#she gave me the gay part of the island cuz i'm gay and then she NERFED ME!!!!!!!!
feuqueerfire · 2 years
Never Let Me Go Ep 7 Live Blogging
Watching this during the break between my lectures. Also I finished watching Strangers From Hell yesterday and I'm still kinda in that mindset, so hopefully this will keep my attention
Just kidding, Part 2 has no subs + they're pillowfighting on the bed in part 1, so I feel awkward watching it in public. Will watch after I get home - now to reblog Strangers From Hell gifsets instead heh
Episode 7: Good Fortune
Part 1
oof pillow fight in bed, can't watch this in uni esp from where I'm sitting
ah fuck i knew someone was gonna see them looming over in bed. at least Palm's mom didn't make it a bib deal
David's gonna proposeeeee
Palm orchestrating a romantic moment with the dirty cheeks - it's giving me War from YinWar flashbacks
damn not Phum also being like hmm you're a good guy, huh but apparently you blamed Nueng for initiating the kiss - he and the viewers have some stuff in common ig
the endless school fighting when it comes to Phum
damn Ben reflecting on his shortcomings that he denied his involvement because he was a coward and selfish; not as brave as Nueng, which he was impressed by. Interesting self-examination because honestly they're pretty rare in BLs
Ben and Chopper convo - I hope Chopper's not the one who released the photos please - I wonder how much Ben knows about
Nueng's really caught up on the fact that Palm brought him to this romantic ass beach that: the server's boyfriend took her on a date, is perfect for proposing, Palm thinks is romantic.
aww proposal
it's good for Nueng and Palm to get to see these happy gay adults in love and thriving
Part 2
oh good there's eng subs now
i'm gonna lose my fucking head it's gonna start rolling palm is giving nueng a foot massage/wash like their power dynamics already goes so hard but this is actually about to send me to an early grave
Palm has been sooo smiley this episode and probably also last episode since getting here
100 baht per day from 500 baht/hour expectations lmfao
plsss quitting after half a day is killing me. things i should've done at my last internship
Nueng straight up asking Palm if he's included in the people Palm loves. ahh them shouting "Please keep Khun Nueng safe" and "{lease keep Palm safe" and "Please keep us safe"
rip both of them getting bad predictions
the reason Palm's father and he owe this family is because they paid for Palm's surgery and "Gave them new lives" but is this new life just for their benefit? no sir you can't lose your life for them.
so true you tell him Nueng that nobody's the owner of his life (did Maggie previously say this too?)
Part 3
so Tanya's still alive as expected, but in critical condition
so did Chopper's father kind of admit that he called the hit on Tanya? or is he somehow a red herring cuz we're getting hints too early?
lmfao they're getting married a day after proposal
So it wasn't chopper who released the photos but Phum paid Palm's basketball friend to do it?
Palm's mom taking a chance again at this gay wedding to ask Palm what's between him and Nueng - "Are you having an interclass romance between a boss and his servant?"
Palm's mom reads him so hard "I can see it from Chiang Mai!" and then asking him if they've kissed
oh now she's talking about why she left his dad and Palm
interesting that she brought up her husband stifling her with his love, wonder if Palm will take something from@that
girl why's Palm smiling like that, does this dumbass already love Nueng?
Part 4
everybody loves this part, i'll watch it at one watch through maybe? it's taking me 3 hours to watch this ep cuz I'm distracted
ahh boyfriends while on the island, I'm assuming we're gonna get some more sadness when they get off the island
kiss ahh
ah fuck palm's father arrested
Got spoiled on before watching:
just a few moments from preview of last ep and a few screenshots on twitter but nothing much
just kidding i went to check the on-air thread for which pars have subs and apparently they're boyfriends in part 4 and have a good kiss
Overall Thoughts:
Thankfully we got to see more of what's going on with people outside of Nueng and Palm's bubble and it's all going to shit while Nueng and Palm are being cute and giggly lol
Thoroughly enjoyed the ep, and stood against my mild obsession with Strangers From Hell.
Fave Scene:
The kiss scene probably? Or is it the pillow fight? Or maybe Palm washing Nueng's feet
Posts I made
Most viewers that I saw per part during the premiere:
1: 17k || idk after that and also there may have been missing subs for at least part 2
12 hours later 
14 hours later actually
Part 1: 641k || 2: 538k || 3: 423k || 4: 462k
Avg: 516k
Views Tracking (just because I’m curious): 
6 days later bc last time was a day late
Ep 1 - 1: 2.074M (+103k) || Avg: 1.322M (+61k) || Max Part: 1
Ep 2 - 1: 1.328k (+56k) || Avg: 1.066M (+49k) || Max Part: 1
Ep 3 - 1: 1.133M (+53k) || Avg: 985k (+50k) || Max Part: 1
Ep 4 - 1: 1.365M (+64k) || Avg: 1.056M (+58k) || Max Part: 1
Ep 5 - 1: 1.175M (+102k) || Avg: 1.024M || Max Part: 1 (also part 3 with kiss has 1.143M)
Ep 6 - 1: 1.219M || Avg: 953k || Max Part: 1
0 notes
gerrydelano · 4 years
y’know what. fuck. my summer job before my suspicious delivery van job was as a journalist for the gay section of fire island (yes, we have that here, and it’s quite famous for their pride events) which is a thin little island running underneath the length of long island, so narrow you can see water on both sides + they use golf carts and bikes to get around because fuck automobiles. i spent a few weeks that summer taking a ferry over there, going to town meetings, and then doing paper distribution. i’d walk the entire 8 mile stretch with a wagon full of papers (having to at some points drag it through very loose awful sand) and have to take a water taxi from one point to another in the middle of it. 
and let me tell you. let me tell YOU. my disabled ass paid for it it. i was rendered nearly immobile every time i got home from this. i’d spend entire days out there because of the travel time. i got the worst tan on one shoulder and one shoulder only. my boss straight up never paid me. she ghosted me completely and i was NEVER paid for this.
so like. beach communities, dude. what the hell lmao.
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