#she specifically said that to elevate my cortisol levels
whereforarthur · 4 years
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Requested by anonymous asked: Maybe a Spencer Reid x reader where the reader works at the day care that Spencer comes in and picks up Henry from time to time! Just sweet lil interactions until he finally asks her out :) I love your work!
Taglist: @thatsonezesty13 @slutforthegubes @hazel-howell @rachelssafespace @lindaze @babyswiftie-13​ @amofbebbanburg
Requests are Closed!
Category: FLUFF
Couple: Spencer Reid x Reader
Warnings: Just Pure fluff!
Word Count: 1,446
“Tell Me and I Forget; Teach Me and I May Remember; Involve Me and I Learn” - Benjamin Franklin
“I just want to make sure that you picked a good daycare for Henry.” Spencer exclaimed to JJ for what felt like the thousand times that day. “Children who spend time in day care could be more socially aware than children who spend no time in day care. According to Reuters, a 2010 study by the U.S. National Institutes of Health showed that children who attended a high-quality daycare were less likely to act out, in part because of the support, interaction and cognitive stimulation received there, and you want Henry to be socially aware, right, JJ?”
“Yes, of course I do, Spence is that even a question, “ JJ rolled her eyes at the question but knew that Spencer had Henry’s best interest in mind and that he wasn’t trying to be an asshole towards her. She also knew that he wouldn’t get off her back until he had proof that it was a good daycare. So she had an idea.
“Why don’t you pick Henry up from daycare at 4:00 so you can see if it is up to the Spencer Reid standard of excellence.” JJ told him, immediately a smile spread across Spencer's face. “Yes, yes that I can do and if it's not up to my standard we could discuss some other options I have in mind. I have 10 different pamphlets on my desk.” Spencer stated and picked up his satchel and headed towards the elevator noticing that the time was 3:30.
“Pamphlets!?!?” JJ sighed and shook her head knowing that she couldn’t stop Spencer from doing his research on a daycare center, even though she had only mentioned looking into one a month ago. 
But there was no stopping Dr. Spencer Reid from doing his research. But, deep down JJ knew that there was something special about this specific daycare center, no not something, someone.
Someone that Henry came home every day raving about and would sometimes even ask JJ if she could come home with him.
Spencer parked his care outside of Laugh n' Learn Academy gratefully that he was right on time and not a second late. He never liked to be late especially for something as important as making sure his godson went to a good daycare center.
Spencer was as determined as even to tell JJ that after his inspection the center was not up to his standards but, as soon as he entered the building his whole demeanor changed. There was something about walking inside that just made him feel happy and safe, a feeling that he had not felt in a very long time.
And that’s when he spotted Henry laughing and running around with the other children, his eyes looking around the playpen looking for someone and when he spotted his target he ran his little legs right over to her and jumped into her arms.
And that was when Spencer spotted you, it felt like the world had stopped rotating and in that moment it was just him and her the gorgeous stranger that was holding on to his godson with such love and affection, and in that moment Spencer wished that she was the one that he was holding.
You looked up to see what had distracted Henry, hearing him repeat over and over again “Uncle Spencer, Uncle Spencer!” and saw him looking and he felt his knees give out and nearly fell, he had to hold on to the reception desk to stop himself from falling over. She smiled at him as she put Henry down on the ground so he could run to his Uncle, that JJ had called earlier about to you that he was picking him up instead of her, JJ had also warned you about him saying that he was an odd taste but, you would get used to him.
But, you don’t think she was warning you about the way your body felt when you looked at him, you had never felt a feeling like this before. You felt like you were dying and he was the cure, you were the sunflower and he was the sun, he was the moon to your sun. 
The missing piece to your puzzle, your other half, your soulmate.
You finally got yourself together and brought yourself back to Earth and away from the fantasies that played in your head and walked over to the beautiful stranger, that you hoped wouldn’t be a stranger for long.
“Uncle Spencer, this is my teacher Miss y/n, she’s my favorite!!!” the little boy was excited for two of the most important people in the world (besides his parents and his godmother, Penelope) to finally meet.
“Dr. Spencer Reid, it’s a pleasure to meet you JJ called me earlier to let me know that you were picking up Henry, although she didn’t tell me much about you, I’m hoping we could change that soon.” You flirted with him a blush creeping up on both your faces, you never were so bold in your flirtations (especially not at work) but something about this man changed that. All you wanted to do was know more about him, you felt a magnetic pull towards him as soon as he walked into the room.
Spencer didn’t even know what to say, which was a first to him since he was always spurting out random facts and anecdotes. So that is what he did. 
“Did you know that in a study conducted by the Institute of Child Development at the University of Minnesota, children under age 3 who spend time in day care may experience more stress than children of the same age who are not in day care. Children in the study exhibited higher levels of cortisol, a stress hormone, when they were in the middle of full days at day care; the cortisol levels went down when they went back home. Those children were described as being more shy, a trait which could cause stress in a social environment. However, day care might not be the only cause of the stress; children inevitably must participate in some social environments once they reach elementary school-age.” As soon as he finished his rant embarrassment took over his whole body sputtering apology after apology.
All you did was giggle, which was a sound that Spencer could never stop listening to and wanted to hear on repeat, but he was also confused on why you were laughing but, before he could ask you answered his question. Like you had already known what he was going to say.
“You know JJ did tell me about your little rants, but I must say that was amazing and I know that you have the best interest in mind when it comes to your godson but, look at him Spencer does he look stressed out to you?” You asked him as you both peered over at Henry who had gone back to playing with his friends, a giant smile spread about his face as he waved at you both before he went back to playing. 
You weren't just some mindless worker only doing this job for money, you did this because you loved kids and watching them grow and develop and one day you hoped to open up your own daycare center. And Spencer had finally realized this, he knew that he would tell JJ as soon as they left that this center did in fact meet his standard of excellence.
But, he wasn’t going to tell her the real reason he had given the daycare his seal of approval.
From that moment on Spencer was a familiar face you saw when he had the chance to pick up Henry. You both lived for the couple minutes a day that both of you were together, because when you were together it felt as if time was at a stand still.
After what felt like weeks of Spencer picking up Henry and only talking to you for a couple of minutes before he made his quick escape, too worried that he was going to embarrass himself in front of you. He had finally gathered up the courage to ask you on a date.
And when he did it just felt right, like everything that had happened in your life had finally led up to that specific moment in time, and you couldn’t stop yourself from being overcome with joy at his question that you, of course, said yes without even thinking twice. 
And from that moment on, you and Spencer were inseparable, two halves that were finally put together, you were meant for him and he was meant for you.
I cannot say that I ultimately believe at love at first sight. What I do believe in is that there are certain people who have chemistry between them.
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arigatouiris · 5 years
Catching Feelings — Connor [00]
Pairing: Deviant! Connor x Reader
Word Count: 1990
Warnings: None so far, more to come.
Author’s Note: I fell in love with Connor the moment I first laid my eyes on him. He’s such an interesting character to know and play as, and through his development, I started to question the same things he probably was too. And I guess some of that questioning will surface in this fic! Do tell me what you think about this, it’d mean a lot to me. 
Also, those who want to be on the taglist, just send me an ask~
Summary: His name is Connor.
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Prologue: Coffee
It was the first choice that Connor had ever made for his own benefit. Sure, solving that case mattered to him, and even if it was something integrated into his programme, Connor gave all his time and effort into figuring out where Jericho was and where the deviants were.
However, what he didn't understand was how a community began. 
Connor’s entire perception was fuelled from the inputs Amanda had registered in his programming, and when it all changed, he barely had enough time to get accustomed to this new version of himself. Freeing the androids mattered more to him all of a sudden, he felt like he was one of them, he felt like there was a reason to his growing empathy, to his confusion; to every question he had ever been seeking, he had finally understood that there were answers. 
He didn’t know what the answers were, but he had finally allowed himself to finally acknowledge those questions.
Deviancy worked on each android differently. Some androids developed a different personality from how they used to be when they were owned by humans. Some androids took a lot more time trying to figure out what freedom to them actually meant. Some androids sought family, and shelter, yearned for the feeling of love and wanted to spread it amongst themselves. Some androids wanted to see the world, to explore it and learn of its mysteries, things that the internet could not tell them. 
And then there was him. 
Stuck in what seemed like an endless reverie with no way out; it was as if he was thrown in the middle of a path that he could not navigate from. Everything seemed new and it was because Amanda had been such a big part of his programming, Connor found it hard to still disobey orders. 
Now, his reach changed. 
Now, because of his new job, if anyone had asked Connor for something, he had to do it. Wasn’t this what freedom of choice meant? Not listening to just one person?
Connor found himself terrified mostly when he said no. It was something he wasn’t too used to, he was a walking amalgamation of all the things he believed he had to stop at one point, and here he was, trying to thrive.
     “Hey Connor,” Hank’s voice alerted his thoughts, and he realized he was just blankly staring at the monitor screen. “Can you grab me a cup of coffee?”
He stood up instinctively, although Hank did not mean it like an order. Hank merely asked, and he would have understood a ‘no’ for an answer; yet, it was impossible, Connor believed, to say no. 
     “I’ll be back with your coffee, Lieutenant.” 
Connor rushed to the coffee machine, trying to avoid conversation in the way. He didn’t have to, but he did; his job now was to get Hank a cup of coffee. He knew exactly how Hank wanted his coffee, dark and one sugar. In his hurry, he blanked out on everything else. 
Now, perhaps, it is because Connor hadn’t the slightest clue on what freedom actually meant did he try and find it everywhere. Perhaps, he believed, following through on the orders inside his head meant slavery, but outside was fine. Maybe, he believed, deviancy worked this way on him, and what he had to focus on was his job and identity. 
What are you really, Connor?
My name is Connor. I’m the android sent by—
He stopped dead in his tracks, halfway near the coffee shop. His abrupt pause did not alert anyone around him; the police station was bustling with cops minding their own business. Even Gavin had somewhere he had to be, people he needed to meet, job that he needed to do. Connor couldn’t categorise within his head the ideology behind his pause right then, all he was thinking about was who he was.
He could ponder all day and night and yet not arrive on an answer. It had been fourteen days in specific since Jericho rose as an individual organisation, taking pride in freeing androids from being slaves. They were now recognised as a new intelligent life form, a new race among one of the oldest races on earth. 
He could ponder all the time and yet, Connor had no clue.
My name is Connor. I’m a deviant.
He could make the perfect cup of coffee for anyone who needed one. He was programmed to do what the humans asked him to, he was going to do it. If there were other androids who were much more comfortable being themselves, falling in love, figuring out their identities differently, running mafias and businesses, exploring the world, here was Connor—just simply doing his job.
As if he had figured it out, a cheeky smile appeared on his features. He was catching along, he was learning now—he would give Hank his coffee because he wanted to. Human beings do this to each other, they give each other favours, an interesting exchange that resembled an unofficial transaction. He turned on his toe, with the perfect cup of coffee in his hand, and took three steps forward.
An instant arrived a second later that created all the difference in Connor’s life as a free android. He believed giving Hank this cup of coffee was him finding closure in becoming his own version of deviant. He believed by doing something that he was told to do, because he wanted to do it, would give his life purpose and meaning.
He did not, for even a second, consider the possibility of dropping the perfect cup of coffee.
It magically spilled all over him, the heat of which could have caused third degree burns on a human being. But, he was not human, and he was spared the burning that the coffee could have caused him. Connor felt an emotion he had deciphered the other day when Sumo walked away from him after he called after the dog. 
     “Oh, no.” Connor said, his hands falling to his side.
     “I am so sorry!” A shrieking voice apologised to him. 
He took a double take. Connor’s gaze lifted to the small person in front of him, who had fallen down after having bumped into him. Considering the speed with which the person was walking, and their gaze having been shifted elsewhere and not ahead of them, they had bumped into Connor blindly and fell backwards. 
But, he took another take.
This woman had apologised to him?
     “You just apologised to me.” 
The woman looked up at him as if he was covered in muck. She was wearing a white blouse with black trousers, her hair was neatly kept behind her, and she had strangely bright (e/c) eyes. She was now frowning at him, and Connor did himself the favour and scanned her for any injuries.
     “Your vitals display elevated levels of cortisol. You’re stressed.”
     “D-Did… Did it not burn you?” She asked him, still on the ground.
Connor had learned this from a kind lady near one of Hank’s regular bars. There was something called courtesy. He leaned forward and gave her a hand, shocking her seemingly, and helped her to her feet.
     “Thank you.” She mumbled, brushing her clothes.
     “The surface of my skin is set to endure far stronger circumstances. A coffee spill causes literally no damage,” She looked at him like he was retarded. “You thankfully do not have any coffee stains on your clothing.” Connor said, smiling.
She looked up at him sadly for a moment, and then her gaze shifted to the cup that was on the ground.
     “I am really sorry about your coffee.”
Connor shook his head, “This wasn’t for me. I don’t drink coffee. It was for Lieutenant Anderson. I can make another—”
     “No, no. Let me. I owe you this.”
Connor was confused. He watched her walk ahead of him and begin making the coffee. Instead of pressing the function for ‘Espresso’, she pressed ‘Water’. Connor blinked before heading near her and standing behind her. Maybe she was making something else for herself first.
But then she stopped. She picked the warm cup of water and held it in her hands, staring at it. Connor blinked and continued to watch her, wondering if all her movements, despite seeming like utter cluelessness, had a reason behind them.
Her vitals were increasing again. There was a sudden increase in capillary blood flow in her skin, especially around the ear and cheek region; Connor had learned of this just the other day. It was called—
     “You’re blushing.”
Her eyes widened and she turned to him as if she was surprised. Connor could read that her heart rate was increasing, and cautiously stepped back two steps, not wanting to scare her or stress her out more. 
     “Are you alright? Your heart rate has elevated—”
     “I… I don’t know how to make coffee.”
Connor blinked. Then why had she offered to make it?
     “You offered to make coffee. I don’t understand why you would do that if you didn’t know how to make coffee.”
She pressed her lips together and was now playing with her fingers. Connor observed her every movement, intrigued with what she was doing and why she was doing them. What intrigued him more was how she had no clue why she was doing them either.
     “It’s my first day here, detective.”
No one had called him detective before. He felt warm, all of a sudden, and felt the need to thank her. But, she was not done.
     “I-I’m so nervous! I’m usually called butterfingers, but t-this is a whole new level!”
Connor merely blinked at her. A whole new level of what?
     “I am having difficulty comprehending your words, Miss?”
Hank had advised him not to scan people for their names without their permission. He told Connor that it was taking away from the whole introducing each other aspect of being human. Connor wanted to respect that level of intimacy that strangers would often exchange in.
     “(l/n). (y/n). (y/n) (l/n).” She fumbled, and her face was turning red again.
Connor gulped. He felt like whatever he had seen her doing, he wanted to see more of. She was intriguing in a way that Sumo was.
     “Nice to meet you, Miss (l/n). My name is Connor. I’m—”
                                  S ᴏ ғ ᴛ ᴡ ᴀ ʀ ᴇ ○ I ɴ s ᴛ ᴀ ʙ ɪ ʟ ɪ ᴛ ʏ ▲
To him, he hadn’t made a sound. But what he let out right then resembled a very human sound. A gasp.
My name is Connor. I’m the android sent by Cyberlife.
He shook his head, feeling like everything he had understood up until now was a lie. Who was he? What was he? What does it mean being free?
He felt a pair of hands on his shoulder that woke him up. Androids don’t even sleep, so this was a first for him. His eyes were wide and he stared at (l/n), who looked at him worriedly.
     “Are you okay, Connor?”
He heard nothing. Everything around him was merely white noise now, all he could see and focus on was this person in front of him, who had called him by his name.
She had called him by his name and had answered a very important question.
     “I’m sorry about that. My name is Connor. I work with Lieutenant Anderson. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
(y/n) smiled up at him and nodded once, and extended her hand forward, offering to shake Connor’s hand. However, what she hadn’t noticed was that she was holding a cup of water in her hands that she had now dropped all over Connor. He now had coffee stains and a cup of warm water on his shirt.
     “I am so sorry!”
Androids were not allowed to be dysfunctional. Connor had always understood that this aspect of nature was a flaw, it was something productivity could do without. And yet, as a soft chuckle broke out of him unawares, Connor had found something magnificent in her dysfunctionality.
series taglist: 
@ggukachuu​ @rainbowsithlord @pan-puff-pride​ @tanya-diggory​
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Can You FLOAT Your Way To Better Sleep?
The blog post Can You FLOAT Your Way To Better Sleep? is available on MWAV Blog
I had a patient in my office recently for an appointment, and she couldn’t wait to tell me about an experience she’d had. “I did my first float,” she said, her expression both excited and serene. She described the experience as nothing less than transformative. She’d been a little nervous at first, she said, but she found it surprisingly easy to relax, once she was floating in the pool of warm water, wrapped in silence and darkness. “It was the most amazing thing,” she confided. “I thought maybe I’d fallen asleep, but I was awake the whole time. My mind just went into a whole different place, somewhere so deeply peaceful. For once, I had no sense of time.” She went on to tell me she’d been trying to meditate for years, and floating brought her to what she felt was a meditative mindset she’d never been able to experience before. The calm and relaxation she felt after her float session stayed with her for some time. She had already booked her next appointment.
Float therapy has been around for decades, since the 1950s when scientists developed early flotation tanks. Since then, scientific inquiry into the effects and possible benefits of float therapy continued for many years without much notice from the broader scientific community or the public at large. But in recent years, interest in floating has really taken off. There’s been an uptick in scientific interest in and study of floating. And the general public is increasingly interested in the potential benefits of floating for mental and physical health. One way to tell? Float centers are popping up all across the country, places where people can schedule a float session like you’d book an appointment for a therapeutic massage.
With float therapy experiencing something of a breakthrough—and inspired by the conversation with my patient–now seems like the perfect time to take a look at floating, and how it may help improve sleep. I’ve been working as a scientific adviser to a company, True REST, that is working to make float therapy widely accessible. What I’ve learned about the potential benefits of floating for sleep—and the characteristics and benefits it shares with meditation, one of the most deeply sleep- and health-promoting practices—are really interesting and promising.
Ready to dive in?
What is floatation therapy?
Simply put, float therapy uses the act of floating in water, in a carefully controlled environment, to induce a deep state of relaxation. By significantly reducing the external presence of sensory information—that’s everything from sight, sound, and smell to touch, temperature, taste, sense of body position, and even sense of gravity—float therapy quiets activity in the central nervous system, and relaxes the body and mind.
In technical terms, floatation therapy is a form of what’s known as Reduced Environmental Stimulation Therapy, or REST. Floating dramatically limits the sources of external sensory stimulation for the mind and body to process. That spurs the brain and body to shift its attention away from outside stimuli, and opens up awareness of our internal states, mental and physical. Scientists have over years of study identified a broad range of therapeutic benefits of REST in treating mental and physical health problems, including anxiety disordersand post-traumatic stress disorder, ADHD, substance use disorder, insomniaand fibromyalgia.
The mental and physical state that can be achieved by floating is often compared, by both scientists and practitioners, to that of meditation. And as you’ll soon see, research investigating float therapy suggests it may deliver similar states of deep relaxation as those achieved by highly experienced meditation practitioners.
What are the health benefits?Scientific study suggests float therapy may be effective in relieving stress, reducing pain, alleviating anxiety and depression, enhancing cognitive performance creativity, boosting immune function—and yes, helping sleep. Like meditation, float therapy is a non-pharmacological intervention. (I wrote just recently about the latest FDA warnings about prescription sleep medication. While these medications can be useful in some cases, they’re not broadly best suited for widespread and long-term use. Natural, non-chemical therapies for sleep are critical agents in helping those of us with sleep problems rest better.)
How does floating work?
People who use floating speak of the sense of profound calm, focus and well being that accompanies the practice. How does floating in a pool of water lead people to a state of deep rest and refocusing?
The conditions for floating are created with specifically designed enclosures—sometimes tanks, pods, chambers, or pools. (Different float centers offer different types of structures for floating.) The float chamber is filled with water that’s heavily infused with Epsom salts. This intensely concentrated salt water serves a couple of important purposes. Highly concentrated salt water creates tremendous buoyancy, allowing the body to float, fully supported by the surrounding water, in conditions that mimic a near zero-gravity state. The heavily salt-infused water also contains high concentrations of magnesium. I’ll talk more about the potential benefits of magnesium in a moment.
Within the float chamber, the temperature of the air and water closely matches body temperature. Chambers are also light-proof and sound-proof. You lie on your back—floating without effort, thanks to that salty water. Float sessions typically last between 45-90 minutes.
As you might have gathered from my patient’s enthusiastic story of her experience, the experience of flotation can be, for many people, a profound one. Practitioners speak about the unprecedented relaxation and letting go physically that can occur. They also highlight the emotional and psychological effects, of leaving a float session feeling mentally renewed and refreshed, with a deep sense of serenity and peace. What’s transpiring in the brain and body to create such a sense of physical and mental transformation? Scientific research offers us some important clues.
How floating affects the body and mind
Though we’re still relatively early in scientific exploration and documentation of floating and its therapeutic benefits, there is a growing body of research that suggests the practice of float therapy creates a distinct series of physiological and psychological changes in the brain and body—changes that can benefit sleep, health, and daily performance. Here, I’ll highlight several those effects on the body. Keep in mind that we’ve still got a lot to learn about what floating does, and there may be more to come.
Floating can lower cortisol.Several studies have measured significant reductionsto cortisolin people after they’ve engaged in floating. Cortisol is a hormone with broad-reaching effects in the body. Cortisol is involved in regulating metabolism, and plays an important role in immune system functioning, in part by controlling inflammation. Maintaining healthy cortisol levels is key to protecting mental and physical health. Too often, cortisol levels run chronically high, thanks in large part to stress and poor sleep.
Cortisol is intricately connected to both stress and sleep. A stimulating, alerting hormone, cortisol—like other hormones—runs on a 24-hour bio clock in the body. Cortisol levels rise to their peak first thing in the morning, helping deliver us the alertness and energy we need to wake and start being active. While fluctuating throughout the day, cortisol gradually declines as evening approaches, reaching its lowest levels in the middle of the night. Elevated cortisol levels can interfere with sleep, particularly when cortisol remains high in the evenings. In turn, a lack of sleep can aggravate cortisol levels outside of a healthy range.
What else contributes to high cortisol? The hormone’s role in stress is one very powerful way cortisol levels can become chronically elevated. Cortisol is probably best-known as a stress hormone. That’s because it is a major player in the body’s fight or flight response. When faced with a stressor of any sort, our bodies respond with a sharp increase in cortisol. When stress is routine, cortisol remains high. That can interfere with our ability to fall asleep and stay asleep. Think about the times you’ve been under stress, and how tough it can be to drift off. Even after you do, you’re likely to wake during the night. That is cortisol at work. High cortisol levelstypically go hand in hand with diminished levels of melatonin, a hormone that is essential for paving our way to sleep each night.
Too much cortisol doesn’t only contribute to sleep problems. It creates other health issues, including poorly regulated blood sugar, suppression of the immune system, weight gain, microbiome imbalance and gastrointestinal issues including irritable bowel syndrome, and chronic anxiety.
Floating can improve other markers of stress. Several studies show that exposure to floatation therapy can lead to reductions in other key physiological and psychological signs of stress and anxiety. Float therapy has been shown to lower blood pressure, reduce muscle pain and tension, improve fatigue and lower anxiety levels, while increasing positive mood, energy, and relaxation. For example, a 2018 study conducted by one of today’s leading scientific investigators of flotation therapy, Dr. Justin Feinstein, found significant reductions to blood pressure(an average of more than a 12-point drop in diastolic pressure) occurred in a group of participants during floating. At the same time, study participants experienced significant relief from muscle tension and mental anxiety. Dr. Feinstein, a neuropsychologist who is an assistant professor at Oklahoma’s University of Tulsa and a principal investigator at the Laureate Institute for Brain Research, is deeply involved in studying the therapeutic potential of floatation, specifically its value in treating mental health conditions including anxiety, addiction, eating disorders and other psychological conditions. These marked relaxation changes that are associated with floating that Dr. Feinstein and other scientists have measured are promising preliminary indicators of the potential float therapy has as a tool for treating mood disorders and also sleep disorders.
Floating can shift brain consciousness to a more relaxed (and creative) state.Several studies demonstrate how floatation therapy can move people into different, more relaxed states of consciousness, including the kind of deep relaxation where time perception is alteredand creativity is enhanced. Remember my patient who said she lost track of time while floating? That experience has been documented in scientific study. Recent analysis shows that the mind’s consciousness during floatingmay take on characteristics of stages 1 and 2 sleep. And other studies have shown that floating increases the presence of low frequency delta and theta brain waves, which are also present during sleep.
A shift into the state of deep relaxation where that allows time to slip away suggests some distinct changes to brain wave activity are happening during floating, likely similar to what happens in the brain during meditation. Studies have shown meditation alters brain activity, decreasing high-frequency beta waves and increasing low-frequency theta wave activity in different parts of the brain. Theta brain waves occur when we’re experiencing deep levels of relaxation, and also during the lighter stages of sleep. A waking brain that’s populated with theta waves is likely to be in a state of flow—that wandering, daydreaming, internally focused state of consciousness that is linked to creativity and to mental rejuvenation. (Beta waves, on the other hand, reflect a brain that is externally focused and task driven, responding to external stimuli, planning and meeting goals.)
Floating may provide benefits from magnesium.Magnesium is an essential macro-mineral we need in large quantities. It’s a mineral that keeps our muscles and nerves working well, that regulates mood and stabilizes sleep-wake cycles, that facilitates all sorts of enzyme-related biochemical reactions that keep our bodies functioning as they should. Our bodies don’t produce magnesium—we must take it in from outside sources. Magnesium deficiency is common; estimates suggest that most men and women in the United States aren’t getting enough magnesium. A lack of magnesium can:
interfere with energy production and the widespread work of the body’s enzymes
compromise muscle and nerve function and make us prone to physical pain
increase stress and anxiety
disrupt our ability to sleep
I’ve written in depth about how magnesium benefits sleep, and why it’s so important to maintain healthy magnesium levels for overall mental and physical health. When we’re lacking in magnesium (as many of us are), we’re likely to be more fatigued, more stressed, more tired and low in energy. There is ongoing scientific question and debate about how effectively magnesium can be absorbed into the body through the skin. Though it’s not yet clear whether floating can deliver magnesium as a nutrient to the body, magnesium found in float water is likely to contribute to the deep physical relaxation of the experience.
 Next, we’ll take a closer look at what the latest science says about float therapy’s benefits for sleep and sleep-related conditions, from insomnia and anxiety disorders to chronic pain. I’ll also share some tips for getting the most out of floating, for sleep, mood, and health.
Sweet Dreams,
Michael J. Breus, PhD, DABSM
The Sleep Doctor
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  The post Can You FLOAT Your Way To Better Sleep? appeared first on Your Guide to Better Sleep.
from Blog | Your Guide to Better Sleep http://thesleepdoctor.com/2019/05/21/can-you-float-your-way-to-better-sleep/
from https://midlifewithavengeance.com/can-you-float-your-way-to-better-sleep/
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robertshugartca · 6 years
Prior to my meeting with Mazz, my nails were in need of some...
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Prior to my meeting with Mazz, my nails were in need of some serious rehab and still maintained some residual staining from a blue polish I’d sported weeks ago and rough around the edges in general. However, Mazz did say I had beautiful nail beds, so I’m still very much floating on that high—even if I’m a tad disbelieving. Next, while Mazz cut, clipped, and buffed my nails to perfection, came the extra-fun part. She showed me the collection of crystals she keeps on hand for her manicures along with a menu listing their specific and unique healing powers. While she said crystals like rose quartz, clear quartz, and amethysts tend to be often-requested favorites, I decided to go a little bit rogue with my choice of kyanite—a pretty blue stone that immediately resonated with me and is often associated with the clearing of negative energy. (Again, hello Monday!) To amplify its effect, Mazz suggested accenting my crystal kyanite mani with clear quartz. Oh, and here’s a fun and fact—each and every crystal Mazz works with, in addition to those within her product line, are blessed by a shaman prior to shipment.  While Mazz massaged my hands and forearms with CBD- and essential oil–infused skin elixirs like her amethyst-adorned rollerball ($60) and this nourishing carnelian-enriched skin salve ($80), we talked color. I’m not one to shy away from a bold nail look, and I also had complete trust in Mazz’s personal taste and vision. Therefore, I basically gave her free rein and asked her to do whatever the heck she wanted with me and my nailbeds. Ultimately, she went with a nail polish from Oribe (one of her favorite polish brands) in the color Lavender Smoke. On deck, crystal application! Again, I let Mazz have total control of which crystals she used (she has a variety of shapes and sizes to choose from for each type of crystal) in addition to her placement. To give the clear quartz crystal an extra pop of sparkle (and so it wouldn’t just appear the lavender hue of my polish), she placed a sparkling silver sequin underneath before multiple top coats and dryer time.  Et voilà! The finished result! So you can try it for yourself, I’m including every single one of Mazz’s product must-haves below in addition to the exact nail color and top coat she used to complement my crystals of choice. Even though you might not be able to put this curated collection of crystals on your nails, this starter set does include 10 of Mazz’s favorite crystals, each of which harbors its own special healing powers to enhance your everyday spiritual energy. You’ll receive citrine, amethyst, pyrite, carnelian, clear quartz, celestite, fluorite, smoky quartz, amazonite, rose quartz, and a selenite wand for cleansing and drawstring baggie for on-the-go convenience.  Not only is this probably the most beautifully packaged cuticle oil I’ve ever laid eyes on, it also features certified organic ingredients like jojoba, hemp seed, lavender, and geranium to offer dire cuticles ultimate nourishment. Plus, amethyst is associated with the breaking of habits, so it’s an obvious antidote if you’re prone to biting or picking.  When Mazz applied this melding of essential oils and 50 mg of CBD on my forearms, palms, and even the back of my neck, I almost immediately sensed my perpetually elevated cortisol levels diminish. It’s cool, relaxing, and like a breath of fresh air if you’re feeling stressed or anxious. Plus, it will also leave your skin looking radiant and silky.  I’m notoriously picky when it comes to hand creams and salves, and for the most part, I’m consistently left unimpressed. However, this elixir is different and actually yields the therapeutic and long-lasting results I crave. It’s an expert blend of vitamin E, shea butter, 11 essential oils, and 250 mg of CBD to create the ultimate self-care experience. Plus, every ingredient has been blessed by a shaman under a full moon.  Thanks to the perfect brush, satisfying color payoff, and ultra-smooth application (you don’t even need a base coat), Oribe is one of Mazz’s favorite polish formulas. For me, she chose the shade Lavender Smoke. It’s a great option if you’re looking for a neutral hue that's not at all snoozy.  To top it all with durable, crystal clear hold, Mazz applied this cult-favorite top coat from Seche Vite. We pretty much see it in ever celebrity manicurist’s kit because it’s just that good. Next up, the seven pillars of fantastic eyebrows, according to Hollywood’s most sought-after brow artists.
source https://gothify1.tumblr.com/post/182416106295
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