#she wrote it for me and my ‘unwrite this’ playlist btw
goldrushwoman · 1 year
when olivia rodrigo wrote, “they all say it gets better, but what if i don’t?” and julien baker wrote, “what if it’s all black, baby, all the time?” and taylor swift wrote, “would it be enough if i could never give you peace?” and ethel cain wrote, “i tried to be good, am i no good?” and —
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imjustabore · 5 years
50 Facts About MEEE
1. My favorite holiday is probably halloween because, first off all you can be whatever you want and secondly you have an excuse to eat candy, I do like Christmas too, but I don’t like the weeks leading up to Christmas because everyones so stressed out
2.I love anything chocolate
3. I have such a phobia against moths, I don’t know if anyone else has this fear, but every time I see moth I flip out.
4. My longest playlist is 641 songs long
5. I wouldn’t consider myself an introvert or an extrovert, I think i’m right in the middle because I absolutely love talking to people and making new people, but thats not necessarily how I get my energy, I always need to recharge alone and the most relaxing place to do that is just writing alone in my room
6. I hate big and loud crowds of people, I can’t stand parties because there just to many people yelling
7. Yet I wanna live in the city when I get older
8. I love waking up early, I normally wake up at 6:30-7:00am on the weekends, just because I'm excited for the day ahead
9. I think horoscopes are complete bullshit, but there still fun to read tho
10. My favorite bands and singers at the moment are Weezer, Panic at the Disco, Teagan and Sara, Marina and the Diamonds,Green Day, Pink Floyd, and Florence + the Machine.
11. I’m really small for my age, I’m 16 and only 4’11
12. I’m not really athletic, I like to play tennis butI don't play for my school(it was too much of a commitment) I do a ton of clubs(10 to be more specific) at my school and love to sing and do theatre
13. I wanna double major in psychology and history for college
14. I get pissed off the most by people who think are the shit when in reality there just like everybody else
15. I’m an only child
16. I currently identify as pansexual because I could literally careless about what gender you are, just be a nice person and I’ll consider dating you
17. I don’t really want many tattoos, I just want one simple tattoo on my ankle. preferably something that symbolizes something important, because if my tattoo is something stupid or meaningless, I’ll end up regretting it 10 years down the road
18. I was born at 9:56pm in a thunderstorm
19. The first thing I notice in a person is there smile
20. I hardly use sarcasm,(at least around people I don’t know that well) I’m scared that people will think I’m being serious
21. I feel like the hype over meeting celebrities are highly overrated, like just think of it this way, Celebrities are just like anyone else, except for the fact that they happen to have a passion for(music, theatre, a certain sport, being rich etc) and I know that its really cool to meet a celebrity up close at a concert or a meet and greet, but I do not think it worth spending thousands of dollars on a front row seat at a concert.
22. I’m a Slytherin
23. For some reason I get super uncomfortable with up close eye contact, unless if im super close to you. So sometimes when you talk to me,I don’t look you straight in the eye just cause its so awkward
24. I did 6 years of dance as a kid, but I didn’t like wearing tights and the fact that rehearsals were on Fridays so I quit
25. I absolutely love fall, its not to hot and not too cold.Like all of my favorite holidays are on the horizon. Apple cider dounts are back in season(which by the way are amazing) and the foliage is gorgeous. Whats not to love about fall?
26. I’ve really never dated anyone before, I’ve been on dates with people but they never end up working out and either them or me end the relationship before it can get too serious
27. I do have other forms of social media(not naming them here) but I really wish I didn’t, I want to focus on writing, singing or talking to my family instead of what Tiffany posted on snapchat or how many likes I got on this photo and comparing myself to other people who seem to have better life then me.
28. I’m extremely quiet in class, I’m not really that social because people are rude and judgmental and im scared people would make fun of me if I say the wrong thing, So i’d just rather hang out in my small group of friends
29. My favorite musicals are probably Fun Home, Dear Evan Hansen and Next to Normal
30. I love anything that has a ton of carbs in it, BRING ON THE PASTA, BAGALS AND BREAD PLEASEE
31. I hate a lot of foods that people are kinda obsessed with I hate fast food cause it makes me feel gross afterwards, I hate juice and soda(I don’t know how people like the taste of them), and I don’t get the hype over Nutella(bread tastes better with butter)
32. I love all types of music except country
33. My friend and I wrote cliche high school romance story on wattpad thats like 2 chapters, I wrote the plot and she helped with my grammar but I ended up getting bored on it so we quit. Its still on my account if you wanna check it out(im warning you its trash thoo)
34. I started a creative writing club at my school for like 6 months but then the teacher that ran it ended up telling us she couldn’t do it anymore.
35. Im terrible in high pressure situations, like for example studying for a big test
36. I have naturally curly hair, but I straighten it everyday
37. I have a small birthmark on my back that looks like a heart
38. If I do have kids, I only want one, cause giving birth aint fun
39. My lucky number is 12... why?? Absolutely no idea
40. I wouldn’t consider my style girly or tomboyish..i sorta just wear what I want. I sometime like wearing a flannel, khakis and a snapback and sometimes I feel like wearing a dress, heels and a ton of makeup. It just depends on the day
41. If I had to have a dream job and I would wanna be a singer. I would wanna be a combination of Billy Joel and Amy Winehouse(without the drugs) and be a soulful singer who writes relatable songs about deep stuff with a catchy piano tune in the background
42. I love Ben and Jerrys. My favorite pint is probably Phish Food(which is chocolate ice cream with marshmallow and caramel swirls) or Cookie Dough(they’re ice cream actually has cookie dough in it!!!!!) I would love to work there cause I love ice cream but I think the closet one to my house is like 30 miles away:(
43. I hate needles, its to the point that were if I'm told I have to get a shot or draw blood i burst into tears.
44. I only drink water and tea... every other drink is gross
45. I can’t cook for my life. The first time I tried to cook. I tried to cook a grilled cheese when I was like 11 and home alone. I didn’t know how to use the stove because my parents thought i’d do something stupid and get myself hurt. So I decide to see if i could toast my grilled cheese in the toaster(which was horizontal btw) and the cheese melted and broke the toaster...whoops
46. I tried to play basketball once in the 4th grade, but then i cried when this girl yelled at me for being afraid of the ball and from that day forward I vowed to never play basketball again.
47. I have a tendency to make stupid choices without thinking them through. Its almost like that part of my brain thats like “is this a good idea to say/do” is gone and I just be what I think is the best within the moment
48. My hand writing is terrible, my teachers, parents and classmates always complain about how unreadable my unwriting is.
49. I play the piano and a little bit of drums
50. Im tired and want to sleep
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