#she didn’t intend to get wrapped up in a zombie situation but she probably could’ve ditched the heels and found some shoes somewhere
empress-hancock · 1 year
Okay actually in reference to that Leon post w/ Lara Croft’s outfit someone should also do him in Jill’s outfit from the original RE3 to point out how ridiculous that is too. They actually improved it in the remake, fortunately she’s got jeans and two layers of tank top now. I get that she just rolled out of bed and immediately got chased out of her apartment by a monster, but who wears jean shorts to bed anyway? That’s already unrealistic on its own they could’ve just made it pants! Who wants to be running around a city filled with zombies, running from a massive monster targeting you specifically, falling off of buildings, and trudging through sewers in shorts and a tube top?
Also while I’m on it, Ada, I love you, but a short tank dress & heels (RE2 OG & R), a cheongsam & heels (RE4 OG), thigh high heeled boots (RE4R), business suit with heels (RE6), and a pencil skirt with heels (RE film: Damnation) are all ridiculous. SHE is the one character that goes in fully prepared for everything she does. She’s a mercenary. She wouldn’t be dressing in a way that would hinder her. They’re trying too hard to go for “sneaky double crossing seductress” with her. She’s smarter and more practical than that she would not dress that way
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sigmalied · 7 years
Sorry to bother you, but I'm not sure my answers to your answer are visible. tumblr's a bit weird with me lately. In any case, have a fantastic day and week!
Oh! I see the response now. Tumblr just never notified me of it. /: I think I can address some of your points. Some of them may be unfair of me to answer because GBTQ is yet to be wrapped up, so I could have things planned that haven’t been shown. Meaning some points that are right about the state of the story now could be overturned in future developments. I’ll try to make sure to stay faithful to the script I have right now and let you know if I’ve come up with new ideas that were based on your points.  
Long post below the read more.
I also have a question for anyone reading this post at the very end, something I’m curious about.
Tevos about Benezia and the geth stuff: The characteristics Tevos has seen of the geth hybrids so far are basically summed up as… zombies. They don’t act like people anymore, and they’ve got wires everywhere, so I think Tevos would be looking for those characteristics. Nazara was a sophisticated exception because she never had her brains blown out like Olat, and she was intended to be sentient and thinking, but Tevos never knew about her. Aria never told her. I think a more significant geth-controlled suspect would be Saren because he’s so… geth-ified by that point. I mean, this would be assuming that Benezia is still seen around the galaxy prior to Saren’s disbarment. She has that ill indoctrinated look about her but it’s not geth-like, I mean. Plus, the geth suffer as well when they’re combined with an organic conscience (I will be sure to look back at gbtq and make sure this detail is explicit, or made explicit if it’s not), so the geth wouldn’t do this to themselves, it would have to be Saren who’s done it. But then the geth probably wouldn’t follow him if he’s been doing this to them, unless the geth decided one platform’s sacrifice was worthwhile for their goals…This is getting messy. Nevertheless, I could see Tevos wanting an investigation into Benezia after this point though, due to the geth and possibilities of her being manipulated by them. Canonically, Tevos allegedly knew about the geth being out and about prior to Eden Prime (no word on other councilors’ knowledge), so she might’ve kept any investigation on the down-low with her government. 
Tevos’s Spectre deployment: This is good. I think in the revision I may just have her sending out Neora and having the other Spectres replaced by other agents under the direction of Neora. It would be an easy thing with Benezia though, to officially denounce her or charge her with some treason or defection to absolve the Asari Republics of responsibility for her actions when she and Shepard fight it out, to avoid the worst of any sort of diplomatic problems. As for why Tevos and the other councilors would send a newbie Spectre to handle a disaster like this, that’s outside my control, lmao.
Tevos and the Reapers/Cerberus: Tevos was always with the Council’s ‘ah yes, reapers’ stance. She thought it was just geth the whole time, didn’t even really think the collector’s were up to anything significant, but if they were, they helped Shepard just so they wouldn’t risk not knowing if something came of it. I think Tevos would only disdain Cerberus more than people like Aria because Cerebus is an actual enemy of Council space, whereas Omega is neutral. Helping Aria was to originally avoid messing up that neutrality and starting a war, but Shepard is working with Cerberus to tackle a job Tevos and the other councilors don’t even know is real; for all they knew at that time, Cerberus could’ve been up to something horrible. And they kinda were, in the end. 
Tevos and Udina: I think this could be explained by the unreliability of her biotics skills. With Aria, she pushed her in anger while not seeing her as a life-threatening enemy. Being held at gunpoint by Udina could have evoked a different set of emotions that broke the concentration of someone who’s untrained. And if Tevos were composed enough in that moment to muster a shove like the one she gave Aria during GBTQ, I think it might’ve provoked Udina into shooting her. I think she decided not to take the chance, knowing her effort might’ve fallen short. 
Aria and Cerberus: Something that’s not really in GBTQ (until the end) is that Tevos and Aria haven’t communicated for decades before ME begins. Tevos had no idea what was going on prior to Omega’s takeover, and Aria didn’t tell her (probably cause she knew that Tevos would condemn her for it, so what’s the point in telling her?). But yeah, all I can ever think about is the disjointed logic in the canon novel, comics, and games where Aria realizes that Cerberus murdered her daughter yet she rents space for them on their station… I think this situation frustrated me into not worrying about it too much.
Aria and Shepard on Omega: Mostly, I just assumed that after GBTQ Aria and Tevos would be on good terms again and Aria would let her put Spectres in the Terminus systems sometimes. I could see her maybe calling up Tevos and complaining about not getting any forewarning. That could even be a source of the ‘unsettling rumors’ the Council cites when meeting with Shepard again. I could work their repaired terms into gbtq more explicitly if I find a good spot.
Honestly, sometimes it’s hard to not let the transformative fiction spitefully overwrite canon’s shortcomings. I know I’m being a jerk toward the canon when I say this but I think a lot of what you brought up were issues that I originally thought were either shaky or illogical in canon… Holy shit. This is Freudian or something. Holy shit. I know GBTQ is just a fun fantasy with crazy shit happening but it’s the little details like you’ve mentioned that are making me see where I’m struggling not to revolt while sticking to canon… 
Benezia’s actions not concerning the Asari Republics. Sending out newbie Shepard to handle a Big Deal. An asari (Tevos) who can’t defend herself against a human. Aria letting a known terrorist organization onto her station. All things I went “bleh” about. This is enlightening.
Here’s my question I mentioned earlier to anyone who wants to answer:
Are there spots in canon that you would prefer that GBTQ stray from, redefine, or otherwise contest? Strictly from a literary perspective, meaning not necessarily what we desire to see happen and rather what should happen for the benefit of a quality narrative, while also keeping in mind that GBTQ is meant to coexist with the canon timeline to a large extent. Do you have examples? (it’s okay if you don’t)
I guess the purpose of this question is just me wondering… I guess wondering what’s best for the story. I mean, I started GBTQ when I was 19, and I’m gonna be 24 in a month. It’s a big chunk of my life. I wanna know what’s best for it.
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