#she's a social creature who fosters relationships everywhere but she has to deal with the crushing weight of isolation and loneliness
fromtheseventhhell · 1 year
Sometimes I see people misinterpreting Arya's character and honestly, all it does is make me appreciate her that much more. George could've easily written her into as a basic archetype and instead, he gave us one of the most complex and well-developed characters in the series and I'm forever grateful for that 🫶🏾
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licnbcrn · 6 years
Headcanon: Relationship: Severus
So, I saw this quote on here that I was going to reblog, but I was reading it, and it prompted some sort of high headcanon and realization about Lily’s relationship with Severus Snape.
The quote was:
“There is no hate born such as that born out of love betrayed -- and my brain screamed out for revenge.”  - V.C. Andrews, Flowers in the Attic
And, like, no one has ever asked me about my headcanons for Sev, A.K.A her best fucking friend. He was her brother -- like, .once he finally came up to her, once he finally showed her she wasn’t alone? Endgame. She spent every moment she could with him and told him everything. And he told her -- she knew what his home life was like, knew about his childlike hopes and dreams were. She knew he preferred ice pops over ice cream, and every summer in Cokeworth, she would make sure her mum kept the refrigerator stocked full of them. And if things ever got scary with his dad? He could always come get her and she’d sneak out and stay all night out with him.
She would have, at one point, died for him. At least, in the concept that children think of it. Children don’t really have a concept of anything, and as they are exposed to more and more stimuli. That’s the whole process of growing-up, of being able to process more emotions and information and formulate actual opinions on things. So, she and Severus are super close until they enter Hogwarts.
So, here they are, having entirely different experiences in school. They’re in different houses, different sides of the castle, don’t have the exact same class schedule, etc. They start making other friends, and see each other during the classes they do have in common (potions, history of magic, and defense against the dark arts) and on weekends. Starting in her third year, the only elective she takes is care of magical creatures, which severus does as well. The dueling club is started up by the headboy and headgirl as well as the current DADA professor (Lily eventually becomes captain of this in her 6th year ) and that is always on sunday mornings) She also makes the Quidditch team third year as a seeker (james made the quidditch team the year before, surprising everyone because he wasn’t even 13), and so she has early morning practices, and practice after her care of magical creatures class. I’d imagine Severus never really went to Quidditch after the first few games, as he would be alone in the Gryffindor section (house rivalries and it didn’t seem like he had a ton of actual friends outside slytherin house.)  but, they always had holidays off together and they were still close --- outside of school
Point is, her schedule gets busy. They spend more and more time apart, they develop different relationships (and yes, I’m a firm believer that lily & james were friends as well, and this became more of a break between the) and perhaps more to my character, lily starts realizing there’s a war going on that’s been going on for years (i imagine things had been brewing for a long time)
Sure, she’d been exposed to the word “mudblood” before, she had been openly called it, and had stood up against the slurs and and helped younger students  But the war was something that she only read about sometimes in the Daily Prophet. It wasn’t something she understood. It’s third year the first time kids at school started disappearing. Some, went into hiding, others? Others died. A tiny hufflepuff in her herbology class, dione fawcett, and her whole family were murdered. Suddenly, those whispers started getting more frequent, she was quick to defend those younger than her, those who were quieter (including severus from james -- but she recognized that severus gave as good as he got ). She started getting in more fights, both duels and fist fights.
In her 4th year, she got into a fight with the wrong people.i will write a headcanon about it some other time, but it’s pretty graphic what happened. So, not for now.
So, this war starts affecting her greatly. Suddenly, she’s openly hostile towards severus’ friends, who associate with the people who hurt her, and she’s quick to bark at severus for mentioning the things he’s reading about. They start to drift apart.
At the end of her 4th year (1975) the ministry starts realizing a lot of people (inspired by muggle culture all around them during the time) start protesting and demanding the ministry do something to keep these muggleborn families safe. It’s the idea that eventually spurs the Muggle Born Registration Commision. It’s the Muggleborn Protection Act. The law was shoddy, hurried through, and influenced by many people who supported Voldemort secretly. It required all muggleborn students register their names and addresses, so that more patrols could be posted around their families homes; and it limited the number of jobs muggleborns could hold. This last part was to keep muggleborns from high - profile, high risk jobs, such as Aurors, ministry officials, medi wizards.
Well, eventually, someone was able to get the list of muggle families that currently had muggleborn children. Tiny articles in the Daily Prophet appearing about them every once in a while began appearing -- it became a sort of initiation for younger Voldemort supports to kill these families. Preferably, with the magic children inside.
December 15th, 1975, Lily went into London with Petunia and her friends to go dress shopping for Petunia’s wedding dress -- Vernon had proposed the month before, and they wanted a March wedding. That night, when they arrived home, the Dark Mark could still be seen above their house, Aurors and Obliviators everywhere. They were asked to identify their parents, to answer questions, and have social workers from the Ministry come and talk to them -- Petunia was of age, and could be Lily’s legal guardian ---
Except, petunia wanted nothing to do with lily -- this was, lily’s fault after all. Lily was the freak. Lily had as good as killed them. So, she was taken to a foster family.
So, Lily’s lost her innocence, her family, her life. And she can feel herself losing Severus. But she’s angry, so angry. And she’s lashing out -- at everyone. At Severus. She doesn’t understand -- he was her best friend. And yet, he hung around Voldemort supporters. She couldn’t stand it. They were arguing more. Eventually, that led to the scene in SWM.
Now, she doesn’t hate Severus at this point -- she just can’t be friends with him. She doesn’t want to. She doesn’t have the energy to. So, she avoids him.
She doesn’t hate him, not even after her joins the Death Eaters (she hears rumors, of course. There are a lot of rumors. She mourns him, yes, because he is gone just as so many she loves are gone.
No, the day she begins to hate Severus Snape is the day when Albus Dumbledore shows up at the country manor, to tell young Mr. and Mrs. Potter that, due to a prophecy, and the speakings of a Death Eater. Voldemort may be after their son. Albus knew the Potters very well, and he saw Harry as the key to stopping Tom Riddle. The couple had already been laying low after Harry’s birth, but this sealed the deal. They would go into hiding. James was the one to ask if the Death Eater who had heard the prophecy was caught and identified.
“Caught, no. Identified, yes. It was Severus Snape.” Dumbledore would have had his reasonings behind telling them, but i believe he would have because in some, Dumbledore way, cared for them, and he knows they would have wanted to know the truth.
So, this was long and took forever, but yeah.
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