#she calls herself binah and one day you catch a glimpse of her fox ears and tails
binah-beloved · 6 months
Binyah is amazing, but consider the following:
Kitsune Binah
you're so right
Binah who inhabits a small, worn shrine in a forest tucked away in the mountains. she's never had many visitors, which is fine by her, viewing humanity with apathy and distaste. all of them are fools, destroying everything before destroying themselves- the few who dared to approach her shrine for blessings soon found their lives tormented by the kitsune's sadistic whims. rumors spread, and her shrine eventually fell silent
she senses movement one day, centuries later. a single, lone human with a bucket and brush and a determined expression. you survey the moss and vines overtaking the shrine, rolling up your sleeves and getting to work. it takes a few- several- hours to clean the shrine, and even then you can't do anything about the broken posts and rotted wood, but you still toss a few coins into the box as an offering. Binah tilts her head, listening- yet, you wish for nothing, only waving goodbye as you depart- and her ears twitch. curious... what a curious human, coming in and cleaning up and causing this faint stir in her cold heart
there's a fox following you home, black and gold and faster than lightning, watching your every move
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