#she wins bc she starts stealing things out his apartment and he eventually realizes all his stuff is at robin's house.
inutaffy · 1 year
i've just now found the words to articulate this but i personally think steve harrington is not a domestic life kinda guy. not meaning domestic relationship, i mean he's not going to be a school teacher coasting on calm waters. i think til like mid-late 30s he's gonna be clubbing by night, working shitty diners by day. until robin and her phD having ass forces him to be a permanent resident of her couch. yes with her partner living there too.
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vitosscaletta · 4 years
🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓 Christian, Helena, Gina, Georgie, and Aaliyah!!!
THANK U!!!! sorry this is so late :(
IDK if I ever said this but his whole mansion in Bel Air is modeled after the interior in Versailles - still modern but with STRONG Baroque vibes
His favorite european city - besides Versailles of course - is Venice 😳 he lived there for some time in the 18th century and loved it there... he misses it a lot
He has a ghoul.... his name is Claude, the only living descendant of his favorite sister :(( Christian tracked him down in the early 1900s in Paris and eventually offered him to embrace him, but Claude was like nah... I wanna see the sunlight dude. They’re still living together in Bel Air since they’re the only family they have left :0 
Hangs out in LA nightclubs a lot - not the goth ones we see in the game.. the sexy ones where rich people hang out, he mostly feeds from them there.. slurp slurp!
Can speak english, french, italian, german and a few words in latin.. op king. being that old gives you time to learn languages ig
Went into an overdramatic state of fake depression after Helena dumped him.. didn’t leave his mansion at all, just hung around in his room, not eating (... drinking blood..), moping and talking about killing himself bc Toreadors are fucked up. Claude is like.. get up dude -_-
I also dont know if I ever said this but even though shes not the fledgling.. Heather is still her ghoul (she was in the santa monica clinic to get somehting done for la croy and yeah).. she regrets it because Heather is soooo annoying and does all of this shit for her like calling her her master and all that and it’s just so uncomfortable. Especially when she offers her her student loans. Helena is like “oh my god I can’t take this what the fuck?????????? this is yours. okay you know what.. if you insist.. i will take it 😏”
She doesn’t have the heart to kick her out though.. mostly because Helena misses having a roommate :c
The only people who were genuinely sad about her death are her mom and sister jhdsjhds.. the fake rich friends she had before her embrace didn’t really give a fuck about her until they realized they could get attention through it & started posting sob stories on myspace. Helena is mad about it.. those hoes treated her like a third wheel when she was alive 😤
she probably ends up “accidentally” telling her family she’s alive.. 
what annoys her the most about her death isn’t even the fact that she was killed.. it’s the fact that she didn’t die in a beautiful way, she was just some random nobody with no friends or fame who may have been killed by her boyfriend (except that the official story is that she never arrived at his house). Christian couldn’t have waited until she was an established actress so it could have been more poetic, nah he had to embrace her when nobody cared :((
She liked Christian’s Bel Air mansion but honestly?? her weird old apartment was still better - it wasn’t big and the furniture was a mess but it was still her home
Grew up with a single mother because her father died early in an accident... he was a construction worker or something :c her mom worked as a maid for a rich family until she got fired for stealing from them jdfkjsd
gets to rapture by assuming some rich girl’s identity. idk how she does that but.. somehow she does. Of course nobody knows about that, it’s her big secret 🤫 to the other rapture residents she’s just a rich heiress who acts a little different from New York’s high society because she lived abroad
she dislikes Rapture’s upper class for living so large when the poor have nothing just like she had nothing growing up.. doesn’t do much about it though..  Gina: *donates like a tiny amount of her wealth to an orphanage* wow helping people feels so good :)
Doesn’t have any real friends in rapture either except maybe Diane.. ironically because she thinks everyone else is fake 🙄
She didn’t like F*ntaine AT ALL because she thought he looked creepy but also because the Bronx accent scared her.. she’s really paranoid that he might have run into her while she was still living there and remembers her even though that’s soooo unlikely 😒 every time they’re in the same elevator together she turns away and pretends to look for something in her handbag
The civil war is just the worst for her bc she doesn’t want to align with the rebels they’re all freaks but there’s also no way in hell she’ll be on Andy Ryan’s side.. she’s just like *reluctantly joins rebels because she thinks its the winning team and because she thinks A**** is hot and doesn’t realize its the same guy she hid from at parties* *doesn’t do shit* 
has a weird relationship with her mom... she died when she was very very young and Georgie really doesn’t remember much about her - almost everything she knows is from her father reminiscing about how beautiful and loving she was but that’s not.. true.. its just how he remembers her, in reality she was a very cold & narcissistic person. she’ll never know the truth though :/
does NOT care about any politician or noble whatsoever but had a soft spot for Jessamine mostly because she made a friendly impression on her (from what she’s seen on posters and all that stuff).. Georgie liked to imagine she wanted to make things better for people like her. (the heart when pointed at Georgie: this bitch digs through garbage cans. freak.)
has little pots with flowers all over her little clinic in the distillery district, it adds a little life to her weird looking little home and makes it look even more goth-ish because they’re all dried out :/
is one of those people who are pretentious about drinking tea
has a weird rivalry with dr Galvani that he doesn’t know about 😒 her clinic is near his home and she's mad jealous of him, this dude has money to fund his research and expensive tools and what does he do with it?? dissect fucking rats? (she heard about it from Granny Rags and yeah she believes everything she says).. she’s out there calling him an idiot, meanwhile Galvani doesn’t even know she even exists
used to be a pickpocket as a kid.. mostly when her dad didn’t make enough money, she still got into trouble for it most of the time though and stopped when she got older -_- its ok though because she got to steal family heirlooms at the Boyle mansion during their masquerades because one of the sisters called her ugly
unlike the game wants you to believe she’s from Nevarra City rather than Ostwick 😳 the youngest of 5 siblings and the only mage in the family - since Nevarra is pretty chill about magic and has no circles, she grew up without the whole oppression thing that’s going on in the rest of thedas, thus all this templar shit is nonsense to her. We’re fine back home, thank you! Your mages are just fucked up because you put them in prisons!
She was supposed to become a Mortalitasi and have a pretty powerful position in the Nevarran court until idk something political that involved the chantry in one way or another happened and she got shipped off to ferelden’s circle (post blight duh). She managed to escape after a few weeks in its weakened state and joined the mage underground - she never really was a circle mage like in the game 🙄
She and a group of other mages she was friends with were supposed to go to the conclave together to.. vote for mage rights but you know what happened! Also you know this excerpt from a very angry person’s journal you can find in the fade? that was from her best friend who died in the explosion :c She still misses her a lot
The only people she’s close to within the inquisition are Sera, Varric and Dorian.. the rest are either more acquaintances or outright hate her (especially Vivienne.. i love her but BOY did they not get along).. She likes the advisors a little more, Josie is cool they’re not like bffs or anything but they like each other.. Leliana and her got along soooo well I think they were really good friends. Cullen was.. unfortunately her boyfriend but they also hated each other in the beginning. more on that later
The worst thing for her was the attack on Haven it fucked her up sooooo bad :c All those innocent people she wanted to protect dying, she tried her best to save them but it was still too late for some of them despite her best efforts.. it just really messes with her and she hates thinking about it.. she actually tried to run off on one occasion after that 😳
Feels sooo weird about the fact that she’s nevarran because on one hand that’s her home and she’s proud of it!!! on the other hand everyone acts like she’s the biggest freak bc they think she was in a death cult or something and she HATES it :((
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mysme-hcs · 7 years
Hi! I was wondering of you could do a hc where MC doesn't like going outside and prefers to stay indoors? (Maybe with a little inside date night if possible) Thank you!! I hope I didn't sound rude!!
I’d love to! You didn’t sound rude at all :) Thanks for being patient even though this took so long ♡
Vanderwood-terrible reality TV-need I say more?-Vanderwood hates going out too so you both mostly just sit around and watch terrible reality TV-he always gets ridiculously obsessed with the super messy shows this is the best Vanderwood headcanon and no one can take it from me at this point-RuPaul’s drag race and Keeping Up With the Kardashians are his faves they’re just so messy with drama he can’t resist. And also seeing drag queens snap and fight at each other is his favorite thing, not to mention how petty and ignorant the Kardashians are???-you two binge seasons at a time and keep bets on each of the Kardashians/Jenners for what insane thing they’ll do next-once he saw an episode of KUWTK where they decided to put spray cheese and bologna on someone’s car and he started formulating a plan for Seven’s babies;;;;;;-he also loves to watch Cake Boss and complain about how all those cakes can’t taste good with all that fondant and crap they put on them. He gets really salty over it to the point where he goes on fifteen minute rants-when he gets to that episode where the employees drop that massive cake he loses his ever loving mind-he’s not going to actively seek you out for cuddles (although he’ll kiss your forehead) but he melts inside if you rest against him 
 V:-he’s a sucker for hide and seek-no one really knows why, but he has the best time-he’s so tall and lanky that there really aren’t many places to hide in his apartment but he makes it work! …..sometimes-usually he hides behind the curtains, his feet sticking out, or in the bathtub-wherever he hides he usually gives himself away because he can’t stop giggling-and when he has to chase you around, his eyes are shining and he laughs so hard-you both collapse on the floor and he tries to tickle and kiss your sides-it’s the cutest thing ever, honestly-other than that, he has tons of crafts he likes to do with you!!!-puzzles are his favorite!-he also enjoys rearranging pictures into collages and scrapbooks, he even bought an at-home pottery set once for you both to try-the clay ended up getting everywhere and you both had to take a shower after cleaning it all up-anything craftsy is right up his alley-just expect a thousand pictures to be taken before, after, and during the dateSaeyoung-with his father, he can’tleave the house without a disguise and/or to be extremelycareful-he also has to be aware of video cameras and anythingelse bc of his old agency-so it doesn’t bother him at all-helikes it that you both find your own things to do while hanging out together-he probably just sets up something in hisroom, like a Star Wars marathon -the thin sheets aretangled around your legs and arms as you rest your head on hisshoulder-the room is just a teeny tiny bit chilly he’ll say it’s because he wants to cuddle with you but really he just wants to wear his hoodie smh but mostly you’re glad to justbe in his presence-so he leans over and kisses his cheek, sayinghe loves you-if you respond with “I know” he’ll loseit-he’s also really good at bowling! He insists that going to a bowling alley is being inside so if you’re okay with that, he’ll take you out to one and let you demolish him-one time you accidentally joined a senior citizen’s bowling league together;;;-he bought a Red Bull and Dr. Pepper at the snack bar and mixed them together and you two were unleashing all of that energy on the alley-it didn’t end well, honestly. A pin got catapulted into the ceiling and knocked a tile down, and his glasses ended up getting cracked-you both got in a lot of trouble and had to pay for damages but it was easily one of the best nights of your life-if the owners ever let you back, you guys go once a week!
Zen-if it wasn’t for the fact that he was injured, youdefinitely wouldn’t have gone to the grocery store with him thatday-and since then, he’s asked you too many times if you wantedto go somewhere with him-you went at first to be polite, but itjust wasn’t enjoyable-and staying in the house just…driveshim insane-but you do eventually end up telling him!-hisfirst response is kind of disappointed but in reality, you can’tcause trouble for him since his agency wants to keep you lowkey-andin public you can’t have too much privacy…he tells you this with an over exaggerated wink he’s so extra-so you two make acompromise-a lot of people think he’d want to watch hismusicals with you, but I think a bit differently. Zenknows he’s super talented, but I think he’d be nervous to showthem to you because of how his parents reacted….and plus hedoesn’t want to force them on you bc that’s rude-but if youwant to, he’d be stoked!-mostly he’d just set up a movie dateand try to pop popcorn kernels-they catch on fire-thepan is ruined (just like his dignity)-he has to stand ona chair and beat the screaming smoke detector with the end of hisbroom handle until it stops-he’s so embarrassed lmao-Zengives up and pops microwave popcorn -afterwards hegoes and gets ice cream for the two of you to share
Yoosung-he’s a bit disappointed because he can’t take you by the cafe where his friends hang out and show you off, but then he realizes-oh, this is way better-mostly because you can’t forget to wear pants in public without getting arrested but you can at home ayy *finger guns*-there are so many things you guys could doinside!-he teaches you how to play LOLOL and you bothcook/bake-and you both take bubble baths! he loves to cuddle and play with the bubbles-there are hundreds of pictures from every activity-and tbh,,,theapartment is insanely messy afterwards but it’s so worthit!-Yoosung always documents every second of your dates in anotebook, which is adorable-the night usually end with you two eating dinner and then passing out on each other
Jaehee-she totally gets it-She suggested you two go see amovie or go shopping, but you told her that you’d rather stayin-she’s pretty chill about it!-you two watch rom coms andbake, creating and trying new recipes for the cafe and eating them all at once-ofc she wantsto watch Zen’s musicals but that’s up to you lmao-she alsodiscovers that her good pajamas are dirty and it was your turn towash the laundry-so she wears your clothes-she loves dance parties with you!!-they’re so relaxingand you get to listen to your favorite tunes while justdancing-she’s surprisingly a good dancer!!!-she finds that dancing releases so much pent-up energy and stress, but you two also love to chase each other around and have a pillow fight-Jaehee is very gentle but she’s also out to win and isn’t scared to take you out to do so-she doesn’t let you both do it often but jumping on the bed is pretty fun as well-makeovers? heck yeah!-she admittedly doesn’t know much about makeup so you’ll have to teach her. She’s also kind of bad at hair styling at first but after practice, she can make anyone’s hair look amazing
Jumin-after the RFA party, he asked you where you’d like totake a trip to-he’d been around women who begged him and hisfather for extravagant trips and vacations so he thought it was just a thing that women enjoyed-but especially since tripstake a lot of money that Jumin has to spend…-you very politelyturn him down, which admittedly hurts him a bit until you explainyourself-he’s a bit relieved that staying in his penthousealone all the time doesn’t bother you tho-he’s so nervous when it comes to setting up a date-like,,,,what do you do on anindoor date????-he ends up setting out a ton of puzzles and has a very fancy dinner set up-theentire penthouse floor is just one giant puzzle and when you both gettired, he reads to you!-You both wake up in the morning to findElizabeth 3rd stealing puzzle pieces just to hide them behind thecouch all covered in teeth marks and slobber
Saeran:-oh thank god-being around people still makes himnervous so he’s glad you’re more of an indoor person-sinceVanderwood and Saeyoung are out for the day, you both end up going to thestore and leaving with $300 worth of toys-you build giant Lego fortresses and Saeran tricks out some robots so they can fight each other-basically you both trash the entire bunker-Silly string is everywhere, pillows are busted, also how on earth did you manage to fly a remote controlled helicopter into the ceiling fan and destroy it?-Vanderwood comes home to step on a Lego and cRiEs-it’s an absolute blast tbh, Saeran is such a child inside
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