#she's a little bit skinny bc she wouldn't eat when i first got her but she's been eating well lately!!
red-eft ยท 2 years
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sometimes i wonder how this is a real, living animal... look at that dumb little face and tell me this isn't a worm on a string.
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sillybloodyr4t ยท 3 months
hi yes hello I am back from the pits of hell
gonna yap a bit since I feel like yall might like to know where I've been
short explanation: at my aunts house and she wouldn't let me get on my laptop bc I was up at 2am on it and also I fucking hate it here
So erm. My aunt got upset with me bc I was up at 2am on my laptop. It was understandable I guess, but everyone usually goes to bed at midnight like what-
The next morning she told me to get off it, but then said "You know what? Let me see something real quick ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š" ...what kind of teenager who spends a shit ton of time on devices wouldn't be freaked out by that?? So I was like Ok... what do you want to see...
This BITCH. OH MY GOD. She kept gatekeeping what she was going to do, so OF FUCKING COURSE I was scared. I kept asking what she wanted to do with my laptop bc I kind of have trust issues with my devices (I dont trust people with my devices bc there is a high chance theyre going to see something and think its weird or whatever), and when I said that I had trust issues with this kind of thing she got OFFENDED because I didn't trust my 'dear aunt' who totally wouldn't take a look at just my pfp and ask me a million god damn questions. If she found out about this place she'd be 'concernend' and whatnot (She has a 'problem' with the LGBTQ+ pretty much).
She then said that the way I was acting was like someone who has an ADDICTION. She then ranted and shit about how heartbroken she was that I didn't trust her enough to randomly take my laptop and do whatever the hell she wanted with it. She said she "was just going to look at the clock." Yk she sure as hell wasn't acting like that was what she was going to do.
Not only did she do that shit, she's been making me stress the fuck out about school next year.
Basically, she's been saying "if you dont change this you're going to get bullied". I already know that I'm an ugly and wretched little human. MUST you rub it in??
She has also been commenting that the shit I wear AND WORE FOR A GOOD PORTION OF LAST YEAR made me look like a lesbian. This is the same woman who said an outfit I picked out for a dance made me look like an 'adult lesbian'. She has also said that "Lesbians don't like it when you dress like them, They will make you cry" BITCHHHHH DO YOU EVEN KNOW ANY LESBIANS??? TF??
ANDDD She even said at one point that I need to 'tone down my stomach'. EXCUSE ME?? I have woken up several times feeling nauseous because I haven't been eating breakfast. I HARDLY EVEN EAT BETWEEN MEALS HERE. I am LITERALLY not eating as much as I usually do!! What the fuck do you mean??
This isn't even the first time she's basically body shamed me.
My cousin did say that my aunt believes that all girls in high school need to be skinny because my cousin didn't really eat much and had some health issues when she was in high school. (she's a college graduate btw).
Might add more to this if I can remember what else she did so far bc Im lowkey lazy and I dont want to yap anymore
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