#she got philonoe she got Iphigenia
lesbianbanana · 9 months
Ok I know it's a common hc that Phoebe is a daughter of Apollo but I did some digging and what if she's a princess of Sparta.
We know she probably joined the Hunters of Artemis back in Ancient Greece. Phoebe, daughter of Tyndareus and Leda, has literally nothing known about her other than the fact that she's the sister to Clytemnestra, Helen, Timandra, Castor, Pollux and Philonoe.
So I was researching her siblings and wouldn't you know, Artemis made Philonoe immortal. (Which probably means she's a Huntress).
Wouldn't it be cool for some pjo character to chat to Phoebe and she just goes "you know my sister was THE Helen of Sparta"
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