#she's just trying to be a helpful little incarnation for ahjussi
pttucker · 1 year
"Do you know anything?" Shin Yoosung slowly shook her head. The expressions of the party members were disappointed. However, Shin Yoosung's words weren't over yet. "Why don't you just ask ahjussi?" "What? Dokja-ssi? How?" I suddenly felt cold. Shin Yoosung was looking exactly where I was watching them. As always, my ominous feeling was correct. My lovely incarnation smiled and pointed at me. "Ahjussi is listening to our conversation after all." …Damn.
Somebody's in trouble~
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your--isgayrights · 3 years
han sooyoung mentoring shin yoosung? (alternatively, everyone—including hsy—trying desperately to avoid any mentorship between hsy and sys)
STELLA I really like this prompt this is a gooood one aaah.
Ok, what I came up with takes place around the beginning of the three year gap. Hope you like it!
"Black Flame Ahjumma!" An annoying voice could be heard from somewhere behind. "I need you to teach me how to beat up someone bigger than me!"
"Why would I do that." Han Sooyoung made the mistake of grumbling at the unreasonableness of the little brat's demand instead of just leaving to clear the scenario she was heading off to.
"Well, I obviously already beat Gilyoung all the time, so I'm already good at beating people shorter than me." The kid bragged despite only having a few inches on her supposed rival. "Now I just need to know how to take care of people bigger than me."
"But why would I help you." Again, Sooyoung made the mistake of engaging. Wasn't it that Sangah's job to look after these brats? One of the only things the two of them had agreed on was that Han Sooyoung would most likely be a bad influence.
"Well, you're probably the smallest adult I know, so obviously you know how to fight people bigger than you."
[The constellation 'Abyssal Black Flame Dragon' demands that this worm pay for her slander against his incarnation!]
Han Sooyoung ignored this system message like it was an itch on her right arm.
"I am not." She shot down Shin Yoosung's statement herself. "Did you already forget about all those small people in the sixth and seventh scenario?"
"Well when you were a small person too you were still the shortest so-"
"I'm not going to train you, dammit!" Han Sooyoung gave up trying to reason with this brat, storming off in the direction of the scenario. "Just go back to Sangah before she gets on my case about-"
Han Sooyoung was stopped in her tracks as a sudden impact around her leg almost made her trip over.
"Hey, what are you-" Han Sooyoung hopped around, trying to turn and grimace at the thing now attached to her leg.
"Please!" Shin Yoosung's expression was suddenly visible, as she held fast to Han Sooyoung's leg, face showing a determination falling closer to desperation that was almost scary to see on the face of a kid. "Don't leave... please."
And it was the power of those words that arrested Han Sooyoung in her place that day, not the feeble grip of this little kid.
It was because she was a writer, that she could imagine a story in those words. The story of a little girl who couldn't help from being left behind, over and over again.
Han Sooyoung had to stop. She had to let this little girl, who was once only a character on a page she had read out of spite, tell her how the story would go, and how Han Sooyoung would help her to the ending.
That was all a writer was good for, after all.
"When Dokja Ahjussi comes back." These were the next words that Shin Yoosung said. Words that it seemed like the young girl had to believe were concrete and immobile. Words that couldn't leave her.
They were similar to words that Han Sooyoung, too, had thought in the past. Words that came up even now when she was making her plans for the scenarios.
When Kim Dokja comes back.
"I need to be strong enough to stop him from leaving again." As Shin Yoosung told her this, Han Sooyoung noticed that the little kid whose arms wrapped around her leg did not cry, even though her eyes were red. As though she knew that she had nothing to mourn yet. "Even if I have to do it by force."
And when years later Han Sooyoung watched that same little kid, now a young teenager, use a punch that she taught her to keep Kim Dokja from getting out of his hospital bed, she feels something in her heart akin to a mentor's pride.
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pttucker · 11 months
[A new helper has been summoned to the game!] I saw the little girl sitting on the head of the dragon and funnily enough, felt a bit tearful. "Ahjussi!" The helpers that Yoo Joonghyuk called finally reached the battlefield. There were a total of three 'reinforcements' that Yoo Joonghyuk invited. Beast Master Shin Yoosung, Steel Sword Lee Hyunsung and… "Hyunsung-ssi! Please take Dokja-ssi out of here!" Ariadne's web shot through the air and placed me on Lee Hyunsung's back. A woman in a cat suit was running through the sky with the Hermes Walking Method. It was the incarnation of Olympus, Yoo Sangah.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! The gang’s all here! Well, as many of the gang that could come, anyway. The fact that they ended up having to toss a coin to determine who would go to Dokja’s side because they all wanted to help him. 😭 Including Han Sooyoung! Dokja, stop it! Don’t just assume Sangah is lying to you about her wanting to come help. You don’t know that she chose to stay away, you’re just once again assuming that someone dislikes you. The fact that Sangah & Sooyoung were actually trying to figure out how to help him before Joonghyuk even sent the message due to the Good or Bad Luck, Disaster or Happiness Fortune... 😭 Oh man, Dokja wondering in the previous chapter who Joonghyuk would even know a this point in time. Has that guy even made any connections? HE’S CONNECTED TO YOUR PARTY THROUGH YOU, DOKJA. Your weird little family that you’ve put together who loves you so much. 😭 Heck, even Bihyung seems to have given them the lowdown as to what all was going on and what to expect before they were dropped into this mess. Really doubt Dokgak would have done that. “Funnily enough, felt a bit tearful.” Oh Dokja. 😭💖 And Hyunsung once going on about how he lost Dokja again in his weird Hyunsung way. He's too precious. They all love him so much.
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