#she's how I pictured Amanda to look 🖤
dr-reversebeartrap · 4 months
Hoffman headcanons PLEASE tell me ur big boy feelings
Went to cop school because it was mentioned to him by a school advisor and it was his less expensive option
Rigg was the optimist out of the two of them and Mark didn’t feel like it was right for him to show how much their experience affected him too
Avoided survivor programs that have been proposed to him and people were too put off by his change of personality to insist. Few bothered to check on him now he wasn’t so friendly anymore (read: in unspeakable pain)
He would overwork to fill in the gaping wound and got obsessed with the jigsaw case (I have posted about that before) leading to his revenge + sought company from his coworkers, spending way too much time with them at the bar and boom addiction
In his work, he doesn’t usually deal with victims so by plotting Corbett Denlon’s kidnapping he got to gloat about saving her
Paints with oil, doesn’t always paint on canvases, sometimes it’s notebook covers or the back of a cereal box. He learned from old ladies somehow
He has a few pictures of his sister but only one or two includes him
Angelina learned piano as a kid when Mark played rugby. She taught him maybe two songs but he’s not very confident in his playing nor is he looking to improve or show it off.
Platonic feminine presences are healthy for him. It make him feel stable. Nothing specific, just sort of the same way cat people feel having cats around. He’s not a good person but I’ve decided he’s normal about women
He’s good at giving compliments!! It’s a whole thing, I got a draft to let Perez tell you all about that! Since he grew up caring for a younger sister, he’s always had to pay attention to details
He’s not very wealthy and didn’t own a car until recently (didn’t especially dream of getting his own but he cant take the cop car to jig his saw)
He did NOT set up the trap Strahm said Amanda couldn’t have set up on her own, she did and she absolutely snarled at him when he proposed to help
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