hades-pa · 6 years
anyone who read the Warrior Cat books would die for them and that is a Fact™
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minervarosewilliams · 8 years
February 26th Asteroids
Feb26  Bienor   15 Taurus 35 conjunct Sophie's Lie 15 Taurus 27
<One of the meanings of Bienor is integrity. It's one of the Centaurs so it has a stronger influence than most of the asteroids. It would be uncomfortable for Sophie to have this on her Lie. It is currently curtailing her dishonest actions.>
 Feb26 Damocles 24 Aquarius 13  conjunct Sophie's Damocles  25 Aquarius 49
                                                                                Galatea   24 Aquarius 15
<Sophie's 'makeover' is going to be a problem. Hanging over her head is the 'crafting' of herself.>
Feb26  Pygmalion  0 Taurus 7 conjunct Feb26  Eros   0 Taurus 28
                                                              Benedict's Chiron  1 Taurus 55
<The man who created Galatea is sexy and erotic.><Chiron, the wounded healer, is karmic.>
Feb26  Jabberwock   14 Aries 15 conjunct Sophie's Swindle  14 Aries 11
<"Beware the Jabberwock my son, the jaws that bite, the claws that catch.">
Feb26  Aphrodite  22 Libra 48 conjunct Feb26  Jupiter 22 Libra 50
<Expanded beauty and sexuality.>
Feb26  Benedix  26 Pisces 36 conjunct Feb26  SURF   26 Pisces 36
<What Benedict should do for his next vacation. (Take me with you! I want to go swimming somewhere).>
Feb26  Potemkin  24 Aries 31 conjunct Feb26  Phaethon 24 Aries 31
<Phaethon, the son of Helios, drove the out of control Sun Chariot too close to the earth, scorching it. Zeus had to kill the boy to stop him.>
<Potemkin narcissist.>
Feb26  Dionysus   28 Aquarius 13 conjunct  Feb26  Narcissus  28 Aquarius 53
<Drunken, partying selfishness.>
Feb26 Toastmasters  19 Gemini 50 conjunct Feb26  Chaos   20 Gemini 19
<Whuh oh. Problems for the Oscars.>
Feb26  Child  7 Aries 3 conjunct  Sophie's South Node (Mean)  6 Aries 36                                                             Sophie's  Disneya   5 Aries 21
                                      opposition Benedict's Child  7 Libra 22
<Child opposing child. Pillow baby opposing his chance at a real baby.>
<Child on Sophie's South Node of what she should no longer be doing and Disney..>
Feb26  Carmen   16 Pisces 20 conjunct  Feb26 Bacchus   16 Pisces 57
                                                              Sophie's Karma   15 Pisces 54
<Carmen had an unfortunate end.>
Benedict's SA Sophia Capricorn 11 conjunct Benedict's Carmen 10 Capricorn 32 Rx
Sophie's SA Sophia 0 Taurus 1 conjunct Sophie's Carmen   0 Taurus 31
<What a coincidence. Both of these Solar Arcs will be exact in about four or six months.>
Feb26 Whiteknight   0 Aries 15  conjunct Feb26  Mousa   0 Aries 52
<Disney to the rescue!>
<Ironically, the White Knight kept mousetraps on his horse's back.>
Feb26  Records  4 Leo 50 Rx opposition Feb26  Constable 4 Aquarius 55
Feb26  Paine   8 Libra 48 Rx conjunct Benedict's ASC  8 Libra 46
<The Ascendant is where you interact with your environment, and how others  perceive you.>
Feb26  Valentine  29 Capricorn 51  square Benedict's Moon  28 Aries 55
                                                           Feb26    Rhadamanthus   28 Libra 28
<True love is at odds with his feelings and with Justice.>
Feb26  Nemesis   14 Capricorn 4  conjunct Feb26  Moomintroll 14 Capricorn 27
                                                                    Feb26   Nike   14 Capricorn 42
<Enemies, trolls and victory.>
Feb26  Doctorwatson   19 Pisces 39 conjunct  Feb26  Excubitor   19 Pisces 52
<Excubitor is a guardian.>
Feb26  Hunt  1 Scorpio 26 conjunct Benedict's Swindle  1 Scorpio 55
<Revisiting her swindle.>
Feb26  Probitas   29 Sagittarius 18 opposing Feb26  Lie  28 Gemini 57
<This is interesting. Truth opposing lie, in the two information gathering signs. Sagittarius also rules law and justice.>
Feb26  Veritas  12 Gemini 15 opposition  Feb26 Swindle 11 Sagittarius 28
<Another one! Truth opposing swindle..><Is this the showmance or more of Trump?>
Feb26  Pylenor  14 Cancer 38 Rx conjunct Benedict's Hera   14 Cancer 42
<The poison asteroid conjunct his goddess of marriage.>
Feb26  Fanale   2 Virgo 25 Rx  conjunct Feb26  North Node 3 Virgo 13
<An ending is the best direction for karmic growth.
Feb26  Nessus   5 Pisces 1 conjunct  Feb26  Scylla  5 Pisces 36
                                                          Benedict's Medea  5 Pisces 27 Rx
<Serious abuse asteroid conjunct a disaster asteroid.><Medea murdered her children out of spite to hurt her husband.>
Feb26  Venus  12 Aries 31 conjunct  Feb26  Charybdis   12 Aries 44
                                                trine      Feb26  Disneya 12 Leo 50 Rx
                                                            Feb26  Swindle   11 Sagittarius 28
                                                            Benedict's Neptune 12 Sagittarius 35 Rx
<The female principle conjunct a disaster asteroid, trine Disney, Swindle, and Benedict's planet of illusion.>
Feb26  Talent   6 Pisces 17 opposition Benedict's Fortuna  5 Virgo 48
<A question was asked regarding his artwork for the charity.>
Feb26  Pinocchio   26 Pisces 15 conjunct  Feb26  Benedix  26 Pisces 36
                                                                  Benedict's  DNA  26 Pisces 50
<The possibility that Benedict is currently someone else's puppet; or not! Pinocchio cut his strings and operated autonomously.>
Feb26  Eugenesis   26 Sagittarius 1 conjunct  Feb26  Saturn   26 Sagittarius 35
<Procreation and the  planet of responsibility, karma, and limitation. Saturn is the greater malific, and may bring something unpleasant with it.>
Feb26  Mars  21 Aries 50 conjunct Feb26  Uranus 21 Aries 59
                                                        Feb26  Eris  22 Aries 44
                                                        Benedict's VERTEX  20 Aries 27
                                                        Benedict's  Revelle 21 Aries 36
                                                        Benedict's  Unsold  21 Aries 41
                                                        Benedict's  Prey  21 Aries 46
                                                      Sophie's  Union   21 Aries 50
                                          opposition Feb26  Jupiter  22 Libra 50
                                                        Benedict's Sylvia   21 Libra 32
<This one is very serious, and will affect everyone globally. Mars is moving into conjunction with Uranus/Eris. Mars is action, and in Aries is warlike and  impulsive. Uranus is the unexpected, technology, revolution, and Eris is the goddess of Chaos. This does not bode well with idiotic warmongers like Trump in position to cause harm. On the plus side, Uranus is in favor of revolution that brings positive change. Activists should mobilize. Jupiter in opposition expands, but likely not in the most positive way.>
<For Benedict personally, this is on his Vertex which is a direction of positive Karmic growth. The reveal unsold prey has been manifesting as people looking at his interviews and not buying them (unsold) and his looking like a victim (prey), The opposition to Sylvia is self explanatory.>
Feb26  Iris   16 Aquarius 38 conjunct Feb26 Icarus   16 Aquarius 42
<Gay rights are in jeopardy.> <Iris is the goddess of the rainbow.>
Feb26  Chaos   20 Gemini 19 conjunct  Feb26  Scientia 21 Gemini 21
<Scientific chaos.. Climate change deniers, trying to shut up groups doing research.>
<This would also be petroleum companies having free reign rather than drilling being made illegal. It's possible for the world to go entirely clean energy with wind, geothermal and solar power. We could solve global warming if we put scientists in charge of these decisions.>
Feb26  Revelle   14 Cancer 16 conjunct  Feb26  Pylenor 14 Cancer 38 Rx
                                                                Feb26  Refugium   15 Cancer 39 Rx
<Pylenor is a bigotry asteroid in addition to being about poison and anything toxic. Hitler had Ixion (murder) tightly conjunct Pylenor (bigotry). Pylenor is a Centaur and has a great deal of influence,>
<This is the Muslim ban and the persecution of immigrants.>
Feb26  Banno    5 Taurus 6 conjunct  Feb26  TRIUMF   5 Taurus 28
<Banno is  Steve Bannon's name asteroid. Anything that makes him happy is disastrous for every other person on  the  planet,>
Feb26  Penze   16 Aries 39  conjunct  Feb26  Buysballot  17 Aries 53
<I keep seeing small indicators Pense will become president.>
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