#she looks like a bubblehead lol
blee-bleep · 1 year
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I was thinking back to Silent Hill Homecoming which wasn't that great of a game but I was think why was Pyramid Head there. I thought because Pyramid head is a punisher to the main character Alex, just like James felt the need to be punished because of his wife's death. Then I thought this is only James punishment demon, since I think James saw the painting on his honeymoon with his wife, which was before the letter by his wife telling him hey I'm back at this place you took me before. And that every person has a creature for their punishment and I don't think Alex has even seen Pyramid head before the whole game because he lived in Shepherd Glenn or whatever the towns name that was accrossed the lake from silent hill. Another thought is because the silent hill movie in 2006 came out and they wanted to add Pyramid head because everyone love him but again I don't really know.
No you pretty much nailed it. Pyramid Head is, in reality, specific to James Sunderland and James Sunderland only. He represents James’ anger and guilt over everything that’s happened/that he’s done, and acts as judge, jury, and executioner. His bizarre appearance even comes from a picture that James saw while visiting Silent Hill three years prior to the events of the game with Mary/before she got sick. So yeah. He is exclusively a James thing lol. And it checks out, too, because Silent Hill 2 is based off of Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment.
Anyway. Pyramid Head is absolutely in Homecoming and the 2006 movie solely to distract you from the glaring plot holes in both for the fan service and nothing else. He’s the most iconic character in the entire series next to the bubblehead nurses** (specifically, their ‘sexy’ iteration from Silent Hill 2), and Konami is a cesspit of greed and corruption, so of course they’re gonna slap him on everything. Like. Take a look at the JP cover for Homecoming if you don’t believe me:
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(And that’s before you factor in all of his more recent cameos on pachinko machines, in Dead by Daylight, etc. lol.)
Both Homecoming and the 2006 movie tried to explain him away as “basically a bogeyman that exists within Silent Hill to ‘help’ you with your penance”, which doesn’t fucking work at all in either case because:
Alex didn’t fucking do anything wrong to warrant a bogeyman/pyramid head of his own. Like, the big plot twist is that he was never a soldier/has been in a mental hospital for years because the accidental death of his little brother after they snuck out really fucked him up. It’s really funny because it literally would have made more sense if he really had been a soldier that like. Maybe wrongfully killed a bunch of civilians and got discharged or placed in a mental hospital or something. His only crime is being born into a family of fucking insane cult people. That’s it.
Rose and Cybil are attacked by PH just like the cult members in the movie despite Rose being there for Sharon (and Alessa, by association) and Cybil being on Rose’s side. Just like Alex, they also didn’t do anything wrong to warrant it.
**What’s also funny is that the sexy nurses from SH2 were also slapped into both Homecoming and the movie for no reason other than titties fan service, either. They are also very much a James-specific monster because whatever disease his wife had left her disfigured. They even go back to more normal looking nurses in SH3 because sexy nurses wouldn’t apply to Heather. Remember when Konami actually gave a shit? Wild times, am I right?
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c-jay321 · 7 years
Sometimes you just gotta ramble about your favorite anime.....BNHA EP 16!!!!!!!!
Why are there always recaps at the beginning of the episode???! Unnecessary!
Present mic is the best XD
I am waiting for someone to make a gif of the scene where Present mic almost knocks Aizawa’s head
“You don’t need me do you?” Aizawa and mic are the best, they’re just the best.
Izuku looks extra cute in this episode
Shiozaki is really oretty
OHHHH HELL YEAH!!!! They’re playing my fave ost!!!
Jeez... Shouto if it wasn’t Kirishima or Tetsutetsu someone could’ve actually died or got injured for real, and the they would probably have to stop the sports festival which could give U.A a bad name even though they’re just recovering from a villain attack.... DOES SHOUTO NOT REALIZE THE IMPLICATIONS HIS ACTIONS COULD HAVE CAUSED?!!!
Kirishima crying after seeing Tetsutestu XD He literally said the same thing as Kiri
I really love Tetsu’s voice
I also really love the quirk training OST their playing in the background
Bakugou just avoided everything and flew up
I FREAKING LOVE SERO’S TEETH! I love his smile in general
Ummmmm... Could Bakugou always jump down from such a high distance?
Bakugou literally flew through half of the race.
I like how All Might defends the other classes when Snipe was praising class 1-A... All Might is truly the best.
I really feel like Aizawa was based off of Kakashi....not saying Horikoshi copied or anything.
They really made class 1-A look super cool in the anime
Aizawa praising his kids by talking about their experience in USJ gives me life....
All Might was rooting for Izuku the whole time, Izuku was the only person he was focusing on, the only person on his mind, he was so anxious for Izuku to make it to the next round that he didn’t even care if he would be first or last. Just watching this dadmight fluff in the anime is too much for me!!!!!!!!
I love Present Mic’s voice!!!!!
THE FALL XD!!!!!!! Oh man I love Mic
HATSUME!!!!!!!!!! SHE’S HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love her voice and the wau she speaks Engrish omg!!! 
She said babies!!!! That’s what I was waiting for
Uraraka’s saltiness for Hatsume started pretty early
Oh Shinsou... you’re evil smile brings mew joy!!! He constantly had thos sinister smile throughout the whole race. I just love this boy.
Bakugou is just flying XD
Iida you’re so lame lol
I’m going to apreciate the fact that Shouji was flying like a dragon. Awesome.
Why is Mic’s voice so funny?!
The way people were flipping in the air after getting hit by the bombs was pure gold.
Bakugou is flying
Bakugou really should’ve left Shouto alone... if he didn’t start theor mini catfight then he could’ve probably won the race or ended up in a tie, andi if he won then there would be no way he’d let anyone take his points.
OMFG IIDA!!!!! XDDD The way he’s running and getting hit by explosions!
I AM GOING TO APPRECIATE HOE ROUND IZUKU’S CHEEKS LOOKED IN 12:14-15 IN THE EPISODE... that was a special moment for me.
That guy with the speech bubblehead??!!! Why’s he so funny??!!!
All Might’s expression after seeing Izuku fly in the air XD
Izuku being a badass in general XDDDDD!!!!
BONES did such an amazing job on this anime honestly, I finf myself saying Bravo! and clapping almost every 30 secs.
I knew they’d play the ost “HERO A” in the race, I just knew it!!!! I called it since...last summer I think?
I will forever love the way Izuku went ahead of Shouto and Bakugou in the race.
Aaaaannnnnd the sweet dadmight scene I was waiting for has finally arrived.
Oh jeez, I can’t get over this scene! He was just looking for All Might to reassure him that he would make it, that he would show the world that he has arrived! and stuff like that! And All Might is just so proud of his child!!!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!!  Dadmight fluff is too much for me XD
Plus I love the additional scene with Izuku crying
All Might is proud of his son but he wants him to get rid of the water works as soon as he can
i like how they made thew management department seem all serious like villains before they showed their faces XD
Bakugou.... please calm down your arms are throbbing! that is not the time to be worrying about losing
IIda’s all gloomy in the background because his quirk is literally suited for this kinda stuff but he lost
AHHHHH!!! izuku looked so cute when he was blushing for ochako, although I like that scene better in the manga
“you’re the worst!” XD 
I love Midnight way too much
I love how they were able to figure out the cavalry battle by themselves without having to hear Midnight explain.
Midnight was not amused of course
Ten million points! Izuku’s so screwed!! But hid facial expression was ay funnier than I expected it to be XD!!!!
I love how evil Shinsou is
Izuku’s face when everyone as staring at him with red eyes XDDDDDD!!!
Oh shoot!!! that’s how it ends?!!!!
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