#she pats ur head like hehe good boy/girl
dreamingofrascal · 4 years
Sakuta Azusagawa x Reader Headcannons
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Author’s Note: HIIII, so I noticed the lack of Sakuta stuff ( And Bunny Girl Senpai stuff in general), and I decided to singlehandedly write the first Sakuta X reader. Ur welcome hehe. But if you do decide to read, thank you. and likes and reblogs are always appreciated! Mwah! PSSSt, I also write for other characters if you have a request!!!
literally can’t keep his hands off of you
he’s either holding your hand, interlocking pinkies, an arm around your shoulders, an arm around your hips
he pats his lap teasingly in public for you to “sit down”
Sakuta always know exactly what to say to get you all flustered
like you could be going up stairs and he’ll tease you, and ‘look up your skirt’, “Y/N, i like your panty color today. It suits you.”
Sakuta gets randomly mushy gushy out of the blue
“If you keep pouting like that, Sakuta, Your face will get stuck like that.” You teased.
His pouting bottom lip seem to spread into a soft smile. He went quiet for a few seconds as he stared at you, just taking in all your features, “You are the most beautiful girl i’ve ever laid my eyes on.”
His favorite thing about you is surprisingly not horny. he loves your laugh, the sound just gives him so much giddiness
SPONTANEOUS DATES LITERALLY, like out of the blue he’ll call you and be like “I’ll meet you at the cafe down the corner at 5?” and before you can ever respond, THIS BASTARD HANGS UP
Kaede LOVES LOVES LOVES YOU, although it took a while for her to warm up to you. it took a lot of one sided conversations on pandas, big brother, and showering her in gifts the best you could. And surprisingly, she seemed to adore the smaller and cheaper gifts. like you bought her a small windup toy, and it just melted your heart the way her eyes lit up.
stargazing dates. laying across a blanket next to each other, hands interlocked.
during stargazing dates is when you both have the best conversations
“Are you really gonna marry me?”
Sakuta would let out a small chuckle, “That’s an obvious question. I think you already know the answer, Y/N.”
You guys aren’t really into all those disgustingly cute nicknames because as Sakuta says “Why call you by a different name if the one you have is already pretty.”
he is on the more chill side, like he doesn’t get jealous over little stuff, but BOY OH BOY HE WILL PICK A FIGHT WHEN HE KNOWS THE OTHER DUDE DESERVES IT, LIKE HE KNOWS HOW TO TAKE A PUNCH AND KEEP SWINGING( because he’s a stubborn bastard) but he rarely wins using only brute force, he has that brain power y’know
he likes it when you nurse him, like when he’s sick or cuts himself, he said “Erotic nurse roleplays have always been a dream of mine.” which either results in blushing or eye rolls from you
when u are nursing him, he likes to fake more injuries, “Nurse Y/N, my face hurtssssss.” He would call out, “Cant you come kiss it better?”
Sakuta “Heart Eyes” Azusagawa
he literally admires you too much, like too often you’ll catch him looking at you
his favorite cuddling position is him laying down on his back, as you snuggle up into his side
his absolute favorite way of physical touch is kissing, he can’t get enough of your lips, LITERALLY NONSTOP KISSING
you could be minding your business cleaning, cooking, studying, HERES THIS BOY COMES LEANING OVER AND MWAH. it startles you sometimes
y’all can both do your own independent things yet still you both know that you have each other’s back always
literally the most supportive couple, like he’ll visit you at ur sports games, ur performances, he’ll admire your art, be proud of your grades, LIKE WAHTEVER, SAKUTA WILL BE THERE AND BE YOUR BIGGEST FAN. he’ll admire you and whisper under his breath “that’s my girlfriend.” in a starstruck tone.
you visit him a lot at work and he finds it absolutely adorable. It makes his long hours at work all worth it
Sakuta says you have a very sweet scent and Sakuta smells like mint for some reason
if you ever lay ur head onto his shoulder, HE WILL FIND IT SO CUTE because both literally and figuratively he is someone you can lean on y’know
his favorite date ideas are definitely ones where it’s just you two alone. like watching the city’s lights, at the beach together as the sunsets, a movie night alone (without kaede trying to sit in the middle of you two)
he likes it when u play with his hair, like running your fingers through it and twisting it in ur fingers. it makes him all sleepy
you see how hardworking and motivated Sakuta is in taking care of his sister, maintaining good grades, working at Benny’s, trying to keep his home tidy, and when you come over to help, it makes him realize that he finally has someone to help. someone there for him.
you’ve helped make him more open. he was so used to bottling up his emotions, but when you came into his life, he wasn’t afraid to be vulnerable around you
Sakuta was so used to having to be the one people relied on, but with you, he felt truly cared for. when things got too tough, his parents left. when the hospital incident happen, he became an outcast. Yet with you, you are there for him, like truly there. always there, and he wouldn’t change you for the world. 
despite all of the female acquaintances Sakuta has, he reassures you that you’re the only one for him.
he definitely plays footsies with you under the dinner table
When you have a cold or flu, He thinks it’s the absolute worse since he can’t kiss because it’s contagious. he nurses you, cooks soup, wears an apron that says “kiss the cook”, and just is around. like he’ll stay by your bed until you’re sleeping. and he’ll admire your peaceful face before going home.
you tend to wake up before him and he’s such a HEAVY SLEEPER, but he’s caught you admiring him while he’s slept before
Sakuta’s eyes slowly peeped open, “Pervert. Watching me sleep, are you? Basking in my beauty, hm?”
he really likes winter because it gives him an extra excuse to hold you tight
your first kiss was accidental but it was SO CUTE, like you leaned in for a cheek kiss, and Sakuta “coincidentally” turn his face to the side. and to this day you still don’t know if Sakuta turned his face on purpose or accident
plesse pepper this boy’s face in kisses (especially when you haven’t seen each other in a while)
when you guys argue he’s usually one to give you the silent treatment, yet it does last long as he gives in and apologizes quickly
of course he likes erotic costumes duh.
would definitely make you strip infront of him
he compliments your body a lot, like he’ll pull back from making out just to mutter something against your lips about how hot you are
hands will always be on your hips
he is more a boobs guy. he likes them especially when they’re all bouncy
Sakuta is surprisingly not that sloppy when making out, he likes to be take control and keep his hands around your hips, and pull you in close by them
pull out game: WEAK
his sex drive it so high, plesse help the man
overall this bastard loves you to death, through thick and thin, through fluffy and horny, he loves you. and you make him so happy
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babyboy-cody · 5 years
AYO YOU GOT A FOURSOME REQUEST HEHE okey soOOO HOW DO YOU THINK DUNCAN AND JIM WOULD REACT TO YOU TRYING TO MAKE THEM JEALOUS FOR SOMETHING DICKISH THEY DID like maybe they flirted with ur guys waitress or sumtin as a joke so you just launch ur self onto michael and you guys just have some grand alone time that night and you both just make them utterly angry and you ignore their attempts to try and kiss you and stuff and it goes on for like a few days until they snap🍓 ILY
(YESSS more angsty angst with the iconic foursome😩😩)
Everything has been great so far. The evening was filled with loving touches and soft gazes. The small diner was filled with happy families, old couples, and young teens. Saturday’s were always popular. You’re so happy that you got to show the guys your childhood diner. Michael sits in the booth beside you with an arm sling around your shoulders as Duncan and Jim sit across from you. You’re happily coloring in a children’s menu with a blue crayon as Michael colors with a red crayon. You laugh at the stupid stick figure and nudge him.
A young waitress comes by with a tray that contained your drinks. When she sets it down, you eagerly drink down your strawberry lemonade. She looks at you with distaste and looks at Duncan and Jim with a bright smile. You look over at Michael with a confused look and he squeezes your shoulder to comfort you, letting you know he saw what happened.
“Are you Duncan Shepherd by any chance?” She asks in a bubbly tone as she blushes.
“Yes,” he nods and offers her a small smile.
“I am such a big fan of your products. I’m actually going to college to create my own apps, and hopefully they sell out enough to help me,” She cheerfully tells him.
“Really? That’s really impressive. A pretty girl like you would do amazing in no time,” he offers her a knee weakening grin.
Your heart drops as she giggles. Duncan doesn’t seem to notice your expression drop. Jim perks up when the waitress turns her attention over to him. He blushes and laughs when she brushes her hand across his shoulder, complimenting his toned arms.
“I surf a lot,” Jim comments with a grin.
You clench your hands into fists under the table. Michael strokes his thumb over the tingling spot on your neck to calm you down. The waitress gasps dramatically and bats her eyelashes.
“Surfing? Wow! No wonder you’re so fit,” she giggles and cocks her hip as she leans against the table. “You should teach me some time.”
Jim clears his throat and smiles bashfully.
“Can we get our food?” Michael snaps, his voice low and containing authority.
The waitress drops the act and looks over at the blonde with wide eyes. She fumbles with her words and nods quickly as she hurried away to the kitchen. Everyone’s quiet now. You color with one hand resting on your cheek as you keep your eyes away from Duncan and Jim. You’re hurt with how they acted with the waitress. Michael has never done that before. He’s always cold and rarely speaks when someone gives him the time of day.
“I like this place. It’s really nice and smile compared to the giant restaurants in the city,” Jim laughs and takes a sip of his Sprite.
“Yeah,” you mumble.
Michael’s thumb continues to stroke the spot on your neck when the food arrives. Duncan and Jim make casual conversation with Michael commenting from time to time. He notices your quiet presence and whispers sweetly in your ear and kisses your cheek, causing you to blush and giggle quietly each time.
When you guys got home that night, you’re tucked away in Michael’s side with his arm wrapped around your shoulders. Duncan and Jim trail behind, both men smiling when they hear your quiet giggles.
“We’re gonna go to the bedroom for a little bit,” Michael tells them as he takes your hand and pulls you into the direction of Michael’s bedroom.
Duncan and Jim are eager to follow as you walk inside and place yourself on the bed. You begin to slowly undress as you look at the men. Duncan goes to enter, but he’s stopped by Michael’s arm blocking the doorway.
“What’re you doing?” Duncan questions.
“Y/N requested us to have alone time,” Michael states, looking between both confused men. “Don’t be so jealous, boys.”
The smile on his lips is teasing, and that only adds to Jim’s frustration. They look behind Michael’s shoulder to see you fully nude resting on your stomach with beautifully messy hair, legs swaying in the air as you wait. Michael winks at them and shuts the door, making sure to lock it so there’s no interruptions. Duncan and Jim can hear your happy giggles with Michael’s baritone voice in the mix.
“Don’t worry,” Duncan pats Jim’s shoulder. “We’ll get her tomorrow.”
Except tomorrow never came with them because you wanted Michael again. The day after that, it was Michael. Then Michael again. Michael. Michael. Michael. The entire week, Duncan and Jim had to watch as you lovingly kiss, stroke, and sweet talk the blonde. They felt a burning pit of jealousy form in their chests as they see the happy glint in your eyes every time Michael walked into the room. They don’t remember when you looked at them like that.
The following days, you were petty. Whenever Jim wrapped his arms around you from behind, you’d subtly move away from him and go to the table. When Duncan would lean in close to kiss you, you’d yawn and make up an excuse just to get away. It was like a dance – a cruel dance to fix your heart. You knew it was starting to frustrate him, but you wanted them to understand how hurt you were and that you’re not letting them off easily.
You’re currently on the couch resting on Michael’s lap with your face tucked away in his neck. He’s rubbing up and down your back in a soothing manner. You had trouble sleeping the past few days because of your troubled thoughts. Michael’s been the only one you allow to sleep with you. He’s helped you keep away from the negativity going around. You raise your head from its spot on his shoulder and look into his eyes with your sleepy ones.
“You okay, little dove?” He quietly asks as he gently pushes your hair away.
“Yeah,” you whisper and pucker your lips for a kiss.
Michael laughs and cups your cheek in a ringed hand. You wrap your arms around his shoulders and mold your lips together. The television is set to low volume, but you’re so focused on each other that you don’t hear two pairs of footsteps entering the large living room.
“That’s enough!” Duncan bellows, eyes wide and filled with rage. “No more little games that you’re playing, Y/N.”
You and Michael stare at him with furrowed brows. You remove yourself from his arms and stand with your arms crossed.
“Is there a problem?” You lowly asked and looked between Duncan and Jim with an unfazed expression. “Michael and I were in the middle of something.”
“You’re always in the middle of something. It’s always ‘Michael this’ and ‘Michael that’. What about us?!” Jim angrily shouts.
“I don’t understand,” you shrug.
“Cut the bullshit, Y/N,” Duncan snaps, taking a few steps closer to you with Jim quickly following.
Michael’s quick to stand by your side, but you lightly grab his arm to pull him away. You stare into Duncan’s blazing eyes and then into Jim’s confused angry ones. Your cheeks filled with heat as you tried to keep your tears at bay.
“Do you wanna know what my problem is?” You asked in a wavering voice, completely catching all three men off guard. “Do you understand how embarrassing it was to give that waitress compliments and smiles and winks? You only do that for me! I’ve never witnessed Michael do anything of that matter, and maybe that’s why I’m closer to him than both of you. When I heard you, Duncan, call her a p–pretty girl…” you trailed off as a long tear rolls down your cheek. “I think I died a little inside.”
Duncan sighs quietly and goes to touch your hip, but you shake your head and move away from his reach. He brings his arm back and can’t help the pang in his heart at the rejection.
“And you, Jim,” you look over at the brunette. “You allowed her to touch you and compliment your body. What hurts even more is that you were so close to agreeing with her options if it wasn’t for Michael swooping in at the right time!”
They’re both quiet and looking down at the ground. Michael has a hand on your neck, stroking that one spot to ease your mind. You sniffle and wipe your tears.
“I wanted you to feel what I felt that day. I wanted you to know what it’s like to be forgotten. I wanted you to know what it’s like to not have your lover’s attention and have to witness it being thrown at someone else,” you say quietly. “It doesn’t feel good now, does it?”
“No, no it doesn’t,” Duncan responds just as quietly.
“We’re sorry, Y/N,” Jim tells you, and you see the genuineness in his eyes. “We–We didn’t mean to make you feel like that. It’s in our charm, I guess.”
“Michael’s just as charming, but you don’t see him calling every living thing pretty or allowing them to touch him in front of their lover,” you state, and that gets them to be quiet.
“What can we do?” Duncan whispers as he looks into your eyes, hands itching to grab you and hold you tightly. “How can we make this better?”
“We’ll do anything,” Jim promises, his voice gentle and holding sadness.
You sigh quietly and wrap your arms around yourself. You look up at Michael, and he offers you a nod and a small smile. You bite your bottom lip and shrug.
“There’s nothing more to do,” you respond. “I just want to know where you lie in this relationship.”
Duncan takes a final step forward and cups your cheeks gently in his warm hands. His thumbs wipe the tear streaks away.
“From the bottom of my heart, I will love you to the day I die. There will be no other person besides you, Michael, and Jimmy. I mean that with every bone in my body,” Duncan whispers and presses a soft kiss to your lips that always has you blushing pink.
When you pull away, Jim immediately wraps his arms around you tightly. Your hands rest on his tense back as he buries his face in your neck.
“I need you in my life,” his voice breaks. “You’re the reason why I’m alive. I need you all in my life. Please don’t leave me.”
“I’m not leaving you,” you softly say in his ear, one hand curling through his hair. “You just act stupid sometimes. Even Michael.”
They all laugh quietly as Jim pulls away and wipes his tears. He kisses your lips and cheeks gently, never wanting you to be in pain again because of his actions. Michael and Duncan make eye contact and share a nod of approval. There’s always a solution to every problem in your relationship. And you’ll be forever happy that you have these three men in your life.
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yumenosakiacademy · 6 years
metr0c0n 2k18 thursday
hewwo!! first day over aa.. this is 4 future me, but i suppose u can read it~? cosplayed: tsumiki (sd/r2)
started off the day rly eqsy bc apparently the lunch rush traffic was held back by a crash? i left after eating some cereal n packing n stucc n dad n i listened to The Eagles on the way there n i got all Registered then walked around for a lil while until my DD/lC panel. i saw a shiki (s1dem) tho n went “!!? bc i didnt think id see any s1dem cosplays here this weekend but!! oh i also saw my old friend Lynds (still cosplaying casual rapunzel like last year) n we talked abt how we became more depressed over junior year n how, when she went to d!sney trvia, she should just start singing tangled songs bc thatd b “a power move” n “have big dick energy” lol 
so anyway i went to the panel n it was just all of us writing poetry in near silence then sharing em n some ppl had serious poems or short dumb ones or funny ones n the joker/akira next 2 me wrote a rly good poem abt akira!! i wrote one abt a beast pouncing on someone in the woods n devouring em, w each line as 6 syllables! then shared one of my old poems abt my negative thoughts regarding my weight then the panel ended soon enough! 
then i got 2 walk around for 2 hrs.... i rly just kind of circled the dealer’s room n sometimes the con floor n i visited the idol table but only rly found one shinou keychain i wanted so.. oh1 a tsumiki i emt turned out 2 b the mei i befriended like 2 years ago at the con tho! n i was like “aaa it’s nice 2 see u again!” n they had the junkrat too (the junkrat wasnt junkrat tho, i just mean it was the same guy as the junkrat i befriended back then w the mei) HOWEVER at an itabag booth, i thought the person running it w pink hair looked like tori n i was like “oh my god r u cosplaying tori?” n they went “yea! n this is my Eichi!” n pointed 2 their fellow booth runner n i was so excited n asked 4 their pic n the eichi had 2 put on their jacket (they were the dance gcha versions) n i was like “oh my gosh dude i luv ES i was actually gonna go as tsukasa today we coulda been the rich kid trio omg” n i showed them my ES buttons/straps then left n a while after, i met a komaeda n took their pic n we talked abt despair n DR n joked around n hs was brought up n he apparently has a jake engl!sh cosplay at home n we were just joking around for a while abt DR n hs n h!veswap n stuff until i parted ways 2 go back 2 the dealer’s room. before that in the dealer’s room, i met a homare n after my pic i said “uhm.. prec/ure, thank you for saving everyone!!”  n found that kind of cute. a junko also took selfies w me aa.
i also met an aoba n took their pic n told them abt the official english localization coming soon n they were stoked bc they didnt kno abt it b4 n they told me there was a noiz at the con too so i was like “!!” n i eventually found them n apparently they were semi-new to the dm/md fandom? they said they were Late but i told them abt the localization too. while i was talking to the noiz, some lady at a nearby artist booth was like “are those ur real nails? omg can i take a pic” so i let her photograph my hands n we talked abt nails n how she usually kept hers long but has to cut em shorter for cons bc they break at cons due to the lifting she has to do n stuff.
the LL panel!! we mostly asked the 3 ooc questions abt idols n stuff after they did their trivia and dances. speaking of trivia, i won a d!sney villain lanyard, makkach!n sticky notes, n p0kem0n socks bc i answered like. 4-5 questions right haha some of the questions were rly easy tho sooo
then i walked around More. i explained to a group that i was giving out lollipops bc mikan’s a nurse n lollipops r like a doctor n the yukine went “i kno ur source ur no-!” n i went “i kind of am! but ur right, maybe im kind of like junko;’s mistress...” i saw a pregame saihara, kaede, n maki n when i gave them shots 4 their lollipops, i said “saihara, maybe thisll cure ur depression!” on impulse but jtggth. I ALSO MET A REI COSPLAYER n i was like “aaaa i luv ES hewwo... reiPs united” n they were like “im actually not a reiP, but ppkt hink since i cosplay him that im one haha. im a ritsuP but i cosplay rei bc who loves ritsu the most? rei!” n we talked abt events n how u have 2 try rly hard n they said that ppl think the next gacha or event will b leo n i was like “the knightsP are already Here...” n i said that if happyele brought out chiaki i’d die but b Ready n then we started talking abt how chiaki is so effing GOOD n ryuse!ta! being Good Boys n they were like “i wouldnt cosplay ryuse!ta! but chiaki, maybe... yknow, i actualy dont like subaru that much bc hes rude/cold to chiaki tbh.” n i was like “also arashi” n they went “...dont like him.” n then “how/why could/would anyone reject chiaki’s hugs?? they say he’s sweaty but like, ill hug tou so much dude” n i was like “YEA id hug him a thousand times over” n i was like “yknow how he pats anzu’s head n says good girl i wish that were me.. but hes so Good” n they were like “he obviously drops hints at anzu, saying things like ‘haha well this could/would happen If You were My Girffriend...’” n i was like “YEA the boy isnt Subtle.. he’d b like ‘wow i wish i could have a gf that could make me a bento.. wink.wink. oh, anzu u can cook? [scoots closer] hm. that’s-” they had 2 leave after a minute but ANYWAY they said they were gonna b kanzaki on saturday n im READY
THEN the whose line panel! it was RLY funny but writing all the details would take FOREVER okay.. im not that dedicated. maybe another time, kay? anyway, i saw a farz n a vincent n took their pic n went “oh, did yall see/kno there was a lawrence here earlier?” n the vincent pointed to farz n said “that was them” n they said “that was me haha...” n i went “...oh my GOD im so effing stupid i cant remember faces well im so sorry” but anyway the panel was funny n for the prompt “things u say abt ur cosply but not ur s/o”, i went up n i said “i could prob buy this for cheap...” then for “cheesy promomercials for anime characters” i said “welcome to kyu/bey’s magcal girls! u can become a magical girl w a low price. our prices r so low, but dont lose ur Head over em!” 
anyway i didnt kno the panel was 2 hours but i left a lil after halfway thru to go to the fr33! anel n they did trivia (i didnt get any of the questions.. i got CLOSE on a question tho. they said, “in 50 off who was nagisas boss” n i said “master dave” but it was “easter dave” so the other person got the prize (it was a poster or a button, idk) n i chose the number 5 for the dare n had it w rei, n rei had to propose to a random audience member n they nervously proposed to a hanayo n it was funny hehe. i also asked truth/dare 6 w nagisa n it was “whats ur dream/dream job” n he said an astronaut who’s also a penguin farmer pff anyway it was fun!! i also asked what if they were to b idols n i think rei said hed b the costume designer? i also asked if they could rap freestyle n they said “we’ll take a hard pass on that one haha”n i was like “hehe its fine i was Joking”
then i kind of loitered around blasting hypm!c songs then st down until i had 2 go hooome!! TIME 2 GO 2 BED
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