#she was his chief source of enrichment
magpiedminx · 11 months
I swore I was going to get an orange himbo cat and name him John Smith. As the victims of my Blaze campaigns know, I actually ended up with two gerbils who I named John and Smith. So, no cats for two reasons: One - I have two adorable snacks running around. Two - I can't afford vet care, etc, for a cat. One of my previous gerbils was a grey named Freddie. (He and his brother were named after the Rupert Bear twins Freddie and Fergie). When I adopted a cat named Amy, I was a bit worried about how they'd interact. Turned out Freddie had absolutely no fear of her, and Amy didn't want to eat him. Amy was mostly blind. She could see movement, but not much else. Freddie learned quickly that she could hear him when he squeaked, she would figure out where he was roughly when he wiggled his tail outside his cage, and this became the bestest gerbil game ever. He would squeak to get her attention, then would flick his tail around until she got close, and then he'd just freeze. She would be perplexed, and after a few minutes would hop off the chair. Freddie would promptly repeat the process until he decided it was his nap time. No one will ever convince me animals don't have senses of humour.
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