#she just gives me alto clef vibes
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As it’s his first solo album after leaving his band, “Marz Ryots”, John Sheridan is nervous about touring “Falling at Zha’Ha’Dum”. When Kosh, the house manager, tells him that he’s been double-booked with Grey Camerata, he has to discuss the best use of the time slot with the lead virtuosa (and soon-to-be conductor) Delenn Mir. Who’d’ve thought that the key to harmony was in her sharp mind?
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whaleofatjme1920 · 2 years
Good day!! I may be called fluffyyellow but another nickname you can call me by is Sky. (She/Her, 21, SCP foundation, Romantic)
Now.. something about myself, first thing is, I'm a very shy and introverted person who often keeps to herself, and when engaging in conversations, initially im very awkward and quite cautious since I often think about unintentionally making the other person uncomfortable. I'm often seen alone and it takes a few times to get a conversation going with me but once I get used to the other person, I become more and more talkative and engaging as time goes by. Being a lil chaotic, cracking a few jokes here and there, and just laughing around and talking about just anything with the other person.  I'm very understanding, empathetic and a really good listener. I'm the type of person that would gladly walk a mile for my close friends, an example would be to listen to my close friends' rants, stories, info dumps or whatever they basically have in mind that day, staying up late just for them, assisting them with academics, checking up on them and making sure they eat or sleep well, etc etc. (I'm also not afraid to use my "Savageness" as my BFF calls it, to speak up/defend them too). I usually find it hard to express my emotions and or words, but upon opening up, i tell myself "I'm not really great with my words but the people close to me deserve to be appreciated so ya know what? Screw my awkwardness".
That being said? I may not look like it due to my initial aloof or awkward vibe but My love language is Physical touch, quality time and acts of service. to be honest? I guess you could say im touch starved. Then again, due to my shy and cautious nature, I only have a few friends in my circle, but these are the people that stuck with me for years. Yeahhh I'm very emotional and sentimental too. Another thing? I'm normally a home-body and a chill at home type of person, but once in a while I enjoy a stroll or a walk here and there to get my creative juices or inspirations running
Speaking of creative juices, I'm very much an artistic person and someone who loves to draw/make sketches, take photographs,illustrate, design, etc etc.  Now..for the offering? I offer snacks (Basically an assortment of Candy/sweets plus biscuits/cookies) in a cute box I painted/designed/sketched myself. because it represents one of the ways in how I express my affection to those close to me alongside my love for art.
Sincerely Sky
I really hope I got this right and I also hope this isnt too wordy? Yep :')
[Disclaimer: The Red String of Fate event is a special event I'm running from August 12th, to whenever I feel it necessary to end - right now, I'm giving it to the first week of September! Check out rules HERE]
Yue Lao's fingers gently trace over the lovely sweets you've given him in the box you designed yourself. He admires the artistry and takes note of each little thing you've painted on it. He counts the brushstrokes as he eats the snacks, smiling that they are once again, not too sweet. His cat sniffs the treats a few times too and she purrs. It seems Bao is happy just like him.
Now, just who shall he pair you with? He strokes his beard a few times and thinks about it. It really shouldn't take that long, and in fact, the moment he read over your thoughts on who you want to be forever yours, he had a match! But it can't be that easy, can it? The God hums softly to himself before deciding that yes, it really was that easy. He looks to a man that's not too tall, and not too short that claims he goes by many names, but Alto Clef being the one he responds to the most.
It seems like such an odd match, the God things. Yue Lao never makes mistakes when he pairs people, never, but he knows you might certainly be surprised! What he wants to achieve for the two of you is balance, harmony, something that Clef lacks. He believes that you two will love true and good. He attaches the string to your pinky, and then Clef's as the man works on goading an SCP into a migraine. His cat mews softly as the string begins to glow between the two of you. Clef's expression slowly shifts from the poor skip to his pinky, where the string tugs slightly like you're on the move.
Yue Lao watches with a knowing smile as joy blooms on your face that he's answered your prayer for someone to love. He watches as you hop up from your desk, startling your coworkers before hightailing it out to find the one he's paired you with. He laughs softly, and you can hear it in your ear like something warm and paternal. Your eyes are glued on the string, watching as the light flutters brightly with the pounding of your heart.
You eventually come to a string of containment rooms, most of them for euclid, sentient skips that really pose no harm. You've been here a few times to run tests yourself. You watch the staff that pass around you, some giving you questioning glances as if to ask if you're alright as you look like a mad man searching for the person on the other end. You know that this is outside your normal behavior, but the excitement, it's almost too much! That and well, the string compels soulmates together. It's something that's unquestionable, and no force can remove it but the Gods themselves.
Clef is admittedly just as scatterbrained as you in the moment. He's a tired man. Underneath his whole façade, the things he keeps hidden are near crystal clear. He never thought he was capable of love. He never thought something good would ever come to him, or a person would ever be able to put up with him for more than what was necessary. So, when he sees you, he smiles. The string that connects the two of you glows brightly, something akin to raspberries in late summer, feels like plush grass, and smells sweeter than honey, it draws the two of you together.
Your hearts are beating in synch. All that's left is to meet in the middle.
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