#she'll be picking up information passively whether arceus wants her to or not ksjdhfsjdkfkds
oceandiagonale · 2 years
So I know I said that I was going to lean a lot more into the existential horror of her situation with Spare, but I'm starting to think I might be too good at it because I am genuinely starting to feel sorry for her and feel like a monster for what I'm doing to her. Heck when thinking through on the implications of a few things I even had thoughts of "wait but that would mean...oh jeez". Which I think k is a sign of good horror writing but I'm a very empathic person so I feel really bad for her.
One of the things that I realized is that she never learned how to learn. I know that sounds like nonsense but it is a real thing in early childhood development. All of her knowledge is just uploaded into her brain and covers everything Arceus thinks she should know. Info important to her mission and stuff a little girl should know. If she ever needs to know something that Arceus didn't consider he just updates her. A scene early on has her realize that she doesn't know how to tie her shoes. Arceus just gives her full knowledge of shoes so that in a second she goes from "not being able to tie them" to "could probably make a designer shoe with the right tools and materials".
So yeah her only frames of reference for knowledge and skills is "nothing" and "master" because Arceus went for overkill because why not? As such she has a hard time grasping different levels of knowledge and competence from various people because she herself has never experienced the gradual growth and understanding of learning something new.
Naturally this makes interactions with other people hard. It also means that for any knowledge she doesn't have that Arceus didn't give her she has no frame of reference for learning. No understanding of trial and error, building foundational information and working up from fundamentals, etc. She has to learn that learning is a thing.
And that's just one of many things that are wrong with her creation. Another is that she doesn't feel that human life has any inherent value so there is definitely going to be a scene where she tries to kill villains and someone has to stop Spare before she does so. Because she literally doesn't understanding why she shouldn't kill them.
You also mentioned that hopefully Spare's mother could be of help to her? Hoo boy, Spare has enough mother issues to spontaneously resurrect Sigmund Freud. For starters Spare doesn't really view her as her mother but as a victim whose life was rewritten against her will in order to accommodate Spare like some sort of parasite. Spare also feels guilt at her mother loving her because she knows it is artificial and that she has no choice but to love her. At the same time she wants to embrace that love and compassion (because Spare is ultimately a scared kid in over her head even if she can't understand that) but tying into the previous points that makes her feel guilty because she feel like doing so would take advantage of the poor woman for her own selfish reasons.
The more I go on the more I feel like Spare would look at WIP Cream's situation and ultimately go "Wow, wish I was put together that well."
OH NO that’s like gifted kid syndrome but infinitely more fucked up, I feel so bad for this kid D’:
(like at least gene is allowed to be bad at things - sometimes very bad at things - and actively works on learning, especially new battle styles etc. that didn’t exist when celebi made him 😭😭😭)
I mean if someone stops her from doing violence (not as a treat 😔) she might have to start learning about people at least -- because it’s not like arceus is going to show her any of that stuff, right??
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