#she's also lying but i support women rights and wrongs so 😤
bitchkay · 2 years
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~Violet Muller
CW: I love women. Alcohol consumption, large blocks of text sry, some sexual intent, no sex, drunken kissing, Violet being vulnerable, mc/yn being gay🤬, mc/yn being pretty fucking bold👀
Word count: 1480
Rating: Teen and up audiences
Note: inspired by Boyfriend by Dove Cameron cus I'm so gay. Feeding the wlws rn😤😤
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The long day has turned into a long night. The tavern you two reside currently seemed a bit sparse, it was the middle of the week after all. You had lectures tomorrow morning, but even if the initial outing was for Violet's sake you were so mentally exhausted you convinced yourself it was worth it.
Her longest relationship was it? You'd be devastated too if it turned out you were wasting your time on someone you thought was 'the one'. It had only happened earlier today. Violet and her most recent ex paramour had broken off their relationship, she actually dumped him. Caught him cheating and all that fun stuff. She was able to keep her composure in front of people at the academy but something was clearly wrong, even Fenn noticed the change in her demeanor, though he knew Violet wouldn't want words from him in these circumstances even if he was concerned. You and Sherry ended up confronting her about it, and the flood gates opened. Angry, sad, frustrated, you name it, Violet felt it. You couldn't blame her though, this was the 'perfect man' she spoke so highly of, lying to her for who knows how long. The night drinking was your idea, after the day she'd had it seemed fitting to want to drown your sorrows, you were okay with playing mom for tonight if it meant Violet releasing a bit of tension in her shoulders. Sure not the healthiest coping mechanism after a break up but hey it's worked for you before. As for you, you were quite a bit stressed from classes, the usual lack of progression in magic, you needed to cool off for a bit so win win I guess.
Sherry went home early with things to take care of, leaving Violet in your care for the night. As rude as it sounds you wouldn't have been so okay with it had you known Violet would end up drunk babbling her problems to you. Not sure whether you minded or not you didn't say anything allowing her to let it all out as she sipped her drink that was admittedly quite strong.
"'The only woman for me.' What a lie! And to think I wanted to finally introduce him to you all," Violet ranted leaning her head on her hand propped up on the bar.
You still listened intently despite your racing thoughts. Overwhelmed from classes combined with Violet talking your ear off wasn't necessarily a good mix, but your own drink seemed to keep your patience in check.
You thought maybe it was time to pack up and go home, feeling the alcohol run through your system. Violet didn't seem so drunk to thoughtless incoherence, so you assumed she could hold her liquor, you've seen her worse than this. Still though you were reluctant, if you were being honest you didn't wanna even look at the academy right now but you were also starting to question your decision to drink away your academic anxiety while at the same time supporting your heart broken friend considering you were 100% gonna be hung over tomorrow.
"I'm throwing away everything that man ever gave me, thoughtful or not I-"
"I'm tired," you said, interrupting her thought, downing your drink in one gulp feeling it burn down your throat.
"Hm?" Violet gave a confused hum as you ordered another drink and started your pursuit.
Despite the scolding you'd receive and how behind you had gotten in your studies, you'd be well okay with skipping tomorrow's lectures, no way you make it anyway. With thoughts of the academy pushed to the back of mind you turned your focus back to Violet who studied your features carefully as if looking for something.
Caught under Violet's gaze you couldn't look away, trapped in the sights of her amethyst eyes. Her cheeks were flushed and eyes glossy and drooped but not clouded. You couldn't tell if she was full on drunk or just really buzzed, either way the alcohol was definitely going through her right now. Was she always this pretty?
"Hah… now that I think about it he never really paid too much attention to me and dashed stubborn he was," Violet sighed, continuing her rant as if she wasn't just staring into your eyes.
Turning back to your drink you sipped absently grumbling under your breath. You wanted to support her, you did, but you started to grow tired of her rambling about a man that couldn't even make her cum-- why wasn't that the first red flag. Well at least she's not crying anymore, you thought. It was surreal to see her so upset, a contrast to her usual behavior but god could she talk. If he was so bad why date him in the first place, you were tempted to lean in and kiss her, swallow her words and quiet her down before your ears fell off. Wait what?
Taken aback by your thoughts you almost choked on your drink but able to play it off. You didn't dismiss the thought however, you'd never deny, in fact you're never shy to admit how breathtakingly gorgeous Violet was, it was like she was sculpted from marble, virtually perfect in your eyes.
"He was also mediocre in bed, creator help me! I put up with him for so long!"
Even in her drunken stupor she looked beautiful, glossy lips, flushed cheeks, you felt bad calling her sexy in this state knowing she was intoxicated, though so were you so you can call that middle ground. Was it the alcohol making you desire her so? You wouldn't complain if it were. She always seemed to be off the market but here she is now, single again. Anything you do could surely top that jerk she dumped if he's the cause of her ceaseless complaining, she's not even sulking anymore. Yeah, she can do so much better. So much better with you.
A drunk man's words are a sober man's thoughts I guess, you could also be delirious and horny. Violet was just too enticing to resist.
Your body moved on its own. Maybe you were that drunk? Grabbing her face you leaned over kissing her lips effectively shutting her up.
"Be quiet already." You spoke sternly, kissing her lips again. "You and I both know I can do better than him."
Well you weren't lying about that. All she's done is complain and complain when you're right here, the possible epiphany she needs.
Violet started bug eyed at you in disbelief. Stunned was an understatement, but not for the reason you'd think. Was a little bit of alcohol what it took for you to gain some confidence? Who knew you could be so assertive.
Violet reveled in your spike of dominance. With that look in your eye she was almost completely at your will, but not without a little bit of fun.
"Prove it."
How you made it back to the academy was a fog, surely you broke curfew. You don't remember leaving the tavern or even opening the door to your room, but here you were.
It had to be damn near morning at this point but fuck it. You and Violet were making out on your bed, hands tangled in each other's hair as your tongues fought. A stellar kisser she was. You pulled your bodies flush together falling down on the bed.
Violet on her back as you had her pinned to the bed making out furiously, clothes disheveled but still on your shoulders. You grabbed at each other mindlessly wanting to get naked as soon as possible. You found it hard to resist as she looked at you with such desire stained eyes but resist you must, for the ounce of sobriety you had left reminded you: you were still intoxicated.
Violet wrapped a slender leg around your waist bringing your hips flushed together.
"Forgive me," you said, detaching your lips from hers.
You trailed little kisses down her neck before sitting upright.
"We'll only go this far tonight."
A pout rested on Violet's kiss stained lips as she reached for you wanting to finish what you started. You tucked her under the comforter in your bed before making room for yourself. She wouldn't be too alarmed to wake up in your bed knowing she's been properly taken care of.
"To be continued on a later date, it would do you good to rest for now," you said, giving her a kiss for good measure.
You raise from the bed to turn off the lights only to be stopped by a hand grabbing your wrist.
"Hm?" You hummed in response to Violet who looked up at you pleadingly.
"... stay... please... I don't want to be alone tonight."
Your eyes widened at the words that came out of her mouth before your face morphed into a soft smile.
"I'm not going anywhere, I'll turn off the lights and be back ok?" And that you did.
Getting comfortable in the bed you felt a pair of arms wrap around your body. Violet cuddled into your body snuggling into your side with her head on your shoulder. You smiled to yourself at her cuteness falling asleep with her in your arms with one last thought on your mind.
"I can be a boyfriend then him."
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Listen Violet has bad luck with men meanwhile all the wlws are literally screaming, HOWLING for her to simply look their way.
Also, Violet blushing sprites♡
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I saw somebody ask if she had any and I remembered these screencaps, I forgot who it was tho and it was a while ago, these are at the end of J**pers route which quite fittingly she was drunk after being dumped
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