in a shippy manner, but hi, me, so it was bothersome.
Less subjectively, Steve’s impact on Diana’s life is used to make a really stupid point about how Diana’s conducted herself.
The entire movie, Batman’s been awkwardly trying to make his dream team work.
Meanwhile, Diana has a natural chemistry that, as we see, makes the entire team totally chill with her murdering Batman. It isn’t forced, it’s just Diana being better with them, and performing admirably in every task she takes up.
Blindsiding all of that clear proficiency with the accusation that she’s been limiting herself because of dead boyfriend angst is. Well, it violates its own canon, for starters.
Diana comes into contact with all of the mess of the last movie because of things that happened in her personal life, but she rejoins the fight because there’s a fight to be had, and she can help. That is what she does.
Yeah, Bruce is being a complete asshole on purpose about all of it, but the problem with stories like this is that when people start throwing that kind of incendiary language, the implication is that it’s a hard truth that manners have been holding back.
Later the movie tries to do something a little more real with that base, letting Steve behave more as a representative than the actual issue, but.
Okay, let’s talk Fate Zero. I’m up too late to draw good lines explaining things, so let’s just get to an example I can summarize.
In Fate Zero, there is an episode where the three servants who claim the title king discuss what it means to be a king. They each have different views. Saber, whose perspective the series as a whole argues is no less worthy, is the one who gets a call-out speech about how her beliefs are childish, and not something a true king should believe in.
She is denied the last word on it.
Fate Zero ends with Saber feeling as if she’s failed her people because of everything she tried to be for them. The knight that exacerbates this feeling disagrees, echoing a lot of what the story shows, but she doesn’t get to hear that.
The viewpoint that is given the spotlight, even though showing disagrees with the telling, is the one that puts hers in a broken light.
That’s what Bruce baiting Diana feels like. It’s a lot of words that get more credit than they deserve, because the script doesn’t allow Diana to come back with her say from a point of strength.
Like I said, later they try to do something interesting with it. The idea that Diana fears the burden of leadership after watching so many die could have some real depth, especially because she is such a natural leader. The pain that your own calling brings you is what makes tragedies.
But it’s introduced with a heavily vitriolic tone halfway through the movie, and the Diana before that exchange would have made the same decisions that the Diana afterwards does. She has her hesitance about all of this, but she is willing, and she is engaged. Pretending like she isn’t for the sake of having a fake deep conversation about her conduct is patronizing.
And back on petty, I liked Bruce and Diana’s dynamic without all this stupidity.
I don’t need my least favorite (least favorite is actually all things involving Sakura, but never mind that for the moment) part of Fate Zero anywhere outside of Fate Zero.
I also did not need it in Fate Zero.
To be perfectly honest, a lot of the handling of Wonder Woman in this movie is... less than ideal. She does some amazing things, her smile might actually beam sunshine, and she’s wonderful, but certain choices for her are not, including some camera angles and outfits.
I’m guessing the rest of the internet will cover that.
Uh... yeah, I still don’t like this Superman.
I also get the vibe that they’ve left some of the cast severely underpowered to lift him up.
He can fly. You don’t need to do that.
(I’m just gonna leave this link here....)
Barry is wonderful, Barry and Bruce together are wonderful, Barry and Victor going grave robbing manages to be sweet, Victor and Diana are great, Aquaman’s a bit of a douche but he gets the best music cue in the whole movie so who cares, Batman keeps getting guns for some reason but he isn’t murdering humans...
Some of the shot composition is really weird. Poses that work in comic books don’t always... yeah. Also DC’s in love with slowmo and I am tired of it, and I don’t think my eyes could follow most of the action sequences that didn’t use it.
On the whole, this movie made me happy in a lot of ways. I really love Justice League. More of it is going to make me happy. The script was also willing to have some fun with things, and there were moments that were simply delightful.
It was way better than I feared.
Still not as good as this cast is capable of (well. Supes, I’m willing to let my faith in everyone else stand in for you), and I don’t like looking around for things to bash my head in with in a movie theater, so for the love of all things good try harder, but I feel like this verse is getting closer to the things that make the world and characters appealing.
I also feel my eyes shutting without my permission, so my contemplation of clicking ‘Post’ feels way riskier than usual, but oh well, this isn’t a real review, it’s babble because I GOT TO SEE JUSTICE LEAGUE MY LIFE IS AUTOMATICALLY MORE COMPLETE.
Yeah I’m going to bed.
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I love Philippe and i find to Chevalier very fun, but in this season 2 Chevalier is Psychotic. His jealous and childish behavior has wrecked this ship for me. He does not let Philippe have his space, he is jealous of the whole world and he is so stupid ... he does not seem the same of the first season. He is literally a superficial character, stupid and empty. i´m very dissapointed with him, why he does not take their relationship in a health way? i hate him taking drugs. omg and the money...
Alright Anon, we are going to have a nice little chat. Warning: SEVERE SEASON 2 SPOILERSHis jealous and childish behavior If you go by history, the Philippes have known each other since they were teenagers roughly 15 years old. They were together basically since then until the year that Monsieur died. In the show it is show canon that they have both announced their love for each other as well as shown it through various interactions including sex, spooning, and crying over one another and protecting one another including saving each others lives. In season 2 they have been seperated for 4 years (2 historically) during which time Chevalier was held in THE worst French prison,  Château d'If. I don’t know if you have ever experienced being scared and alone in a foreign country and questioned by the police but let me tell you anon IT IS SO SCARY YOU COULD JUST PISS YOURSELF, and poor Chevalier was in this nasty prison without furniture or windows. It’s quite possible as soon as he was out of there or even before he took up the drugs to deal with it. He does not let Philippe have his space
Again, they were separated for 4 years, they were and are in love, THEY FUCKING MISSED EACH OTHER. Philippe and Palatine both specifically state int he show that he is only keeping to her bed until she becomes pregnant, it is nothing to do with love on their part, but if you ARE NOT A PSYCHOPATH it is extremely painful to listen to the one you love having sex with someone else, especially when the other person is sweet and charming and in your opinion even better for them than you are yourself. Chevalier was hurting so deeply. He is literally a superficial character, stupid and empty / is a psychopath.Sooo a Psychopath is basically someone completely lacking in empathy or remorse. Basically someone unfeeling - and you are calling THE CHEVALIER a Psychopath…right….are we watching the same show here? I’m just going to answer this one with pictures.
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Here is him cheering up Philippe when they are both on Cloud 9 from Chevalier’s return to France
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Here is Chevalier’s face when he is out of Philippe’s sight as he reads the wedding plans, definitely not looking sad about his emotional attachments here nope. Note, he is upset about the wedding before Palatine even arrives because their short short little honeymoon after his return is going to be cut short so soon.
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Here he is, yes, doing drugs - I am not supporting this as a coping mechanism BUT THATS WHAT HE IS USING IT FOR. This is during Philippe’s wedding night and he thoroughly believes that Philippe is having sex with Palatine at that exact moment and that when he wakes up tomorrow he will have forgotten him. He is afraid that the person he has loved for YEARS is abandoning him. Of course he aches, of course he wants to forget.
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After he heard Liselotte and Philippe having sex, he thought that it was the final straw, that he had completely lost Philippe’s love despite her trying to assure him otherwise. He is crushed. Completely and utterly crushed. 
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He is terrified that after waiting for him for 4 years Philippe doesnt want him anymore, and the reward he gets is Philippe sleeping around with Palatine and Thomas and not HIM (from his point of view). If he didn’t love Philippe so much he could marry for money, for power, for influence, for his place int he court, but he LOVES Philippe and he will not. Without Philippe, he loses everything. He is driven to the brink and when he turns to Philippe, he is cruelly pushed away by Philippe’s cold dismissive attitude and it pushes him to suicide, but Philippe stops him. THAT is how badly off this “psychopath” is over love in this season.Thomas Beaumont KNOWS that Chevalier will be an obstacle in trying to get rid of Philippe, and so he tries to have Chevalier killed. In the end, Chevalier kills a man to save Philippe’s life. HOW MUCH SHIT does Chevalier have to go through before you and everyone else believes the true depths of his feelings for Philippe?How come he doesn’t have a healthy relationship you ask?Because he and Philippe are trapped in the grand scheme of power play in Versailles, by Louis’ hand and the politics of all of Europe. Because France needs a backup heir to maintain stability - Philippe has to marry a woman and have a child and that unfortunately means, the man who loves him has to suffer for it, they both have to suffer for it. Its not healthy of course it’s not, but it’s real.Why the money? Because Philippe was ignoring him and that was one sure fire way to get his attention in a world so caught up in it.Why the drugs? To cope with the pain.tldr: Chevalier deeply, deeply loves Philippe and would kill or die for him and that is why he behaves as he does in season 2[[MOD]] If you want more information and insight into Chevalier’s character, Evan Williams describes him far more eloquently than me and really gets into his head. This interview is a good start: http://www.myfanbase.de/serien/versailles/interviews/?pid=25076
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