#she influenced so much of my personality. i was watching jollitown when i was like. four.
diwatyara · 5 months
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im in that point in life where im redesigning jollibee characters. my friends and i found out jollitown was uploaded on YouTube and binge watched it. conclusion:
jollibee wished for a harem bc he's so lonely
they are all in a polycule
we hate yum
yum goes on reddit to complain about women
yum is a fake nerd who doesn't know what a capacitor is
popo is really funny. we like him.
twirlie slays in every way. but like. why are only twirlie and popo the one's who makes mistakes while hetty and yum are moral paragons.
since we think jollibee symbolises the chicken joy, the spicy chicken joy is jollibee's evil twin who is a walking red flag
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