#she didn't even used to like catnip. she didnt know what to do with it.
queerlycarter · 7 months
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[begin image description: four photos of a tortoiseshell cat with a pink plaid collar, playing with a cat toy that looks like a small bundle of teal chunky yarn. in the first image, she is crouched next to a couch with the toy caught between her front paws. the second image is slightly blurry and shows the cat lying on the right side, partially curled around the toy. the toy is caught between her front paws and her head is blurry. she appears to be licking the toy. the third image is slightly blurry and shows the cat in the same position as the second image, this time holding the toy against her cheek. her head is almost completely upside down. the fourth image shows the cat in the same position, rolled slightly onto her back and holding the toy with both front paws against her chest. end image description]
got lux a new toy (so i could get free shipping with her meds from chewy) and she LOVES it (totally has nothing to do with the fact there's catnip in it)
it's a little bundle of fake chunky yarn, and the band that keeps it together is elastic so when she unravels it i can bundle it back up
i did open it out of curiosity to see how tightly it's bundled and to see if it's going to get strewn all over the house, and there's one piece of yarn tied so tight around the middle i genuinely can't tell if it's just tied or if it's sewn lol. it's gonna be a while before she unravels it
and she loves her other new toy too:
[begin video description. the same cat from the pictures is sitting in front of a round, dark green plastic toy with three levels and a ball trapped in each level. there is a plush bee dangling from a wire attached to the top of the toy. she gently touches the bee with her paw, then turns her head to the side and watches it. she crouches down to look at the lowest level of the toy. she begins to sniff at a leaf-shaped toy on the ground beside the plastic toy. the person behind the camera flicks one of the balls and makes it roll around the track quickly. the cat watches it and bats the ball with one paw twice, then remains still for a few seconds and watches the ball, which is now still. the person behind the camera flicks the ball again and the cat watches it, her head moving quickly with lizard-like movements. the person behind the camera reaches out and moves the bee on the wire, startling the cat. she stares at the bee for a couple seconds with her head tilted slightly, then looks at something off to the left and the video ends. end video description]
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pbandjesse · 3 years
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I have a little head ache and I feel like I didn't accomplish everything I wanted today. And like. That's alright. It doesn't always have to be go go go. But I wish I felt better right now. I'm honestly just a little more anxious because I found out my dad is having surgery again and it's just not fair that he keeps having to deal with this. I just want him healthy and comfortable and happy. And not full of infection!! It's unacceptable. And it makes us all very stressed out.
I did have a fairly busy day though. Waking up was pretty terrible. I slept on my arm weird and waking up at 730 felt like torture. James came and checked on me and offered to make the bed so I could just go get ready to go. And that was very nice of them.
I got dressed and felt alright but my hair didn't feel great so I wore my hat all day. For fashion. James had made me a sandwich but I still wanted a hash brown so we would stop of McDonald's. James loaded up the bike on the back of the car and then we were off.
It was a cold day but it was good. I was early but James was on time. I went to the back office to eat but found Mike, Jessica, and one of the new girls and they let me know we would be meeting in restoration. So I went there instead and set up the tables and chairs for the meeting because I'm nice.
I got very worried I was in the wrong place. Don't know why. Just. Worried I had forgotten the name of that classroom. But it was fine. I was right.
And it was a nice meeting. We spent an hour talking about what went well. Some thoughts about things that weren't great. It was fun seeing the new people. Especially because one of them was Jordan from ships. Brooks! I was very pleased to see him. I always enjoyed his company. He's funny and cares about history a lot. I really hope this is a good fit for him because it's a fun place.
The new girl is also really sweet. After the hour meeting we had time to do supplies and she came with me to learn about setting the chase in the cannery's print shop. Jordan would join us too after a few minutes. I had to much caffeine though, something that doesn't happen often but when it does I am moving a mile a minute. And I told her that and could feel myself having to actively slow down and stop talking and moving so fast. But it was fun showing them things. James would even come up while I threw some run through of the program at them. Told silly things we do and things I like to do to make it more fun. It was a good time. I hope for them too.
We went to join the others to get some training at the front desk. I already got the training so it was mostly a refresh. And when it was done me and Kristin (I think), the new girl, went to see how assembly line was. I showed her all the pieces and what needs to be reset and such. The group for Monday already rescheduled though so it wasn't as much of priority. But it was good to show some of the concepts and things.
We went and found Jessica and Jordan. Talked a little before Kristin went to do paperwork with Mike and I said goodbye to James.
I decided to still go to Target even if I cannot for the life of me remember why I had planned to go. Was it just to look at Valentine's day stuff?? Possibly but that doesn't seem totally right.
But I enjoyed the drive. And got a few very cute Valentine's things. I also got groceries. And I got Sweetp a crinkle mat and catnip which would make them so happy later on.
I headed home though. I was a little tired. But I mostly just wanted lunch. Mr Will was supposed to be around though he would reach out to James to let them know they would come later this week. But I didnt know that so I was concerned with getting home and not missing him.
I got back here and brought everything in. I put groceries as way. Sweetp got his mat in and was so excited and cute rolling around. James keeps calling it his perch. But I'm just glad he enjoys it.
I had also gotten another little wooden house. So I would paint that and the three small ones from last week. And that would be a fun project for the afternoon.
I would also have lunch but it just wasn't great. I think I'm over hotdogs again. It was fun while it lasted. After lunch I would paint. And then work on my print. Which I'm really happy with. I would hang a new shelf. I would do my knitting for the day. And eventually I would go lay down until James got home.
Once they were home I would get up and sew two bears. Still working on changing the shapes but I'm still happy with them. I may go get clothes for them this weekend. We will see.
Me and James had an excellent dinner. They made croutons?? From bread they made?? They were excellent. And after dinner they went to do their podcast while I kept carving my print.
I messed up the eye a little. I will probably just draw that back into the print. But besides that I'm really happy with it. I believe this is number 13 but I will have to check. I may have a supply issue with getting to number 40. The place I bought from before seems to be out and everyone else is much more money. I'm not sure what I'm going to do. But I have enough to make it half way. I am not going to be to hard on myself.
I got a shower after laying on the couch for a long time. And now we are in bed. My head still hurts. But I am just tired.
It might snow again tonight. I was hoping for say snow but that is alright. I hope you are all taking care of each other. Goodnight !!!
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