#she's iso's childhood friend
quote-unquote-quest · 2 months
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Marnilla doodle! I tried to make her feel like a child playing dress-up, with a silly frilly pink outfit, y'know
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hellkeepers-if · 8 months
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DEMO (prologue out) UPDATES
Set in an alternate version of Singapore, you're a fresh university graduate bumbling through life as you desperately look for a job.
...Or that's what your mother thinks. In a world where occult ceremonies are as common as an existential crisis, there's no way you were ever going to be a perfectly average office worker. Just like your twin brother, you work for the International Society Of Exorcists (ISOE) which deals with supernatural occurrences, demonic rituals, and the like.
When a tragic event befalls your older sister, it uproots your entire life and everything you ever knew about the supernatural. With it, comes a forced need to come to terms with a family history straight out of the movies. 
After all, how the hell did it take twenty years to find out that you're descended from the freaking king of the underworld?
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"I have a duty to myself, but more importantly, my family."
Inspired by Supernatural, Fullmetal Alchemist, Noragami, and the Percy Jackson series, Hellkeepers is a +18 urban fantasy/paranormal interactive fiction, involving elements of Chinese and Southeast-Asian mythology. In every playthrough, you will...
• Play as a female, male, or non-binary Chinese demigod/ess.
• Determine the relationships between you and your family members. After all, they will play a big part in your story...
• Peel apart the full truth behind you and your siblings' birthright. Your parents can't hide it forever.
• Learn more about Chinese and Southeast Asian mythology as you warp into different dimensions, unlike anything you've seen before.
• Learn more about who you were in your past life.
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| Nishimura Kazuo (he/him)
Age: 26
Ethnicity: Japanese
With a penchant for mischief and a charm that woos even the most stubborn of grandmas, Kazu is the wildcard of your organization. You think he's an anarchist, and the only reason he's tied down to the ISOE is so that he has an excuse for whatever havoc he wreaks on the supernatural. 
The A-ranked exorcist is your colleague and your brother's mentor, though you rarely ever see him in his office. But if you ever need him for demon fighting, he'll be there. Most of the time.
"Mind taking that pesky thing out for me while I take a quick nap?"
| Quentin Khanh (Quan) (he/him)
Age: 25
Ethnicity: Vietnamese
Quentin, more affectionately known as Quan, was your childhood friend. After he moved overseas, the weekly texts you sent him fizzled into nothing but a lost friendship.
Since then, he's returned to Singapore as a forensics pathologist and researcher under your organisation. Whether you like it or not, you have to no choice but to work with him for most of your investigations.
"If your bribe doesn't involve a penthouse worth of money, don't talk to me."
| Reyna Aliyah Santos (she/her)
Age: 23
Ethnicity: Mixed (Filipino-Chinese)
You've never quite met someone like Reyna. A halfling with a demon mother and a human father. Being raised in Singapore all her life with little knowledge of her parents, it's natural that Reyna would come to the ISOE for help at the mere instance of a fox tail and white fur.
You've been tasked to help her mask and get comfortable with her supernatural powers, but she won't make it easy for you. After all, foxes do bite. 
"Technically, I'm not stealing anything if they don't notice."
| Song Huayun (she/her)
Age: ????
Ethnicity: "Uhh...from Hell?" Chinese
| You don't know too much about Huayun, except for the fact that she lives in Diyu, the Chinese Underworld. As Diyu's gatekeeper, Huayun has seen countless depravities committed by humans before their deaths. That alone has made it hard for her to like them, and the contempt she shows you is no different than what she shows everyone else.
But with time, maybe she'll finally learn what it is like to feel human…and what a smile is.
"If it isn't the star of tonight's show. Welcome to Diyu."
| The Arbiter of Fate (m/f)
Theyre a stranger, or so you say. But this deity knows everyone...especially you.
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shariefaerie · 3 months
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Doll Show! (and goodwill/my friend!!!) haul!!!!
This year the creator of strawberry shortcake was there. so there was a LOT of original strawberry dolls and toys, and a WHOLE LOT of ADORABLE costumes!!! I had strawberry shortcake toys as a kid in the early 2000s, but I didn't see any of those at the show.
Super happy with my purchases this year! I was also super lucky to have my tax return hit right before the show, so I went a liiiiitle overboard with the monster high dolls. Ghoulia and Cupid are grails, and Robecca and Spectra aren't grail status but they were right up there on the ISO list. Lagoona was just really pretty and had her fins and was only 15 bucks.
I got some skrm accessories as well, lagoonas knee pads and and wheel love gils knee pads, also ghoulias skates. skrm is so weird but one of my favorite lines, it's just so unique!
I got my very first (sort of) BJDs as well! I'll talk more about them in a bit because oh no i am in love.
Last thing from the doll show is an AG ballet outfit. it was only 15 bucks and something I'd been looking to get! so, yay!!! I had originally intended for it to be given to corinne, my (at the time) only American girl doll, but as you can see in the second pic, that has changed.
I have weirdly good luck finding AG dolls at the thrift, and today I got VERY lucky! I've actually found an Addy before, a PC one O_O but she went to live with my cousin, I was a bit sad to see her go so im happy to find another, this one is a 2008 but I really don't mind modern AG dolls, and shes so darling!!! I tried the ballet outfit on her last night and it belongs to her now x3 she's going to be a dancer.
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Found another bratz board game! It's complete as well which is awesome. it wasn't used at all, for good reason, it's very convoluted, like monopoly but weirder. I now have Make Me Up, Mall Crawl, Passion 4 Fashion, Bratz Twister, and the 2015 bratz CIY Shoppe Game. even if i don't play them I like to have them for the boxes x3
My friend who I brought to the doll show with me gave me a few of her childhood hamtaros! some are fakies but they're all adorable! She and I also got the BJDs together, hers is the Sakura one and mine is the grey haired one, we ended up swapping faces for a while lol. I got one of the boy BJDs too, I definitely got my least favorite of the options but he is cute! He just needs new pants.
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Overall, what an awesome day! I'm so happy I got to go buy pretty dolls and see my friends!!
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arcadian-vampire · 1 year
Do you have an info or art about the other characters involved with Kalamari??? Esp Glass since you mentioned them directly!!! OwO
Okay SO I do have a few things!! Most of these are old and a lil messy/outdated, so I'm really hoping to whip out a bunch of new stuff soon, but!! I'm gonna put everything under a ReadMore link again bc boy I have things to say and none of it is organized or really coherent so good luck (and also I am still shy)
I've got my two protagonists, Iso (I-20) and Aerani--
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[These are Old outfit designs, I redesigned them sorta recently but haven't finished a drawing of them, sobs] I first drew Aerani in like, 2016 I think? and Iso followed not long after! Iso is a bunny chimera, so he's got big silly ears, wahoo. Chimeras have identification codes to keep track of like, when they were created, and Iso's is I-20: Chimera Generation I, Specimen Number 20. Aerani gave him the nickname Iso <3
Here was Iso in like. 2017? 2018? idk but it was ages ago. He's changed quite a bit, mostly bc I would Constantly misplace sketchbooks and Constantly forget exactly what things looked like lksad;f
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This era of my art was so cute,, I wanna draw hair more like that again tbh
Here's a semi-recent doodle wip of their new outfits, hoorayyy. Don't mind how unfinished it is and my silly notes all over the place. I'm gonna just redraw this at some point bc my art has improved since then aklsdjf;lskdk
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Comfy boys!! Iso's clothing is always kinda ill-fitting bc he Hates skintight stuff, and he is gonna lose those cute slouchy boots SO fast bc I'm gonna drop him in the desert. Woe, sand be upon ye
Iso used to live in a mansion w a rich guy that was Kind Of A Dick, until that guy's daughter-- Iso's childhood best friend-- snapped and killed her dad w a fireplace poker. I haven't drawn her yet and honestly How Dare I. I wanna draw her making flower crowns w Iso
I was Nervous about jumping straight into making smth about them, because I feel like I need wayyyy more practice to be able to tell the story I really wanna tell, so I ended up scooping up my dorky purple merchant Kalamari like 'you know what sure, you can be the protagonist of my practice project and it will be Silly As Hell'. I call my main Eventual Goal 'Quote Unquote Quest', so Kalamari's adventure I'm calling 'Quote Unquote Quest Negative One', since it becomes before the main thing! Aerani will be in that practice project as a side character, bc he's Glass's little brother, but Iso won't be
Also, please witness Aerani's pet, a squishy jello-like blob he calls a frog. It is absolutely not a frog. It sits on his head a lot and makes squeaky lil noises
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Here's another chimera! She's much older than Iso, from gen F! The only one left from gen F actually. She calls herself Fa, and she doesn't like to talk, she just hangs out by a pond all day to watch the fish
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This is OLD so I'm def gonna redraw it soon, but here's one of my antagonists! They by the name Scratch, and they're sort of. the opposite of Kalamari. I have So Much I wanna draw abt them omg,,
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While I do like their color palette, I'm gonnadesign one to match. everyone else. The colors I wanna use for this project (that might eventually change ofc) are brown, orange, golden yellow, magenta, a slightly more purple magenta, violet, indigo, and blueee, with Very Dark Blue and Very Light versions of the other colors for lines and junk. Basically Kalamari Colors ft. some extras to spice things up, since my silly littol practice project revolves around her and how he sees the world:
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Everything is very saturated of course bc I'm. cannot and will not use desaturated colors. It's kind of like my chunky lineart-- I can try So Hard to make it thin, but that just doesn't look right to me and as I work woopsie everything is thick and I'm dying
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Glass and Kalamari!!!!!!! I hadn't drawn Glass yet and I'm crying bc she's turning out so cute. sobs. I was working on this before I realized oh shit yeah the oc tournament is posting Kalamari tomorrow, and I had to stop to go finish up my other art + my oc sideblog bc I wanted that to all be ready to go
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2. is your muse skilled at using technology?
3. how skilled is your muse at communication? 
4. who would your muse consider their best friend?
5. are there any fears your muse still holds from childhood? 
6. what is something that ticks your muse off, no matter what?
16. is your muse argumentative? if not, what is a topic they feel strongly enough about to argue for?
No muse specified, so going with Clarke!
2: Considering Clarke taught herself how to hack? yes.
3: Before Clarke became a black guard, she was a courier, so a large part of her function dealt with communication and the flow of information across the grid. I like to think she's good at communication.
4: Currently, Clarke's best friends are Ada and Babbage, their partners in crime in the Rejects.
5: Clarke fears getting stranded in the outlands. It happened to them once on one of her first trips across the Grid by herself, and then again not too long after she was out of beta. The second time, she walked halfway across the Grid to reach Neodymium (her home city) to find it destroyed several cycles ago, allegedly by the Isos.
6: Being lied to, especially when it is used to manipulate her into doing something.
16: I honestly can't see her being argumentative? She's stubborn and won't be pushed around, though. Ironically, probably the only thing she will get into an arguement about is what sort of hiding places should be out of bounds in the geo-cache type game she and her courier friends used to play and who had the best hiding places.
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sjwilli4ms · 1 year
Writing Initiative #5 & #6(week 8 & 10)
week 8
This week I didnt present anything to class… and that is because I was in the planning and prepping process for my 4d *week 8*
At the start of week 9, I knew that I wanted to do something that was a cross between my 2d and 3d, but I still wasn’t exactly sure about what to do. Going back to the drawing board and brainstorming a little more, I subsequently decided that I wanted to take the fashion photography element and ethos from my 2d, and the chronosynchronicity of emotions from my 3d. I decided to make a fashion campaign style video. 
Upon having this epiphany. I still felt that something was still missing. A huge element to tie it all together and make it really have that ‘chronosynchronicity’ feel. I mean, songs and videos have beginnings middles and endings, and that could technically be what I could do, but it just didn’t feel intentional… THEN IT HIT ME.
I brainstormed, spoke with Paul, and consulted my other course mates and then BOOM. It literally came to me in a dream (not really, it was more like getting hit by a truck hahahah). I was gonna make a few outfits per the feelings that are in chronosynchronicity and make one of those polly pocket style dress-up flip-books with a supplementary fashion video .
EUREKA!… or so I thought…
It was a good idea either ways, so I started execution. I booked the photography studio and rented two cameras and lighting for week 10, and I started preparing even more. 
I made an ISO (in search of) post on my instagram looking for a model, or someone that would be happy to step in as my muse (I could have done this all by myself but there really and truly is strength in numbers). Thats when Jaden, a friend that I acquainted with in my childhood reached out to me, and we hopped on a FaceTime call. He was in bed with his partner (who is actually one of my best friends haha) when we spoke on the phone (im saying this is for contextual reasons that will make sense!). I told him to make outfits based on the emotions Joy, Lust, Confusion, Sadness, and fear because I felt called to narrow the emotions from my 2d down to those 5 emotions. From making those fits, which required 1 top, 1 bottom, 1 pair of shoes and possibly a piece of outerwear per outfit, I also decided that on shoot day, I would make us make every possible combination in outfit with the pieces available. Bare in mind… I was extremely burnt out this entire process, but I kept on pushing and I’m so glad I did!, so here are my findings from the interview( I transcribed it in a very abstract way and kept on asking “why” till the answer was so abstract from the question that it didn’t make sense):
to Jaden 
Green tracksuit
White shirt
Green bapestas 
Green is his favourite colour
Green reminds his grandmas garden 
Raised and spent free time there
He’d chill there because “she’s old”
There wasn’t much to do…
Because she’s “old”
Why was she old… 
Black mickey tee
Black short shorts/black sweats
Jordan 4 Black cats 
“Yasmin” picked it out
*passes phone to Yasmin*
When she thinks of lust, she thinks PRIMAL attraction. Desire driven
Showing off assets with short shorts and muscly top.
With attraction to lust: she’s attracted to people built well/ seem strong.
DNA. Likes the feeling of feeling safe.
Life is scary as a woman.
Gender roles. 
Protector = man = infiltrator
Oversized 4ye hoodie cream
Bimsee pants 
Travis Scott silver forces
A lot is going on. People get confused when there is “too much going on”
People like “straight forwardness”
Not as cohesive 
Silhouette isn’t too much going on 
“Too much going on” = the elements that make the whole. Not the whole itself.
Journey/ destination?
Journey is straightforward.
Tedious with journey, same with fashion. 
Tedious = confusion ?
Tedious = harder to comprehend
Trying too hard to compute makes it easy to miss the point.
Get to the point.
Elmo hoodie black 
Black jeans 
Cream shoes
Reminds me of a Paramore song—— any song on the after laughter album
Why the juxtaposition 
People trying to mask the fact that they’re sad (Hide your face w hoodie)
Upbringing that made him think this way. 
People have “had it much worse than you do”
Parents do it to not be an inconvenience to them.
My parents grieve
They can’t grieve because of “kids”
Grief of youth 
Makes backhanded comments to said “kids”
No resentment 
Comes up with new goals 
With sadness comes birth 
Tower moment. Rebuilding. 
I just learnt that his mum can fly a plane.
Black trench
Dickies shirt grey
Tie with hearts 
New balances/ pandas 
Dark colours are what people associate with fear. “With fear come gloom”
Link to lust and fear?
Uncertainty. Curiousity
Attracted only on a physical level (lust) don’t want them to see them more on a physical Lebel (fear)
I chose to make Andrew pick his own outfits because I wanted to showcase his own chronosynchronicity.
After the interview was over, I felt even closer to Yasmin and felt a closeness with Jaden (which would come in handy on shoot day as I prefer my models to feel comfortable). In the end, everything came to me in an epiphany:
Lust and fear and intertwined… which technically is link to confusion (which is linked to fear)… joy is the only juxtaposing thing in spite of the fact that they are all separate emotions. Without all these things there can’t be any joy. All these feelings and emotions make chronosynchonicity 
We ended up shooting a few days after in the studio and it was very fun!
With editing, I was so excited to do that as I have previous knowledge from a YouTube channel I used to run when I was younger! I was so excited editing that it literally put me in flow state and CURED my burnout???? It really did and I felt a deep sense of purpose here!
And in the end, the video came out so well! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IWWs0GK5csI (Video will be posted in subsequent post)
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weatherwithyou · 3 years
ok great so im on day 2 of my 3 day iso and my sister just got told that one of her mates (that she went on schoolies with) tested positive. so theres a good chance that i waited a year and a half + paid $1500 to sit in my fucking childhood bedroom and see none of my friends or family for the 3/5 weeks i have here. am legit this close to killing myself❤️
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gigsoupmusic · 4 years
Micko Westmoreland first came to the public's attention as the enigmatic Jack Fairey in the star-studded glam rock fake biopic 'Velvet Goldmine', and since then has done everything from making electronica as The Bowling Green to the sharp edged new wave of his current project Micko & The Mellotronics. With that band on the verge of releasing their second single, a double A-side with the timely 'Noisy Neighbours 'and 'You Killed My Father' (featuring the late Neil Innes), he spoke to Gigsoup to tell all... Starting at the beginning, you got your first break appearing in the film ‘Velvet Goldmine’…  Quite a baptism of fire! Yep, I was fresh out of film school with little acting experience. So I did a ton of research, suspended all activities other than glam rock ones; late mornings, blurry eyeliner, became a kind of ‘Our Lady of the Flowers’, to quote Jean Genet. I did appear on set however with well prepared sleeve notes. Ziggy/Hunky and early Roxy had been teenage territory. Toni Colette really helped me during filming, showing me where and how to move and stand in frame etc. which I really wasn’t aware of and she was such a wonderful person to hang out with. Ewan McGregor was enormous in the 90s but treated you like a complete equal. I’ve acted the fiction of being a sensational rock star, my embalmed alter ego is now moth balled and hermetically sealed for posterity. What do you make of the film’s recent re-appraisal – it was panned at the time but now it’s considered a cult classic A lot of the film heavyweights liked it at the time and have consistently sung its praises over the last 20 years, which has contributed to its legacy, plus Todd Haynes is now seen as a 24-carat auteur. 1998 wasn’t ready for a kaleidoscopic pansexual odyssey. Velvet Goldmine truly tapped into a teenage hormonal feeling, so the audience is responsible for its longevity I think, people have grown old with it and new fans have discovered it. You had quite a lot of success making electronic music as The Bowling Green but then switched tack to making more song-based stuff.  What’s the story there? The music I was making was becoming increasingly filmic, so I moved into movie sound tracks for a while and did two film scores and a few documentaries with my brother; acclaimed director Wash Westmoreland (Still Alice, Colette). One of them, Echo Park L.A., won best drama at Sundance in 2006! I was becoming more attuned to a literary narrative and was listening to Dylan’s Time out of Mind and Beck’s Sea Change at the time – couple that with improvements in technology that weren’t so reliant on sampler and keyboard. I started playing much more guitar again, my first love and now my primary instrument for writing. You made a couple of albums under your own name but then formed Micko & The Mellotronics – your first ‘band’ project.  What was the thinking behind that move? I was very much used to working on my own. I made a couple of solo albums, one which Terry Edwards (P.J. Harvey/Holy Holy) released on his Sartorial label called ‘Wax & Wayne’, and ‘Yours Etc Abc’, on my own Landline records imprint, which I believe was the main unconscious projection into putting a live act together. The person doing PR for it asked, ‘Who’s in the band?’ When I realized I didn’t have one, it made sense to look for folk to start pushing sounds around. How would you sum up the band to someone you hadn’t heard you before?  Can you name us a few bands that have influenced its sound? We get compared to the Buzzcocks quite a lot, I’ll take that. I’ve loved Magazine since teenage, Television too. I also dig Serge Gainsbourg majorly and bands like The Silver Apples. I’m really into Iso Tomita, the 70’s electronic musician and of course Mr. Eno too. People have commented that the double A side, soon to be released, is like early Genesis but I think it’s much closer to The Rutles. Patrick from R.O.C. said there was violence to the sound. I do pride the writing on an intricacy and eccentricity but without getting prog about it. Talk us through the Mellotronics members and their individual flavours... Nick Mackay a friend referred me to. He was playing in a two-piece called ‘Barricades’, and was clearly a very good drummer, real flare as a player/performer and had the magic ingredient for any band – he was a thoroughly decent chap you could spend a ton of time with. Jon Klein is our very own rock star hiding in plain sight. He has a CV better than the rest of us put together: Banshees, Sinead O’Connor to name a few and of course his own band Specimen. I lent Jon my amp when we were on the same bill. I gave him a copy of my previous album and he contacted me the next day, which I considered a big thumbs up. He’s very quick, obscenely talented and has revolutionized day-to-day working practice. In short a turbo charged V12 engine has been carefully placed inside a Hillman imp, with fresh brake pads added. Vicky Carroll the bassist also came through personal referral, Haydn Hades who does stand up. At the time she was playing in a band the ‘Owls of Now’, a very bright lady indeed. She really got what the band was about and had great style. The dynamic of now the band get on and its chemistry is essential to longevity. Having a woman on board was important to us, so we really lucked out by finding such a smart cookie in Vicky. So far, you’ve shared ‘The Finger’, your first single, and now two new tracks, which will (eventually) be released as a 7” single.  Talk us through ‘Noisy Neighbors’ and ’You Killed My Father’. Noisy Neighbours came about from my experience with dealing with serial complainers whilst living in a housing co-op. We shot the video with filmmaker Ashley Jones (www.thechaoesengineers.com) in the next door location the inhabitants of the song were occupying, so we had to be quiet. Of course some complaints are genuine but most were more telling of the complainant than complainee. There are control issues, which come about as a result of trying to micromanage your environment beyond your own four walls. I wanted to make a witty statement about that without being over critical or condemning. Raising a single eyebrow over that type of behavior. ‘You Killed My Father’, the double A side was inspired by Neil Innes R.I.P. (Monty Python, Bonzo Dog, The Rutles). So of course I was thrilled when he agreed to play on it. I was introduced to him through an artist friend Harry Pye. We inadvertly created a supergroup together called the Spammed and meet up once a year to record for the Teenage Cancer Trust. Last session Tony Visconti produced a cover of Bolan’s ‘Get it on’, for us. It comprises, Rat Scabies (The Damned), Horace Panter (The Specials), Neil when he was with us and actor/comedian Kevin Eldon on vocs, I play guitar. The song relates to my childhood, growing up in Leeds and has a Shakespearean quality. I checked the prose with an expert to make sure I hadn’t over egged the pudding. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_5iswf8GG6o You seem to be able to attract some interesting names to collaborate with - Horace Panter of The Specials and the late Neil Innes recently, but also members of The Blockheads, Madness, Stranglers and Goldfrapp in the past.  Who would be top of your collaborative wish list? I’d love to do something with Eno again. We became friendly during the mid nineties. I was tutored by him, whilst working on an art show called ‘Self Storage’ with Laurie Anderson but never made it into the studio. A wild card like Wendy Carlos, famed for the soundtrack of ‘A Clockwork Orange’ would be great too. Likewise, your videos have featured some interesting names from British comedy…  What do they bring to the party?  Anyone else you’d like to get on board if you had free reign? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDr7nkOQN9Q All the comedy connections came from Kevin Eldon initially, a super bright and truly wonderful guy. He introduced me to Paul Putner at a Specials gig. Paul’s a brilliant bloke and really likes the band. He found the remarkable Suzy Kane for us. All three have taken excellent roles. Suzy had a lot of input in Noisy Neighbours, suggesting wardrobe and even shots to Ashley as we were making it; we really have had tremendous fun with our contributors. Obviously, Chris Morris would be fantastic but I’m a little afraid to knock. We hear the debut M&TM album is close to completion – what have you got in store for us? A psychedelic mish mash of fable, sound collage and idea. With the new single, 3 of the songs are now out there. On a musical front Horace Panter out of The Specials has guested on a couple of tracks for us and of course we have one of Neil Innes’ last performances too. I’ve written a song about Imelda Marcos, she seemed like a person who was way ahead of her time, a modern template for a highly manipulative battle-axe. I have an author friend in his 60s who’s an eminent  psychologist, (Georg Eifert - Anxiety Happens) so I wrote a song called ‘The Fear’, with a lot of his theories in mind. There’s also one too called ‘Sick and Tired’, it’s not about what I’m eed up about, but like Noisy Neighbours it’s a comment about complaint. When writing I try to look at what gets talked about by everyday people and base some of the songs around those themes. Earwig on phone conversations on buses, pick up discarded bits of paper, when you get into the habit you’ll be amazed what you find. So I get on the 38 and set my brain to record. There’s also a fair amount about growing up on the record too, which I hope all can relate to. I think you have to start with a good idea, that’s on any level otherwise you’re unlikely to get far. From my art college days I got into the habit of noting things down, if you don’t it often escapes you. It’s difficult to marry a multitude of ingredients and let’s face it the world is full of plenty, pair it down and make it resonate. Anyone who tells you otherwise is telling porkies. To make something that stands the test of time is more difficult still. But I’m not afraid of the work and I enjoy ‘the doing’, for me that’s what it’s all about. I believe that as individuals we have a natural tendency to evolve, if we choose to see it that way and trust, it’ll ‘self fulfill’. If you’ll allow yourself to tap into that expansion creatively, you’ll always find inspiration. Micko & The Mellotronics release 'Noisy Neighbours / You Killed My Father' on Landline Records on April 17 with the 7" single schedule to hit the shops on June 27. Read the full article
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quarantingz · 4 years
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letting my guard down (part 2/2)
Let me tell you a story of how I know God is real and that He indeed works in weird, mysterious, unexpected yet timely ways. Immediately after writing the first part of my epiphany or I’d even call it a predicament, I received a call from my mum while I was on the toilet (TMI but it had to be said!). I was already finishing up (sorry!) so I washed my hands (thoroughly, after putting my phone down) and hit answer. I said my usual cheerful hellos which I was expecting her to return. Instead, I saw mum in all her glory, except she wasn’t feeling glorious, with sadness evident in her eyes. I quickly realised that things weren’t good.
She looked at me as if to say, “So you must’ve read our message about the flight…” so I asked about it. Mum closed her eyes (a mannerism she has shown in almost all of our video calls), she does this whenever she talks about something pressing or whenever God puts a word in her heart that she shares with us with zealousness. I let her speak for a good 5 minutes. I just listened. She opened up about her feelings towards this turbulent situation we’re having and how badly her and dad want to come home, to the point where they were crying out to God last night asking why this is happening. Knowing my mum and how strong her relationship with God is, she’d hardly question anything. Especially God. But I could tell how much stress she was under yet still remain graceful and calm amidst this chaos. From the moment she opened her lips and scrunched her eyebrows together, I was prepared to simply listen. And it’s when we truly listen that we’re able to empathise with someone.
Mum dropped all of the weight she was bearing overnight on me. I’m glad I could offer a listening ear and a shoulder to lean on however this wasn’t enough. I wish I could be in her presence and hug her. She also told me about how Dad handled the news that their flight was yet again cancelled. They were supposed to come back on my mum’s birthday — the 21st of March. Then it became the 2nd of April, then the 15th and now there’s a high chance that they’re going to have to stay in the Philippines until June. Two months away from now. It was all a lot. And apparently Dad, who usually never raises his voice or shows signs of anger, was yelling at the Philippine Airlines call agent over the phone. “Imagine if you were in our shoes, unable to go home to our daughters, what would you do? How would you feel?” says Mum as she recalls Dad’s words which he said to the lady or guy on the other end of the line in English. We made a lighthearted joke about how this was more a result of him wanting to sound like a foreigner and therefore important, but maybe my Dad just tends to put his mother tongue aside when he’s all fired up and that we’ve just learned something new about him. Like I said the man is almost never irritated. From Mum’s retelling of his conversation with the poor employee who was just doing their job, it sounded like he was seething.
I listened to her talk for another 20 minutes or so, picking up on every detail and the shift in the tone of her voice with each recollection of relevant events.  She told me about how our long-term family friend thoroughly enjoys her and Dad’s company, and how this quarantine period has actually been a blessing for them all. Our family friend’s marriage, we’ll give her a pseudonym too — Beatrice, has apparently been on the rocks for quite some time now. Their home hasn’t been a place where love is nurtured but rather one where members of the family tend to quarrel. Lots. Upon hearing this I felt empathy towards Beatrice and her family, too. These are people who were very prominent in my early childhood years and although I haven’t seen them in 6 years I know that as soon as I visit them we’ll just pick up where we left off. Mum carried on with her testimony, highlighting the changes, good ones, that have occurred in the life and relationships of the [insert alias here] family since reuniting with my parents. The quarrelling apparently stopped and one of their kids who’s one of my childhood friends has been cooking them delicious meals since iso. Hearing this made me smile. I wasn’t surprised to hear that my parents have become such blessings to their family as they have always been one, Mum especially, to touch people’s hearts with God’s word. I look up to them both a lot although I know I’ll never be half as good as they are.
Then, not long after her story about the Rodriguez family, I felt this urge to write my thoughts down. It would be a reflection of an event happening in real time. Weird concept but had I went on for any longer without doing so I was scared that the thoughts would leave me entirely. Almost like an itch that won’t go away until I decide to get a pen and paper and let my subconscious take over which I’ve been doing a lot these days. I wrote down the following on the first piece of paper I could find within an arm’s reach, although I was willing to write on the back of this unopened pack of pens I found in the drawer situated in the middle of our lounge. Knowing this would be crazy and I’d run out of space after four sentences, I chose to write on this printed invoice from AA for Cathy’s car service breakdown back in 2016 instead. I jotted down the following words in bulletpoints, which were all I could muster without losing my train of thought:
Listening (closely)
“God is not in us but rather in this space between you and me.” A quote from Before Sunrise which just randomly popped into my head but was also relevant to the situation. I don’t fully agree with the first part but I thought it was interesting.
As Mum went on with her gripping storytelling, I proceeded to writing, in full sentences this time, capturing exactly what I wrote on paper I think would be appropriate so I’ll do just that:
(Imagine there was an arrow pointing to the beginning of this paragraph from the bulletpoint ‘Listening (closely) and that’s precisely how I scrawled it all down)
First time in ages that I was able to live and be in the present, listening to my mum’s voice, her stories told as vividly as I aim to write in my blog entries… going into details like the colour of the table Tito (Tagalog word for ‘uncle’) [insert alias here] brought into his wife’s room to put down some mugs, a jug of boiling water and snacks. They were all so eager to talk to someone from Outside. Capitalising the O for emphasis. I was listening to this and seeing it all as if it were happening right in front of me. My mum is a great storyteller. So is my dad. I miss them. But right now I’m happy. (With another arrow drawn pointing to this sentence because I ran out of space after the previous one) I pray that God brings peace to their hearts in spite of these turbulent times.
What happened after this was beyond my imagination and what I’d expected. Mum asked how I’ve been coping with everything lately or my response to all the things she’d just said. Normally this question would’ve caused me to curl up into a ball and feel seen but wanting to be unseen. Embarrassed to even open my mouth and speak up about my feelings. Gross! But instead, what followed were words spoken with confidence I’ve never channeled before when talking to my parents about what’s really going on with me. My first words were, “Funny you ask…” before scanning my eyes down the page I had just clumsily scribbled half-baked musings on, and enunciating what I wrote to them exactly how it is on paper, knowing both my sisters were in the room and listening. Before I even got to the Before Sunrise quote, my voice was already breaking and I had to pause a few times. And then the tears just streamed down my face. Uncontrollably. In that moment I realised I was naked. Vulnerable. No longer able to hide. It felt liberating so I continued. But I reached a point where I came to a full stop and just covered my face and cried. Really cried. No one said anything for a while so I continued again. After I finished, Mum spoke more words of wisdom and I was back to listening and writing down insights I’ve pulled from what she’s saying and related them back to what I’ve gathered from my brief devotion prior to our video call (it was the first time in ages that I picked up a book that actually talks about God and not just a self-help book).
Throughout the rest of our conversation, I rotated the piece of paper so it was sitting horizontal on the table and wrote the following in boxes at the top and bottom (but actually the left and right side of the page originally):
“Take nothing for granted.”
All of these were in the same box, I’ll talk about them in more detail tomorrow when we catchup Alyssa x:
“Leaving the camp -> aka the familiar (in Moses’ terms)”
“Pitching the tent of Meeting”
“Offering yourself as a living sacrifice”
“Sabbath -> Shaun (oops, I mean Gabe): “What’s the Saturday plan?”
“God’s Timing”
And then an arrow pointing from this box to a new line:
“Song: Kahit Maputi Na Ang Buhok Ko” (in English this means ‘even when my hair turns grey’ which is a song about hoping your relationship with someone wouldn’t change throughout the years and that you’ll grow old together. Is that us, pal? 🥺 Okay I’m crying now).
Lastly on this page I wrote:
“I can’t seem to open up about the deepest parts of me, my thoughts and feelings without crying like a baby.”
Flipping over the page I wrote more messy musings (hey look an alliteration!) I even numbered the paragraphs since I wrote them around the imprints of the car service invoice therefore they were initially out of order. 
Okay, remember in the first part of this “epiphany” now turned blah I said I’d explain why I find it easier to write in my journal first before going on my laptop? Well I think it’s because in Notes or Pages, the cursor or Google said it’s called an insertion point, blinks as if to say, “What’s next?” Or “What else?” This takes me back to the late nights back in the uni days where I’d stare at my half-filled page on Word dumbfounded, suffering from the worst case of writer’s block. I get this when I’d try and write or add to my blog entries here on Tumblr too. Whereas writing on pen and paper to me are more forgiving and allows my subconscious to reign more.
Have you seen Greta Gerwig’s Little Women yet? I’m going to end this (and boy does this need to end, I’m sorry for what I’m about to get you to sit through) with a few references to that movie so I hope you have! This thing we started which allowed me to write again made me feel a lot like Saoirse as Jo in this scene where she too gets back into writing. She’s sitting on the floor of her room, hunched over tens and hundreds of pieces of paper riddled with her neat penmanship in ink, fervently writing her next novel. The scene was depicted as a montage, of Jo switching between her left and right hand, the sides of which are stained with black ink and she’s shaking her dominant hand to relieve the pain caused by hours of unbridled writing. This is how I felt like today. Alive. Fiery. Like the Aries I am.
To close, I want to say that it’s always been easier for me to put things in writing instead of vocalising them. This is more of my sister’s forte. This again reminds me of a scene in Little Women where Jo makes her speech about women having different dreams and ambitions but not one of them is more important than the other. We’re all very unique yet similar in that we are women with voices and gifts which we can choose to use in the way we like.
It feels like I’ve been on a rollercoaster this year so far, reaching highs but also plummeting down to my lowest of lows periodically. But I know I’m not alone. So if you’re feeling the same way, reader, I urge you to open up to the person you feel most comfortable with and although easier said than done, let your guard down. Be vulnerable as I believe it is in these times where we show someone else our cracks that light can shine through them and into the person we choose to strip in front of.
- p, with love
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booksandtea · 5 years
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I’m looking at my “Review to Write” list and noticing it’s gotten pretty out of hand, its fine I’ll catch up. It’s one of my main focuses for the month.
Today I plan to lower the count by 7. Yes that’s right I’m going to talk about 7 books I chose to DNF already this year. Keep reading to see which books I didn’t finish and why.
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Yep, there’s some uh surprising and new releases on my list. It’s why I’ve been hesitant to post it but also I don’t want to keep repeating myself so here we go. Its down on paper, well, on screen and can be referred too easier.
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The Informant by Susan Wilkins Series: Kaz Phelps #1 Genre: Crime | Adult Length: 465 pages Published on 20th November 2014 by Pan Macmillan Purchase*: Amazon | Wordery | Blackwells *these are affiliate links Susan Wilkins: Website | Twitter | Goodreads Received for free from publisher? in exchange for an honest review
Synopsis: Set in London and Essex, The Informant is a story of ruthless criminals, corrupt cops, obsessive love and the villainy that operates on both sides of the law.
As a drug-fuelled teenage tearaway, Kaz Phelps took the rap for her little brother Joey over a bungled armed robbery and went to jail.
Six years later she’s released on licence. Clean and sober, and driven by a secret passion for her lawyer, Helen, Kaz wants to escape the violence and abuse of her Essex gangster family.
Joey is a charming, calculating and cold psychopath. He worships the ground Kaz walks on and he’s desperate to get her back in the family firm. All Kaz wants is a fresh start and to put the past behind her.
When Joey murders an undercover cop, DS Nicci Armstrong is determined to put him behind bars. What she doesn’t realize is that her efforts are being sabotaged by one of their own and the Met is being challenged at the highest level.
The final test for Kaz comes when her cousin, Sean, gets out of jail. He is a vicious, old-school thug and wants to show Kaz who is boss. Kaz may be tough enough to face down any man, but is she strong enough to turn her back on her family and go straight?
I’ll be honest, didn’t even realise this was a proof copy until last month when I picked it up which means this is very possible the first proof I ever got sent.
Its from 2014
Which is around the time I was still in education and was very hit and miss with my blogging schedule so first of all I’m sending lots of apologise to the publishers for letting them down.
And well my taste in books has changed a lot. The last crime book I read all the way through I had a lot of thoughts on and decided I’d probably had enough with the genre.
I tried again for The Informant though and noped out very early on when it was pretty violent but the guy was having a Good Time whilst partaking in the violence. Sorry! I tried even with my doubts.
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The Wolf by Leo Carew Series: Under the Northern Sky #1 Genre: Fantasy | Adult Length: 465 pages Published on 3rd April 2018 by Orbit Purchase*: Amazon | Wordery | Blackwells *these are affiliate links Leo Carew: Website | Twitter | Goodreads Received for free from attending a book event
Synopsis: The Wolf is a thrilling, savagely visceral, politically nuanced, and unexpectedly wry exploration of power – and how far one will go to defend it.
Violence and death have come to the land under the Northern Sky.
The Anakim dwell in the desolate forests and mountains beyond the black river, the land under the Northern Sky. Their ancient ways are forged in Unthank silver and carved in the grey stone of their heartland, their lives measured out in the turning of centuries, not years.
By contrast, the Sutherners live in the moment, their vitality much more immediate and ephemeral than their Anakim neighbors. Fragile is the peace that has existed between these very different races – and that peace is shattered when the Suthern armies flood the lands to the north. These two races revive their age-old hatred and fear of each other. Within the maelstrom of war, two leaders will rise to lead their people to victory.
Only one will succeed.
I picked this up from a New Voices event hosted by the publisher, I was really excited for this one! I mean it’s a fantasy book of course I was excited for it.
I even got to talk to the author and it sounded really good.
To be honest, if I were to revisit any of the adult books I DNF it would probably be this one.
But unfortunately the book and I just didn’t get on. There was no major fault with it, I just wasn’t having a good time reading it.
And therefore it ended up on the DNF pile. It’s that simple.
Butting in here to change format a little bit because I picked up Past Life and In Our Mad and Furious City from the same publishing event(s – one was the year later) and had similar issues with them.
The atmosphere and having lovely chats with the authors and publicists is great. It makes me want to try new things. Unfortunately these both fell short on being books I enjoyed.
In Our Mad and Furious City I found myself not enjoying the writing style.
Whereas with Past Life I wasn’t a fan of reading about women in really shitty situations. I’m sure it probably gets better but I gotta prioritise my time y’know.
Okay, I can now move onto the 3 books you’re actually here for.
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The Beholder by Anna Bright Series: The Beholder #1 Genre: Fantasy | Young Adult Length: 448 pages Published on 4the June 2019 by HarperTeen Purchase*: Amazon | Wordery | Blackwells *these are affiliate links Anna Bright: Website | Twitter | Goodreads Received via trading
Synopsis: Selah has waited her whole life for a happily ever after. As the only daughter of the leader of Potomac, she knows her duty is to find the perfect match, a partner who will help secure the future of her people. Now that day has finally come.
But after an excruciatingly public rejection from her closest childhood friend, Selah’s stepmother suggests an unthinkable solution: Selah must set sail across the Atlantic, where a series of potential suitors awaits—and if she doesn’t come home engaged, she shouldn’t come home at all.
From English castle gardens to the fjords of Norge, and under the eye of the dreaded Imperiya Yotne, Selah’s quest will be the journey of a lifetime. But her stepmother’s schemes aren’t the only secrets hiding belowdecks…and the stakes of her voyage may be higher than any happy ending.
Of all these books this is the one I made the most progress with! So I’m also pretty sad I chose to DNF it because it robbed me of a lot of reading time.
I was definitely interested, I traded a book for this one!
And I still low-key want to know what happens.
But after 100 and something pages… nothing had really happened.
Other than the main character had gotten on a boat.
It was such a slowly paced book and I finally had to accept defeat (and trade it on to someone who was really excited about it so I’m hoping that they’re much happier with it than I was).
The cover is beautiful and I do think there is appeal to it for other readers.
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The Meaning of Birds by Jaye Robin Brown Genre: Contemporary | LGBT | Young Adult Length: 368 pages Published on 3rd April 2018 by HarperTeen Purchase*: Amazon | Wordery | Blackwells *these are affiliate links Jaye Robin Brown: Website | Twitter | Goodreads Borrowed from a friend
Synopsis: Before, Jessica has always struggled with anger issues, but come sophomore year that all changes when Vivi crashes into her life. As their relationship blossoms, Vivi not only helps Jess deal with her pain, she also encourages her to embrace her talent as an artist. And for the first time, it feels like the future is filled with possibilities. After In the midst of senior year, Jess’s perfect world is erased when Vivi suddenly passes away. Reeling from the devastating loss, Jess pushes everyone away, and throws out her plans to go to art school. Because art is Vivi and Vivi is gone forever.
Desperate for an escape, Jess gets consumed in her work-study program, letting all of her dreams die. Until she makes an unexpected new friend who shows her a new way to channel her anger, passion, and creativity. Although Jess may never draw again, if she can find a way to heal and room in her heart, she just might be able to forge a new path for herself without Vivi.
Lauren reading a contemporary by choice? Oh wow what is this.
Wild huh?! (Buckle up because there is a second one too)
Scrap what I said about The Behold because this is the book I’m saddest I couldn’t finish.
The Meaning of Birds is told in alternating time lines (similarly to my favourite book ever The Bone Witch). After the death of Vivi and before the death of Vivi.
The chapters that were set before Vivi’s death were amazing! I loved them so much. My heart was full experiencing all the emotions you go through when having a new crush.
Agh it was so soft and sweet and I wanted to read it all.
But the after chapters were an actual chore to read in comparison and it made me actually skip them because I was enjoying this f/f romance so much.
But then there was a very large instance of fat shaming that wasn’t addressed and BYE BOOK. Not for me.
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The Paper & Hearts Society by Lucy Powrie Series: The Paper & Hearts Society #1 Genre: Contemporary | Young Adult Length: 255 pages Published on 13th June 2019 by Hodder Children’s Books Purchase*: Amazon | Wordery | Blackwells *these are affiliate links Lucy Powrie: Website | Twitter | Goodreads ARC received at work, not requested.
Synopsis: A brand new series from Booktuber Lucy Powrie – about what happens when you give up on trying to fit in and let your weird out! It’s time to join The Paper & Hearts Society …
Tabby Brown is tired of trying to fit in. She doesn’t want to go to parties – in fact, she would much rather snuggle up on the sofa with her favourite book.
It’s like she hasn’t found her people …
Then Tabby joins a club that promises to celebrate books. What could go wrong? EVERYTHING – especially when making new friends brings out an AWKWARD BUZZING feeling all over her body.
But Olivia, Cassie, Henry and Ed have something that makes Tabby come back. Maybe it’s the Austen-themed fancy-dress parties, or Ed’s fluffy cat Mrs Simpkins, or could it be Henry himself …
Can Tabby let her weird out AND live THE BEST BOOKISH LIFE POSSIBLE?
Perfect for fans of Holly Smale and Super Awkward.
I’m actually really nervous to write this review because I think everyone else has loved it.
But, and its a big but.
I don’t usually read contemporaries. I wasn’t planning on reading this either.
As a bookseller we often get sent early copies even when we don’t request them, as I knew it was a release people were excited for I figured I could at least try it. Given it was in my hands anyway?
The tone of voice is a lot younger than I anticipated, that’s not a bad thing at all, and its definitely something that the YA area needs. So I’m really excited for the kids who get to read this and it will be perfect for them.
As I realised it wasn’t going to be a book that worked for me because of these two areas I figured it was best to just give it a new home to someone who was actually excited for it, so away to a friend it went.
I’m glad they enjoyed it.
So just to clarify, nothing actually wrong with Lucy’s book. It just wasn’t written for me and that’s okay. Theres 2938394 books out there that are written for me.
Do you disagree with my DNF choices?
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Why I DNF The Beholder, The Meaning of Birds and 5 other books I'm looking at my "Review to Write" list and noticing it's gotten pretty out of hand, its fine I'll catch up.
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bellagbear · 5 years
I’ve been called nomadic by several people. It is true that I don’t associate home with a specific location, but rather with a place where I feel comfortable and I can read, write and do my creative things. Therefore, the question of being back or going away is a tricky one. Is it even a goodbye or a welcome back when you feel at home in many different places? I’m writing this post because I’ve been back in Kenya for about 2.5 weeks now and planning to stay for longer. I want to share the creative projects I’m doing here.
My stay here now is different from the last time though. The first time I came to Kenya to do research for my master thesis which is finished now. This time I’m back for love and to see if I can make a life for myself here with all the skills I’ve learned so far in life. In this article, I’ll show you the art projects I brought, and I’ll also tell you a bit more about my plans in Kenya.
Sewing abroad: what to take on a journey to a different continent
I’m back! Or: Monthly Sewing Update March 2019
The Quilt Projects
Quilting the Kenyan quilt
  The work on this quilt occupied most of my previous six months in Kenya and the five months I spend in the Netherlands to finish my studies. Now, the quilt top is finished and the quilt is ready to be quilted. When you quilt you sew through all the layers of a quilt to keep the layers together. I already made a start with the quilting as you can see in the picture:
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I won’t show a photo of the complete top, because that is a surprise for next week’s post. You can read more about The Kenyan Quilt here:
The overall design of the Kenyan quilt
I am designing quilt patterns: Kenyan quilt update
Crazy quilt blanket
This project was started on the aeroplane to Kenya. The top is made from leftovers of The Kenyan Quilt and an old scarf. Part of the scarf is used in some tote bags I made as presents. However, the scarf fabric was so soft I wanted to use it as a blanket as well. I call it a crazy quilt because I’m using many different embroidery stitches to sew through the layers. In this way, I am teaching myself to embroider.
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Crazy quilt blanket
The Dear Jane sampler quilt
Last time I went to Kenya I missed working on my Dear Jane quilt. And these days, my motivation to finish this quilt in the next ten years has even increased because I reached the 100 blocks milestone! Now there are only about 160 blocks to go… The first Dear Jane block in Kenya is finished:
Dear Jane Quilt Block C-7: Megan’s Mountain Laurel
The Dear Jane sampler quilt
100 blocks Dear Jane milestone
The Cross Stitch Projects
Death of Discworld cross stitch
This piece is part of an art trade where I get awesome dragon scale gloves. The pattern is by Lyndisfarne Cross Stitch, who makes trademarked Discworld patterns. The Discworld series are satirical fantasy books by one of my favourite authors Terry Pratchett (GNU). Check them out if you like fantasy, humour or social commentary.
Unconventional X stitch giant octopus cross stitch
It always looks amazing to combine something most people associate with homeliness, such as cross-stitch, with something macabre. Most of the patterns Unconventional X stitch (UXS)  creates are like that. I am a fan of the work UXS  does and what that means for the cross-stitch community. UXS their work helps to reach a bigger audience for cross stitch because of the original patterns they offer. As a tribute to that effort, I decided to make one of their patterns for myself. I finished a big part of the bottom and it is exciting to see this pattern come to life. The fabric is from Jodyri Designs.
  Shards of Fire dragon cross stitch
This pattern is made by another person in the cross-stitch world I greatly admire: Pinkythepink. The pattern is based on original artwork by Euclidstriangle. Both my love for dragons and bold colours is big, so when I saw this pattern, I had to make it. I was not aware of a large amount of speciality thread and stitches this pattern uses though, many I had never seen before! But I won’t let that surprise stop me. I will rather see it as a learning opportunity to expand my skills and knowledge of cross-stitching. So far, I love the process of learning how to use the speciality thread.
Hot air balloons cross stitch
This is a big cross stitch project I brought to Kenya last time, and since it’s not finished yet I carried it again. This is a kit from AlieExpress I ordered to see if they’re any good. For the longest time, I was very suspicious about the thread choices of this kit. However, the past week I started filling in the top right corner and it is coming together nicely now. Thank God for perseverance.
Embroidery Projects
People suck embroidery
 My friend is coaxing me to make an embroidery piece for the Big Memory Quilt I’m making for her. I do it gladly for her though because she gave me a great drawing as inspiration:
This embroidery will become part of a big memory quilt I’m making for her. A lot of her old childhood clothes and such are used in that quilt.
The Big Quilt introduction: a Memory Quilt
Coat of many colours badge
I wanted to make my boyfriend a coat of many colours. However, I don’t know how to do sew clothes yet. So, this badge is going to be the first step to achieve my bigger plan. The picture below gives you an idea of what I’m going for.
What will I do in Kenya?
My goal is to continue my research into the future of pastoralism and conservation. In the coming months, I’ll be writing proposals and meeting with people to decide which exact direction to take with my work. Besides research, I also want to write for non-academic publications about my research and experiences in Kenya. One place is the Dutch Website WereldWijven. I believe it is important to share your research and experiences with other people. If there is a way to make people benefit from the research, I will find it and execute it.
One of the events I joined so far to work out research plans is the Camel Caravan organised by IMPACT, the organization I collaborated with for my research. The Camel Caravan is a yearly event that aims to create awareness about the challenge pastoralist people face and the importance of the Ewaso Ng’iro river in their lives. During that caravan, we walked through pastoralist areas and met many people with stories about the challenges they face. It was a great inspiration for future work. But I not only went to Kenya for my career. I also fell in love and  I want to give that love a chance.
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Conclusion: many quilts and embroideries
If you think these are a lot of projects, you are right. Not all of them must be finished though, so it doesn’t matter. I’ll just work on whatever takes my fancy and see how far I get. Some questions for you:
What are you planning to work on in the coming months?
Do you take art and creative projects with you when you go on a trip?
What is your favourite kind of project to work on while travelling?
In the coming months while I’m in Kenya I will update this blog as often as I can. Also, whenever I write a blog post, I’ll be sure to update you people on my adventures and work in Kenya. In the meantime you can also find me on a new website I’m setting up to collect the stories I write: Bella G. Bear Writes.
Would you like to know more?
 The Dear Jane quilt: seeing red, am I mad?
Quilting techniques with Dear Jane 101: Foundation piecing
How to turn a faux leather coat into a peek-a-bookbag
How to make a turtle rag quilt
 Next week’s post:
– A showcase of the finished Kenyan quilt top
See my DeviantArt or Instagram (username: bella.g.bear.art) for more artwork and WIPs. You can also follow my blog by clicking on the button on the left or by filling in your email address. There will be a monthly update at the end of every month and a new blog post every Sunday or Monday.
Kenya 2.0: I’m back! Or did I ever leave? I’ve been called nomadic by several people. It is true that I don’t associate home with a specific location, but rather with a place where I feel comfortable and I can read, write and do my creative things.
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inhumansforever · 6 years
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Inhuman of The Day
August 10 - Ms. Marvel
Kamala Kahn.  A latent Inhuman whose transformation was triggered by exposure to the Terrigen cloud.  Her newfound powers enables Kamala to increase and decrease her size at will.  She can also enact this size-shifting ability to specific limbs, allowing her to create giant fists, elated feet, or elongated legs.  With a great deal of focus and energy, Kamala can completely shape-shift and change her entire appearance and size.  
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These powers take up a great deal of energy and, thus far, she can only utilize them for brief periods of time before she becomes exhausted.  While Kamla’s powers help her be resilient to most forms of attack, she has shown a specific vulnerability to electrical based attacks; the reasons for this remain thus far a mystery.  
Kamala grew up in Jersey City.  Her parents immigrated from Pakistan and Kamala has often struggled in maintaining a balancing between her parents wishes that she adhere to more traditional Muslim values and her feelings of obligation to go behind her parents’ backs and utilize her newfound powers to be a costumed crimefighter.  
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Her best pal is a her fellow classmate named Bruno Carrelli, who runs his family’s corner bodega near Kamala’s house.   Bruno has had a longstanding crush on Kamala, but thus far Kamala has only seen him as a good friend.  Bruno was quite crestfallen when he saw that Kamala was a bit smitten by the son of family friends named Kamran.
Later on, Bruno has started dating a young woman named Mike (short for Michaela).  At first, Kamala felt oddly jealous over the matter, but eventually came to feel happy for Bruno and also became good friends with Mike.  Kamala’s other good friends include Nakia Bahadir (a fellow classmate who also attends the same Mosque as Kamala and her family); Zoe Zimmerman, a classmate and cheerleader who is not as shallow as she often acts; and Josh, a jock who is similarly a lot more intelligent and sensitive than he lets on.  
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Kamala’s older brother is named Aamir.  Unlike Kamala, Aamir is quite strongly devoted to his faith and he often chastises his younger sister for not better adhering to the guidance and customs of the tenets of Islam.  Although he can be stodgy and dogmatic, Aamir is a good brother to Kamala and very much wants the best for her.  
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More recently, Aamir met and fell in love with a young woman named, Tyesha Hillman.  The two eventually married and recently Tyesha gave birth to a baby boy whom they named Malik.   Kamala thinks Tyesha is just great and she was over the moon happy to have become an aunt.  Tyesha’s younger brother, Gabe, is a classmate of Kamala’s and the two have become good friends.  
Kamala went through Terrigenesis when the Terrigen Cloud passed through New Jersey while she and Nakia were attending a party near the Hudson Bay.  Immediately after receiving her newfound powers, Kamala knew that a great responsibility had be foisted unto her shoulders.  
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A longtime fan of the super heroes, Kamala quickly decided she needed to use these powers for good and become a costumed hero.  Her all-time favorite hero has been the Avenger, Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers), and Kamala initially shape-shifted into Danvers’ form when rescuing a Zoe who had fallen into the bay and was drowning.  Kamala later decided that she should become her own hero with her own identity so she created a new costume, but assumed the name of ‘Ms. Marvel’ as a homage to her hero, Carol Danvers.
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Initially, Kamala believed that her powers were a result of her being a mutant.  After sharing an adventure with the X-Man, Wolverine, however, she learned she was not a Mutant and was instead one of the many new Inhumans created by the Terrigen Cloud.  
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Kamala was soon thereafter identified by Queen Medusa as being a new Inhuman possessing great potential (a great potential for heroics as well as a great potential for getting into trouble).  Medusa dispatched Lockjaw, the watchdog of the Royal Court, to look after Kamala and keep her out of trouble (although it was more often Lockjaw who needed watching over and protection by Kamala).  
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Kamala and Lockjaw investigated a series of missing persons involving teenagers in the Jersey City area.  They discovered that these youths had been abducted by the bizarre villain known as The Inventor.  The Inventor held great disdain toward the younger generation and he used his captives as a bio-electric energy-source for his various machines and inventions.  Kamila ultimately defeated The Inventor and freed his many captives.  
Kamala was invited to train at New Attilan so to better hone and refine her powers and abilities.  While visiting the Inhuman city, Kamala met a number of her fellow new Inhumans (including Inferno, Naja, and Iso and Flint).  She also has had adventures alongside the Amazing Spider-Man, Wolverine, Loki, Moon Girl and the Agents of Shield.  
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Throughout her early adventures as a superhero, Kamala struggled with feelings of guilt over the fact that she was disobeying her parents and pursuing a secret life her family did not know about.  She would often discuss these feelings (in a covert fashion) with Sheik Abdullah at her Mosque.  
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Sheik Abdullah has been able to offer Kamala good advice, encouraging her that carving her own path, doing what she feels is right, is the best way to honer her parents and her god.  
Later, Kamala reunited with a childhood friend named Kamran, who it turned out was also a new Inhuman.  Kamila was quite smitten with Kamran, yet he proved not to be as good a guy as he initially seemed.  
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Kamran was secretly in league with the duplicitous Inhuman named Lineage, who used him to lure Kamala into a trap.  Like Medusa, Lineage was extremely intrigued by Kamala and certain there was something particularly special about her.  Lineage was staging a coup of New Attilan to forward his Inhuman supremacist agenda; and he very much wanted Kamala to join his cause.  
Kamala refused Lineage’s offer to join him and escaped his clutches.  Lineage was later defeated by Medusa and the other Inhumans, but Kamran continued the schemes that Lineage had put in place.  Believing that he might find a like-minded ally, Kamran abducted Kamala’s older brother, Aamir, hoping to expose him to the transformative Terrigen Mists.  Ms. Marvel, joined by Captain Marvel, arrived on the scene and defeated Kamran, rescuing Aamir.
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At the onset of The Secret Wars event, where it appeared as though the world was ending, Kamala’s mother admitted to Kamala that she is aware of her double life as a superhero.  Kamala’s mother doesn’t entirely agree with this decision, but she is nonetheless very proud of her daughter.
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Following the Secret Wars Event, Ms. Marvel was recurred to join Tony Stark’s all new, all different group of Avengers.  Along with Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, and The Vision, Kamala was joined on the roster by her fellow young heroes Nova (Sam Alexander) and Spider-Man (Miles Morales).  Kamala has found Sam to be a bit of an annoyance, but she’s cultivated a close friendship with Miles.
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Being an Avenger had been a dream come true for Kamala., but the great responsibilities of being an Avenger, maintaining patrols of her local Jersey City, keeping up with her school work, on top of various social and family obligations has left her very much over-taxed and more of then not, quite exhausted.  
Following an adventure where Ms. Marvel foiled a plot by the sinister Dr. Faustus to take over the minds of a trendy neighborhood in Jersey City, Kamala came to realize that she was being stretched too thin by all of her many obligations.  In an effort to navigate around this problem, Kamala and her friend Bruno used a high tech 3-D printer and magical material that had been left behind by the trickster god, Loki, and created multiple drone-like clones of Kamala.  
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Kamala had hoped these clones might sit-in for her at school or during family functions, thus allowing her more time to attend to her duties as a super hero and Avengers.  
As might be expected, this plot went terribly wrong and the various clones developed their own rudimentary sentience, running amok before amalgamating together into a rampaging behemoth.  Ms. Marvel was eventually able to defeat this monstrosity with the assistance of Captain Marvel and Iron Man.  
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Later, Ms. Marvel was recruited by Captain Marvel to head up a platoon of junior Carol Corps Cadets.  Captain Marvel was using the prophetic visions provided by the new Inhuman, Ulysses, to prevent crimes and disasters before they happened.  Ms. Marvel and the cadets were put in charge of intervening on future crimes occurring in the Jersey City area.  
Initially, this plan to prevent on crimes before they occurred was working well and Kamala did not see a downside to the preventative justice program.  When discussing the matter with Tyesha, however, Kamala came to wonder about how this system may be infringing on individual’s civil liberties.  Ulysses’ powers to see the future was essentially a refined process of profiling.  Tyesha spoke about how such profiling was used to essentially criminalize entire subsections of the population.  She spoke about the neighborhood where Tyesha grew up and how the police utilized profiling as a means to enforce a very racist agenda.  
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The burgeoning doubts Kamala was feeling over the whole matter were further compounded when the young cadets under her charge started acting in an increasingly authoritative and aggressive fashion.  The power to essentially change the future had quickly gone to these youngsters’ heads.  Ms. Marvel and the cadets were made aware of a vision Ulysses had involving a mass murder at Kamala’s high school.  They rushed to the would-be perpetrator's home to arrest him before he could commit this crime.  Much to Kamala’s shock, the culprit turned out to be her good friend, Josh.  
It turned out that Josh was bereft over the fact that Zoe had broken up with him.  He had planned on causing a blackout at his school, yet (according to Ulysses’ vision) doing so would have caused an electrical surge and subsequent fire that would have claimed many lives.  The cadets roughed Josh up and detained him to ensure that this disaster would not occur.  
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Although Kamala was glad to have prevented this tragedy, she continued to have doubts over the idea of detaining people without due process or access to legal representation.  Her committed to the whole program of utilizing Ulysses’ visions to alter the future was beginning to wain.  And she hasn’t been the only one.  The entire superhero community has become split over the matter, with roughly half siding with Captain Marvel and feeling that Ulysses’ visions must be used so to save lives, and the other half siding with Iron Man, feeling that civil liberties must be maintained and Ulysses’ profiles of the future are not refined enough to put such absolute faith in.  Following the death of The Hulk, the philosophical differences between these two groups came to a head, lines were drawn and hero came to battle hero.  Forced to choose a side, Ms. Marvel opted to align herself with Iron Man (even though doing so put her at odds with her mentor, Captain Marvel, as well as her fellow Inhumans of New Attilan).  
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Meanwhile, Bruno attempted to break into the detention facility where Josh was being held.  He used a homemade explosive device to get through the main door.  The device malfunctioned and blew up right in front of Bruno.  Kamala arrived to find Bruno gravely injured.  
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He survived, but sustained paralysis to half of his body.  Bruno ultimately chose to leave Jersey and accepted an invitation to study at the School of The Golden City of Wakanda.
The whole affair caused Kamala to question the methods of the predictive justice program and lose faith in her former hero, Captain Marvel.  Ultimately, Kamala left the Avengers and created a new team of young heroes called The Champions.      
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Following a brief vacation in which Kamala visited relatives in Pakistan, Ms. Marvel found herself matching wits with a mysterious new villain known only as Doc.X.  It turned out that this Doc.X was actually a computer program that had somehow gained sentience and attempted to extort Kamala into doing its bidding, threatening to expose her and her friends’ secrets if she refused to do its bidding.   With the aide of her friends, Ms. Marvel was ultimately able to defeat and apparently destroy Doc.X.
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During the Secret Empire story event, Ms. Marvel found herself teaming up with her fellow Inhumans, Quake, Inferno, Karnak and Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur, pooling their strengths in an effort to take down Hydra.  She had a few additional adventures alongside the Secret Warriors following the Secret Empire ordeal.  
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During this time, she developed a slight crush on her teammate, Inferno; as well as adversarial relationship with Quake.  Kamala saw Quake as too extreme, too willing to take drastic measures.  It was rather heartbreaking fro Kamala when she discovered that Quake and Inferno had engaged in a romantic affair.  Ultimately, the Secret Warriors broke up and Kamala went rejoined her former comrades among The Champions.  
Some time thereafter, Ms. Marvel was asked to join in for an event celebrating Asian American heroes.  Other attendees included Shang-Chi, Jimmy Woo, Silk and Amadeus Cho.  Kamala was very happy and proud to be a part of this event and she and her fellow Asian American heroes had a few adventures together. 
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Later on, the villainous cad know as Chuck Worthy, The Hydra Hipster, began a campaign to take over Jersey City by way of gentrifying the city and instituting an attitude of ultraconservative norms and anti-Inhuman/anti-Mutant sentiment.  
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Worthy had recruited two super-powered enforcers to help him in this endeavor.  One was Becky, the former Carol Cadet Kamala had butted heads with during the Civil War II ordeal.  The other was a mysterious masked villain called Discord.  Kamala was ultimately dismayed to find that this Discord was actually her friend Josh in disguise.  
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Worthy’s plot was eventually foiled.  Becky was captured and incarcerated, but Josh escaped and his current whereabouts remain unrevealed.  
Needed a break, Kamla opted to spend her summer vacation visiting family in Karachi, Pakistan.
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While in Karachi, Kamala met a young hero known as The Red Dagger.  The two had an adventure together and Kamala found herself kind of crushing on the dashing young hero.  Later on, Kamala’s family friend, Kareem, came to spend a semester abroad in Jersey City.  Soon thereafter, The Red Dagger started showing up to aide Ms. Marvel in her missions.  Both Kamala and Kareem suspected each other’s secret identities as Ms. Marvel and The Red Dagger, but opted to respect one another’s decisions to keep their secrets.
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Around this time, Kamala found herself a bit overwhelmed by the various duties and demands of her school work, her social life, and life as a super hero.  She needed a break and, with Red Dagger now in town to protect the streets of Jersey City, she opted for a sabbatical.  She enrolled in a tony private school, stopped patrolling, and stopped hanging out with her friends.  
Kamala’s pals (specifically Najia, Zoe, Mike and Gabe) were mystified by Kamala’s disappearance.  Furthermore, they were very concerned that Ms. Marvel’s absence might invite all manner of crime and mayhem to Jersey City.  They took it upon themselves to fill this void and each took turns dressing up as Ms. Marvel and patrolling the streets, just to let evil-doers know that the city was still being protected.  Alongside The Red Dagger, these ersatz Ms. Marvel’s found themselves embroiled in a terrible scheme hatched by the evil Inventor (who had recently been paroled from prison).  
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This time around, The Inventor had set his sights on the elderly, victimizing senior citizens sent to assisted living facilities and using them as human batteries to power his army of creepy cyborgs. 
Things got out of control pretty fast as The Dagger and the gang found themselves in over their collective heads.  Fortunately, Kamala’s friend Neftali was able to track her down at the private school and convince her to return.  
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She arrived just in time to aide her friends (and Captain Marvel) in putting an end to The Inventor’s sinister plot.  Along with defeating The Inventor, Kamala also got to rekindle her friendship with Captain Marvel.  
Shortly thereafter, Kamala decided to reveal her secret identity to her friends.  None of them were surprised in that they had each already put the matter together.  It offered Kamala a great deal of relief that her friends were so accepting of her and had her back.  
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Meanwhile, Kamala has continued her adventures alongside The Champions.  She also recently met Squirrel Girl and she has found herself embroiled in an adventure to stop a powerful new Inhuman named Ember.  This adventure continues to unfold in the pages of the Marvel Rising.
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Concurrently, The Red Dagger chose to let Ms. Marvel know that he had fallen for her.  Kamala doesn’t really feel she is old enough or wise enough to handle being in a romantic relationship, yet it was difficult for her to push away her strong feelings of attraction toward The Dagger.  Before she new it, the two were sharing Kamala’s first kiss on the roof of the Circle Q.  
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And just then, Bruno had returned home, just in time to see Kamala kissing this dashing stranger (it was rather crushing for him).  
Bruno ultimately chose to be up front with Kamala and he divulged to her that he has been in love with her for as long as he can remember.  Again, Kamala knew she is not yet ready to be involved with such things, yet hearing Bruno’s declaration of love stirred up a lot of feelings in her… maybe she loves him too!  It was all just too much for her.  
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After consulting with Sheik Abdullah, Kamala ultimately decided that she just needed to deal with these feelings and follow her heart.  She ultimately decided that she was going to stick with her values, she is not old enough to be ready for romance and will do her best to still be friends with these boys despite the fact that they make her feel all mushy inside.  
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After assisting Kamala in taking down a returned manifestation of the villainous Doc. X., The Red Dagger informed Kamala that he was returning to Karachi.  He has let her know how he feels about her, but doesn’t want to unfairly infringe on her life.  Were she to ever decide that she likes him the way he likes her, then she will know where to find him.  
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Likewise, Bruno has also chosen to respect Kamala decisions.  The two have struggled to figure out a way to remain friends despite their mixed up feelings toward one another.  In an effort to do so, Kamala and Bruno have begun trying to better understand the nature of Kamala’s powers.  Doing so has proven disastrous in that for some reason Kamala has suddenly found herself unable to fully control her powers.  
And this has happened at the most misfortune of times in the villain known as The Shocker has come to Jersey City to pull off a heist.  Kamala donned her guise as Ms. Marvel to take down the Shocker only to find her powers short circuiting with her unable to control them.  Something that could bring about deadly results.  How Kamala and Bruno will cope with this frightening turn of events continues to be told in current story-arc in the pages of Ms. Marvel.  
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jerseydeanne · 6 years
Anon Time!! Inskip was ghosted 🙀
Anon Time!! Inskip was ghosted 🙀
Anonymous said: What is weird about the report in The Sun that MM has banned Inskip as a friend is that Harry and Chels broke up over arguments about bad influences. Harry wanted some of her friends to be banned she wanted some of Harry’s friends to be banned. So he breaks up with a woman he did love over the friend banning. But now he allows Markle to ban his friend since childhood? Inskip? Does…
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harmonic-psyche · 6 years
The Finalysis: Ask The Dreadnought Crew
Hellooo again, everyone!
I apologize that it took so long to finish this, compared to my previous Finalysis post of @askgoopi characters. But now that I did, let’s dive right in! Here are the Myers-Briggs personality types of 14 original characters from @askthedreadnoughtcrew:
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If the terminology is confusing, see my MBTI Basics tag. Maybe I should have included that in past personality analysis posts. Also, I have not managed to make the pictures show up in high-res on my blog... Anyway, as in the previous Finalysis posts, I explain my reasoning for giving each character the type that I did below the break:
Atlas: Probably INTP.
Since Atlas "is pretty lazy and likes doing nothing," he is probably not a Te- or Fe-dominant, and probably lacks high Si. Te and Fe are known for leadership and motivating action, while Si is generally known for consistency and hard work. His high patience level makes Se unlikely — especially since he does not react to his surroundings, even when they are on fire. Se characteristically is very quick in reacting to the outside environment, whereas iNtuitors are often too stuck in their heads. On that note, his "most appropriate TV Tropes" include "Beware the Silly Ones" and "Brilliant But Lazy," which are both linked to Ne's eccentric cleverness.
Atlas’s dominant function is less clear than his tertiary. On the one hand, he is "The Anti-Nihilist," which shows exactly the kind of positive, hopeful individualist existentialism that often flows from Fi. On the other, his totally apathetic and non-reactive demeanor suggests Ti, whereas INFPs are often far more emotional and reactive. 
Breeze: Probably ENTP.
Ever since childhood, this neon yellow "nerd" programmer "[a]lways tried to bend the rules and find loopholes," showing Ne's nonconformism and Ti's love of logically deconstructing socially accepted rules. Both of those traits have continued and only increased through her love of hacking. NTPs are probably disproportionately common to programmers like her and hackers in particular. As a "Playful Hacker," Breeze shows mischievous Ne instead of serious Ni. Her "weaknesses" include that she "[e]xpects everything to go perfectly and doesn't have a backup plan in case something fails," showing her tendency to think in theoretical (N) instead of practical (S) terms. It also shows that she prefers logic (Ti) to logistics (Te). The "pride," love of "learning new things," and "[s]omewhat high" patience level that Breeze displays further support a Ne-dominant typing: _NTPs in particular show high pride, N-types are generally more fond of learning, and Se-types tend to have lower patience.
I first considered that Breeze could be an INTP because her Charahub calls her "sometimes gloomy," "[s]uspicious of anyone who she's never met," and "sometimes The Cracker," i.e., a "computer criminal." However, she smiles in most of the posts she appears in (as of 2018-08-09; contrast Ti-dominants like Ayjo and Malik), so she is an extraverted edgelord. Also, @askthedreadnoughtcrew said that "I don't think that The Cracker really describes her well - she's more of a Playful Hacker (she only hacks for fun, and almost never with malicious intents)" (PMs 2018-07-27). Even when I thought her an INTP, I noticed that Breeze is surprisingly social and optimistic: the glass is "half full," she is "close friends" with "everyone except for Weldon and Davan," and she "want[s] to get married[,] ... have kids, [and] raise a family." While the half-full/half-empty distinction probably shows a weak connection to personality type at most, an INTP typing cannot easily explain it or Breeze's wide friendship circle.
I next considered that Breeze could be an ENFP, since she seemed to show Fi when explaining that her crew is not under Giegue's authority: "I’ve heard that Giegue is a huge jerk. And we don’t take orders from jerks, hell no." However, this could stem from Ne's nonconformity and the influence of tertiary Fe. But the most powerful evidence against ENFP is her distrust of strangers (PMs 07-27):
"Breeze can be suspicious of strangers or others that she doesn't know well or at all, but once she feels close enough to someone and knows that they aren't a threat, she becomes a lot more relaxed and trusting of that person. She just takes a while to warm up to others."
E_F_ types are generally cheerful, friendly, and trusting even to strangers (see Iso and Manjula), and ENFPs are particularly infamous for over-trusting. I could not even try to explain Breeze's suspicion of strangers using an ENFP typing, since I have said that other characters (e.g. Spooks and Static) are ENFP largely because they are not suspicious of strangers (based on Bayesian logic). I apologize for the length of this explanation, but of all the @askthedreadnoughtcrew characters, Breeze confused me the most. Still, an ENTP typing can reconcile the ostensibly contradictory traits which confused me before. 
CJ: Seems like an ISTP.
When an anon asked what he was planning to pick up at the post office, CJ said "that's none of your business." That reply shows the independence, suspicion of others, and blunt rudeness common to ISTPs. The same blunt rudeness characterized his reply when Ryn asked for help finding Clay and Jaxter. After CJ said that he did not know and criticized Ryn's search strategy, CJ abruptly left without offering to help, which was "pretty rude." Both of these show the inferior Fe apathy for social norms. So does CJ's lack of concern that his loud music bothers his neighbor Lyra. All of these seem to indicate inferior Fe.
CJ's lack of eccentric, mischievous, or overtly intellectual tendencies shows no evidence for Ne, whereas his bluntness seems to indicate auxiliary Se. However, I have not seen a general description of CJ. I am inferring his personality only from his demeanor in a few scenes, so I have low confidence in calling him an ISTP.
Clay: Probably ISTJ.
Since Clay is "constantly, but not always, emotionless," he is almost certainly not a Feeling type. Usually he comes across as calm, quiet, and indifferent, indicating I_T_. His cynical pessimism (the "glass" is "100% empty") indicates the same. As a "Bookworm" whose favorite activity is reading and whose "favorite book" is "[a]ll of them," Clay is a nerd prefers to spend his time on calm (I__J) instead of more exciting (E__P) activities — although he does consider life "boring." Yet fear may be one of his most often-felt emotions (a common problem of inferior Ne), as he is "[u]sually too scared to stand up for anything" and would "have a panic attack" if he suddenly transitioned to our world.
That leaves ISTJ or INTJ, with his fear making the former more likely. As Ni-dominants, INTJs are generally driven by some kind of grand plan for the future. However, "Clay really doesn't know what he's going to do with his life, and he doesn't particularly care that much, either. He just prefers to travel around with his crew and not have to think about the future" (PMs with @askthedreadnoughtcrew 2018-07-29). Clay is then an ISTJ which, although an unsurprising type for a gieeg who is commanding a crew, is ironic since he initially set off into space to escape from the gieeg leadership.
Davan: Almost certainly ESTP.
Davan "dislikes boring stuff, [and] people who boss him around," which shows stereotypical Se impatience and rebelliousness. He is a "very irresponsible mook with a mysterious past that likes to party a lot." It is very unlikely for Te-dominants to be irresponsible as a trait, and even less likely for them to be indifferent about it. The hardest part of Clay's daily rituals is "keeping Davan under control" since the mook is an impulsive pyromaniac. Davan "likes Partying, Clay, [and] annoying Clay." When asked whether he likes parties, Davan was not available to answer — because he was at a party. Parties provide the intense sensory and social stimulation that Se craves, which is why Se-dominants are often stereotyped as party animals. Crude language and crude humor are common to Se-dominants, and Davan is so crude that others try to keep him away from Ryn. The "coolest people he knows" are "me, myself, and I," displaying the flippant narcissism common to stereotypical E_TPs.
However, Davan's Se-dominance is not always a burden to the crew. It once saved all of their lives. When the Dreadnought was about to crash into a huge asteroid, all of the Starmen froze — but Davan jumped in and steered the ship to safety. Heroism may seem unlikely from someone so narcissistic and "very irresponsible." But when an unexpected emergency happens and needs someone to act fast, impulsive and down-to-earth Se-dominants can be counted on to save the day. Maybe "heroism" is too strong a word, since Davan may have only acted to save his own skin. But the fact remains that without his action, the ship and its crew would not have survived.
Deimos: Probably ISTJ.
This poor fellow is "usually gloomy all the time and doesn't like talking to people," showing introversion. His attitude towards life and love is "*shrug,*" showing an indifference to idealism and to relationships which suggests low iNtuition and Feeling functions. Similarly, the "most appropriate TV Tropes" to describe Deimos are "Sour Outside, Sad Inside [and] The Eeyore" (although only "sometimes"). All of those show the cynicism common to I_T_ types. "He can somehow always find the exact supplies that the crew of the Dreadnought need," which either shows the apparent instinct that ISTPs have for being a mechanic (compare Ayjo and Beams) or the ISTJ's excellent memory for practical details.
Indifference seems more likely among ISTPs than ISTJs, but besides that, his traits primarily show ISTJ. Since he "dislikes Nova's short temper" as well as "Atlas' laziness and bad jokes," he seems to prefer to keep others in line. The "kind of student" he would be if he "were to attend school" is a constantly sad kid who "doesn't try and somehow still gets straight A's." ISTPs, unlike ISTJs are not known for academic success because of the impatient, non-systematic high Se. Most importantly, Deimos is "a hard worker" because he "is usually the one who keeps the other starmen in check and makes sure they’re doing what they’re supposed to be doing" (PMs with @askthedreadnoughtcrew 2018-07-27). Enforcing (J) rather than resisting (P) the rules, and a strong work ethic, are probably the most significant noticeable difference between ISTJ and ISTP.
Gemini: Seems like an ISFP.
"Everyone on the Dreadnought is just a little scared of" this badass noodle "tough fighter" who "wouldn't hesitate to beat someone up" even as a child. Even then, she wanted to become a fighter later in life. Since she cultivates a persona of fear, she is probably neither E_F_ nor __FJ. Those types usually try to befriend — or at least act friendly towards — everyone (contrast Ryn).
Outwardly, she has a cold demeanor, smiling in only 1 out of the 9 posts she appeared in (as of 2018-08-04; contrast Ryn's 12 out of 21). A colder outward demeanor is more common among introverts and those without high Fe. From that and her toughness, "other people assume" that "she's rude."Yet she has a few things in common with Ryn: the thing that "brings [her] the most joy" is "[k]nowing that she's being helpful," she "usually" acts "kind to others," and she considers "[e]veryone except Davan" important to her. Kindness and the desire to help others, without Fe's warmth, show strong Fi. Her toughness shows strong Se — especially her kind of toughness. She likes fighting, but not from a desire to harm others. In fact, her favorite sparring partner is Jaxter, who is her partner if ya know what I mean the most important person in her life. Those strongly support ISFP.
It is a bit harder to explain why she is "a bit self-centered" and enjoys "boasting" with an ISFP typing, since narcissism is linked most closely to _NTP types. Maybe Fi sometimes makes her focus too much on herself, and boasting comes from Se's competitive instinct? Although her pride and occasional self-centeredness lowers my confidence in ISFP, that still seems like the most likely type.
Jaxter: Probably INFP, maybe INTP.
Perhaps the most eccentric and quirky member of the crew, Jaxter "Likes [q]uiet places, video games, [and] fixing things." Those completely solitary places/activities strongly suggest that Jaxter is an introvert. An eccentric and quirky yet muted personality usually shows auxiliary Ne (compare Loris, Niiue, and Origen). Also, Jaxter "panics a lot and is very clumsy and awkward." Clumsiness suggests a low Sensing function (contrast Gemini's physical competence), and social awkwardness suggests low/no Fe, although those are both weak associations. "Sloth" is the "deadly sin that best represents" him, which shows that he does not have high Si because that usually produces a strong work ethic (contrast Deimos and Saral). These all suggest IN_P.
While it is not stated explicitly, Jaxter is emotionally sensitive. His tendencies to panic show a high reactivity to stressful stimuli, ones that may not affect less sensitive others. Contrast his screaming, horrified reaction to the engine almost exploding with Atlas (INTP) not reacting at all to the engine actually exploding. Hair-trigger stress and fear reactions usually imply low Ne, a high Feeling function, or both. This fear combines with his shyness and social awkwardness to produce social sensitivity: he withdraws from social situations more often than others out of fear. For example, Jaxter "used to be pretty intimidated by Gemini," probably even more than is normal for the crew. I_T_ types disproportionately withdraw from social situations too, but usually because of apathy and annoyance (contrast Calliope, Malik, and Marie). Therefore, while I thought him an _NTP at first partially from his resemblance to Doc Brown, he is more likely an INFP.
Jett: Seems like an ISTP.
This bug flying a badass, maximally edgy, spike-covered Lil UFO shows apathy to the concerns of others — especially his neighbor Lyra, who he said "is SO annoying" because she complained about him blasting loud music for the "eleventh" time. His dismissive apathy shows low Fe: even if a high-Fe-user did not care, they would probably at least act as if they cared. Also, when Jett's roommate CJ said that he was going to the post office, Jett's comment showed the blunt tone and independence-focused mindset common to ISTPs: "Well, go for it. It’s not like I’m gonna try to stop you or something." While I cannot type Jett with confidence since he has no Charahub entry and so few posts (as of 2018-08-09), current evidence suggests ISTP.
Lyra: Seems like an _STP.
Lyra is extremely straightforward about her motives for working as Morgandy's assistant: "I do it for the money." The concise and blunt (Se), honest description of focusing on rational self-interest (Ti) supports _STP, as she later shows by often complaining about insufficient pay. Lyra has no patience for Morgandy's language humor, whereas N-types are more likely to enjoy that kind of humor and high Fe-types would hesitate to be so rude. She is also very annoyed, and evidently pissed off, by her neighbors' loud music. If not for Morgandy insisting on asking "POLITELY," Lyra might tell her neighbors "to shove their speakers up their asses," showing the _STP's irritability, crudeness, and lack of concern for politeness or social norms. Even with Morgandy's insistence, Lyra angrily yelled at the neighbors who proceeded not to care.
I have not seen clear evidence of introversion or extraversion, unfortunately, so I cannot assign Lyra a specific type. All of Lyra's posts suggest _STP, but since I have not seen very many of them (or a Charahub entry), I cannot claim high confidence in that conclusion.
Morgandy: Probably ENFP.
As the only "[h]yperactive, cheerful, and childish" gieeg from her blog, Morgandy is a bit unusual. Ever since she was a child, Morgandy was "[u]ltra-hyper and very eager to do everything." Her "annoyingly childish and hyper" tendencies suggest E__P (compare Vivek), and so does her chosen profession as an entertainer. Extraverts are usually more energetic, and Perceivers more spontaneous. Both traits are important in entertainment. The fact that Morgandy "dislikes nothing really" rules out E_TP, matching the stereotype that ENFPs love everything and everyone (compare Spooks). However, Morgandy is not afraid to trash-talk her assistant or brag about her own superiority, unlike many Fe-types who hate to ever be rude.
Morgandy "doesn't like to fight," which is more common for F-types (with notable exceptions including Gemini and other badass SFPs). Morgandy prefers non-confrontational solutions to problems, whereas T-types are more direct and confrontational. Like many iNtuitors, she enjoys making incredibly dumb jokes by playing with language (compare Static). While I have not seen much of her on the blog, what I have seen makes ENFP very likely.
Nova: Seems like an ESTJ.
This "Final Starman who ... always tries to be the best that he can, but usually ends up making a mess ... is determined and will not stop at achieving a goal." That kind of strong-willed focus and determination are most common to high Te and Si users. He has low patience, especially for Atlas's laziness and Deimos's moping. STJs have the least tolerance for laziness: Te values hard work on a practical level, Si does on a moral level, and Te is the least afraid of confrontation. His dislike of "glum Deimos" shows the difference between his extraversion and Deimos' introversion. Extraverts gain energy and motivation from the social environment, so E_T_ types are usually more affected by others' moods. His "bad habits" include "[y]elling" (especially at Atlas), a common one for EST_ types (compare Goopi). That makes ESFJ unlikely: ESFJs usually try to act friendly, and even when they are aggressive, they are almost always passive-aggressive instead of straightforward.
Even though he does not eat, he enjoys cooking. The sensory, detail-oriented, highly formulaic activity is probably enjoyed more by strong Si-users (compare Saral). Also, he has a strong respect for authority. More specifically, Clay is his "role model" and "most important person in [his] life." Strong Si-users are more likely than any other type to intuitively trust authority figures (compare Pia).
An ESTJ typing admittedly has a hard time explaining why Nova has a "fear of nobody liking him," since that is seems more closely linked to Feeling types. Maybe it has to do with his extraversion? Also, it seems odd that he would "never" "dare to kill someone," but perhaps that comes from his Si principles. While ESTJ still explains most of his personality as shown in his Charahub and his posts so far, I do not think that I have seen enough posts to type him with high confidence.
Rynault ("Ryn"): Almost certainly ENFJ.
This "cheerful and optimistic" gieeg "likes helping others" since it "brings him the most joy" out of any activity. Altruism is most common, or at least most explicit, among Fe-dominants. From childhood, he has been "[v]ery eager and optimistic." As mentioned above while discussing Gemini, he smiles a lot. All of that shows the cheery demeanor and upbeat attitude most common to E_F_ types (compare Iso, Spooks, and Static). He stands up for his beliefs, but would never dare to kill anyone, showing Fe's claim to the moral high ground but also its squeamishness. The "most important person in [his] life" is "[e]veryone on the Dreadnought," showing the indiscriminate caring for everyone common to high-Fe types (compare Gabe, Manjula, Penini, Saral, and of course Iso). In contrast, many others (especially T-types) only care about those close to them, but care strongly about those people (contrast Gemini, Giegue, and J).
A natural leader who thinks quickly to do what is best for everyone, Ryn has taken the initiative as the "leader of the group" far more than me than one would expect for an introvert — especially considering that he is only "a 12 [!] year old." One of the main differences between ENFJs and INFJs is that the former are more likely to take the initiative and publicly lead. Ryn shows this tendency in the extreme. He is "smart but not nerdy" which completely rules out the IN__ types, although others often assume that he is a nerd. He has a "very high" patience level, suggesting high Ni or maybe high Si, and conversely "is kind of a klutz when it comes to sharp objects." Physical clumsiness is more common in N-types. While the evidence for his auxiliary Ni may not seem as strong as the evidence for his dominant Fe, Ryn's exceptional charisma is far more common among ENFJs than ESFJs. There is a reason that some people call ENFJs "The Cult Leader" type. While I do not expect Ryn to start a cult anytime soon, he arguably has the right skill set for it.
Weldon: Almost certainly ESTP.
Straight outta the 90s comes this hip dude with, like, a totally rad backwards hat and shades, bro. (Yes, that is how he talks, man.) He is a "huge jerk" (according to Davan and to Weldon's own Charahub) and a "douche" who "likes bragging about himself" and claims to be "too cool to ask for asks, dude." All of those show the callous narcissism associated with immature E_TP types whose Fe is not developed. He also "dislikes when people are better than him" and is "too competitive," combining his narcissism with the impulsive, competitive tendencies of high Se. I considered him an introvert at first because of his "laid-back" and "relaxed" voice and demeanor, but he "doesn't like being alone," which may be the clearest possible evidence of extraversion other than wearing a sign that says “I AM AN EXTRAVERT.”
Concluding Thoughts
That took me longer than I expected. But on the bright side, I realized that I have now completed 89 character analyses — of which I still have many to post. My goal of analyzing 100 characters, which I previously thought unrealistic, suddenly appears within striking distance.
Speaking of "within striking distance," I will probably publish my next Finalysis post in much less time than this one. Part of the reason this one took so long is that I could not make up my mind on whose to post next. Since posting the last one, I have spent time typing characters from this blog, @asktheapplechasers, @only-our-regrets (i.e. ComDis), and @take-a-melody. One of those will probably be featured in my next Finalysis post. If you have a preference for one of them — or a different blog — please feel free to shoot me a message! (Especially because I sometimes have questions about characters' personalities!)
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collectorloading445 · 3 years
Backyard Baseball Free Download For Mac
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Windows backyard baseball free download - Backyard Baseball!!, Baseball Videos Daily for Windows 8, Triple Play 97 Windows 95 demo, and many more programs. Backyard Baseball 2008 And Backyard Baseball Download Free Mac IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR LOW PRICES PRODUCTS, FIND IN OUR STORE.
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Backyard Baseball
4.21 / 5 - 374 votes
Description of Backyard Baseball
Read Full Review
Backyard Baseball 1997 Freeware. Baseball Roster Organizer v.1.0. Baseball Roster Organizer is a free software program that enables baseball coaches to organize and track baseball team's roster changes. It allows you to track any number of baseball teams under different team files and any number of baseball games. File Name:bba.exe.
Backyard Baseball is an online GBA game that you can play at Emulator Online. This free Game Boy Advance game is the United States of America region version for the USA. Backyard Baseball is a single title from the many sports games, arcade games and baseball games offered for this console.
Excuse me, do you have the PC disc for Backyard Football 2006? Please upload the ISO if you do. This is definitely not a review for Backyard Baseball 2005.
Backyard Baseball Free Download for PC is a series of baseball video games for children which was developed by Humongous Entertainment and published by Atari. It was first relea.
Home Run Park
Imagine a game where the players play for the love of the game, not the money. A game where multi-million dollar contracts are unknown. A game where everyone gets to play. Imagine a game just like it was with the youthful innocence of a child. This, my friends, is Backyard Baseball. Backyard Baseballtakes you back to when you were a kid, when baseball was a game, and the team was hastily put together among the kids in the neighborhood.
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Playing for Real
Humongous Entertainment reached back into the past and captured all those childhood memories of baseball and digitally assembled them into this game. All the details that make the memories real are here - from the kids taunting the pitcher to the child with the asthma inhaler. Do you remember picking teams, taking turns picking from the best players until only the bad players were left? Do you remember picking someone's little brother because his big brother was a good player? It's all here. Nothing was left out.
Players choose from fields such as the sandlot, the urban parking lot, and the rich kid's backyard. Pitchers throw crazy pitches such as the 'Elevator' and the 'Crazy Ball.' Background ambient noises and the taunting by the opposing team add to the rich atmosphere that you can almost smell.
Everything about this game is charming and cute.
Swing and Miss
Gameplay includes all the necessary elements. Pitchers choose the pitch as well as the placement. Hitters swing at the ball and can even see the strike zone. Fielding is accomplished by clicking where you want the ball thrown, and running is as simple as clicking in the direction you want the runner to advance. Everything is here, and everything is easy enough for kids. The pace is a little slow, but not too fast for children. Each batter has a distinct personality - from the boy who hops to the plate to the girl who says 'my game is really tennis, anyway' when she strikes out. I was extremely impressed with all the details of each character.
I have a few complaints about the game. This game doesn't install any files to the hard disk - everything is run from the CD. For some reason, each swing of the bat causes the CD to be read. This makes the animation choppy and the mouse click to hit feels sluggish and unresponsive. While the game is playable with this problem, it makes hitting the ball a little difficult. Instead of getting better the more balls I hit, I never really improved. I think this is because I never was able to time when I hit the mouse button and the player started their swing. That little delay when it read from the CD just ruins the hand/eye coordination.
I tried copying the entire 270MB of CD data to the hard disk to see if that improved performance (note: this is not an option in the install menu, I just copied it by dragging the contents of the CD into a new folder on my hard disk.) It did speed up the game somewhat, but the batting problem didn't improve significantly.
I also encountered one bug: I hit a ball that bounced infield, then over the fence for what should have been a double. The announcer even stated this was a double, but the runner advanced only to first.
Worthy of Praise
This game is terrific and has all the elements of a Gold Medal winner. But I can't do it. The delay in clicking the mouse and the batter swinging the ball just ruins it for me. I still like the game a lot and highly recommend it, but a Gold Medal is for games without such evident flaws. I guess I'm mad because this should have been corrected. Even a little play testing would have shown that this was a problem. Instead, we are left with what could have been a 'Game of the Year,' but instead fails to deliver on one very important game element.
This is still an outstanding game and I recommend it strongly.
Review By GamesDomain
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Screenshots from MobyGames.com
Comments and reviews
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ2021-09-230 point
WOW This Game Is So Fun
michaelellis2021-09-200 point
I have always wanted to play the game now I can!!
levi cerra2021-09-041 point
my mom played when she was a kid
beanos2021-08-301 point
this game is the best
laserbuttonz2021-08-151 point
thanks for the help
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Sweet Deals2021-08-150 point
Laserbuttonz: The 'ScummVM Ready' download only has game files in it and doesn't appear to include an executable file. This means that a ScummVM emulator can recognize it but it can't be run without using the emulator shell. You could probably run the .iso natively on most computers. I can do it on mine but I use ScummVM because I find it more convenient and it usually works well with games that are finicky about native hardware. If you're using an emulated computer (such as Windows 3.1 through DOSbox), then you should first mount the .iso to a virtual drive, run the emulator, and then mount the virtual drive as the emulator's disk drive (type mount d F:/, or whatever drive has the .iso in it).
Laserbuttonz2021-08-14-1 point
What if I downloaded the scummvm ready version on windows xp? Can I run it without needing scummvm? For those who don’t know windows xp is compatible with 32 bit to 16 bit If I just extract the files and (try to) run the game will it work?
Laserbuttonz2021-08-140 point
Hey sweet deals. Too bad I can’t just mount the iso file and run the files (that’s why I asked about the iso file cuz I didn’t want to use scummvm) oh well also is this website legal? (I’m pretty sure it’s a grey area but I just want to confirm it)
Sweet Deals2021-08-140 point
To run an .iso of an old Humongous game, first use your virtual disk mounting software to 'mount' the disk. Then, turn on ScummVM. Click 'Add Game', and use the mounted virtual drive as your game directory. The ScummVM emulator should recognize the game and keep it on file for you. I don't normally play sports games that often, but Backyard Baseball really appeals to me. I love how every kid is unique with his or her own personality. When I play this game, it's not just about playing baseball, but pretending that I have friends in my neighborhood that I can hang out with any time I want. Even though there are exactly 15 boys and 15 girls, I find that when I choose teams I end up picking more girls than boys more often than not. I guess I have my favorites. But sometimes I go straight to the 'Play Ball' option and give myself a random team full of misfits I wouldn't have otherwise chosen. I do that to prove that my great coaching can send any team to victory, even if they're not all the best kids. And then everybody plays. Each player does have 'stats', with unique strengths and weaknesses, but there's also an element of chaos, too. I've found that in some games all my players play the game perfectly, and in other games the fielders make lots of stupid errors, even if they're the best players. I think the programmers have secretly put in a stat that determines how well a given player might play on a certain day. I once had a season where I had to send popular favorite Pablo Sanchez into the outfield because he kept failing to catch balls, and the less-likely Jorge Garcia did an excellent job playing second base. There's also a 'spectator' mode, for when you want to run the game but are too lazy to actually play it. Then the computer will play a game against itself for you to watch.
Laserbuttonz2021-08-130 point
How do I do the iso file version when I downloaded it on my VM?
Gus2021-08-090 point
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This shit is confusing to do. I wish you could just download the game and run it. No, there's a lot of other things you have to do and nobody has time for that.
Joshua Charles Eckert2021-07-251 point
I’m listening to the meeting hearing for comment.
god2021-05-24-2 points
i love this game
jumbo2021-05-05-8 points
is this legit ??? can i really download it
goat2020-09-301 point
a great GAME!!!!!!
im jeff hello2020-09-11-3 points
I cant get it but i have it on my grandpa's computer.
Amnesia download mac free. crawdaddy2020-06-30-1 point
still works.thanks
dilldawg99th2020-06-211 point
how do I play I see no button?
Backyard Baseball Free Download Mac
Huddy2020-06-17-2 points
ScummVM doesn't allow the files. Looks like we missed out boys..
Noah_BK2020-05-232 points
Thank you so much for keeping this master piece alive on the internet. I used to play the hell out of this when I was younger. Feels good to relive the nostalgia again.
Dwayne 'the cock' Johnson2020-05-201 point
Wow! What an amazing game!
Bryce2020-05-010 point
I wasn't alive. I'm bored
Jsjdje2020-04-250 point
I love this game
NoodlesLongacre2020-04-201 point
ScummVM isn't seeing the files, and I can't run the ISO version on a 64-bit OS apparently. Can anyone help?
Connor Magline2020-04-15-1 point
This is cool
Daniel2020-04-143 points
Can you play it on your macbook pro?
TDAcroaky2020-04-092 points
good game
Doc K2020-04-03-1 point
Love this game as a big kid!
Ulane2020-03-29-8 points
What do with ISO now?
jjawwechampein2019-10-244 points
i like this game because it has cominsens
faggy fag fag2019-09-241 point
i acually really enjoybthis game
curry2019-07-221 point
I like it
bigrickjohson.1.2019-04-29-3 points
i like pickles
im dum2019-04-27-9 points
how do u download again xD
Cascadianranger2019-02-2418 points
For those wondering what to do after downloading, extract the files anyhwere into your C drive (even their own folder) and then add the files through ScummVM and use that to play
derp2018-12-220 point
does this require a cd?
Catbug2018-12-121 point
I agree with wonderwoman, I downloaded it but its just a zip file with a bunch of other files. What do I do now?
The Unknown2018-05-03-6 points
Read the FAQ dude. https://collectorloading445.tumblr.com/post/665533423818063872/best-free-clipart-for-mac. BTW I found Backyard Baseball 2003 4free on www.pcgamefreetop.net
M2018-04-27-2 points
how do i open these files?
nice gamer2018-04-080 point
hello guys but this game is so amazing and addictive game hehehe
WonderMan2018-04-0710 points
I downloaded the files but now what?
yeet2018-04-051 point
hello this game is so lit i love it its so cool of fun for a family
barter2018-02-23-2 points
this game is awesome
T.J.2017-10-063 points
I love this game!
tall tyler storm2017-07-119 points
best baseball video game
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officialotakudome · 3 years
New Post has been published on Otaku Dome | The Latest News In Anime, Manga, Gaming, Tech, and Geek Culture
New Post has been published on https://otakudome.com/reviews/life-is-strange-true-colors-review/
Life is Strange: True Colors Review
Life is Strange is back with all the teenage and young adult drama that comes with it in Life is Strange: True Colors. With a new entry comes a new lead and a new power and in ‘True Colors’ you play as Alex Chen a young woman with empath powers. Alex returns home and is investigating the death of her brother Gabe shortly after the two reunited following a years long separation. Alex uses her powers to read the emotions of those around her throughout her investigation for the truth behind her brother’s death.
Life is Strange: True Colors is a 2021 graphic adventure game, it is developed by Deck Nine, and published by Square Enix. It is currently available on PC, current & last gen consoles, and will release on Nintendo Switch at a later date.
Editor’s Note: A Playstation review copy for Life is Strange: True Colors was provided by Square Enix in support of this review. Minor to medium spoilers for the game’s story may be present within this review.
Deck Nine once again takes over for Dontnod in Life is Strange: True Colors.
Square Enix’s graphic adventure title Life is Strange is a bit of a strange enigma. On the surface it looks like a cheesy teen drama written by staff of an MTV scripted series, and admittedly that’s part of it’s charm. However, as you play each game the darkness of the danger zone these characters are forced to contend increases each and every chapter and you have to take a few steps back thinking “well this isn’t what I expected at all”. The series is fantastic at playing to the emotions of the player through these often brilliantly written characters who possess a unique ability which effects the rules of the game world. The first game involved time travel, the second psychokinesis, and the third game ‘True Colors’ deals with empathic abilities. This of course should lead fans to believe that True Colors may in fact be the most emotionally driven game of the series so far. And you’d probably be right if that’s what you were thinking.
True Colors brings out the power of empathy.
THE GOOD: Life is Strange: True Colors starts with lead Alex Chen making her move to Haven Springs where she reunites with her older brother Gabe after both were separated during childhood. Having come from a broken home following the death of her mother to illness Alex has trouble properly channeling her emotions. The irony is that she has empathetic powers in that she can sense and even completely read (and later change) the emotions of those around her. Gabe tries to make Alex’s new life in Haven Springs as comfortable as possible by having her befriend the locals such as Steph (Before the Storm) and Ryan. Unfortunately, as is the case with the series things don’t go 100% as planned and Gabe loses his life in an accident. The closer Alex gets to her new friends and colleagues the closer she gets to the dark reality surrounding the circumstances of Gabe’s death.
Maybe it’s just me, but I think that exploration of the world is always a big part of Life is Strange. Every game feels like a much bigger world than the last while at the same time not really doing all that much to expand it. The few changes we do get with every release are instantly noticeable and ‘True Colors’ is no different. As you go around Haven Springs there’s a few areas to explore, but they seem way more open that the school, junkyard, and  forest in the previous titles. I think with the budget increase every game receives we’re getting to a weird, but welcome place where Life is Strange will eventually meet in the middle of an AA & AAA game. We’ll probably even end up with a small open world at some point. Which if that’s the case I’m looking be forward to the day I can just explore any and everything in a future installment. Alex’s empath powers adds extra intrigue in exploring as many areas as possible as you unlock character memories that further expand the world around them.
As with every other game in the series your choices have very small and extremely large impacts on the game’s story. Some even have a direct effect on the final ending of the game. And yes this entry also has multiple endings for players to toy around with for multiple playthroughs.
Alex’s empath can greatly impact the people around her as well as the story.
Life is Strange has always been a color heavy series, however it’s never been quite as heavy than with True Colors. It really follows through with it’s namesake and not just with it’s story content. The game is full of bright, vibrant, beautiful colors that really help make the world feel alive. It takes on a bit of it’s own life and you can’t help but think Haven Springs is a character of the game world itself carefully crafted by the artists at Deck Nine. As is always the case with Life is Strange, the game explores the beauty of humanity and the danger humans can present to themselves and each other through emotion. This has never been truer in  True Colors. Color also plays a role with Alex’a abilities such as certain colors describing the current emotion of someone she’s attempting to read. Such as red for anger or gold for pure joy.
While not necessarily as dark as the first game it does take some wild character risks that should be commended from a writing perspective. It legit seems as though people working on the Life is Strange series took psychology classes while taking a deep on dive the study of humans on the side. Characters always indicate a feeling of raw realness to them as the story edges closer and closer to the climax. I do kind of think that they’re a little softer on characters this time around where no one is truly the bad guy. However, when you consider the connection between the people of Haven Springs thar’s actually the reality of of small town USA. No one is ever 100% truly evil with the actions they’ve done and although that becomes less true with a certain character it’s ultimately the type of relationship close communities like these have if it seems as though the person or people in question did the things they did for the community. Trust me on this I grew up in a small town and it’s very much often like that. The goal of True Colors though (at least in my opinion) is to educate people on how to evolve and maybe even move on from their past & any lingering trauma.
The importance of music returns in Life is Strange: True Colors.
THE BAD: A full playthrough will net you a bit over ten hours of play and that’s if you do everything. Honestly, that feels a tad short for a mainline Life is Strange, but the series is undergoing a bit of a revamp so it’s understandable with new hardware being available and what not. Still just as the story really starts to come together and you want a bit more it kind of ends before you know it. There’s a handful of graphical bugs in certain chapters and some frame rate issues. Nothing game breaking, but it’s very easy to catch when they occur.
The powerful relationship building mechanics of Life is Strange also return in ‘True Colors’.
OVERALL THOUGHTS: Life is Strange: True Colors continues the ever popular story-driven series to it’s greatest achievement. While it skips out on it’s trade mark episodic release it refuses to skip the quality the franchise has ultimately become known for. And after the controversy that followed Deck Nine taking over once more from ‘Before the Storm’ that’s quite a comeback. While Dontnod Entertainment is currently stepping away from Life is Strange sucks. Deck Nine is quickly filling in that massive Dontnod hole they’ve had to feel since their franchise debut with the aforementioned Before the Storm. And if they’re the ones working on future installments moving forward then I’m all for it.
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