#she is also a daddys girl and shen i says she expects NOTHING but the best
cakepoppresent · 1 year
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Brayden and his first daughter Veronica Reeves.
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abc of carlwheeler (3)
c for cats
prompt: in which the children asked for a cat
“Daddy! Daddy!” Phillip came home to the squealing of his children.
“Hey kids, what did you do today?”
“Today, Aunt Line and Aunt Len, cats daddah!” Three years old Rosetta Carlyle, or affectionately known as Rose tried speaking.
“Today we met Auntie Caroline and Auntie Helen and they showed us their cat, daddy!” Christian Carlyle, who is five years old, translated on the behalf of his younger sister as he fondly caressed her hair.
“Really?” Phillip dramatically asked, “what colour is the cat?”
“Black daddy! Black as in B-L-A-C-K! Mommy told me how to spell it,” Christian beamed proudly as Rose nodded along to whatever her brother is saying.
“Hey Carlyle, a little help here?” Anne waddled out of the kitchen, carrying plates for dinner.
“You should really specify which Carlyle you are asking for, Anne,” Phillip teased, “I mean, you have three pure Carlyles here and you who married into our family and,” Phillip kneeled, “this little babe whom we are all waiting for,” Phillip kissed Anne’s protruding eight months belly.
“How’s the little one doing?” Phillip asked affectionately.
“This child of yours, Carlyle, I swear to god would not let me rest,” Anne complained while Phillip guided her to the dining chair, afterwards bringing out the rest of the dishes.
“Any moment now darling,” he reassured.
“Any moment your ass, you’re not the one carrying the child,” she grumbled, “Christian, Rose, go wash your hands.”
“Language, babe,” Phillip reminded Anne. While Anne rarely cussed, her hormones tend to be all over the place whenever she’s pregnant, as a result, she cussed even more frequently. Their circus family had even nicknamed her Ticking Bomb, which resulted in her crying when she first found out.
“I’m sorry, I’m just snappy today,” Anne apologised, tearing up.
Phillip pecked Anne’s forehead, “It’s okay babe, I understand.”
“Mommy, you cry?” Little Rose asked, the brown eyes she got from her mother sparkling.
“Mommy’s not crying baby girl,” she reassured as she caressed her daughter’s messy brown curls.
“Mommy are you really fine?” Christian asked, concerns shown in his blue eyes.
Anne sometimes wonders how she got so lucky. She had married the love of her life, Phillip Carlyle, six years ago and was gifted with the birth of her son a year later, Christian Taylor Carlyle. Christian Carlyle was every inch his father. He had his father’s blue eyes, brown straight hair and the exact same smile. The only thing that could prove he is Anne’s son is his slightly tanned skin.
Two years later, they welcomed another family member, Rosetta Ivy Carlyle. Now, Anne is proud to say that this daughter of hers, is her mini-me. She inherited her mom’s brown eyes, unkempt brown curls and the same shade of skin like her mother. Her energy is the only factor proving that she belongs to Phillip, their never-ending energy is the same. Flash forward three years later, they are expecting another member, and everything is stable, including the circus.
“I’m okay darling, don’t worry,” Anne said.
“So, daddy, Rose and I would like to make a ne-go-shey-shen,” Christian announced.
“Negotiation, my dear,” Anne corrected.
“Right, negotiation,” he repeated.
“Negotiate what, Chris?” Phillip inquired.
“Rose and I want a cat. We promise to take good care of it,” Christian persuaded, “Please daddy, Aunt Helen said it’s not that hard.”
“Yes, daddy, cat pwease,” Rose used her small hands to grab Phillip’s arms.
“But babies, we don’t have room for any pets,” Phillip points out.
“But daddy, Aunt Caroline said our house is bigger than theirs! We can afford a cat!”
Anne didn’t know what to laugh at, whether to laugh at her children’s enthusiasm of wanting to own a pet or to laugh at her husband, who’s currently struggling to compromise with their children.
“Wheeler, a little help here?” Anne arched her eyebrow. The only time Phillip would call her by her maiden surname is when he needs desperate help.
“Darlings, what your daddy means is that, see, your younger brother or sister is coming soon. Who’s gonna help mommy to take care of the baby and the cat?” Anne asked objectively.
“Oh. Baby no cat?” The youngest Carlyle asked for confirmation, her face scrunched in disappointment.
“But, we can always go over to the Barnums’ to play with their cat,” Anne tried to cheer her children up.
“It’s okay mommy, we understand,” Christian said softly.
Phillip and Anne immediately felt guilty for denying their children’s request. But given their current circumstances, they do not have enough manpower.
“Goodnight, sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite,” The two parents settled their children in their respective rooms and bid them goodnight.
“Anne,” Phillip started as he cuddles Anne on their bed, “what do you think of pets?”
Anne looked up to look at her husband’s face, “Are you really considering it?”
“I mean, I’ve wanted cats since I was young too. I just want to grant them their wish,” Phillip explained.
“I know Flip. I too, want them to be happy. But Flip, my condition,” Anne said tearfully, her hands caressing her abdomen protectively.
“Hush honey, don’t think about it okay.”
“I’m scared Phillip. What if something really happens to me? The doctor said the risk is high,” Anne sobbed.
“With me around, nothing will happen to you love,” Phillip kiss Anne’s temple.
“But you know, if you want to buy a pet, I’m totally cool with it,” Anne reassures.
“Honey, are you sure? There’s gonna be extra work to do you know.”
“Actually, I was thinking of hiring a nanny. I know you’re against it because you don’t want our children to be like you, spending most of your time with a nanny,” Anne took a breather, “But as long as we are not too dependent on the nanny, it should be alright, right?”
“Right. Sleep well darling, I love you,” Phillip whispered.
“I love you more.”
 “Anne! Chris! Rose! Come here, I’ve got something to show you!” Phillip burst in through the double French door to their mansion.
“Phillip Carlyle! What’s the commotion?!” Anne demanded as she entered the foyer of their house, her children tailing after her.
“I want you to welcome a new member of our family, Moon the white angora cat,” Phillip announced as he brought out a basket for the family to see.
“So cute!” Rose cooed.
“Oh daddy!” Chris screech in delight.
Anne caught Phillip’s eyes and nodded.
“Also, I would like you to meet Madam Campbell, she will be your nanny as well as your governess,” Phillip brought forward a middle-aged woman, who stood tall with pride, her wrinkles wrinkling as she smiled, seeing the beautiful family.
“Madam Carlyle, you’re so beautiful! Phillip is definitely lucky to have you. And these kids, they remind me of you when you were a kid, Phil!” Madam Campbell exclaimed in delight.
“Madam Campbell used to be my nanny too, if you are wondering,” Phillip explained.
“Now kids, I need you to promise me that you will take care of Moon well alright?”
“We love you, daddy and mommy!” Christian Taylor Carlyle and Rosetta Ivy Carlyle grabbed their parents into a hug, their future sibling in between them, while Madam Campbell’s heart swelled with happiness, that the boy she used to care for has found true happiness.
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