#she helps to just destroy and destroy and destrou and destroy
angeltism · 11 months
✍️ for whatever fandom would treat you yhe weirdest
OHH . This took some THINKING but def the bn.ha fandom . but maybe that's just bc my s/i existing there would fuck shit up sooo much like . she's kinda a Mary Sue,, (which I mean is great and amazing and she's wonderful and I'm wonderful) but maybe they'd be chill ????
Wait fuck fuck nevermind wait hold on I'm in the middle of writing this and I realized nawt only would she be treated weirdly for her flawlessness (maybe? I haven't reviewed her writing and backstory in years idk if she's actually Flawlessly Flawed But It's Kyute Tho™) but I have a feeling she'd be over t-rexualized (CRYING I'm talking like a YouTuber crying to nawt get demonitized it's almost 12am cut me some slack let me be silly and weird w how I sat things) or her relationship w my husband would be or both . and nobody would get her nuance right because she's a girl and we all know ppl love watering down fem characters into either mother, girlboss, whore or [literally irrelevant forgotten about] oh god . yeah ok idk how I didn't think of this but OHHH yeah she'd be treated so weirdly oml 🫥
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luxmaeastra · 2 years
Rigelus sat crossed legged in the small living room. The heat of the fire fighting the chill from the outside. The world outside these walls was a source of delight and fear to a boy of 10. 
He sat listening though to the story his parents told every Saturnalia. Of a place far away, from their little place in the mountains. There across the bone seas and wastes lay a land of flying creatures. A place where they were worshiped and adored. Just like his father had said it used to be. A place that fed them yearly in their feasts. 
He looked to the table where a bit of stone stood. Austrus called it a conduit said it spoke to the stone miles away. He said according to his history books their people had these types of stones all along their territories. All the blood and death spilled in their name would come back and they'd be able to feast on it. 
Rigelus could scarcely imagine such a thing. 
Carynth smiled at the children leaning down to show the monolith - Ramiel it was called. Named for the Changeling progenitor that had bound the locks of the blood spell on the land. 
"Their sacrifices help us live, they help us survive in a world that is hostile and wants to hurt us."
She stood brushing a hand through his hair as she past. She held out small goblets for him. The blood smooth and still warm. 
He found Bryce looking up at the stars. He creeped up to and pulled on her braid. Not hard, he wasn't mean like Hesperus was. He liked how her hair felt between his fingers. 
"Happy Saturnalia Bryce! What would you like as a gift?"
She was his bestest friend in their entire mountain village. He didn't have a lot of them, crowds overwhelmed. He wasn't Sirius would could make friends with anything that made eye contact. His mama said she was like that at his age, that he would do great things one day. The stars had spoken and told her as such when she'd held him. Their blood didn't birth cowards or dim stars. 
He couldn't imagine her or his father his age. They were larger than life. They filled rooms and demanded attention. They laughed and smiled as if they were happy and didn't miss everyone the Usuper Cassandra had taken from them. 
Bryce's parents had come here a millenia ago into hiding after Cassandra had taken their court and destroued their king, Rigelus's paternal uncle Oristes.
Sometimes Ember still had nightmares of what Saetan had done to Oristes and his family. The limbs of his children and mate flung and discarded. Sometimes she worried this world was too cruel for her darling fire. 
But then she saw her with Danika or Rigelus and she knew she'd be fine. Rigelus or Danika wouldn't let the world break her. They wouldn't let it survive if it destroyed her. 
"Bryce, Rigelus come inside before you both get a chill!"
It was their way of communicating, it was their love language - if she could be so bold to call it that way. She knew he never pulled at her braids in malice, in honesty she enjoyed the moments when he played with her hair. It was soothing, it was innocent, it was simple. A simple action that conveyed so much.
"Happy Saturnalia," she responded, her smile bright and shining. "Hmmm, I don't know what I want as a gift." She wasn't one to demand gifts. That wasn't to say she didn't enjoy having fun, or sometimes bending the rules, but to expect a gift? That wasn't her. No, she preferred to think of just spending time him as her gift.
It was better to do that and feel that way, then to think of the horrors of her family's past. She did not wish to linger on the could have been, to become bitter and twisted by what was stolen. She wanted to love and honor what she had at that moment, to be thankful for her present.
Bryce's attention turned when she heard her mother, she reached out and took a hold of Rigelus's hand as she laughed. "Come on, if we get there quick enough there maybe warm drinks!"
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