#she wishes she could go home and see her family more often but the extreme cold makes her pretty sick
silverpsychedelic · 1 year
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One of the Arctic royal family members and a younger sister of Siluk! This is Qaiyaani (Yani for short) and is the smallest of the Arctic siblings. She was born fairly small and sickly and never grew nearly as much as her siblings, so the cold was always rough on her. Because of her stunted growth she never developed the darker pigment that most Arctic Zora have, so she's far more brightly coloured than her siblings!
Being that the extreme cold is still rough on her body, she tends to stick to the mainland Hyrule area and works as a mercenary for hire (though she doesnt particularly like to flaunt her royal status). Even though she is small in comparison to other Arctic Zora, she is still very tall and towers over most Zora in the Hyrule Domain. She's based off a Minke whale 🐳
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klaus-littlestwolf · 1 year
Mikaelson’s Party Pt.1
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Warning: This is a Human A/B/O fic you are about to read, it contains Omegaverse Dynamics as well as mentions of Non-Con and abuse.
Read at your own risk
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Their parents had gone on vacation for their 25th wedding anniversary and that weekend as Mikael had wanted to take his wife on a couples retreat for older Beta couples, It was the perfect time for Elijah to decide to throw a party. He’s a Sophomore in college and the campus was only 15 minutes from his house giving him the perfect place to have people over, nearly his whole class as well as Freshmen coming, his Beta Katherine having talked him into it as Elijah wasn’t a rule breaker but he would do anything for his mate. The house was packed, drunk college students everywhere and despite his attempts, he couldn’t get his siblings to stay upstairs. Rebekah was making friends with popular Beta girls, Kol was completely stoned with some burn outs in the backyard and Klaus was enjoying his night, watching drunken idiots do stupid shit. Thanks to Klaus’ Alpha status, something he was alone with in his family full of Betas (Betas taking up something like 80% of the population, Alphas at 19 and Omegas at less than 1), most of the kids left him alone or just gave him the odd stare. Alphas weren’t as common as they used to be but there were still plenty of them, though most of them tended to flock together, Klaus however was just happier alone. As an 18 year old Alpha that hadn’t yet found his mate he was always the odd one out, at school and at home, being alone was just more comfortable…even if he secretly hoped he would have a mate that wanted to be around him all the time. Often he even indulged himself in dreaming of finding an Omega mate to spend his life with, though he had been teased about that at a young age, his own family having a good laugh about the impossible idea.
Elijah had joined some of his friends in an intense game of beer pong without a care in the world, having already hired a cleaning crew to come the next morning and make sure everything was back in place. If nothing else, Elijah always thought ahead.
Klaus’ night took a turn somewhere around midnight as he refilled his drink at the make-shift bar, seeing some football players in the corner, laughing at something. It wasn’t until he heard a girl screaming at them that he moved closer, seeing a beautiful girl trying to shove their hands off of her body as they pulled at her shirt, clearly all drunk beyond belief. His body froze before he could step in, her sweet scent washing over him though it was mixed with something bland that he couldn’t place, the scent rushed through every nerve ending in his body sending a buzzing vibration through his extremities, up to his brain and almost violently into his cock. It was as he felt the growl build in his chest and explode out quite loudly that his body listened and moved again, the entire room freezing and looking at him now.
‘That’s enough!’ He snarled, moving between two of them and grabbing the girls hand, pulling her towards him. The largest one grabbed her arm tightly, holding her back from moving away.
‘Who the fuck are you? Get lost kid-‘
‘What the Fuck did you just say to me?!’ He growled, his chest now releasing a constant threatening noise as he glared at this moron Beta who would Dare challenge an Alpha, younger than him or not. ‘I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt that you’re just drunk as fuck here, first of all I’m not a kid! I’m 18, I’m Elijah’s brother, this is my house, and despite being drunk myself I still know better that to be molesting a girl at a party while she screams “no” at me. Shove it up your ass and let her go. Now! Or you’ll be wishing you weren’t so God damn stupid when you wake up in the ER next week!’ No one moved for a moment and Klaus could see the girl wincing as his grip got tighter before he rolled his eyes and let go.
‘Whatever man, the ugly bitch is a fucking prude anyway. She’s all yours.’ With that, they were gone and Klaus held the girls hand, pulling her after him gently and getting a cold pack from the freezer before guiding her down the stairs to his room, unlocking the door that he had ensured no one could get into.
‘Come on in, no one will bother you down here. It’s also relatively sound proof, so at least that God awful music stops.’ He joked as he tried to calm her as he could smell her fear, sitting beside her on the couch and wrapping the ice pack around her arm.
‘Thank God, I thought there was no escaping it.’ She giggled, still stiff and uncomfortable but the sound made him smile. ‘Thank you for helping me, they’re these frat jerks who have been fucking with me since the start of term…never thought they would do something like that though.’ Klaus could tell she had been drinking but she also wasn’t so drunk she wasn’t thinking straight which was a comfort for him at the moment, seeing how she held his hand so tightly that she felt something between them too.
‘Why are they bothering you?’ He wondered and she sighed, leaning back into the couch.
‘I have classes with them and I’m quiet, honestly I think it started as a dare to go out with the shy girl who never talked to anyone. When I ignored all of them, they got more…pushy…they started following me around and teasing me. I guess they thought since it wasn’t on campus they could do what they wanted, and assholes mixed with alcohol is a terrible combo. Eventually they’ll get bored and find some other poor Beta to bother but until then, I ignore them.’ Klaus couldn’t explain why this upset him so much. He felt a rage bubbling up in him that was wild and angry, he hated men that tried to force themselves on women of course, he found it disgusting but his anger was white hot and he wanted to go kill those assholes who thought they could harm this girl…his girl…his Omega.
The thought rushed through his head at 100 miles an hour but as he took in her scent again he knew. He had never smelled an Omega before, never being close enough to one not on suppressants, but he knew. ‘I’ll kill them. I will slaughter them for touching you Omega.’ He pressed his lips to the back of her hand, not moving any closer as he wanted to give her space, not knowing how she was feeling right now as she was clearly tipsy and from the bland smell trying to cover her scent, she was on suppressants too. Klaus only smelled through them because she was his mate, and an Omega cannot hide their full scent from their true Alpha.
‘Please don’t hurt me?’ She whispered, clearly nervous but unable to hide her interest in his scent as she leaned almost subconsciously closer to his neck.
‘Hurt you? Never…you’re my Omega. I…I want to be a good Alpha for you, I’ve been looking for…I’ve been hoping for…fuck!’ He didn’t know how to say what he wanted to, not knowing what would upset her and what wouldn’t.
A moment later, after wracking his brain for something to say to relax her he felt the couch move as she pushed herself closer to him and held onto his arm with both of her hands. ‘What have you been hoping for?’ She looked at him so sweetly and while he could still feel her discomfort, she wasn’t as scared as she had been and he relaxed himself a bit.
‘I’ve been hoping to find my mate…Beta, Alpha, Omega, it didn’t matter to me, I just wanted someone to…love? I-I feel like I’ve always been alone, my family doesn’t understand me, they think I’m just some stupid Alpha who’s never going to amount to anything, and I always wanted you…someone with that perfect scent who would be the best person for me. I was really starting to think-‘
‘-you didn’t exist…me too.’ She admitted, shyly looking up at him and Klaus tucked her hair behind her ear with his free arm that she wasn’t holding. ‘My family always made me feel useless. My two brothers are Alphas and my dad was so proud…then he gets an Omega daughter that he has to hide, has to pay money for medication to make sure I’m safe and…honestly I don’t think he really cares what happens to me, none of them do.’ Klaus could feel her pain and he wondered for a brief second if she could feel his, answering his own question as he knew she could, holding her hands in his own and staring straight into her eyes. ‘I hoped I would find an Alpha who wanted me as badly as I wanted them…’
‘I do…I really do. I-‘ he cut himself off, taking a breath before leaning in and giving her several seconds to pull away if she wanted to, pressing his lips to her soft ones and feeling as if fireworks were exploding in his body. Not just his stomach but his brain, his arms and legs, everything felt on fire in the most wonderful way possible and he loved it. Suddenly she moved, pushing him back against the couch and climbing into his lap, allowing him to hold her to him tightly, their lips molding together passionately. Her fingers pulled at his blond locks and his hands squeezed her waist before she suddenly ground her body down against his, his cock already painfully hard and needy. ‘Wait!’ He gasped and she pulled back, fear in her eyes but he just smiled. ‘I’m Klaus by the way.’ He introduced, finding hilarity in the fact that names hadn’t been important when they already felt they knew everything about each other.
‘Y/n, nice to meet you Alpha.’ She giggled and he groaned.
‘You’re killing me Omega.’ He tugged her back into their harsh kiss before hoisting her up and moving them to his bed and crawling over her, lips traveling down to her neck while she pulled his shirt over his head and just as she moved to grab hers he caught her hands.
‘What’s wrong?’ She asked, worriedly.
‘You’ve been drinking…we both have, I…I can’t do this while you’re drunk.’ She looked at him, stunned and in clear disbelief. ‘Stay…I’ll lend you some clothes and if you still want to tomorrow then I’ll mark you for everyone to see…I don’t want to hurt you Y/n.’
She paused for a second before nodding her head. ‘I understand…I would rather we both remember it too.’ She joked, kissing him again and moving to sit up. Klaus grabbed her a clean shirt and some boxers for her to wear, turning around as she changed before feeling her arms around his naked torso. ‘You’re really sweet, you know that, right?’ He shrugged, brushing it off but she stopped him as he sat on the bed, her standing between his legs and making him tilt his head to look up at her. ‘I mean it Klaus. Anyone else would have happily fucked me without a second thought…I always worried that’s what would happen to me anyway-‘
‘I will never let anyone else touch you! You’re safe Omega-‘
‘I know. I feel safe with you…you’re a good person Alpha. Fuck whatever your family has to say to you, you’re perfect and they need to get over themselves.’ She straddled his lap and kissed him again, hugging him tightly and snuggling into him as he pulled the blankets over the both of them and flicked off the lights, nuzzling his nose into his Omegas neck and happily allowing himself to drift off to sleep with her in his arms.
Waking up the next morning was comforting for the both of them, Y/n had buried her face into Klaus’ neck and he had his arms wrapped around her body firmly. As he woke he brushed her hair from her face and she blushed, yawning deeply before squeaking and jumping up. ‘Gotta pee!’ She exclaimed and he chuckled, checking the time and seeing that it was only 7am. Y/n fell back into the bed and snuggled back into his body, pulling the blankets around her snuggly and Klaus could instantly see her urge to nest as she was finally so close to her Alpha and not overwhelmed by the effects of alcohol.
‘Hold on.’ He told her, hopping up and opening his closet door to reveal several large blankets and a few pillows that he tossed onto the bed for her as well as a huge comforter. She instantly began fixing his bed just the way she wanted it and he was fascinated, never having seen a real nest before. Some Betas do it and they’re taught about it in school but every nest builder is different and seeing another couples nest is considered very rude. It’s personal. The idea of that was nice to Klaus, knowing no one else would ever see their nest was a wonderful thought. ‘This is wonderful Omega, it looks incredibly comfortable.’ She grinned, nodding her head.
‘Snuggle Alpha.’ She grabbed his hand and pulled him into the intricately molded nest and it truly was incredibly comfortable. Klaus held her body to his chest tightly, his instincts to keep her close to him-especially until she is marked-feeling overwhelming. ‘Can we just stay here forever?’ She asked suddenly and he smiled.
‘I think I would much prefer having our own place where my brothers and sister can’t walk down here and pound on my door whenever they want…would-I mean, would you want to live with me?’ Y/n raised her eyebrows and he could feel her asking him if he was stupid. ‘Right, well my father left me everything when he died a few years ago. There’s a house about 20 miles away that…I mean if you wanted to-‘ She took his face into her hands and kissed him hard, excitement swirling through their as of yet incomplete bond and if this is how strong it is already he can’t imagine what he will feel from and for her once it is and Klaus has never been more happy. ‘I’m going to take care of you Omega, everything you’ve ever wanted, you’re gonna have it!’ He grinned, leaning close and kissing her neck right over her scent gland which cause a sound to trill from her throat that Klaus had only ever heard of…his mate was purring. ‘That’s the loveliest sound I’ve ever heard Princess.’
‘Really? My family always thought it was annoying.’ She tried to play it off but he could see that it really bothered her.
‘I love it Omega, I want to hear it forever. You’re mine now, not theirs, whatever you want is yours.’ Klaus held his mate close and snuggled into the nest with her, drifting back to sleep fairly quickly, the both of them completely content for the first time in their lives.
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There will be a part 2 of them moving in together and a smutty HEA🥰🥰
Part 2
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Heyaaa, I have an ask to ask, how about the region leaders (Jean, Ningguang and Raiden) with an S/O who has an extremely dangerous skill (Like Blackbolt or even Shigaraki) but is someone extremely sweet and caring. But seeing himself cornered and forced to release his maximum strength, but he is brooding afterwards for having injured his enemies
A unique encounter - Jean, Ningguang & Ei x Bioweapon!Reader
A/N: Hello anon. Since you have an ask to ask, I have an answer to answer! This is probably the strangest fic I've written so far. Enjoy nonetheless!
CW: Male!Reader, Uroboros-like parasite, a little body horror? Idk.
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You were abducted by the Fatui at an age too early to remember your parents, or anything about your past really. For years your home was a claustrophobic cell, and the only companions were the researchers. They constantly visited you, drugged you into sleep and carried you off to who knows where. Every time you would wake up with your arms sore and no shred of memory of what happened. 
You didn't feel the effects of whatever they put into you until a few years later, in your early teens. You started feeling movement inside your body, wrapping around your organs and constantly pulsing. The parasite moving inside you caused enormous pain, an anguish both mental and physical. It was agony for the first months, but it would soon become more bearable when the being matured 
It turned out that it tapped into your central nervous system, letting you control it. Over a few years you taught yourself how to control the black tentacles, and overall live in some kind of symbiosis with the thing. You practiced drawing the ropes of writhing flesh from your left arm, rendering it mostly useless in the process - the appendages were small and stretchy, yes, but they needed space to move nonetheless. 
When you felt ready, you used the infection to break out of captivity. The thing turned out to be a great tool of destruction. With a flick of your wrist you could crush skulls, snap spines like twigs and rip open heavy iron doors. Fighting with the parasite was painful to say the least - the tendrils ripped and stretched your entire arm, leaving you moaning in agony even days afterwards. 
Despite the years of abuse and captivity you felt no satisfaction in taking revenge. You experienced the kind of pain and fear you wouldn't wish for anyone, even them. You kept the killing fast and as painless for them as possible. You couldn't have witnesses who would order a search for you. Still, the realization of how many families you broke apart was heavy on your heart. And so, after reaching freedom, you grew a deep disdain towards violence. 
Before you left the icy wastes of Snezhnaya, you made sure to go through and steal all the documents contained in the lab. They provided crucial insight to your affliction. It turned out the disease wasn't infectious, and, if the parasite's lifespan came to an end, it could never be recreated. You've destroyed the remaining samples and burned down the laboratory, leaving South in search of a new life. 
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Many people made requests to Jean daily. The acting grandmaster often found herself overwhelmed with commissions. Not many of her coworkers, even those who cared for her wellbeing like Lisa or Kaeya, helped her out with work. Let alone the citizens of Mondstadt, who treated Jean more like a machine than a human with a need for free time and relaxation. 
That was before a certain individual popped into her life. She heard about him before, and saw him plenty of times out on the streets, just going about his business. Whenever she passed by, he asked if he could be of assistance. It was annoying to her at first, or so she told herself. She was the acting grandmaster, for crying out loud. It should be her duty to do all the work, right? But when she actually relented and gave him some menial tasks to do, Jean found herself enjoying this immensely. It was great to have someone helping, someone caring, someone reliable and trustworthy. 
As much as he was caring, gentle and oh so lovable, there was something strange about him. A simple thing really. You always wore long-sleeved clothes and never used your left arm much. It wasn't that weird until she sneaked a glance of her crush without his top. The left arm was all wrapped in bandages and secured with belts, especially around the wrist. Just an injury, she thought. That is, until she started paying closer attention to you. The bindings were always on, and you never loosened the tightening leather as well. Being an honest person, she confronted you about it. 
You tried to excuse yourself or lie your way out every time she asked, but Jean was far from oblivious. She knew an obvious lie when she saw one. So you showed her. 
A mess of black tentacles, coupled with your pained moans, coming out of your wrist was not something she expected in the slightest. Keeping the thing drawn, you explained everything you knew about it, along with how you've come to be afflicted with it. 
You expected disgust from her. Loathing, resentment, or even exile. But what you found was… empathy. Since it wasn't dangerous to anyone you came into contact with, it was fine in Jean's books. And you couldn't live without it as well (she had Albedo run tests and confirm it later). It was just a part of you, as unconventional as it was. She accepted it just as she accepted the rest of you. 
She knew how much her S/O hated fighting. Whenever they were outside with her, she would always keep an eye on possible threats. It was her who did the fighting, despite your superior power. Yet she couldn't predict what happened one day. An ambush from a large group of Hilichurls and Abyss Mages proved too hard for her to handle alone. So, very regrettably, she had to ask you for help. Pushed up against the wall, facing the risk of getting Jean injured, you moved to attack. You fought together, and managed to beat back the assault. 
When you saw the corpses, the blood and just the overall massacre you caused, you couldn't beat back the guilt. Hilichurls, though less intelligent than humans, we're still living beings. They felt pain just as any creature. You kept brooding over the events for just a minute - until you saw how Jean was handling it. 
And she was far worse off than you. A slurry of apologies and self-loathing flew your way. 
"I'm so, so sorry Y/N… I-I was too weak to handle this… I… failed you… Please forgive me…" 
Despite your best efforts, it soon escalated into a breakdown as all the stress she amassed over the month washed over her. You assured her it's okay, that it's not her fault, that you can take it. She slowly calmed down. She doubled her protection effort in the following days, so much so it turned into near babying you. She stopped after a good, solid dose of reassurance that you will be fine. 
Archons, this woman needs a break. 
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You were certainly an interesting case for Lady Ningguang. You came to Liyue Harbor one day, and it looked like just about everybody liked you. Especially the kids. It was was when she went to visit her little informants that she met you. Despite your serious appearance, you played with them without a care in the world. After she delivered the usual sweets, she struck up a conversation. Ningguang soon found that you were simply a fun person to talk to and generally be around. After a few dozen encounters she grew fond of you. Very fond, in fact. 
When you started living together, she noticed something peculiar about you. You were eating a lot. She found you eating heavy, protein rich foods like meats, be they fresh or dried, almost all the time. Despite this unusual and clearly dangerous diet you never seemed to gain weight. Actually, you remained more or less underweight. Caring about your safety, she suggested that you see a doctor. You remained unwilling, regardless of how much she bothered you. She could only sigh. It was ultimately your call. 
It wasn't weird for her that you didn't like fighting in general - neither with weapons nor with words. She didn't mind standing up for you and doing the talking whenever the situation demanded it. It gave her the familiar, delightful sense of power. Your pacifism didn't bother her, at all in fact. It was refreshing to be around someone not willing to climb up bodies to reach their goal. It raised some concerns for your safety, as your unassuming posture added doubts about your potential combat prowess. 
Her suspicions were completely blown away one day. Being such a high profile individual as Ningguang brought about plenty of interest, usually not in a positive sense. It wasn't a surprise to her that there were people, especially Fatui, who wanted her dead. It was only a matter of time and they would send agents to strike at either you, or herself. That day just had to come while she was on a date with you. The three agents got the jump on you, and managed to wound Ningguang in the shoulder. You were her only defense, and as much as she believed in you, a part of her knew it would be the end. But then… something ripped open her lovely S/O's wrist and a swarm of pitch black tentacles came out. 
Both her and the Fatui screamed in terror at this sight. Using their momentary shock, you defeated them with a few swipes of your weapon. Ningguang didn't know that a human's spine could be snapped so effortlessly. Before long, you were next to her, asking if she's okay. Your girlfriend felt… a lot of things at that moment. Confusion, fear, disgust, worry… She just remained speechless for a solid minute. Being ever the reasonable woman, however, she got herself together and led you to Bubu Pharmacy to get your injuries patched. 
There was no time to think over what exactly you had done just minutes prior, as you were bombarded with questions. What exactly was that thing? Is it a parasite? Is it infectious? Is it dangerous? Does it hurt? And where, by the holy Celestia's name, do you keep that thing? You took your time to explain exactly what she's dealing with, along with presenting the stolen data and your life story. This calmed her a little, but she still needed time to get comfortable with the fact. She tolerated that of course, well, as long as it didn't touch her. Some absolutely horrifying silly tentacle thingy is not going to bring down the wonderful person her S/O is in her eyes. But don't think you'll get a pass on the teasing just because you're her lover. Oh, not at all, in fact. You'll get to hear a lot, and I mean a lot of one specific question. 
"Don't you have any more… unusual… surprises for me in store, my love?" 
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If there was a better place than Inazuma for escaping from one's past, you would certainly have gone there. You expected everything from that strange land, yet it still managed to surprise you. Surprise you by having Inazuma's Archon pay special attention to you. 
Ei spotted you one sunny day while strolling on the main street of the capital. You weren't doing anything specific, just buying groceries. You weren't unusual by any means - just a typical guy, more attractive than the average male for sure though, doing daily things. Yet Ei's gut feeling and a few thousand years' worth of experience told her something was deeply off about you. The vessel was designed to differentiate the seven elements, as well as things living and dead. She noticed your aura was glowing much brighter, just as if there was something else, something very much alive inside you. This piqued her interest, and she decided to investigate. 
Of course, Ei decided to do her detective work her way. Which involved sending out Kujou Sara in the flesh to snatch you right from the streets and lead you before the throne. You were, of course, beyond mortified. Barely two months in the country and you already attracted the Archon's attention? This surely spelt death for you, you thought. When she commanded you to show her the very-generally-put "additional life inside you", you had no choice but to reveal the parasite. 
Sara nearly puked at this horrible sight, and the guards were all ready to cut you into little cubes. Ei, much to everyone's surprise, thought something entirely different. 
"Oh! Hmm, borrowing Miko's words I would say it looks quite… interesting."
The reaction to her words could be described with a single, simple what. Ei got up from her throne, and started circling around you. The way those tendrils wiggled and swayed was quite mesmerizing, and she couldn't keep her eyes away from you. Being stared at by someone of her magnitude, you endured the pain in fear of angering her, and remained still like a statue. Still, until the pain of your muscles tearing and stretching overpowered your will, of course. You fell unconscious in a pool of your own blood and antiseptic slime, right before her eyes. 
You woke up patched up inside a luxurious bed. Ei had you taken care of by a doctor. Despite your inner pleas, you were too weakened to leave the bed for long, so your visit at the Tenshakuku stretched on. All the while Ei has been visiting you many times a day, constantly asking you various questions about the affliction. With no other option than to surrender to her will, you answered all her queries. She found it simply amazing how, with such a frail mortal body, you managed to live with this inside you at all times. Many times you had to show her the tentacle. After Ei heard from you that living like this was nowhere near pleasant, her first instinct was to take the thing out. When she summoned her polearm you had to hastily explain that you actually couldn't live without the parasite. It's body made up for plenty of your missing, very vital bits. She deflated, and decided to stop asking you to draw it. You shouldn't feel pain just to satisfy her childish curiosity, she thought. 
Yet after a day of not talking to you, she found herself bored. Bored and frustrated with most things, and wondering about what you were up to. Regardless of her will, Ei returned to you over, and over again. She started spending lots of time with you. She dragged you out for walks, had tea parties with you, and even used the royal hot springs with you (it was weird at first, as Ei had no clue about her behavior being quite unfitting of an empress, but you got used to her quirkiness eventually). You had to turn down plenty of sparring offers and her requests to show how the tentacle is used in fighting. She stopped shortly after finding out you weren't very keen on violence in any of the many forms it could take. She respected that greatly. To make up for all the trouble she caused you (Ei understood that only a few months after you started dating, and more or less a year after you've met for the first time), the Shogun swore to protect you wherever you went. It was logical for her - being the strongest one brings about an obligation to protect others. 
But even she couldn't be everywhere at once. The Traveler was passing by, and Ei soon fell into a rabbit hole of their problems. She wanted to help them as a means of saying 'thank you', but leaving you alone like that made her quite uneasy. She impatiently waited for an opportunity to excuse herself, but it never came. Only when you called for her, through an enchanted ring she gave you, did she leave. The distance was too long to reach you in time, and Ei arrived at a bloodbath. Over a dozen ronin, probably seeking an 'easy gain', tried to kidnap you. They expected a frail nobleman, not a biological weapon. 
Ei found you on the ground, writhing in pain and discomfort. She scooped you up, and carried you bridal style back to the palace's medical ward. As the physicians worked on patching your injuries, Ei held your head in her hands and spoke softly. 
"I'm so, so sorry you had to do this, darling. I should have been there, just as I promised. I hope you can forgive my incompetence." 
Despite your words and reassurance that it wasn't her fault, Ei would decide to not let that happen again. Ever. She promised you that you would never have to kill anyone again, no matter if she had to be by your side at all times to fulfill her promise. Keeping you away from harm was the least she could do for you, and she would do it as long as you were around. 
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Thanks for reading!
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dusty-daydreams · 4 months
What bothers me is some people appear to think of Eloise as a "Not Like Other Girls" type of "feminist", which is not how I read her at all. I don't see her as thinking any less of other ladies, she just has nothing in common with them. Which is probably very lonely! And yes, unlike other women out in society, she does have the privilege of a family that will support her in spite of her radical politics, and she has been growing (and needs to do more growing) in her understanding of that privilege. (She can daydream about being a spinster because she can afford to be one.) But I've really liked her arc this season, with her trying to make new female friends even as she struggles to find commonalities.
I totally agree Anon!
Eloise is absolutely not a ‘Not like Other Girls’ woman. Just because she thinks differently than other people around does not make her a ‘Not like Other Girls’ because she (for the most part) doesn’t disparage other women when Francesca says she wants to take a “get it over with” approach to the marriage mart she is supportive. When she finds out that Penelope enjoys society and high society events, she indirectly apologises for acting in away that meant that Penelope couldn’t talk to her about it.
Plus for the most part her frustration is directed at men who view women as inferior, and at sexist systems.
I had hoped that this season would have had her continue to build on her progress last season when she began to realise she is not the first person to have these ideas, and in fact there is a brewing grass roots movement going on. That storyline could have continued without her visiting the radicals, by showing her reading things or talking to Benedict about the rights of the working classes or trying to discuss aspects of her feminism with Cressida. Like seriously I think queen bitch Cressida would be all for certain feminist ideals at the time like changing laws surrounding property ownership, and inheritance.
However I wish the show would have her family be more emotionally supportive towards her, like she has a comparatively very good home life, but it feels like most of her siblings treat her and her politics as a bit of a joke.
Which leads me to my other point, I don’t think the show actually knows what to do with Eloise and her feminism and they too often treat it like a joke. The show has become so unrooted from historical realities that the misogyny in the setting is extremely vague and changes to suit the plot, which makes having a character that is coherently fighting against that misogyny impossible.
Like Eloise went from arguing that women should be allowed to be admitted to university in season 1 when things were (a little bit) more historically grounded, to very vaguely saying that Women would have so much more time on their hands if they didn’t have to think about marriage all the time.
The devolution in the show is clear, in season 1, the alternate history was the removing of (certain types of) racism from admits English nobility and gentry, but the misogyny of 1813 was alive and well, women needed to marry because that was where her value and security was, women didn’t have alternatives to marriage for economic security. Now in 1815 and with the fantasy of the show taking over - women need to marry because what - that’s what she is supposed to do, and that social pressure is bad - but it’s not a true systemic problem?
Basically the show has lost any historical grounding it could have claimed to had, and as such Eloise’s feminism is just as vague as the misogyny she is fighting against. Which means that the show inevitably plays Eloise being a character in a Romance show that disdains romance a joke and not an interesting facet of her character the way it was shaping up to be in season 2
That said I did enjoy an Eloise cut off from a Penelope that pretended to care and agree with her politics, trying to make new friends, and trying to honestly engage in their interests.
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AITA for being upset at my mom?
🎵🎵 (to find it)
I know it's not a real big deal, but it's starting to get upsetting. English is not my first language and im on mobile sl sorry about that.
Okay, so my(20f) mother (F mid40s) suffer from long covid. Her symptoms consist of chronic fatigue, short breath, join pain and brain fog. (I still live home because im a college student, and finding an appartment in this market is hell)
We've been really supportive of her :
I drive most of the time, and my sister(16f) has her apprentice driver license, so she drives for mom when im at school; when we go to the mall and she need to take a break to breath, i always offer to go get her a wheelchair, or going to get the car, she sleeps a lot in the day so we don't make noise, i bought her loops earplug for sleeping, etc.
We're are used to it and my dad (mid40s too) work 12 hours a day to compensate for the money we're losing with mom on sickleave (where we live we have job insurance and etc): he starts at 5:30am to 6pm, and i usually only see him in the evening, so the only time we really are together as a family is during the evening meal.
There is where i could be the a-hole:
Since mom got long covid, it takes more time for her to respons us, and her memory isnt as good as it was (shes well known in her workplace, she a well respected manager who takes great care of her employees). It's just, almost every night, when me or my sister or even my dad are telling a something that happened in our day, she always cut us to say something, like :don't forget to put this in that, or just to say something she did that day over our own story, or asking me to bring her water in the middle of my sister's sentences (which she could have waited for after she was done).
So we, someone different each time, always tell her "X was speaking, you just cut them, and you do this often, please let them finish" and, well, when it happens everytime i am (or my sister) is trying to say something, it get upsetting. And she always uses the same reasons: "we're a family and we're cohabiting, sometime we talk over you but still listen to you" (no she doesn’t, i have to tell her a million times the same fucking thing and she always forget) or "you know my mind is a little slow right now, i'll forget if i don't say it" or she gets upset because we're annoyed by it.
But god forbid if you cut her! She'll raise her tone, and still doesn't get why we're upset.
Like, i get it, she got long covid and it's a bitch to deal with the way your cognitive capabilities slow down with the fatigue, but we've been extremely helpful (and im still gonna be, because she's my mother) and her allowing herself to lack respect towards us doesn't excuse her because she's ill. At least this is how i see it?
At this point i dont really know if i can feel upset? Like, she's my mom, and she's ill (and it's really depressing seeing her this put down by the symptoms i don't wish it to anyone) but im just so tired to have to restart the same sentence four or five time because she keep interrupting me
So, aita?
What are these acronyms?
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icycoldninja · 4 months
Can you write a DMC men headcanon with a reader who’s like Marie from SkullGirls?
She was a war orphan, used to live in an orphanage and thought her life would went peaceful like this until a group of devils intrude their home, causing the destruction of her home and the death of her adoptive parents and the kids their. Enrage, she obtain an artifact named the “Skullheart”
(The Skull Heart is a powerful sentient artifact that plays a major part in the Skullgirls story. Every seven years after its previous destruction, it reappears to grant a wish to a woman. The wish can be of incredible magnitude, but it comes at a great price. The Skull Heart often twists even selfless wishes into brutality, ending wars by causing even more destruction, bringing back a loved one as an undead minion, and in return inhabits the body of the woman who wished upon it, in time turning the woman into a Skullgirl. A murderous, extremely powerful woman corrupted by the Skull Heart, capable of raising corpses as mindless minions, bringing about destruction in an endless cycle with the purpose of one day ending the world.)
for the sole purpose of protecting her loved ones and to bestow punishment and torment on those she deemed are evil and not worth redemption. This transformed her into the Skullgirl, but with her strong will, she managed to resist the influence of the skull heart and continue her quest of vengence - to put an end to those who are willing to harm the innocents and her family as well as disposing evil and those who are associated with it
Absolutely, here you go.
Sparda boys + V x Marie-like!Reader headcannons
¤ Dante ¤
-Dante had never heard of the Skullheart, but upon seeing the power it gave you, had to admit he was impressed.
-He's proud of you for overcoming the influence of the Skullheart and continuing on with your mission to rid the world of evil.
-Dante's kinda doing the same thing, so now you guys can destroy devils together.
-He's very supportive of you and will always be around to talk if you ever need to get anything off your chest.
-He also knows what it's like to lose one's family, so he can sympathize with your situation.
-One thing you should note is that Dante will be there forever, and that you don't need to worry about protecting him, be it from outside threats or yourself.
■ Vergil ■
-Vergil was astounded by the POWER the Skullheart gave you and wished the Skullheart would come to him so he could wish for more power.
-After you explained to him the consequences of getting a wish granted by the Skullheart, he quickly changed his mind, and silently applauded you for making such a selfless wish and surviving.
-Your quest to rid the world of all evil and all those you deem irredeemable are in Vergil's blunt opinion, dumb, but he won't stop you.
-He is glad you count demons among the irredeemable because there are a lot to be exterminated, but between the two of you and your insane powers, you might be able to wipe them all out.
-Also sympathizes with your unfortunate situation regarding your foster family and is more than happy to give you a MOTIVATING pep talk whenever you need one.
-You two are constantly trying to protect one another from various things. You try to keep him safe from your own volatile powers, and Vergil tries to guard against demons and other nefarious creatures. It's turned into a sort of competition now.
□ Nero □
-Nero was concerned about the power you wield because there's a chance it could corrupt you someday.
-He's worried you'll go power-crazy like his dear old dad, and considering your strength, that'd be really bad.
-Nero's from an orphanage himself, so he's no stranger to your kind of sadness. Though he's not much of a talker, he will listen.
-Tries to keep you from using your powers as much as he can, offering to go on missions solo so you can hold off on the fighting. Losing you really is a great fear of his.
-Despite how many times you've reassured him you're not going anywhere, he won't believe you. Nero is just really, really worried.
-He does admire your strength though, because let's face it, your powers are incredible.
● V ●
-V was intrigued by the power of the Skullheart and decided to learn as much as he could about it.
-He went to every library and bookstore he could find, searching for tomes and other records of the Skullheart's power. What he learned terrified him.
-V knew your willpower was strong, but was it strong enough to resist the Skullheart forever? Would you really be able to keep this up as you got older?
-He knew there wasn't all that much you could do about it since you couldn't exactly give up the power of the Skullheart, so he decided that he would do his best to take care of you, watching for any signs that you're losing control.
-He is proud of you for devoting your gift to something so selfless; his admiration for you increases more and more every day.
-He loves you more than anything else in the world and will be by your side forever, regardless of what happened in the past and what might happen in the future.
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Give me the randomest detailed little headcanon for each of the dagger squad! As silly or as mundane as you can think of, anything goes, but it has to be a small detail
Oh, Sam. You spoil me. You know I could talk about the Daggers forever and even before I start this, I know I'm going to go wild with it 😂
This is going to be long so my random HCs for each member of the Dagger Squad plus Mav is below the cut.
Mav once asked Carole to marry him. It was years after Goose had died and Mav had basically moved in with Carole and Bradley when he wasn't deployed. He was gone so often that they had both agreed that it was silly for him to pay for his own place when he was hardly ever there. Besides, when he was stateside, he spent almost ever moment he could with Bradley anyway. There was never anything romantic between Mav and Carole. He never tried to stop her or talk her out of dating anyone else, but in his head, she would forever be Goose's girl. But Mav did love Carole like family just as he loved Bradley. One night when Bradley was at a sleepover with a friend from school, Mav took Carole out to a bar to let her enjoy herself and her one night off from mom duty. Penny had just broken up with him (again) a few weeks before and he wanted to drink his sorrows away anyway. So, they both drank-- a lot. And by the end of the night, Carole was lamenting about her latest attempt at dating and how no one would ever be able to accept her baggage with Goose or the fact she had a young son. She just missed being a wife, missed having someone who knew every part of her, missed having someone who was the other piece of her heart. And while she knew she could never replace Goose (not did she want to), she just wished she could find someone with whom she could have a relationship even half as strong. To which Mav in his extremely drunken state responded, "How about me?" Carole was shocked but Mav continued. "I already know you almost as well as Goose did and we both have our own baggage when it comes to him. Plus I couldn't love Bradley more if he were mine. And it's not like I have anyone wanting to be with me. So, what do you say? You wanna get married?" Gently taking Mav's hand, Carole softly said, "I appreciate the offer and you looking after me but Mav, honey, you're drunk. Tomorrow you'll realize why that's not what either of us would want. I love you to death and I know you love me, but not in that way. So, thank you, but no." Mav just shrugged. "Ok. It was just an idea." And he went back to his drink. It wasn't until the next morning when he reluctantly drug himself out of bed to find some aspirin that he remembered what he did and was mortified. He tried to apologize to Carole when she got home from picking up Bradley, but she just laughed and waved it off. But as she was headed into the kitchen, she added, "How about this..... If neither of us are married by Bradley's 20th birthday, then we'll do it." Mav smiled. "Sounds like a plan." Neither one of them could have known then that by Bradley's 20th birthday, Carole would be gone and Mav would be cut off from the only remaining connection to her.
When the movie came out in 1996, Bradley stole a copy of Fly Away Home from the local Blockbuster. As a boy of 14, he knew the movie was not targeted towards him but from the moment he saw what it was about, he knew he had to see it. The next time Carole went to work and left him alone, he watched it. Halfway through he had to call Mav sobbing and ask him to come over because he was a complete emotional wreck (luckily Mav was on leave at the time). Mav comforted him and they agreed to finish the movie together. Carole came home hours later from work to find them both clinging to each other and crying like babies. Bradley never watched the movie again, but he put it in a box of his dad's things and still has it to this day. *in case you aren't familiar, Fly Away Home is the story of a young girl who is living with her estranged father who is an inventor. One day, she finds a nest of abandoned goose eggs and she helps them hatch, they imprint on her, and she raises them. Then when they are old enough, the dad builds a small aircraft so that the girl can show the geese how to fly south for the winter since usually the mother goose does this. Major events along the way include the weakest of the goose slamming into the girl's craft and plummeting to the forest below, lthe dad crashes his own aircraft (he lives), and the girl and her day talking out their issues and repairing their father-daughter relationship. In a scroll at the end it is revealed all the geese flew back to their farm the following spring to be with their "mother" (including the one who crashed in the forest).
Jake has a tiny scar on his tongue. It is really hard to tell because of the size and where it is located but for the few people who do notice, he always tells them it is from a piercing attempt in high school that went wrong. In reality, when he was trying to teach himself how to flip a toothpick in his mouth (he thought it would impress girls) and one time he stabbed it deep into his tongue where it got stuck. It took almost a full day to stop bleeding and he lost some of his sense of taste for almost three months. He never told anyone what really happened, not even Javy and he considers it one of the most embarrassing things he has ever done.
Natasha and Javy have an ongoing friends-with-benefits agreement going on that started when they were both at Top Gun together the first time. They don't advertise it but they also don't deny it so the ones closest to them know about it. Everyone constantly tells them it's a bad idea or that one of them are going to get hurt, but so far there has never been any issues. Neither one has any romantic feelings towards each other, they just know that dating is difficult while on active duty and sometimes you just need to scratch that itch. And it doesn't hurt they are both extremely attractive. But over all, it is very much an "end of the night and neither one of us picked up anyone so let's go back to my place" situation. There is never any expectation or hurt feelings if they end up not doing anything, it just is what it is. During training for the Dagger mission, they hooked up several times including the first night in town, in the showers after the beach football match, when Nat got out of the hospital after the bird strike, and the night before and of the mission. Jake walked in on them after the football match but he just rolled his eyes, grabbed his shampoo, and grumbled, "This is still going on?" as he left (normally, he would have tried to take more of a peek, but he respected his best friend too much and feared Nat's wrath too much to try it).
Bob isn't a dog or a cat kind of guy. He's a fish guy. And not just any fish but specifically goldfish. His grandmother bought him one for his fifth birthday and it became the only pet he ever wanted. As soon as he would come home from school, he would drag his bedroom chair over to his dresser so he could scamper up on it to stare eye-to-eye with Goldie (yes, Goldie). He would spend the better part of an hour chatting away and telling Goldie all about his day. Then he would climb down from the chair and go about his afternoon until it was time to feed Goldie. then, his mom would help him sprinkle in just the right amount of food (she was extra careful since the time Bob poured half the bottle in the bowl for a single meal). Goldie lived five years and Bob was absolutely heartbroken when he died. However, that didn't stop him from taking his allowance down to the pet store and buying two new goldfish, a larger tank, and a few accessories to decorate the bottom of the tank. While at this point he was no longer giving long speeches to his pets, he still greeted Bert and Ernie every morning when he woke up, and told them goodnight every evening when he went to bed. Even while in the Navy, he still has a few goldfish to keep him company when he is stateside. His niece takes care of them when he is deployed or away for any period of time and he bought her a pair of goldfish of her own from Christmas after she told him how much she loved taking care of his.
Ever since he was a kid, Javy has sleepwalked when he is under a lot of stress. Later he found out it also happens when he has too much to drink. It is the sort of sleepwalking where he just sort of shuffles around but is also very susceptible to others' suggestions or will answer questions (though his responses are often too slurred or mumbled to make out and they usually don't make a lot of sense). The first time it happened back at the Academy, Jake nearly had a heart attack when he heard something and barely opened his eyes to see his roommate standing over his bed. His panicked scream of "What the fuck, dude!" was enough to wake Javy up and he reluctantly explained what happened. After that, Jake would sometimes stay up when he knew Javy was extra stressed or had one too many beers that night just hoping it might lead to another episode. When it did, he would find creative ways to mess with him. For example, one fall Javy woke up in his pajama pants and old t-shirt in the middle of a cornfield with just a crudely drawn map and a walkie-talkie with him. Jake took his sweet time helping him get out. Another prank involved strapping a life vest on a sleepwalking Javy and telling him to walk into the Academy pool. That was definitely one way to wake him up. Yet despite Jake loving to mess with his best friend, he never did anything cruel or that he knew would embarrass Javy (not too much anyway). Because of that, Javy put up with it and even secretly enjoyed it after the fact (he was usually pretty mad in the moment). And sometimes he would pretend to be sleepwalking just to then mess with Jake in return.
Everyone assumes that Reuben probably played basketball in high school or college because of his height. However, he actually was never really into playing any sports. Instead, he took dance classes for about six years. He was very talented in ballet and had actually considered perusing it as a career before deciding to go to college for an engineering degree (he didn't join the Navy until after he graduated college). However, he never lost his love of dancing. First, he used his skills to pay for his college education (ballet was not the only kind of dancing he knew). Then once he graduated and joined the Navy, he loved going out dancing every chance he got. He was always the star of the Naval Balls and always had a line of people wanting to get their turn to dance with them. Once the Daggers were formed, he tried to offer to teach a few of them how to dance, but it soon became clear it was a lost cause. Rooster had his own..... unique style of dance already. Bob was always a flustered mess who stared at his feet and muttered "one, two, three.." under his breath as he moved. Hangman was more interested in standing at the bar talking to girls than trying to dance with them. Phoenix was the one exception. Her parents had forced her into cotillion as a teen and she had hated it with a passion. However, she still remembered the dances they taught her and Payback was able to help her brush off some of her rusty skills.
Mickey ran into William Shatner in a Starbucks when he was in California the first time he was at Top Gun. Growing up, his grandparents had lived with his family and every day when he came home from school, Mickey would get a snack and watch TOS reruns with his grandma. It was this show that not only sparked his obsession with pop culture but also made him want to fly when he grew up. So seeing Captain Kirk standing in front of him ordering a grande cappuccino was a completely surreal experience. Luckily, Mickey was in his khaki uniform. It had his ribbons, Naval aviator pin, and his last name but it did not have his callsign on it. He signed in relief. He did NOT need his idol to have seen that. However, he forgot that he had placed a mobile order and he always used his callsign on his app so when the barista called out that there was an order ready for "Fanboy", Mickey froze. Glancing out of the corner of his eye, he saw that Shatner had also stiffened at the name and his eyes were darting around the room trying to see whose order it was. Mickey decided he was just going to pretend it wasn't his order, but unfortunately, the barista recognized him. She stared pointedly at Mickey and repeated that his order was ready. Reluctantly, Micky stepped forward and took his drink. With his eyes on the floor, he hurried out of the building but not before muttering, "It meant a lot. Thank you." as he passed Shatner. When Mickey made it back to his car, he burst into tears out of embarrassment and the pure emotionality of the situation. He didn't go back to that Starbucks for over a week. However, when he eventually returned, the same barista was there as last time. She handed him his drink once it was ready and also slipped him a large envelope with a wink. When he opened it, he found an autographed picture of William Shatner that said, "For a true Fanboy. Live long, and prosper-- Captain Kirk". Once again, Mickey left Starbucks in tears.
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kellycataclysm · 18 days
🌵☀️ for lyra!!! you can answer it with your harvey HCs too if you want :D
Hello hello! Okay physical affection and first impressions! These are such lovely questions!
Firstly, physical affection. Lyra LOVES it. She loves to hug her friends and family. She loves to snuggle with her dog, loves to have the cat curl up in her lap. Then there’s her two favourite people in the whole world. She loves to feel Evie sleeping next to her, their little girl crawling into their bed in the middle of the night or just before the sunrise. She loves to feel her small hand in hers. 
And then Harvey. She would touch him constantly if she could. Physical touch is a love language for these two. She loves to hug him, hold his hand, touch him gently as they pass each other, link their little fingers when they are in the car. Physical affection from him and giving him physical affection is so very important to her. His kiss takes her breath away and she will never get enough of it. And while they tell each other how they feel, being able to show it is even better. 
Harvey is less likely to show affection to friends and family in a physical way. He’s going to give his good friends a handshake or a pat on the back when they see each other, he will hug his parents when he visits home, but other than that, he is not overly tactile. Evie and Lyra are a different story. Harvey loves to carry Evie on his shoulders, giving her his giant’s eye view of the world. He will snuggle with her on the couch before she goes to bed, reading her a story as she nestles in his arms. 
As for Lyra, not being able to touch her before they became a couple consumed him, he wanted to so desperately. The first time they hugged, as friends, it took all his willpower not to bury his nose into her hair and breathe her in. As they grew closer, he grew more confident, gentle touches sneaking in with more frequency. The night she spent in his bed, before they became a couple, she fell asleep in his arms and he knew, he would never be able to let her go again. He loves to wrap her up in a warm hug, link their fingers as they walk, and her kiss… he would kiss her endlessly if he could, lifting her face to his, looking into her eyes, pressing his lips to hers, telling her just how much he adores her without even saying a word.
Lyra is friendly, polite, well-spoken and makes an excellent first impression. She is quiet, but loves to meet people and hear their stories, learn about their experiences, curious about the world around her. She loves to laugh, smiling as she listens to your stories. Not entirely confident, she does have a small element of awkwardness in her behaviour, sometimes saying something dorky that she wishes she could take back, but she quickly shakes her head at herself and moves on. She’ll spiral about it in the middle of the night later. She is quietly charming and carries herself very well. It is this gentle magic that had Harvey captivated from the moment he laid eyes on her. 
Most of the time, Harvey makes an excellent first impression. He always dresses smartly, without being vain in the slightest. If anything, he lacks self-confidence. He is very smart, polite and extremely well-spoken, a professional through and through. He needs to be trusted by his community so it is important to him that he makes an excellent first impression, sometimes causing a little anxiety in getting it right the first time, leading to him overthinking many of his interactions. He is tall and broad and sometimes his height makes him feel a little self-conscious. He knows that people can be intimidated by doctors and so being a tall doctor, he worries that people will not be able to connect with him. He is quiet and often this leads him to withdraw from people or keep a detached professional distance. When he gets to know you, that is when he will share his passions and his dorky charm. Lyra was swept off her feet by the tall, handsome, well-dressed doctor, but when she really got to know him and his gentle charm and nerdy jokes, that is when she fell hard. 
Thank you so much for those lovely questions!
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sagemoderocklee · 3 months
Hello, I hope you’re feeling well :).
I just wanted to have your opinion about Temari x Shikamaru? I love the way you write about them. I think Kishimoto would be jealous lol.
I also cannot wait for your updates, especially for “The Art of Love”. Please take care!
^///^ thank you so much anon! for the compliment and the well wishes!
all updates are currently only being done through my fundraising campaign for Palestinian families, but if you would like to see TAoL updated, that IS one of the fics that can be sponsored! The next chapter of TAoL is estimated at around 15k words for a total of $60USD in donations, which do not have to be all one person donating! I hope you'll consider donating to help families!
i absolutely LOVE ShikaTema and i love writing them into all my fics, even when they are barely there. their relationship had so much potential and then boruto ruined it.
kishimoto's problem--and thus Naruto's (and Boruto's) problem--will always be misogyny. i love all the girls (minus hinata), but no matter how bad ass or fun he makes them, they always suffer under misogyny (including Hinata), and so do their relationships--especially the romantic ones.
and this is getting extremely rambly so more under the cut
i think shikamaru and temari suffer more in boruto than in classic or Shippuden--i'd even go so far as to say that relationship suffers the most out of all the ones presented to us because the building blocks in Naruto/Shippuden never supported what Boruto delivered--but i cant speak broadly on that since i refuse to engage with boruto beyond some old silly jokes about metal looking like gaara. i do know through just hearing about it that temari gets the like the shrill, overbearing wife treatment, and obviously she went from being an active duty shinobi to being a housewife, which is so insulting.
if anything, shikamaru should be the stay at home parent. temari should continue her diplomacy work, she should not have just up and left her village for good, and she shouldn't be treated like an overbearing wife.
my preference is to always have Temari and Shikamaru split their time in Suna and Konoha. Shikamaru might ultimately end up being a stay-at-home dad but i do think he still wouldn't abandon his duties as the head of his clan. he'd have a proxy for when he's not in Konoha, but they'd still need to report to him regularly while he's in Suna, and he could always be recalled back to Konoha for big issues within the clan. i think at a certain point he does retire from being a shinobi to focus on the kids, while still being willing to be like a consultant for strategy if need be
but ultimately i think Shikamaru is just a wife guy. i think that's what was being set up for us. Shikamaru being this dumb pre-teen kid who thought girls were gross and was falling into these misogynistic ideas, only to have his world view rocked by Temari. i think she's the catalyst for his growth but not the sole reason for it. i think it was just like the women around him on a daily basis and his own just like growth as a person, but he needed someone to come in to put the first chink in the armor, so to speak. Temari was someone he didn't really know or have any notions about beyond her being a girl and what that meant to a 12 year old boy.
once she proved to defy his expectations and also challenge him, i think that's where he starts to grow.
i think temari and shikamaru's relationship has to be built on equity, respect, and understanding, which kishimoto and anyone else writing these relationships don't grasp.
one thing that should have been emphasized more, imo, is that Temari is on par with Shikamaru. i think she's a genius too, but she's not as lazy and bored by the world as he is, and i think that challenges him. i think she's interesting to him because she's his equal, and often times his better. like she pushes him. he's a lazy mf, but he's brilliant; she's brilliant AND not a lazy mf. she's driven, she's passionate, she's funny, she's playful, she's a lil mean sometimes but has a big heart...
like deadass shikamaru should WORSHIP the ground she walks on. he should be so in love with her, but he always keeps it close to the chest. he's not like tryna play it cool he's just like that. it's not like he's scared or even embarrassed, i just think he's reserved in how he shows that to he world, which works well cause i dont think temari is publicly very lovey-dovey either.
i think temari is just as in love with him--again equity and so on--but i do think she also has other priorities like her career. i think shikamaru could give a rat's ass about being a shinobi and the only thing he really cares about related to shinobi work is his teammates and his clan, but that's still all wrapped up in duty. temari is his choice. which i think is something that anyone from a clan really would be drawn to--clans are about duty, shinobi life is about duty. but loving someone outside of the clan, choosing who you marry--that's choice and that's freeing.
i think temari is freedom for shikamaru, and she needs freedom from him. he's not overbearing. he's not insecure. he's willing to do shit a lotta other guys wouldn't do--like be a stay-at-home dad. and he loves her without reservation and without expectation. i think for temari, expectation is the root of all evil.
she's the daughter of the 4th Kazekage, people expect things from her because of that. she's a shinobi--a kunoichi--a woman, so people expect certain things from her because of that.
get married. retire early. have kids. can't be too ambitious. not allowed on the council. so on and so on.
all these gendered expectations of her from the world around her, but not from Shikamaru.
like obviously he does wanna marry her and have kids, but it's not a demand. he never expects her to do anything she doesn't wanna do. and it's not like she doesnt want kids. she absolutely wants to get married and have a family, but she also wants her ambition. her career. her passion. she wants to change the world alongside Gaara, not sit idly by while the men in her life do and do and do.
shikamaru gives her that. she defied expectations because she didn't marry a man from Wind, she didn't retire, she's having kids who'll have dual loyalties which means from the council's pov her children aren't viable heirs to the Kazekage title, she retains all of her ambitions and passions and keeps fighting for the equity of women in the shinobi world.
Shikamaru is for Temari, what she is for him. he challenges her as much as she challenges him; he gives her what she needs from a partner, as much as she gives him what he needs. emotionally, mentally, and physically they both challenge the other, support the other, and understand the other.
they just make a good team. they make each other stronger and smarter and better, and they make each other happy.
anyways, this is all really rambly. not feelin that great today so i hope this rambling mess is fun to read!
thanks for the ask and for reading my fics <3
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raviollies · 11 months
Hey! I love what you've done to characters and Lorelei is now living in my head rent free! Raha and Blythe are amazing and adorable!
It's very inspiring the way you keep yourself together even when everything falls apart! Keep it up!
If my question is annoying or if it bothers you, you may not answer on it.
Originally I followed you when I saw your Ireena and Blythe art. It amazed me how much both of them and Ireena in particular got fleshed out!
In my dnd game and tbh in many other games, players don't get invested in Ireena's journey, they don't fall for her and don't care for her sadly. That's why many DM's usually replace her with a player character, in order to raise the stakes. In half a year I will be running a new cos game, for the group of three and I am honestly considering to replace Ireena with the PC, but don't really want to (especially fearing how the game might go, if the player will turn into strahd-simp).
Could you please describe Ireena's character in your game? Perhaps her bonds and flaws? So other DM's and I can do a better job of her portrayal!
Thank you for the kind words! Here is an updated Lorelai WIP for your to pay rent
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(and Blythe and Raha are very married yes)
So rather than referencing my game, as I am not the DM, I will provide my own suggestions as I was planning on running CoS as well. Spoilers for the campaign
I will also suggest against a Tatyana PC. Everyone is very much free to write and interpret the character however they want but to me it is very important that the Tatyana reincarnation does not want Strahd. In fact I would remove the interaction with Sergei too. Having her instantly forget herself as this new person in favour of Tatyana erases the entire point and kind of proves Strahd right in him refusing to see Ireena as her own person.
The way I would approach Ireena; she is her own person. She grew up with her family that wasn't Tatyana's. She lived a life that wasn't Tatyana's. She's met different people. It doesn't MATTER if she's a reincarnation of someone else, after all everyone in Barovia is a reincarnation of someone else. It's very important to establish that the main crux of the issue is that Strahd does NOT see her as Ireena, but Tatyana. He does not know Ireena. He only knows Tatyana. I would even have him call her that rather than "Ireena".
Ireena's story would be one of becoming independent and confident in her identity. To no longer be just Ismark's sister, Burgomaster's daughter, Tatyana's reaction, Evil's bride --- she is Ireena Kolyana. Nothing more, nothing less. I would start her off as unsure of herself, and being hesitant to take up space and over the course of the story become more confident in standing up for herself, with an eventual climax of expressing extremely clearly to Strahd that she is not Tatyana. She never was. He doesn't know her. That that person is gone, and she will never be back. He can chain her, do whatever but that will never make her Tatyana nor will it make her love him or know him. She is a woman who is constantly assigned identities by other's, but she want's to just be Ireena, she wants to do her hobbies, decide on where she wants to go, what books to read, what food to eat.
The relationship between Strahd and Tatyana is irrelevant. It could have been real, or a figment of his imagination, but the point is that...she is gone. If he had a soul of someone else, would it be fair for them to lay claim to him?
As for personality wise ; I would write her as sheepish at first, she is someone taking their first steps into adulthood in a way, outside the comfort of their home, their village. She should be curious and wonderstruck, curious and wishing to explore every nook and cranny. Because of that she would be unfortunately naïve to the problems that arise in bigger cities as Vallaki. A village and a town are very different - a big thing she's be stupefied by how impersonal everyone is. Rural villages often have people knowing everyone, it's commonplace to help your neighbor because you KNOW them. Vallaki is different...people go about their day and do not care, after all there is so many people. You physically can't know everyone.
She is down to earth and finds camaraderie with someone simpler than a noble, providing practical suggestions and being very handy with most tools and identifying local flora. On a flipside, I would say she struggles when dealing in very formal settings where it's less about honesty and more about saying a lie by omission to get what you want. When interacting with Vargas or Lady Wachter, she's visibly uncomfortable and stumbles over her words; they speak in such a way to purposely confuse her, like a lawyer would. Not only that but she most likely would refuse to do anything morally questionable, her heart is very pure!
So in all, a kind hearted, down to earth little lady who values honesty, hard work, and family but is naïve, stubborn and socially awkward. She will support and protect the party, even to her detriment but she will not stand with them to commit Crimes (so RIP if your party is murder hobos)
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Diasomnia and Mulan Parallels in Chapter 7
We gotta talk about Diasomnia and the subtle Mulan motifs because I haven’t seen many people talking about it in relation to chapter 7 and I’m seeing the signs everywhere.
So obviously Twisted Wonderland has dropped hints and has referenced Mulan multiple times, especially when it comes to Diasomnia. The first time I remember it being extremely prominent was in the Halloween event. The relationship between the two being dragons, which makes sense. However, there’s a lot more connections than just that.
Silver represents and is twisted from a lot of things, much like Lilia, but one of those things is the silver sword used by Prince Philip to kill Maleficent. Now there’s also another movie where a sword and physical fighting is important and you guessed it, it’s Mulan!
Let’s talk about the parallels between Mulan and Diasomnia especially when it comes to chapter 7.
Lilia and Mulan’s dad are in the same position. Both fathers are getting older and have lost their prowess and power they once had.
Silver and Mulan are also in the same position. When the war comes to China and the draft is announced, Mulan steps up for her family and father, who’s too old to go to war, and goes in his stead despite her family’s disapproval and devastation. When Malleus overblots and Lilia is too weak to counter him, Silver steps up to save his family from this sleeping curse despite Malleus’s active disdain and outrage. Both of them choose to do the harder thing. Mulan had the option to stay home and just act as a good wife in order to help her parents and Silver could have decided to stay in his dream with Lilia because that’s what he wanted most of all, but neither of them do that. Mulan goes into the military to protect her father and her family, while Silver opposes Malleus because he wants to respect and honor his father’s last wishes and knows that this isn’t what he wants, and it’s not easy. Mulan desperately struggles to stay in the military and is only barely able to make it (I’ll Make a Man Out of You). Silver has to give up his dream and desire to be together with his father and then fight one of his closest relatives essentially on the matter, which is emotionally taxing.
Mulan is also the underdog, the least likely person to save China, and much like Mulan, Silver is too. Mulan is a woman, who's often considered weaker than men. Similarly, Silver is a human surrounded by fae, who’re known to have more magical prowess and power and long life spans. They’re the unexpected ones who will defeat someone who’s considered an impossible enemy.
Now Silver’s Unique Magic is a foil to Malleus’s Fae of Maleficence. You could consider Silver a mirror to Malleus, a reflection. Which could be connected to Mulan, as she sings Reflection and ends up seeing her reflection in the sword before deciding to cut her hair off and go to the military.
Now, while not 100% confirmed, I’m inclined to believe that Sebek has heavy aspects of Shang incorporated into his character. Much like Shang’s actions of kicking Mulan out of the military when he finds out she’s a female, Sebek parallels this by believing that fae are stronger than humans and discriminating against them. Now, Shang comes around to the idea of Mulan, a female, saving all of China and is pretty cool with it and seems a bit proud of her. Now, I have a distinct feeling that Sebek is going to do the same in terms of coming around to humans. The first year gang is gonna show him that humans are just as powerful as fae. Maybe not in the exact same way, but they do have their strengths. Just like how Shang might have been physically stronger than Mulan, Mulan was more creative with her environment than he was.
Malleus is probably acting as the Hun’s leader whose name I forgot and I also forgot his motive for going to war too so can’t say much about him.
I also have a distinct inclination that the first year gang, or at least ADeuce is gonna play a part in this because of how they inducted Ortho into their group and how they’ve been grouping them together so far. I’m thinking that in terms of story roles, the first year gang is gonna act like Mulan’s besties in the military who dressed up as beautiful women to get inside the palace along with Cricket and Mushu. Defeating the Huns was a team effort in Mulan and I have a feeling it’s going to be the same for defeating Malleus. I mean, defeating Maleficent was a team effort in Sleeping Beauty. The fairies helped Philip escape, gave him weapons, and buffed him in order for him to one shot Maleficent. I can see that happening with Ortho being the striker.
Also if my thought process is correct for Sebek, that means that he’s going to end up bonding with other humans besides Silver and who’re better candidates than the first year gang? Besides, Ace hasn’t gotten his unique magic yet, so it’s probably going to happen in Chapter 7 and if not, chapter 8. I’m not exactly sure how Twisted will end, but that’s not the main concern at the moment. We gotta survive chapter 7 first and I’ve already cried over these characters two times already.
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silverwings22 · 5 months
Song of the Sea: Chapter 8: Bought and Sold
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Chapter warning: Rizz 'em with the 'tism, sexual thoughts (not explicit... yet), selling family members, canon typical violence, grand theft speeder, child endangerment Series warning: explicit smut, alien anatomy (it's a monsterfucker fic, guys), major character injury, grief, canon typical violence, autistic meltdowns, and my terrible attempts at Mando'a
Previous Chapter:
Next Chapter:
Pantora was crowded, but it seemed like a good place to try to sell what they could while Tech repaired and scrambled the signature on the ship. Hunter and Echo were taking Omega to the markets to try to get supplies, while Shiani was staying with Tech and Wrecker at the ship to gut and upgrade everything that needed to be done. While Tech and Wrecker worked on bribing the hangar attendant, she watched the other two giving Omega a quick run through of the rules. 
“Hunter?” Shiani asked after a minute, walking over as she took her chains off. “Here.” 
"What's this?" He frowned.
"You can sell metal for credits, right? And we need credits to eat…" She pressed them into his hands a little harder. "It’s the only thing I have to give, but it might help."
Hunter vaguely recalled Tech mentioning how important these were to her, and nodded. "Are you sure?"
She nodded. “They were a family heirloom… but I want this to be my new family. Please take them.”
Hunter nodded once more and waved Omega to follow him. "Thank you, then."
She waited for the three of them to be gone before adjusting her shirt. The lack of weight across her arms was unfamiliar, but it was a sacrifice she'd make for them. She wanted to belong here, with the Batch. That meant setting the past, who she'd been, aside to make room for who she might become. 
Once Wrecker pulled the engine out, she climbed into the chassis with Tech to start building that future.
The bespectacled clone worked and gave instructions, still thinking haphazardly about the cycle she'd spent on the cockpit floor with him. "Pass me that spanner. May I ask you something about our conversation yesterday?"
The purple girl handed the tool over obediently, halfway through his requested rewire of the navi-computer. "Yes?"
"When you said that you wished to remain with me, what did you mean?" He frowned, turning his attention to the signal array.
"I meant what I said. I want to be with you. Travel with you, follow where you go. See you every day." She stripped more coating off a wire and started twisting two of them together, focusing on the work to make sure she did it correctly.   
"Yes, but in what context?" He didn't look at her, multitasking to the extreme. 
"You’re my favorite person in the galaxy, Tech. What other context is there?" She blinked, turning her head to examine his profile.
Tech groaned behind his teeth. "I am not asking this correctly." Basic didn't seem so basic right now. Nuanced communication was neither of their strengths; he was blunt often to the point of appearing callous. She was too honest to read between the lines. "I mean… if you were to choose how you remained by my side. What would that choice be?"
"Whatever you need me to be. A helper, like this. Or someone to listen for hours, like back home." She fiddled with a soldering iron thoughtfully. "I just don’t want to… overstep. Or make you uncomfortable." She finally mumbled. "Can’t mess anything up between us. You’re too important to me."
Too important. Tech didn't think he'd ever been called too important to risk before. He was a black ops commando, sent to danger and death every mission since he'd graduated as a cadet. The idea that the soft, unarmored cephalopod woman thought anything about him was too important to risk was a confusing novelty. 
And it was indicative of something he had not previously considered: Shiani had a far stronger emotional attachment to him than he'd realized. One he had no idea how to determine the true depth of, or reciprocate. If this was a romantic attraction…
He had no data for once in his life. He knew so little about her species, from what she might find appealing to how their biology worked. Shiani's mind and personality he enjoyed, that was the core of their long-term friendship. But if it progressed beyond that… he didn't even know if her people had compatible bodies to his own if they… oh fuck. He was actually considering having sex with her. More than considering, he could imagine it. How a kiss might taste, what her arms would feel like around him, even the sounds she might make. The legends about sirens said their singing was hypnotic, but his imaginings produced a sweeter sound: a whimper of his name. 
"Tech?" Shiani leaned over, scooping the spanner from his fingers to keep working but giving him a curious look. "You’re sweating. Hot?"
"I am… I-" A comm chime had never been a more relieving sound. "Yes Hunter?"
"I've lost Omega. She was picked up by some woman, a bounty hunter of some kind. Kid gave her the slip but I'm tracking them both."
Tech nodded. "I will get into the traffic cameras around the city and locate her. Shiani, can you finish putting the ship back together? The signature has been scrambled."
"I can do it. But it's gonna take a while." She gestured around to half the ship laying on the ground outside of the chassis.
"Echo, get back and help Shiani. Wrecker, I need you out here." Hunter ordered.
"On the way, sarge." Wrecker nodded. 
"Enroute. I'm bringing help." Echo sounded amused. "I'm still mad you sold me for only 2000 credits."
That made Shiani squeak. "You sold Echo?!"
"I'll explain later." Hunter grumbled. "I'm about to steal a speeder. Get me coordinates, Tech."
"Copy." Tech clambered out of the ship's guts and looked back at Shiani. "I know you are capable of doing this to the same standard I would myself. I trust you."
Shiani could have flown, but instead she nodded and grinned. "I won’t let you down!" 
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"Echo, use your scomp here. Thank you, fussy droid-lady." Shiani patted the protocol droid helping her. "Astromech, please weld this?"
"You're good at bossing droids around." Echo smiled as he worked. 
"Much more fun when droids talk. Dead droid heads are so boring." Shiani grinned back, using all four tentacles like a pulley system and dragging the hyperdrive back into position inside the ship. "I used to find them all over."
"Hunter is coming back with Omega. He says he has made noise in the market." Tech stuck his head out of the ramp. "Are we functional?"
"Almost, Tech!" She called back. "Where’s Wrecker?"
"He is on his way back." Tech ran out to help her get the housing back over their engines. "Very good work."
Shiani smiled, delighted at the praise. "Anything for you." 
Echo gave him a plaintive look over the top of Shiani's head. Tech adjusted his goggles and coughed to cover a blush. "Hurry into the ship, then. They are almost here."
Shiani nodded as Wrecker stumbled into the hangar they'd been working out of, holding his head. "Are you hurt?!" She frowned, tucking herself under his arm to support him.
"Just a headache." He mumbled, leaning on her so much she had to use her tentacles to keep them both upright. But she dutifully dragged him into the ship and set him in a chair. "Thanks."
"You sit. We’ll leave very soon." Shiani frowned, doubling back as Hunter and Omega came skidding into the hangar on a speeder and the sergeant scooped her onto his hip. 
"Let's go, Tech. I've got police behind me!" The sergeant yelled.
Shiani was following him inside when the hangar attendant came running out, waving his arms for them to stop. "Wait, wait! You can't leave yet, she hasn't paid me!"
The siren bared her double fangs with a hiss, mouth splitting open like it had been cut from ear to ear. "She?" 
The attendant froze. "I… oh, um…"
A bunched tentacle decked him in the mouth with enough force to send him sprawling back into the control booth. Then Shiani was closing the hatch and the Havoc Marauder lifted off in a hurry. 
"What did you punch him for?" Echo blinked. 
"He said some lady paid him for us." She stomped over to Omega and crouched, looking at the little girl. "You hurt, Baby Mega?"
"No. I'm okay, Hunter rescued me."
"Good. Good brother." Shiani gently nuzzled her cheek against the girl's fluffy hair, smiling. "You’re safe now. Everyone’s safe. I was worried."
Omega smiled. "Me too. Who was that woman, Hunter?
He shook his head. "I don't know. Some kind of bounty hunter, but that's all I know."
Shiani hissed softly. "She can't have Baby Mega."
"No, she can't. But we need to find somewhere to lay low." Hunter sighed. "Any bright ideas?"
"I might know of something." Echo rubbed his face. "Old Jedi contact on Ord Mantell. I never met them, but Skywalker mentioned them. They could help us find out who sent the bounty hunter."
Hunter nodded. "Ord Mantell it is."
"I’ll tell Tech." Their personal utility squid smiled and headed for the cockpit. "You okay?" She asked when she walked in.
Her favorite clone looked up when she walked in. "I am fine. Have they determined where we are going? Fuel is limited, it is unwise to wander."
"Ord Mantell. Echo Chainbreaker says there’s a Jedi contact." She explained, starting to slide to the floor. Tech caught her wrist lightly. 
"The co-pilot seat is more comfortable, my dear. You do not need to sit on the floor."
"That’s Echo’s spot." She blinked. 
"Echo is not in here at the moment." He lightly guided her one handed into the seat. "I am sure he will understand."
"Okay… I don’t want to be in the way." She couldn’t help but smile at him, the glow of hyperspace and the ship's lights painting constellations across her round face. 
"I assure you that you are not. Your assistance was invaluable today." He knew he should probably let go of her arm, the armrest of his seat digging into his side where he leaned over to keep holding. But she had never looked displeased at his touch, and for once he wasn’t edging away from physical contact. He'd never been a particularly touchy person, but perhaps it was that his brothers were the only ones to display that kind of affection. And they were rough, especially Wrecker. Shiani liked to touch softly, to explore things with her fingertips, and she was always careful of those sharp claws.
Now that he'd let himself consider the possibility of an amorous encounter with her, he wondered if that tactile exploration would translate into the moment. "Shiani?"
"Yes?" She looked over with a smile.
"When we spoke earlier, you mentioned you did not want to… be too much. What did you mean by that?"
Shiani looked at his gloved hand still wrapped loosely around her wrist. "You always consider every part of everything." She finally said. "You don’t act without plans and backup plans. If you wanted something… me to be something, you would tell me." She tried to explain, hoping her tentative grasp of the words was enough. She couldn't figure out how to say that she'd been enamored of his eyes for year, or that all he had to do was give her the word and she’d be his in the time it took her to cross the room. Giving up her chains, her broken links to her people, had been easy if she imagined forging new ones that connected her to the genius sitting beside her. She'd spill every drop of blue blood in her veins if he'd just feel the same way about her, but if he didn't then she'd be happy to take whatever she could have. 
"What is it that you do want?" Tech asked after a moment. "I may not have… considered every option."
She squirmed, limbs writhing around her with embarrassment. "I don’t want to make it weird…"
"Our entire situation is atypical, Shiani. I would like to hear your perspective."
She smiled weakly. “I want everything, Tech."
He frowned. "Why?"
“When I lost everything, you gave me something to believe in. Every time you came back to see me, when I was just a weird little siren who couldn’t even talk to you… it meant so much to me. So I tried to learn everything you had to teach, so I could stay near you." She stopped short of saying she loved him, but he deserved to know why he mattered so much to her.
"I do not know what to do with this knowledge." Tech admitted. 
"You don’t have to do anything. I don’t expect anything." She smiled sheepishly. "I’m just here for you."
"I appreciate the consideration. I will… figure it out." He murmured, finally making himself let go of her arm. 
She nodded. "I’ll let you think, then."
When she'd glided out of the cockpit, Tech sank back into his seat a little. He needed a sounding board for his thoughts, there were too many to keep straight. Hunter would probably laugh at him, Wrecker was not going to be helpful… Omega was a literal child and he might have had a hard time reading a room more often than not, but he doubted it was a good idea to ask a kid about if he should initiate a relationship with a woman of another species. He hit the PA. "Echo, could you come to the cockpit for a moment?"
Three minutes and sixteen seconds later, the cyborg brother walked in. "What did you break?"
"Why would you assume something is broken? Or that I would only call you if it was?" Tech huffed.
"I'm your usual fix-it buddy and Shiani just left the room. So either she doesn't know how to fix it, or you're embarrassed to tell her you don't." Echo shrugged, dropping into his seat. "So what's broken?"
"Nothing is damaged. I require your input." Tech groaned. "I have encountered a dilemma that I believe you would have valuable input on."
"Uh huh." Echo smirked and got comfortable, stretching his metal legs out. "And would this 'dilemma' have four extra arms and currently be letting Omega draw on her in glitter pen?"
Tech scrunched into the seat. "... yes."
"Alright, shoot. What's the problem?" Echo enjoyed being a little shit whenever possible, he'd been in the 501st and around Fives too long not too. But Tech did look upset, and he was a good brother at heart. So he leaned over to give the genius his full attention. 
"Shiani has confessed that she has an… emotional attachment to me. She did not specify it was romantic in nature, but it was heavily implied." Tech frowned. 
"No shit. I could have told you that the first time I saw her through the window. She looks at you like you hung the stars, vod."
"That is what I do not understand. Of the group of us, why me?" Tech's brow wrinkled, shifting his goggles out of place. "I seem to be the least logical choice for her to place her affection."
"What makes you say that?" Echo quirked an eyebrow. "You've known her longest. Makes sense to me."
"Crosshair had the best luck with women." Tech blinked. 
"And tried to shoot us."
"Hunter is the more conventionally attractive. Wrecker is most empathetic. And you were the one she compared to the heroes of her culture." Tech's know-it- all index finger pointed up, but lacked the strength of his usual conviction. He just looked confused and a little upset. 
Prime, if you're up there I'm gonna need you to come back from the dead and save me from my own family. Echo thought, lifting his eyes to give him strength. "Tech… you di'kut. None of us were there for her like you were. That's why she picked you."
"Proximity does not make me the best choice-" Tech started. 
"It makes connection, Tech. Feelings aren't logical. She's not a droid scanning us for the best fit. She's a nice girl with a crush on a clueless brainiac." Echo smiled. "The real question is what are you going to do about it?"
"I… am not sure."
"Do you like her?"
"Of course. We have been friends for several years."
"I meant romantically. You wanna kiss her?"
Tech flushed. "It has crossed my mind."
"Then that's a start. Tell her, and I'm pretty sure she'll let you. Like I said, she looks at you like you hung the stars. She'd probably be up for anything."
"That is what I am concerned about. There is no data on her species. I have no information about how to go about engaging in anything with her. In addition, our dynamic has been relatively constant since we first met. Any change could be detrimental, and irreversible."
"Then you're in for the experiment of a lifetime. Just relax, tell her you're interested, and let it happen as it happens. She's already got it bad for you, she left home just cause you were leaving too. Doesn't get much clearer than that." Echo patted his arm. "I'm going to grab a ration bar. You want one?"
"Not right now, but thank you. And thank you for your input." Tech nodded, adjusting his goggles for the millionth time. 
"No problem." Echo got up, pausing at the cockpit door. "And Tech?"
"Quit thinking." Echo walked out. Tech groaned and leaned against the headrest. Easier said than done.
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king-magppi · 2 years
PLEASE tell us more about the camper parents/guardians, they have so much personality already but I'm curious as to your thoughts on them!!!
OK SO. Here's a little info on some of the pairs! I based some of their backstories and "parenting" on how their children behave in Psychonauts 1 and on what little insight into the campers' home-lives we are given by their Campster pages if any at all (there's a web archive link to it on the Ps wiki when you look for "Campster" if you ever wanna check them out! Lots of interesting stuff on there! I've also tried to add it here!). They don't all have names yet, but soon enough they will!
⚠️ALSO! Before we start: a quick content warning for mentions of child abuse, alcoholism, and neglect. Not all of these kids live happy lives.⚠️
The Canolas: Don Canola and his wife homeschool Maloof and get him private tutoring in the subjects he needs help in. They're actually one of the more stable families of the bunch despite being a crime family.
Ms. Foote: Her and her Ex-husband share custody of Clem. Their relationship is extremely rocky and the only reason he even gets to see his son is because of the intense fear she has of him. She finds it hard to have a relationship with her son because of his unwillingness to show interest in anything at home. She tries her best to indulge in anything Clem seems to enjoy, but she feels like she barely knows him.
The Phages: Ms Phage is a widow and now single mother to Milka Phage. Her husband was an alcoholic that stormed off after an argument over his addiction one day and just never came home. The police found his body with several stab wounds under a bridge somewhere days later. After this death, Ms Phage went into a severe depression. During this time, she would become irritable when she saw her daughter and told her to "dissappear" because she couldn't stand to look at her (she looks a lot like her dad). Milka became so good at disappearing on command that sometimes her mom just straight up forgot she was there. During these times, Milka would help herself to whatever was in the fridge and hang around for however long she'd like. Well, at least her cat could see her.
Ms. Snagrash: The single mother to Crystal (never married). She hasn't gotten the memo that she can't go out drinking and partying all day anymore if she's a mom. Because of this mindset, she sees Crystal as a burden and make sure she knows that. She's never had Crystal in a stable environment and is always with some new guy she more than likely wants to leech money from.
The Bulgakovs: Mr. and Mrs. Bulgakov are Mikhail's parents! They live in Kazan, Russia, but sent little Misha over just so he can make some friends over in The States! Mr Bulgakov looks stern and serious, but enjoys a good bear fight. Mrs Bulgakov wishes the boys would get some different, more productive interests like carpentry or archery or something...
The Tripes: Mr and Mrs Tripe love to tell Vernon stories! They encourage him to make his own and think he'll make a great author one day (with A LOT of practice, of course). Sometimes, they'll tell Vernon a story, and he'll try to tell the same one to kids at his school but with HIM as the main character. They have an old little dog named "Lady" that Vernon likes to take on walks.
Ms. Fir: She is the single mother of Elton who works at a brothel by the seaside (this is also where she met his father). While she isn't with her son 24/7, she still makes an effort to provide what she can for him in their situation. Elton spends most of his time down by the docks talking to the marine life in the sea.
The Hedgemice: Mr and Mrs Hedgemouse are the parents to Quentin Hedgemouse! They are probably one of the most loving and supportive pairs in this bunch! Mr Hedgemouse used to be in a band himself in highschool (it wasn't very good or well known, but he had fun!) and thinks it's great Quentin's got one too! He often jokes about trying to join "The Levitators". Nowadays he works as a simple book shop clerk. Mrs Hedgemouse is a stay at home mom who enjoys baking and making treats! She dreams of one day opening her own bakery!
The Loves: Mr and Mrs Love are still new to learning about their psychic powers. They only recently got into it after finding out that Phoebe shared this gift and was having problems controlling it.
(P.S. I'm really glad a lot of you seem to enjoy them so far!!!!! Like I'm seeing a bunch of positive feedback for them and it makes me 😭😭😭/pos)
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fandomblr · 2 years
T4T Kiliel Headcanons
Trans! Kili Headcanons
Kili knew he was trans during his early teens and came out to his family, all which were extremely supportive. He realized he was trans since AFAB dwarves often get read as male due to their facial hair, and found that he was so happy when people thought he was a boy, and then he realized he IS a boy!
Dís was extremely proud of him when he came out and made him his first binder. When he told her she shouted to the rooftops, “THANK DURIN, I HAVE TWO SONS NOW!!!”
Fili was OVERJOYED since he had always wanted a brother. He becomes extremely protective of him, and he and Thorin will fight anyone that is transphobic to him and misgenders or deadnames him.
Having a queer family member (Thorin) was extremely helpful since Thorin had an idea of what Kili was going through as a queer person himself (although he obviously can only understand so much as a gay cis man), so his uncle takes it upon himself to be the one to educate everyone on trans issues and on how it’s so important that everyone uses Kili’s correct name and pronouns.
Contrary to popular belief, he is not on testosterone and doesn’t want to go on it. AFAB dwarves already have higher levels of testosterone than non-dwarf AFAB people, so he can easily grow his facial hair and his voice is kind of androgynous, which he is okay with.
He’s non-dysphoric, so he doesn’t feel the need to medically transition at all, but everyone in his family and in Thorin and Co sees him as the man he is regardless.
He binds on certain occasions, and when he does he binds safely and never binds for more than 8 hours a day, and makes sure to not bind while he is in battle or doing any sort of strenuous physical activity that could hurt him while binding.
Again, Kili is non-dysphoric so he doesn’t want top surgery. He gets euphoria from how his chest looks like when he binds but he is okay with his unbound chest too. Besides, top surgery involves recovery time which he doesn’t have as he’s constantly fighting orcs and is on the move ever since the dwarves lost their home in Erebor.
He LOVES to pack. He doesn’t have bottom dysphoria but he gets euphoria from packing, which he does a lot. His prosthetic packers are made by other dwarves so they are incredibly realistic and let’s just say they do their job pretty well. He also likes his packers to be really creative and come in a bunch of funky colors and designs, and he prides himself in that since that’s something that cis men won’t ever get to experience
Al of his community and the dwarves around him are supportive of his gender, the only transphobia he could ever face would be from non-dwarves, but that rarely happens since Thorin and Fili have a reputation of stabbing people that are transphobic to Kili.
He’s very openly trans. He doesn’t want to go stealth and he proudly wears the colors of the trans flag whenever he can. Dís always makes sure to knit him trans pride stuff. He loves being trans and would never want to be cis.
His gender presentation is pretty masc, but he likes dressing in an androgynous way sometimes. Every once in a while he’ll also want to try the pretty boy aesthetic and paint his nails and wear makeup more feminine clothing such as dresses and skirts, but in his day to day he is mostly masculine.
There are definitely more trans and non-binary dwarves, but he doesn’t know them very well, since the ones that he knows of live in the Iron Hills with Dáin, so he’s only ever heard of them.
He passes pretty well when he binds, but like I said he doesn’t bind all the time since he’s constantly fighting orcs and doing strenuous physical activity. So he only passes when he binds, and that’s okay with him. He knows he doesn’t need to pass to be valid, and he always corrects people when they misgender him. He wishes he would get read as male more often even when he doesn’t bind though, but being misgendered doesn’t give him social dysphoria (although it is certainly annoying).
Kili is a straight trans man, he’s only into women, but there were not a lot of dwarf women around him besides Dís (his mom) when he was growing up so he never really got the chance to date until he met Tauriel.
Trans! Tauriel Headcanons
Unlike Kili, Tauriel didn’t realize she was trans until she was well into adulthood. Similarly to Kili, she realized she was trans when mortal men gendered her as female, and realized that being read as female felt so much better than being read as male. But even after she realized she was trans, she spent a long time trying to repress her transness.
All of that changed when she met Legolas and became his friend. Legolas is agender (they use any pronouns but don’t mind when people call use he/him for her), and he taught her that there was nothing wrong with who she is.
Tauriel had a rough childhood. Her parents were killed by orcs so she was on her own until she met Legolas, and Thranduil basically took her in as his adoptive daughter. That’s why Legolas says that he would forgive her if she came back after helping the dwarves.
Although Thranduil did not approve of her as a partner for Legolas, that does not mean he does not respect her. Having a trans kid himself, Thranduil knows how important it is to be a trans ally. He’s also very very gay for Bard, so like Thorin he has experience with the queer community and educates his subjects on trans and non-binary issues. He does not tolerate any transphobia towards her, and he banishes any elf that purposefully misgenders or deadnames her.
Also, Thranduil was DEFINITELY wrong about Legolas and Tauriel ever being a thing. They’re pretty much siblings in every sense of the word, and have never been romantically interested in each other. Plus, since Tauriel is kind of Thranduil’s adopted daughter, that would be incest so no thanks. That’s precisely why Thranduil was so against them as a couple.
At first she identified as non-binary, but as she kept talking with Legolas about gender she realized that she’s a binary trans woman.
Legolas was obviously the one that helped her with her transition since she knew what it was like to question their gender and explore gender presentation. They helped her get feminine clothes, tested out pronouns and names for her, got her breast forms, and talked to her about trans and non-binary issues.
AMAB elves are already pretty androgynous due to their long hair, so that was certainly an advantage to Tauriel’s transition. Sometimes people (especially mortals from Lake Town) had a hard time figuring out her gender before she transitioned, and now that she presents more femininely these mortals are even more confused about her gender, as she looks very androgynous. She doesn’t mind and sometimes finds it amusing when she confuses them, although she does wish she would get read as female more often.
While Kili is non-dysphoric, Tauriel is EXTREMELY dysphoric. Looking back at it, her dysphoria was always there even before she knew she was trans. She just thought that everyone felt like she did. But her dysphoria continued to get worse over the years, and once she realized she’s a woman it actually increased.
That’s why Tauriel had FFS, or facial feminization surgery, (since elves are skilled healers after all, so they would know all about gender affirming surgeries). She has also been on estrogen for about a 100 years. Her dysphoria is a lot better now because of it, but she still has some body and social dysphoria.
At the start of her transition she felt like she needed to be hyperfeminine and overcompensate for her transness. She felt like she was never “female enough” and since she came out later in life, a lot of elves around her would accidentally misgender her and that really hurt her since she has social dysphoria. That made her feel like she had “failed” at being a woman.
Legolas had to explain to her that she hadn’t “failed” at anything, and that other people’s perception of her does not define her. Still, he would ALWAYS correct people when they misgendered her, and anyone that is transphobic to her faces their wrath (and arrows!)
They also told her that she didn’t have to be hyperfeminine to be valid. After Legolas explained this, she became more comfortable not being hyperfeminine 24/7. That’s why her gender presentation today is very fluid. She can be very feminine in some days, dress more androgynously in others, and sometimes she can even present more masculinely.
Legolas has helped her voice train for hundreds of years, so she’s a master at it. That’s why her normal voice today is pretty high pitched and similar to a cis woman’s. However, she can still speak in a deep voice if she wants, and on certain occasions she will use it to surprise people, especially when she needs to startle and distract orcs and giant spiders.
She refuses to tuck even though she has bottom dysphoria. Legolas taught her how to tuck once but it was extremely uncomfortable for her so she never did it again. Besides, she’s not okay with the possible risks tucking can have.
She doesn’t know if she wants bottom surgery or not. It would help her dysphoria, but she’s afraid of how the recovery may go and what the results will look like. And again, surgeries include recovery time and she’s captain of the guard and there are a lot more orcs and spiders to fight than earlier when she had FFS. Although Thranduil and Legolas would 100% support her if she chose to have the surgery and would cover for her in her job, she still feels an obligation to Mirkwood and would not want to take that much time off. So she’s thinking about it. Which is fine, considering she’s an immortal and has all the time in the world.
Pretty much everyone in Mirkwood knows she’s trans since she came out later in life, so it’s nearly impossible for her to be stealth there. However, she does like to go stealth whenever she’s around people that only know her after her transition, and she goes stealth whenever she’s in Lake Town since she transitioned before the mortals there were even born.
Elves have a very accepting attitude towards trans, non-binary, and gender diverse people since most of them are already androgynous. That’s why Mirkwood has a vibrant queer, trans, and non-binary community, so she knows several other trans and non-binary people besides her and Legolas. She feels at home in her community.
Tauriel practically faces no transphobia in Mirkwood at all, considering how Thranduil would banish anyone that disrespected her and Legolas would most likely shoot arrows through them.
However, she has faced a lot of transphobia when she is around Lake Town. The mortals are not as enlightened as elves when it comes to gender stuff, and so many mortal men will purposefully misgender her or not trust her when she says she’s female. She used to get this a lot when she was at the beginning of her transition. She still gets transphobia every once in a while, but not as much now that she has transitioned.
Tauriel never had time for dating since she’s been very busy as captain of the guard. She doesn’t label her sexuality though, as she doesn’t really think about the gender of the people she would date if she wasn’t with Kili. That’s why she jokingly refers to herself as “Kilisexual.”
T4T Kiliel Couple Headcanons
They obviously immediately bonded over being trans, and seeing Tauriel as a visibly out trans woman meant the WORLD to Kili considering that she was the first trans person he’d ever met.
Tauriel actually made Kili have a sexuality crisis for a second, since she is very androgynous and he wasn’t 100% sure if she was indeed a woman. Of course, that other androgynous elf in Rivendell that he said “isn’t that bad” didn’t help this crisis either. But once he confirmed that Tauriel is female, the sexuality crisis was averted and he was sure once again that he is straight.
Tauriel used to hate being trans for a long time. She would envy a lot of her cis female elf friends and wish she could be cis too. She would often tell Legolas that she would give anything to be cis, so she could feel like a “real girl.” Legolas explained to her that that is internalized transphobia, but she couldn’t help how she felt. However, all of that changed when she met Kili.
Seeing Kili be so happy as an out and proud trans man made her realize that being trans isn’t just pain and suffering. She already knew that there are trans people that are happy being trans and loved that about themselves thanks to Legolas, but she couldn’t imagine ever being that way.
Kili helped her be proud as a trans woman, something that she had never felt before. He helped her realize that she is beautiful BECAUSE of her transness and not in spite of it. She had felt ashamed about being trans for so long, but that shame went away after she hung out with Kili during his imprisonment. He taught her that she IS a real girl, and that no one but her can tell her what her gender is.
He also helped her unlock gender euphoria. Tauriel’s trans experience had mostly revolved around her dysphoria, while Kili’s had revolved around his euphoria. One way he did that was by dancing and spinning her around so her skirts would soar in the air. This gives her so much euphoria, and it’s something Tauriel will never forget.
Tauriel teaches Kili how to voice train with the help of transmasc elves in her community so he can make his voice a little deeper since he’s not on testosterone. They voice train together!
Together they discover trans joy and trans love. For instance, she will compliment his packers and he will endlessly woo her about how she is so beautiful that she walks in starlight.
They go to pride together! They go to the pride parades in Erebor and Mirkwood, and when Bard starts the first Lake Town pride they go there too. They also go to the pride Bilbo and Thorin organize every year in the shire.
Thanks to Kili, Tauriel now wears her trans colors proudly. She only does that in Mirkwood, since like I already said she wants to go stealth when she’s outside of it. Kili respects that decision 100%. And Dís always knits her stuff with the trans flag as well.
They do their makeup and paint their nails together too! Tauriel will do his makeup and nails when he has his pretty boy days, and Kili loves to help her with hers when she presents femininely.
Although Kili doesn’t relate to Tauriel’s dysphoria since he doesn’t have it, he is always there for her when dysphoria gets her down. He reminds her of how beautiful she is and affirms her gender constantly. Tauriel also affirms his gender all the time.
Also, Kili never dies, PERIOD. No dying is allowed here. Thorin and Fili also don’t die either, and Bard takes limpë and becomes immortal because I ship Barduil and I make the rules.
Ultimately, they both have very different trans experiences. Kili is non-dysphoric, came out earlier in his life, didn’t know a lot of trans people, hasn’t faced a lot of transphobia, doesn’t want to go stealth, and is not transitioning medically, while Tauriel is dysphoric, came out later in life, has been in community with other trans people, has faced a lot of transphobia, goes stealth when she can, and has medically transitioned. However, they both respect each other’s trans journeys and acknowledge that even though they have different experiences, they are both still trans enough and 100% trans. Because transness isn’t a monolith, and there is no one way to be trans.
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liquidluckandstuff · 1 year
Harry, Ron, blanket
Drabble Prompt
Harry knew Ron hated his hand-me-downs. He never really said it, but he was embarrassed whenever he had to wear something that seemed old or hand made. Harry knew that he wished that he could have newer things, but was never able to afford it. He often made excuses to trade his newer clothes with Ron so that he wouldn’t feel so bad. Harry didn’t mind, he liked knowing his things had a story behind them. 
He had so few things in his life that were made with love. 
So when he went to his friend's house for the first time, and saw a torn up blanket that was far more torn and old looking than anything else he owned, Harry seemed surprised. Especially when Ron kept it safe on his bed and seemed extremely attached to it. 
“Oh,” Ron blushed when Harry finally asked about it. “It’s uh, my baby blanket. My mom made it for me when I was little.”
Harry nodded as if he understood. “Oh, but why do you still have it?” 
“Well, it’s special. Some people have teddy bears, some people have blankets. It’s something special you usually keep from when you were little,” Ron explained. 
Harry felt a strong feeling in his chest like someone jumping up and down. “Oh, I don’t have anything like that.”
“Really? Why not?” 
Harry stared at his best friend like he had grown two heads. “Ron, my parents are dead.”
“Well yeah, but they must have already had something for you. A blanket or a toy or something.”
“I wouldn’t know. I don’t even know where I used to live, and it’s not like my aunt would tell me anything. I guess the closest thing I have is my invisibility cloak but I’m not about to sleep with it,” Harry shrugged and turned away. 
Ron rarely cried, but something in Harry’s words hurt him. He had to turn away to wipe his tears before he turned back to his best friend with a strained smile. “Come on, let’s go outside.” 
Hours later, after everyone else had gone to bed, Ron was laying down with his precious blanket wide awake. What Harry said was bothering him. Ron knew he took his family for granted sometimes, but at the moment he felt grateful for every moment he got to spend with them. 
He knew Harry would give anything to have what he had, and he knew there was something he could do to help him. 
Ron waited until he was certain Harry was asleep before he snuck out of his room to find his parents. Thankfully, they were both still awake though they looked ready to head up the stairs to their own bed. 
His mother looked at him with wide eyes and before she could get a chance to barrate him about being awake, Ron told his parents what Harry had told him. 
They listened to their son’s concern for his best friend with intent once they realized what he had to say. “I know it’s silly, but can’t you do something? Maybe you can make him a blanket or something mom. He doesn’t have anything.”
Molly already had tears in her eyes and moved to hug her youngest son. “Oh Ron, I’m so proud of the man you are growing up to be. We will see what we can do. Now off to bed.”
Nothing more was said for several more days, and Ron thought his parents forgot about it. 
He didn’t know what he was expecting to happen, but when a small package was handed to Harry at dinner one evening he already had a smile on his face. 
“Happy late birthday,” Mr. Weasley told Harry with a grin. “We had to go through a lot of trouble to get that but… well…”
“It was Ron’s idea,” Mrs. Weasley added. “We just went a step further.”
Harry looked confused at them, but carefully opened the package. Inside was a small red blanket with tiny snitches that flew around in patterns. “Why?” But Harry’s answer came when he brought the blanket closer to him and was able to smell it. He couldn’t remember anything besides an overpowering feeling of love. “Mum?”
“We were able to get it from your old home. Where you lived with your mum and dad. There isn’t much left of it, but -”
“Thank you,” Harry said with tears in his eyes. He raced over to hug each of them in turn, knowing his gratitude could never be expressed properly. 
When he reached Ron, Harry gave him the biggest hug of them all. 
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pinkpcny · 3 months
new muses below the cut !
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sofia acosta, 35, er nurse, bisexual. comes from an old money family, politician father and former supermodel mother. home life mainly consisted of being raised by the nannies, mother always a little too drunk or sleeping and father forever away on some business trip often accompanied by his latest younger conquest. sofia was always the more maternal figure to her four younger brothers. however when she turned 22 and found herself falling head over heels for a boy from different walk of life, it wasn’t long before she was engaged. parents gave have a choice to call it off or leave the family home for good as her choice in suitor was embarrassing to the family name in their eyes. she chose love, and while it didn’t work out in the end ( mainly due to them being so young and needing to experience other things ) she still thinks it’s the best decision she could have made and enjoys living a more realistic life … for the most part. overly stressed nurse, stoic yet deeply nurturing. not quick to trust. drinks coffee and wine like they’re going out of fashion. fantastic piano player. lover of the arts and theatre.
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jude aragon, 28, hitman, pansexual. the aragon’s were a powerful and feared crime family throughout london when jude was born. he was only twelve years old when he saw them be executed by an enemy of his fathers. injured and left for dead himself he’d be rescued, spend the rest of his childhood bouncing from one care home to the next, often causing trouble wherever he went. concerns over his behaviour growing as the years went on. brilliant and charming, but something sinister beneath. often finding amusement in the demise of others. unserious, extremely obsessive hitman with a flair for the dramatics. highly intelligent, very cunning and manipulative. likes to collect fine wine and expensive art. will s.tab someone and get mad at them for bleeding on his shoes.
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odette davenport, 23, broadway star & voice actress, bisexual. a good person where it counts, but she can be deeply self-involved. lives in her own little world most of the time, plays the starring role wherever she goes. so delulu it hurts my soul. falls in lust very easily but falls out of it just as fast when she gets bored of things not going exactly as she imagines. musical obsessed, will always be singing something. extroverted, lively, a little a lot dramatic.
the following are all members or linked to a motorcycle club ( name tbd ) that is heavily involved in organised crime. the majority of their money is made through g.un important, weapons dealing and paid protection. many work at an autoshop that is used as a front for the clubs meeting point, and also as a means of money laundering. club president is an npc ( for now ) named hector perez. ( heavily s o a inspired )
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gabriel 'gabe' levit, 45, vice president of mc, bisexual. gabe’s father was one of the clubs founders, he grew up with the current president ( hector perez ) and the two have been best friends their entire lives. while hector tends to fly off the handle quickly, gabe is often the more level-headed of the two. a true father figure to the younger members of the group who tries to give them a little hope for the future despite having a rather dire outlook on his own. once reckless, now he values peace.
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diego rivera, 24, full patch member/treasurer of mc, bisexual. diego’s mother passed when he was young, leaving him to be raised by his father who for years was sergeant-at-arms for hector perez. however a buisness deal gone wrong overseas would see his father land himself in prison for murder, serving a life sentence. diego would be taken in and raised by hector, who had always seen the younger as somewhat of a nephew. club life has never felt natural to diego, who often wishes he could take off and do something else with his life. but he feels like he owes it to hector to stick around and help shape the future of the club. introverted and intelligent, talented artist who can often be found sitting in the corner scribbling away. loyal and protective sometimes to a fault.
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lorenzo ‘enzo’ madden, 27, full patch member/enforcer of mc, pansexual. club life is all he’s ever known, father a member long before he was born and still is to this day. the one and only thing the two might have in common is the thrill that violence brings them. always hoping deals will go a little south just for the action. charming and chaotic, no-shit taker with a smart mouth of his own. the most unpredictable one of the bunch, though arguably just as valuable as those who think strategically.
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aracelia 'cely' perez, 23, club presidents daughter/student, bisexual. treated like a princess yet never taken seriously. hates that people think they know her simply due to her fathers reputation. flirty and fun, though scrappy when provoked. is used to getting anything she wants and secretly loves it whenever someone doesn’t give into her easily. majors in sociology, enjoys fashion and fixing up old cars in her free time. plans to become a social worker.
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niana jones, 28, manager of autoshop/club medic, heterosexual. getting deeply involved with the club was never part of the plan. ex boyfriend of hers was a member who fucked them over, and in a bid to spare his life they struck up a deal. a young med student at the time ( and daughter to a respected doctor ) she would agree to be the one who would fix any injuries that may provoke questions if taken to a hospital. years later, she’s still there, and despite her reservations at first she’s now considered one of them. still, part of her yearns for something else. something more above board and legit. strong, nurturing, sarcastic. says it exactly how it is.
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