#she said before that she should have one april first. fuckin. april fools day. tomorrow. although bc of easter today it might be the 2nd
be-good-to-bugs · 6 months
love my tooth getting worse and worse at the same time im waiting on an answer. like wow if the answer is bad then its just that much more devastating :) yay
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misfitgirlwrites · 6 years
Chapter One: Way Back
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*clasps hands together and sighs* Okay so listen. I honestly was going to drop this fic but it won’t leave my head so here I am. This is the first chapter and I have more in mind but it’s a real process combing through this brain of mine *finger guns* enjoy please! I know the first chapter of things is more introductory but feedback is well appreciated! @thedragonkween Thanks for letting me tag you!
        "You're really coming here? For me?"
        "Well, why wouldn't I?" Keri kept the phone pressed between her ear and shoulder as she drove down the street, "I couldn't chill in Baltimore knowing your situation. And as you know, I've been itching to leave Maryland. Now I'm gonna text you the address once I'm finished at the station."
        "What are you going there for?"
        "Just to check in and ensure everything will be in place. You can never be too sure." Keri parked in front of the station and her stomach sunk a bit. Working in new places always made her nervous. Even if it's the same job.
        "Okay, then I'll meet you at the station."
        "Alright! See you soon then~"
        "You don't know how excited I am to see you in person, Keri."
        "I'm excited to see you too, Emma. Now let me go make my presence known. I'll see you soon." Keri hung up her phone and got out of her car, walking into the police station. She moved some blonde hair from her face as she walked up to the desk.
        "Hello. How may I help you?" The woman behind the desk gave a warm smile.
        "Hi! I'm Keri Jenison. I'm expected?"
        The woman blinked a few times before nodding, "Of course. Captain Fowler is waiting for you in his office. Welcome to the DPD, Detective Jenison."
        "Thank you," Keri glanced at the woman's name tag, "Tracey. Nice to meet you." She nodded before walking to the glass doors and going through.
        Keri fixed her plaid skirt, then made her way to Captain Fowler's office. She felt eyes on her but didn't pay it any mind as she walked into the office.
        "Hello, captain. Guess who made it to Detroit?" She gained his attention and he gave a nod.
        "Good to see that you made it here safe. We need a hardworking detective on homicide."
        Keri chuckled, "Well I was one of the best. Let's hope I can keep that going here. I dropped by to pick up my badge and gun, but I planned on showing up early tomorrow. Who will I be working with?"
        "Lieutenant Anderson and Connor.  Detective Reed on occasions."
        "...Just Connor? No last name?" Keri asked.
        "He's an android."
        "Oh, I see," She smiled, "Well hopefully I can meet them?"
        "Reed should be here, but it's pretty early and Anderson doesn't come in early."
        "...Captain, it's...12:30 in the afternoon..."
        Captain Fowler looked at Keri with a knowing look, "Tell him that." He shook his head, sitting her gun and badge on his desk, "We'll have your desk ready by tomorrow."
        "Alright. Thanks, Cap, I'll see you tomorrow." Keri dismissed herself and left his office. She noticed a few people at the bottom of the steps and raised an eyebrow. She didn't appreciate the way one of the men was looking at her. It was more of a glare.
        "So you're the new detective coming in from Baltimore?" He asked.
        Keri gave a small nod, "..Yup, That's me."
        She watched him as he crossed his arms and squinted his eyes, "No wait, I think I've seen you somewhere before..."
        Keri raised an eyebrow,"...Where?"
        "You were an extra on The Wire, weren't you?" He asked.
        Keri's posture slumped a bit out of annoyance as a few officers chuckled.
        "Everyone in Baltimore was on that show, right? I'm sure you were always busy there."
        "Alright, I walked into that one. Very funny." Keri put on a smile, "What's next? Ya think I was in the Baltimore Riots. At least I was alive when those happened."
        "You said, it not me."
        Keri squinted her eyes, "...Please don't tell me you're Detective Reed, holy shit. Listen, bud. I get it," the blonde stepped a bit closer, "You're afraid you're gonna lose your job. We're going to be working together from time to time, you have nothing to be worried about--well, I shouldn't promise that."
        He glared at her bending down some, "You're the last person I have to be afraid of."
        "Well, you sure ain't actin' like it." Keri's tongue swiped across the inside of her cheek as her annoyance grew, "Try acting more professional to cover up your childish ass attitude, Reed. Then maybe you'll have me fooled."
        "Hey, hey! The hell's goin' on here?"
        Keri looked at the man who stood in front of her and her nose scrunched up from the smell of booze.
        "Mind your damn business, Hank."
        "Oh it's no big deal," Keri shrugged and smiled, "Detective Reed was just giving me a warm welcome, and I decided to return the favor."
        "Get out of here, Gavin. Why don't you get some fuckin' work done once." Hank ordered.
        Gavin scoffed and glanced up at Keri before leaving. Keri sighed before looking at Hank. "Keri Jenison, nice to meet you." She smiled.
        Hank looked at her, "...Yeah, Hank Anderson. Same to you." He mumbled before walking away.
        Keri watched him walk over to his desk then her eyes went to the man across from Hank before walking towards the two. She sat in the chair next to Hank's desk and spun around in it. She heard the older man sigh.
        "Is there anything I can help you with, Keri?" She could tell by Hank's tone that he was starting to get annoyed.
        "Well, Lieutenant," Keri stopped spinning and faced him, "I'm a transfer from the Baltimore Police Department. I'll be working with you two on homicide--assuming you're Connor." She looked over at the android who nodded. She could clearly see his LED now.
        "Yes, I am. A pleasure to meet you, Detective Jenison."
        Keri smiled, "The first polite person I've met since coming into the precinct."
        "Oh and I'm not nice?"
        "Well, you did walk away from me just a minute ago." Keri looked at Hank with raised eyebrows. She chuckled as he rolled his eyes.
        "Transferred from the BPD, huh? This place ain't any better." Hank sat back in his chair.
        "I can imagine. At least the people in my precinct were nice. Gavin's just a fuckin' treat, ain't he?"
        "Oh, you'll love him." Hank cooed in a sarcastic tone.
        "He has the audacity to ask if I was on The Wire, that little asshole." Keri crossed her arms.
        "What is that again?" Hank asked.
        Keri was about to answer, but Connor beat her to it, "The Wire was a show aired in 2002 based in Baltimore through the eyes of law enforcers. It was a crime drama."
        "What he said." Keri chuckled, "It talked about illegal drugs and all that shit. Some murders were based on true cases. Even now there are some idiots that think Baltimore is just like a TV show." She spoke loudly so Gavin could hear her. She heard him mumbled a bit and looked back at him, daring him to say something. They glared at each other.
        Hank chuckled, "Well, were you in it?"
        Keri turned around and raised an eyebrow, "Come on, Lieutenant. How old you ya think I am? Connor said it aired in 2002. It stopped in 2008. I was born in 2014," She grinned, "My mother was an extra."
        Hank laughed, shaking his head. "Alright, Ms. Sarcastic. Ya got jokes. I like that."
        "Thanks, I do this every day." Keri winked. Her phone vibrated and she looked at it. "Well, that's my cue. I'll see you two tomorrow." She stood and smiled, waving goodbye before walking away.
        Keri looked around once she was outside of the building and spotted Emma by her car, "Emma!"
        The android looked over at Keri and smiled, running towards her. They hugged each other tightly, laughing.
        "It's so good to see you! I still can't believe you came here for me!" Emma pulled away.
        "Well, I can't leave you on the streets! Now, let's beat the moving truck home, shall we?" Keri opened the passenger door for Emma.
        "We shall." The redhead responded, getting in the car.
        The house was a two story. A three bedroom, two bathroom with an attic and a basement, and Emma just loved the dark and light browns the house was painted in. Keri had already started to grab some boxes from the backseat of her car as Emma stared at the house in awe. Keri looked at Emma as her LED turned yellow.
        "...Keri, I promise I'll find a job. I'll help you pay the bills and--"
        "Don't stress yourself out about it, Emma. It's okay." Keri smiled, "Let's focus on unpacking, alright?"
        Emma smiled. Her LED spun, it went back and forth from yellow and blue, "Alright."
        "It is illegal to drive while under the influence, Hank. Me driving us home isn't a big deal."
        "Well--nobody told you I was ready to leave in the first place," Hank slurred as Connor pulled the car into the driveway.
        "You've had enough to drink for one night. It's almost eleven. You should rest." The android got out the car and helped Hank out as well.
Cause we go way back
Like Prince and Marvin Gaye
Like Southside on Sunday
Somethings don't ever change
Yeah, you and me
Cause we go way back--
        "Who the fuck has their music that loud?" Both Connor and Hank looked down the street to see that the source of the music was from a car parked two doors down. Someone was moving into the neighborhood.
        "I'll help them move in as a welcome."
        "Tell them to turn their music down while you're at it."
        "Will do, Hank."
        Keri huffed, dragging the dresser down from the moving truck, "This shit is so fucking heavy."
        She tried moving it again, but this time it lifted up. Keri blinked then looked up at the android on the other side of the dresser, "Connor?"
        "Hello, Detective."
        "You live in the area?"
        "Hank and I live two doors down."
        "Well what a fuckin' coincidence," Keri let out a laugh, "You don't have to--"
        "I insist. It's not a problem, though Hank would appreciate it if you turned your music down."
        "Oh shit! It is getting pretty late, isn't it? Emma! Can you turn the music down some?"
        Connor looked at the other woman. An FS300 model android, "You two live together?"
        "Yup!" Keri nodded.
        "As he helped her carry the dresser, he analyzed the song playing too.
        Wayback by TLC, featuring Snoop Dogg. Released April 13th, 2017.
        "Who is TLC?" Connor asked Keri.
        The blonde moved carefully, making sure not to trip on the porch step while going into the house, "A 90's group my mother showed me. This song was fairly recent though."
        "Do you enjoy their music?"
        "Oh yeah, I love it." Keri smiled, "90's music has a special place in my heart. You like any music?"
        Connor paused, thinking about the question, "I have listened to Jazz and Heavy Metal. I favor Jazz more." They made their way to the second floor.
        "Understandable." Keri backed into a room and sat the dresser down. "I'm not a Jazz person but I see why people like it." She dusted off her dresser, "Question while I'm thinking about it: Why is Gavin an asshole?"
        "Gavin can be unpleasant to work with. It's best to just ignore him." Connor explained.
        "Yeah, I'll try." Keri shook her head, "Are you sure you wanna help? I'm pretty sure Emma and I can--"
        "It doesn't hurt to lend a hand. Besides, we are going to be working together, I would like to get to know you."
        Keri smiled and nodded, "I'd like to get to know you and Hank too! You two are always welcome, as soon as I get this house together." She put her hands on her hips, "Ready to finish?"
        "Of course."
        After another hour and a half or so, Keri was asleep on the couch in the living room as Connor and Emma carried in the TV.
        "Thanks again for your help, Connor," Emma said as they sat the TV down.
        "It's no problem." Connor looked at Keri laid out on the couch, "I should head home."
        "Okay. I can handle it from here anyway." Emma moved to Keri, pushing her on the couch more to make sure she wouldn't fall.
        "If you don't mind me asking, how did you two meet?"
        Emma smiled, "On a website set up for people in need of help. She sent me money and we become close. She is my best friend."
        "I see," Connor nodded. Keri was a very kind person, "I'll be on my way."
        "Alright! See you around." Emma waved as Connor left.
        He made his way back to his home and looked into the living room to see Hank asleep on the couch with Sumo on top of him. Connor pet Sumo and gave him a scratch behind the ears before moving him off of Hank.
        "You should be in your bed, Hank." Connor lifted the man up and he groaned.
        "I tried waiting for you but you took forever," Hank slurred.
        "There was no need to do that." Connor helped Hank in bed and made sure to leave a glass of water on the dresser. Connor looked at Hank as he fell asleep again, "Good night, Hank." He made his way back to the living room.
Well, here it is! The first chapter of hopefully something decent!
Tags: @thedragonkween
Shoot me an ask or a message if you want to be tagged in the next chapter!
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intimatevoid · 7 years
Stolen from @littledonkeyburrito, as usual~
1. Do you prefer guys to shave down there? I have no preference. As long as the hair isn't making things difficult, like getting caught in hands and toys and teeth, he can do what he wants.
2. Do you prefer liquid, mousse or powder foundation? Why? I don’t really think about it because I don't wear foundation. My skin's clear enough that I don't need it, and even if it wasn’t, I wouldn’t wear it because I would sweat it off in minutes. (Setting spray? I destroy setting spray ;A; it’s the worst.)
3. How much does your mother know about your sex life (or lack thereof)? Next to nothing, I guess. All she knows is that I've been with Ash for a while, and that I was with Seb for a while too.
4. Do you enjoy watching cooking shows? Not really. Like if one's on in a waiting room or something then I'll absently watch, but if I have any say in the matter then I don't know watch them.
5. Do you worry about gaining weight? Only if it affects my health somehow. Aside from a recent fluctuation from hormonal fuckery, I can usually do whatever I want without my weight changing at all.
6. Have you ever used fake tan? Nah, I've never needed to. I tan really dark, really quickly.
7. How do you organize your make-up? I just put different kinds into little ziplock bags to keep them from getting lost in my makeup bag. Pens in one, eye-shadow and eye brushes in the other.
8. Do you ever look at someone cute, and automatically make a move? Hahaha, holy fuck, I would never have confidence in my own desirability to do something like that. What would the point even be?
9. Do you live in a house, apartment, or another type of arrangement? An apartment, but I’m hoping like crazy that later this year I’m able to move into a house.
10. What’s one event your town has that you don’t like to participate in? Toowoomba has the Carnival of Flowers. I usually avoid it because it’s too hot, and too noisy.
11. Are any of your siblings married? What are their spouses’ names? Nope, though Clare (the bitchy, transphobic one) is engaged to a lovely guy named Simon who deserves so much better.
12. Does your father have any creepy or scary friends you don’t like? I haven’t spoken to my dad in years. I haven’t spoken to any of his friends in even longer. Though he’s all about being friends with Jesus, who certainly creeps me the fuck out. Does he count?
13. Do you watch any shows that you know your parents wouldn’t approve of? Ha! Literally anything that’s not conservative or whatever, they would disapprove.
14. What venue was the last real concert you went to at? Some concert hall in Brisbane, I don’t remember what it’s called.
15. Does your best friend and their mom have the same last name? Yes, no, no, yes, and half plus their dad’s last name.
16. What color is your cellphone? Black.
17. Are you currently waiting for a phone call? From whom? No, thank fuck.
18. Do you have any drugs in your bedroom? No
19. Is there a feature on your face that people compliment you on? Sometimes my eyes or my skin.
20. What are your plans for the rest of the week? Nothing, thank fuck. This past week has been exhausting and I am grateful for the chance to finally fucking rest.
21. How many studded belts do you own? None.
22. Has your partner ever had braces? I don’t think so?
23. What have you eaten today?

 A sandwich, and some spicy noodles.
24. What’s your favourite thing to do? Quietly spend socially antisocial time with loved one/s, perhaps gaming or reading, gently touching but otherwise not interacting.
25. Did you wear a jacket today? Lord no, it’s way too hot.
26. Have you kissed more than two people of the same sex? Eyyyup!
27. How many times have you had sex in one day? Twice I think? Or maybe only once. I don’t have sex very often.
28. Did you exercise at all today? Nope, but I’m scheduled for it tomorrow.
29. Would you ever move far away for a job opportunity? Only if the new location was geographically close to somebody I care about. I’ve worked too fucking hard on my relationships to waste it all by distancing myself from any more of my loved ones.
30. Are you too shy/embarrassed to tell people your middle name? Negatory.
31. If not, what is it? No bc internet, but anyone who knows me well will know it anyway.
32. What day of the week is garbage day on your street? I always forget the exact day; it’s either Tuesday or Wednesday.
33. What is something new you learned today? That it’s possible to complete Dark Souls without ever levelling up.
34. Do you need a haircut? Not a full haircut, but I do need a trim. It’s been about six months since my last one and my split ends are insane.
35. Can you say the alphabet backwards? If I try, yeah.
36. When was the last time you ate popcorn? Too long ago! Probably during a D&D session.
37. Do you like eating out at restaurants? Cheap restaurants. The more expensive they get, the less I enjoy the atmosphere.
38. Is your name common? My first and middle names are semi-common, and my surname is very rare, at least in australia.
39. Do you look older or younger than your actual age? Before I transitioned, I was mistaken for up to ten years older. Now that I’ve transitioned, always younger.
40. Were you ever a Pokemon fan? Yus!
41. If you could get rid of one season, which one would you choose? Of which show?
42. Have you ever performed in front of a large group? A couple of times, yeah.
43. Are you hungry right now? Nah, I just ate.
44. Have you ever had the chicken pox? Nope. I should probably get vaccinated. 44. How often do you do laundry? About once a week.
45. Do you know anyone who snores? I do. It sucks, cause I used to not snore at all. Then randomly, about a year and a half ago, I just started snoring for no reason at all. 46. Would you make a good movie critic? I think, with some training, I could. I’m good at being analytical and critical of things. 47. What goal are you aiming for this year? 1) Move house in March/April, 2) yisit Dusty in May/June, and 3) build a computer in July when my tax return comes in! 48. What’s the farthest you’ve walked? In one day? Hard to say, I used to walk a lot but not so much anymore. 49. What does your favourite shirt look like? My current fave is just a plain black blouse. I like it because it goes with almost everything. 
... what? I’m poor, I don’t own much clothing. 50. What made you feel most accomplished in your life so far? Realising just how many people I’ve surrounded myself with who care about me. Realising that I’m going to be okay. 51. What can’t you afford but wish you could? BASIC LIVING REQUIREMENTS LIKE DECENT FOOD AND CLOTHING AND STUFF LIKE THAT
Last 10 people in your Facebook messages inbox: (excluding group chats)
1.       Moses
2.       Sage
3.       Ash
4.       Maz
5.       Kathryn
6.       Maddie
7.       Seb
8.       Chloe
9.       Tammy
10.     Ruin
1. How long have you known 1? Since the day he was born.
2. When did you meet 2? A few years ago, though we didn’t really talk til Miitomo became a thing.
3. When was the last time you saw 3? About half an hour ago.
4. Have you and 4 ever gotten into trouble together before? Oh ho ho, have we ever.
5. How old is 5? 31? I think?
6. Have you ever taken a shower at 6’s house? Nope, I’ve never been to her place at all.
7. Have you ever taken a dump at 7’s house? Haha, yeah.
8. Have you ever thought about going out with 8? Mmmmmmmaybe :3
9. What about 9? Not going out, but we’ve fooled around together.
10. Would you ever go out with 10 or ask 10 out? I actually used to want to, but now we’ve settled into a much more satisfying dynamic.
11. What’s the best memory you have had with 1? No specific ones, but watching him start animating from scratch and achieve great things has been amazing.
12. What’s 2′s lastname? nooooot my place to spill it on the internet :P
13. Would you ever take a bullet for 3? Maybe. It’s hard to say without the situation actually happening.
14. What would you do if 4 died? I’d be pretty fuckin’ sad.
15. What would you do if you found out 5 killed someone that you were related to? Depends on who it was. I’m not very close to most of my relatives.
16. Would you take care of 6 if they were sick? Of course, assuming she was close enough to do so.
17. Would you kill 7 if it was the only way for your other friends to survive? Yep. Sorry dude. If it’s any consolation, I’d say the same for literally everyone else on this list.
18. Has 8 ever cooked for you? She has not, on account of her living half a world away. But we have promised to cook for each other when we finally meet!
19. How many times have you and 9 fought? I don’t think we ever have.
20. Have you and 10 ever cried together? I don’t think at the same time, but we’ve each had times where we cried with the other, yeah.
21. Have you and 1 ever kissed? Ew. No. He’s my brother.
22. Do you ever dream of 2? They’ve been in my dreams once or twice before.
23. Is 3 a boy? Nope.
24. Does 4 have any kids? Noooope.
25. Do you want to marry 5? Nah, I don’t think we’re really suited for that. 26. How did you meet 1? it all started when my mother gave birth to him
27. What was your first impression of 2? meme master 28. Would you ever date 3? I currently am dating 3! 29. Are 4 and 5 friends? They have never met.
30. Who is 6 going out with? Nobody at all. 31. Is 7 a boy or girl? It feels weird calling him a “boy”. He is a man. 32. What would you think if 8 became your stepbrother/sister? I would wonder how the fuck her parents 1) met mine, and 2) didn’t despise each other 33. Is #9 a dork? Of course, and I love that about her.
34. What is a random fact about #10? They make incredibly tasty vanilla custard. 35. Who does #1 have a crush on? Probably his girlfriend 36. Does #2 have any stalkers? Alas, I think they do, though hopefully they’ve all fallen away by now 37. If #3 said they were in love with you, what would you say? I would say it back to them, and we would kiss, because it is already common knowledge that this is a thing.
38. Is #4 hot? My sister is an incredibly gorgeous lass and anyone she fell for would be very lucky to be with her ^_^ 39. Who is #5 best friends with? Her sister, I think. 40. Does #6 have good fashion sense? I don’t think she tries to, but she certainly doesn’t look bad or anything. Her hair is excellent for sure. 41. Is #7 single? He is not! He started dating a lovely lady recently, which was delightful to hear. Hopefully I get to meet her in a couple of weeks. 42. Would #8 and #9 make a cute couple? Ahahaha, I think they’d drive each other up the wall.
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