#she has a really cool narwhal mermaid tattoo that inspired this
fayesephone · 2 years
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🌈🧜🏻‍♀️shimmering seabed🧜🏻‍♀️🌈
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sapphoesie · 7 years
11 Questions Tag - Part II
This was so long I had to split it up but thank you so much for everyone who tagged me: @tragically-broken @lronteeth @fiery-feyre
1. When you’re sad what makes you feel better? Reading and forgetting about my worries for a while or alternatively journaling and wallowing in self pity for a while. Tea also helps. 2. When was the last time someone told you they love you? I can’t really remember tbh… I don’t find it easy to say I love you to people and I guess I don’t often hear it either (how depressing 😂) 3. Have you ever lost a friend? Why? As much as I wish it wasn’t true, moving away from people definitely makes you grow apart and I’ve moved around all my life. With most people I usually still keep in touch, even though we’re not as good friends as we used to be but unfortunately with others I don’t really talk anymore 4. Would you rather have a lot of friends or a few close friends? A few close friends. 5. Have you ever been drunk before, and was the experience good or bad? I’ve been drunk and it’s usually good drunk but I’ve been bad drunk before. Crying in the club bathroom cause the Independent Woman part of your brain is too drunk to function and the Clingy Mess takes over and wants to drunk text your ex and tell him she misses him, or ‘why did I keep drinking the weird shots of different mixes of alcohol my friend kept handing me omg I’m going to throw up the entire contents of my stomach’ (those were just hypothetical scenarios, of course). But mostly it’s just laughs and fun times… 6. Have you ever been in love? No. 7. What makes you feel the most alive? Crying, I guess. It sounds weird but both good crying and bad crying to me are moments when I simply can’t contain my emotions (happiness, sadness, fear, anger) and I have to let them out and all of those extreme emotions are a good reminder that I’m alive. 8. If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be? Just one? 😂 I guess I’d make myself be as kind to myself as I am to others… 9. Have you ever wanted to shave your head? YES! So many times. I’m not emotionally attached to my hair at all and I’ve chopped it to a bob from waist long hair a few times before or dyed it weird colours so I definitely wouldn’t mind doing it. I think I could rock a buzzcut. 10. Do you have any tattoos? Nope. 11. If you could do anything right now what would it be? Go outside alone and explore the city at night (haha the joys of being a woman!)
1) Which event in history you’d want to witness if you could time travel? The moment when women got the right to vote. I love reading about the suffragette movement. Or the watergate scandal (this is the journalist in me talking 😂) 2) How did you meet your best friend? We moved in together without knowing each other. 3) If you can be invisible for a day, what would you do? TRAVEL! Get on a plane incognito and travel but I guess I’d have to find my way back home before the 24h are up 4) Your first kiss story I was about 13, I felt like I was the last one to have my first kiss but I definitely wasn’t and even if I had been there wouldn’t have been anything wrong with that but I was young and stupid. It was with a dude from summer camp, we had been flirting (or as much as 13yo can flirt), he had some tic tacs and we had a running joke where he would ask me if I wanted one and then open his mouth and stick his tongue with the tic tac out and say ‘come and take it’ and the best thing 13yo me could come up with was ‘maybe I will’ and then do nothing about it. Anyway, late at night he walks me to my room, we say goodbye, I go change into my pyjamas, and get ready for bed, he knocks on the door again and when I open it he says something silly like ‘about those tic tacs…’ and then kisses me. It was very average. A lot more tongue than young innocent Bianca was expecting, and my roommate was awkwardly shuffling around the room while we kissed for a good few seconds in the doorframe with the door wide open. The next day he was flirting with me again but also with one of my friends who didn’t know I liked him. I told her that I was upset and she apologised and we proceeded to lock ourselves into a room and cry (i don’t even know, don’t ask) and the guy was sat outside the door listening to the whole conversation. Camp ended the next day and I never spoke to the dude again but randomly saw him at a couple of parties and we both refused to acknowledge each other. 5) Most embarrassing memory I have so many that I literally can’t even remember, I just block them from my brain. A random one however is when this guy stopped me on the street and started chatting with me and at one point he goes ‘sooo… how are you?’ and I didn’t hear him properly and just blurted out ‘I’m 17!’ (fun fact I was 18 at the time so I didn’t even tell him the right age…)  6) Best 3 books you’ve read this year Lord of Shadows, ACOWAR and Six of Crows 7) Worst 3 books you’ve read this year The Infinite Sea by Rick Yancey,  The Ship by Antonia Honeywell and Love in the time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez 8) Make your basketball team out of book characters Pretty much every fae male SJMaas has ever written + Aelin, Mor and possibly Lysandra who can shapeshift herself to be really tall. 9) Book trope you hate Cringy ‘but omg I can’t choose I love them both’ love triangles or Insta Love with no real reasoning behind it 10) Describe your style a mix of French and British inspired styles. Really simple classic pieces and overall ‘really put together but I didn’t even try’ except I totally did
1. Are narwhals the Jedi or Unicorns of the sea to you? Unicorns. If their horns retracted and glowed and made fancy swish noises they’d be jedi 2. Cats or dogs? BOTH! 3. Favorite fruit? Pomegranates! Watermelon and avocado are in second place 4. Favorite TV show? Friends, Parks and Recreation, the Office, Game of Thrones 5. Headphones or earbuds? earbuds 6. Favorite animal? Owls 7. Favorite Disney song? I won’t say I’m in love from Hercules, I’ll make a man out of you from Mulan, Part of Your World/Kiss the Girl from the Little Mermaid. 8. Favorite cartoon from your childhood? Totally Spies. Does anyone remember that? I used to be obsessed with it. And W.I.T.C.H. 9. Apple or Android? Apple. 10. PlayStation or Xbox? I don’t really know much but my best friend has the cool Xbox Kinect thingie so Xbox 11. Do you like trains or planes better? Planes
I tag: @rhysthehighlord @runesandfaes @igniscorde7112 @peregrynn @red-queen-em-for-a-dream 
1. What’s the last song you listened to? 2. What was your favourite book when you were little? 3. What language do you wish you were fluent in? 4. What’s your favourite season and time of the day? 5. If you had to pick one of your top 5 favourite books and never be able to read that book again, which one would you pick? 6. What’s a quote/song lyric you really like? 7. Which 4 fictional characters would you go on a roadtrip with? 8. Favourite ice cream flavour? 9. Would you rather get stuck in a lift for one hour or get stuck on a balcony really high up for one hour? 10. If you could hop on a plane and go anywhere in the world right now, where would you go? 11. What’s your ideal date?
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