#she is a sweet kindhearted lovable ball of sugar
girlofprey7 · 1 year
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Part 2. Of me loving/praising Game Peach:💕🥰
I just really love this line from Odyssey’s epilogue when she’s travelling and sightseeing with Tiara.
It’s actually really interesting but also unsurprising that Peach has trauma from Bowsers kidnappings, especially because he got so close to winning multiple times in the game.
And even though she was a damsel for the majority of the game, I LOVED seeing her put her foot down and not let herself be treated as a prize to be won, whether it was from Bowser OR Mario.
I think the game really demonstrates how forgiving and generally hopeful and optimistic Peach is. Not only does she not seem to hold the situation on the moon against Mario, but also tries to look past the ordeal by enjoying the moons beauty on her trip.
I think that’s what I love about Peach in most of her appearances, playable or not; she always tries to find the good in everything and everyone.
Like in subspace emissary in Smash Brawl when she doesn’t even hesitate to free Mr. Game & watch, despite him literally trying to kill them a few minutes ago.
She tells him off, but then she kindly offers him her parasol, literally her main weapon, as a sort of symbol for trust and being on good terms.
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Also (spoilers for Rabbids DLC: the last spark hunter)
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Like she knows under all that rage and destruction there’s just a big softie who needs some love once in a while.
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