#she might be a little nicer here especially bc she's drinking and masks
disruptedlogic · 10 months
this was the last place that ariya wanted to be. some kind of masquerade ball for once again, something she had no interest in. if she wasn't a level i, she probably would have found some lame excuse to not attend and spent the night alone. technically speaking she was still spending her night alone but this time she was in too tight of a dress while the person she kind of wanted to come to this lame event with was on someone else's arm. even more of a reason not to be here.
grabbing a glass of champagne, she leaned her back against the bar. taking a few sips from the glass, she let her eyes scan the crowd of masked faces. everyone in some sort of disguise helped ease her nerves slightly. she tried to tell herself she wasn't looking for a certain "couple" in the crowd but she would be lying. why had talia agreed to come with him of all people?
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lost in her own thoughts she hardly felt the person come up next to her at the bar. "sorry, i wasn't paying attention. i can move over if you want."
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phillipsgraves · 4 years
new year's kiss
presenting my super super late birthday gift for @jmcolt: a small drabble featuring his girl jacey 🥰 i know technically you've already read it i still hope you like it!! i just wanted to do something simple for you bc you've been an amazing friend these past few years 🥺 ily
wc: 1,338
warnings: none
In a town as small as Wayhaven, Bobby didn't see the point of a masquerade party.
He could just about make out everyone beneath their masks, which made the whole thing redundant, but Amelia had been insistent on keeping the tradition alive. He decided he certainly wasn't going to rain on her parade, especially at her own party.
Speaking of her, it appears as the host herself has disappeared somewhere. Interestingly enough, Adam was nowhere to be seen, either. True enough, gatherings such as this wasn't exactly his style, but Bobby had been certain he'd spotted a tall, blonde fellow not too long ago.
Regardless, even without Amelia around, it seems like her party was doing perfectly fine at keeping itself going, some people gathered around in groups while the others were helping themselves to the food. Bobby's feeling a little partial to a drink himself and so he makes his way to the table, where he spots a familiar head of dark hair, face partially covered by her mask. With his best grin, he saunters over.
"Well, hey there, stranger," Bobby remarks, almost a coo as he places a hand on her waist. "Fancy seeing you here."
The girl snorts, and it unmistakably sounds very much like Jacey. "You say that like it's a big coincidence," she says, leaning against his embrace. "Whole town is here, someone's gotta cover it for the paper."
"Oh, c'mon, Jace," Bobby starts, gently squeezing her hip. "It's New Year's Eve, for crying out loud. Worry about work another day, would you?" He gestures over towards the party. "Besides, you don't need the papers to tell you how great of a shindig this is. Amelia's definitely outdone herself this time."
Jacey hums, as she takes a sip from her drink. "That she did," she says, but then she breathes out a sigh. "Can we take these masks off yet? Mine's all itchy."
Bobby hums as he pretends to think about it, looking at his watch. "Mm, not for ten more minutes, baby," he teases before giving her arm a small tap. He moves to lean in and close the distance, but Jacey merely stops him.
"Ah-ah, not for ten more minutes, baby," Jacey echoes, voice teasing. "You can wait a little longer. Kiss me when the clock strikes twelve, huh?"
"Oh, I don't know, Cinderella," Bobby teases, "don't you have a pumpkin to get to at twelve?" He laughs when Jacey merely punches his arm in response.
"Jackass," Jacey says with a laugh of her own. "So, I'm guessing that's a no, then? Mm, alright. Guess I'll just find someone else to kiss." She wriggles out of his embrace and gently pats his cheek. "Be seeing you," she says before trying to walk off.
She doesn't get far, however, when Bobby merely pulls her back in. "Hey, hey, I never said no," he says, grinning at her. "Like you'd wanna kiss anyone else at this party."
Jacey giggles. "Mm, I might. You never know, really."
Bobby rolls his eyes, partially blocked by his mask as he looks at his watch-- the very same one Jacey had gotten him for Christmas. "11:55. Only five more minutes, babe."
Jacey hums, settling back in his arms as they absentmindedly sway to the music. "You figure out what your New Year's resolution is yet?" She asks, drumming her fingers against his bicep.
Bobby lets out a hum of his own. "Be less attractive?" He answers with a snort, gesturing to himself. "I don't think Wayhaven can take much more of this."
Jacey shakes her head with a laugh, smacking his arm again. "Tone it down there, Narcissus. C'mon, I was being serious."
"Really? So was I," Bobby teases, laughing some more when she threatens to hit him again. "Okay, okay. I haven't decided yet," he finally answers, kissing the top of her head. "I guess… I'll try to be nicer?"
He looks down at his watch again. Three minutes left. He gives Jacey a small squeeze, resting his chin on top of her head. "Even if they don't deserve it." They exchange looks, and Jacey knows who exactly 'they' is. She doesn't comment on it. "What about you, then?"
"I figured I'd try not to work so hard this year," Jacey replies, and she only leans into him. "I know how much you worry. But I'm… trying to be better."
"Something we've both got to work on, then."
11:58. Bobby looks up with a slight furrow to his brow-- but it was an expression of determination more than anything.
"Actually, I had another one," he says, holding onto Jacey tighter, as if she'd disappear if he were to let go.
"Two minutes left, baby," Jacey teases. "Let's hear it, then."
Carefully spinning her around so she was facing him, Bobby brushes her hair behind her ear. Even behind the mask, he could still see the curiosity twinkling in Jacey's eyes as she clearly waits for him to continue. He's silent for a few moments, drinking her in.
"I wanna be a better boyfriend." Bobby holds a hand up when it looks like Jacey wants to say something, shaking his head. "I know I've messed up in the past, and uh-- well, considering we've already dated, but…" he sighs softly, taking her hands and squeezing them. "I love you. A lot, Jace. I wanna do better for you."
"Bobby…" Jacey starts, but she doesn't say anything else. Instead, she pulls him back into her arms, nuzzling her. "You're doing just fine. I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend." She looks up at him, then, grinning. "Hey. Do you hear that?" She asks, giggling when Bobby merely raises an eyebrow in confusion. "They're counting down."
Bobby looks around, and surely enough-- he hears the large group up front counting down. "Ah, so they are," he remarks with a chuckle. He looks back at Jacey, then, expression nothing short of adoring. "Happy New Year, baby."
Jacey doesn't think she could look-- or feel as happy as she does now. "Happy New Year," she says, and she can barely hear the people cheering as they ring in the new year when Bobby's right in front of her, pulling her in for a kiss. Finally.
Bobby takes his time with it, carefully angling her face up towards his so he could reach her better. His fingers thread through her hair, pushing it away from her. He gives Jacey's cheek a gentle caress, and when he pulls away she's tempted to tug him back in for more. She grins up at him.
"Okay, now can you please take my mask off? I wasn't kidding when I said it was itchy."
Bobby snorts. "Okay, okay, hold your horses. Remove mine, too, and we'll do it at the same time." He waits for Jacey to reach up for his mask before continuing. "Alright. Three…"
Jacey giggles. "Two."
"One," they say in unison, and Bobby breathes out a mock sigh of relief when he sees Jacey's face. It hadn't been long at all, but-- he's definitely missed the sight of it.
"Oh, thank God it's you," he says, though Jacey can easily hear the teasing in his voice. "Almost thought I kissed the wrong Torres sister for New Year's."
Jacey snorts, gently punching his arm. "Idiot. Like Marina would've let you go that far." A pause. "Or Mason, for that matter." Then, she sighs in relief, gently rubbing her face. "God, finally. My face was screaming."
"Hey, I can't help that I'm so charming," Bobby says, laughing when Jacey hits him again. "In all seriousness, though," he starts, wrapping his arms around her. "I'm glad I have you with me. I'm not letting you go again."
Jacey gives him an adoring look. "Better not, because I'm not giving you a choice."
"No, of course not," Bobby replies, and he leans down, kissing her nose, then her cheeks. "But, let's get out of here, huh?" He suggests, giving her a knowing look. "I've got other ideas on how we can celebrate the New Year's."
Jacey laughs. There was the Bobby she knew and loved. "Pig," she tells him, but she's already halfway out the door with him.
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