#she'll also still throw people around and can tumble with the best of em
silverpsychedelic · 1 year
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One of the Arctic royal family members and a younger sister of Siluk! This is Qaiyaani (Yani for short) and is the smallest of the Arctic siblings. She was born fairly small and sickly and never grew nearly as much as her siblings, so the cold was always rough on her. Because of her stunted growth she never developed the darker pigment that most Arctic Zora have, so she's far more brightly coloured than her siblings!
Being that the extreme cold is still rough on her body, she tends to stick to the mainland Hyrule area and works as a mercenary for hire (though she doesnt particularly like to flaunt her royal status). Even though she is small in comparison to other Arctic Zora, she is still very tall and towers over most Zora in the Hyrule Domain. She's based off a Minke whale 🐳
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