#she's probably prez of the feminists club too
deja-you · 4 years
ten ways to say (i love you)
t. jefferson x reader
summary: Thomas has never liked the conventional way of saying ‘I love you.’
word count: 6.1k
warnings: a little bit of angst, high school, karen
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There is no better way to start off senior year than arriving late to your first class.
In Y/n’s defense, she had left her house early. For once in her life she was actually going to be early to school. She was so proud of herself, and was so certain that she had extra time, Y/n allowed herself to stop at a drive thru and pick up a drink as a reward. Everything was going according to plan. 
That is, until the Karen in the car in front of her decided she wasn’t pleased with her order and made the barista redo it. To make sure she didn’t mess up Karen’s order a second time, the barista was extra careful. And extra slow. Y/n groaned as she watched the time tick by minute by minute. Just her luck.
Y/n watched the barista hand the drink to the Karen and breathed a sigh of relief. Yet, Karen’s car didn’t move. She had her drink, but Karen continued to talk with the barista. Y/n cursed under her breath and banged her head on the steering wheel. She must have been more aggressive than she was expecting, because she accidentally honked her horn. 
She jumped back in shock at the loud noise. Karen poked her head out of her window and immediately began lecturing Y/n on how rude she was being. At least, that’s what Y/n assumed she was saying, she really couldn’t hear the Karen with her windows rolled up. Y/n bit her lip, gave the Karen a little wave, and mouthed an apology.
Eventually Karen had finished her rant and left the drive thru. Y/n got her drink, no longer a reward, more like a consolation now, and sped to school. There weren’t any other students in the parking lot by the time Y/n arrived, remind her of just how late she was. Y/n shoved all her materials in her backpack, locked her car, and quickly walked into the building. 
Of course, Y/n’s first class just had to be with Mr. Rousseau. Any other teacher would just let her tardiness slide. She opened the door to Mr. Rousseau’s classroom, and any conversation that was being had stopped. More than a dozen pairs of eyes turned their attention to her, and Y/n wanted to melt right there and then.
“Miss L/n, nice of you to join us.” Mr. Rousseau addressed her. He narrowed his eyes at her, leaning against his desk as he sized her up. “If you’re done being a distraction to my class, I’d appreciate it if you would take a seat.”
Y/n swallowed roughly, and nodded. Rousseau went back to lecturing the class on how his class would be run, and Y/n did her best to find a seat as quietly as she could. She instinctively made her way over to where her best friends, Abigail and Thomas were sitting. 
Thomas moved his backpack off the desk next to him, and mouthed, “I saved you a seat.”
She gave him a grateful smile and mouthed back a ‘thanks.’ 
Abigail leaned forward and whispered, “Mr. Rousseau wasn’t very amused with you being late, huh?”
“I swear he hates me,” Y/n insisted. 
Thomas rolled his eyes. “He doesn’t hate you, hon’.”
“Thomas is right,” Abigail said. “Mr. Rousseau doesn’t hate you especially. Everyone knows he just hates women.”
Late night study session was code for hanging out at John Adams’s house and messing around.
Abigail was dating John, so Y/n was friends with him and his friends by association. Abigail, Dolly, and Y/n were actually trying to study. John and James were discussing the football team’s chances of winning their next game. Martha and George had snuck off to get freaky somewhere. 
“Okay, Dolly.” Abigail held up a flash card. “What can you tell me about the defenestration of Prague?”
“Um, people were thrown out of windows for fun?” Dolly replied lazily. 
“No. Well, I guess you’re not completely wrong...”
Y/n threw her body against the back of the couch and closed her eyes. If she had to stay here any longer, Y/n would throw herself out a window. Not that she didn’t want to hangout with her friends. After a long day of school, she wasn’t exactly thrilled to spend more time with the people she spent the whole day with. If it wasn’t for her fragile social status, Y/n would have already been home in her bed right now.
“Sorry m’late, had to drop my sister off at a gymnastics class. Or fencing. Or Italian. Honestly, I can’t remember.” Thomas walked into the living room where everyone was hanging out.
“Ah, yes. I had almost forgot that the Jeffersons are all overachievers,” Y/n said with and eye roll. 
He wore an easy grin as he made his way over to Y/n, leaning against the couch and staring down at her. “What can I say? We’re just built different.”
Y/n scoffed but refused to dignify him with any further response. Instead, she closed her eyes again, pretending she was back at home under warm covers. 
“I brought you food.” 
This caught Y/n’s attention. She slowly opened one eye to see if he was telling the truth. Thomas held up a bag of fast food he must’ve picked up on his way over. Y/n couldn’t help but smile as she sat upright.
“For me?” She asked.
“Of course, hon’.” He handed her the bag. “I know you didn’t have time for lunch today, and I know you likely wouldn’t have gotten around to eating anything yet.”
Y/n happily pulled out an order of large fries out of the bag. “Have I ever told you how amazing you are, Thomas?”
“Not often enough.”
“Well. You are amazing. So amazing.”
Y/n finished her fries and was looking through the rest of the bag to see what else he had gotten her when John called out to her. 
“Hey, Y/n,” John said, “what are your thoughts on my cousin?”
“You mean Sam Adams?” Y/n asked. 
“Yep. The very one.”
She shrugged. “He’s cute. Why?”
“He thinks you’re cute. Wanted me to ask if you’re single,” John said nonchalantly. 
Abigail took time away from quizzing Dolly to get invested in the conversation. “She’s very single. Right, Y/n? You and Sam would be so cute together!”
Y/n could feel her cheeks begin to heat up, and she suddenly found the hardwood floors very interesting. “I don’t know... he really thinks I’m cute?”
“S’what he said,” John replied. “Can I give him your number?”
She weighed her options before giving a shrug. “Yeah, why not?”
“Y/n and Sam? I totally ship it,” Dolly said.
“Right?” Abigail grinned. “They’re going to be such an attractive couple.”
“Okay, can we stop talking about this now? I’m here to study,” Y/n insisted, pulling out a textbook.
“I’d rather not fail tomorrow’s test,” Thomas agreed.
Everyone begrudgingly went back to their previous activities, and Thomas took that moment to sit next to Y/n on the couch. She was flipping through the pages of her textbook before she came to a stop. Y/n passed the textbook to Thomas and pointed to the painting on the page.
“Look, this one’s my favorite,” she said.
“Wanderer above the Sea of Fog,” Thomas read. “You’re a fan of Caspar David Friedrich, then?”
Y/n shrugged. “I’m just a fan of the Romantic movement in general. Everything was just so creative, and beautiful, and emotional. There’s just so much feeling in this painting. It’s overwhelming.”
Thomas frowned looking back at the painting, and then back to Y/n. “It certainly is romantic.”
She gave the painting one last look before she began flipping through the pages of the textbook again. Thomas watched her curiously as she read over the vocabulary words for that week. Finally, he decided to say what was on his mind. 
“So, you and Sam Adams, huh?” He nudged her gently with his shoulder.
Y/n bit her lip and focused on a peculiar tchotchke the Mrs. Adams had decorated the living room with. “I guess. I used to have a crush on him in middle school, remember?”
“That’s right. Abbie and I spent most of science class teasin’ you about that. No wonder you’re so bad at physics now.”
She frowned and playfully bumped her shoulder with his. “I’m not bad at physics.”
“Really?” Thomas considered her with eyebrows raised. “Remember that botched science experiment that nearly killed Mr. Newton?”
“Can we not talk about that? He’s still alive, isn’t he?”
He hid an amused look. “Whatever you say, honey.”
You’re tired. The sheets are too hot. It’s been a long day, your body is exhausted. The air in your bedroom is too cold. Your mind is tired, too. The sheets are too hot. If you just close your eyes and stop thinking you’ll be asleep in minutes. The air in your bedroom is too cold. Not thinking isn’t exactly easy. The sheets are too hot. Go then if you must, but remember, no matter how -- damn you, Sophocles, and your terribly beautiful words. 
Thomas threw his covers off his body and sat up in bed. He wasn’t going to get much sleep no matter how hard he tried. Thomas rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, if there had been any sleep to begin with. 
There was no doubt that he was tired mentally and physically. Emotionally? His heart was eternally restless. He crossed his room to sit at his desk, fully accepting that sleep wasn’t a viable option anymore. 
The blue light from his computer was a harsh contrast to the darkness of his room, but his eyes adjusted quickly. Thomas didn’t even know what he was doing on his computer in the middle of the night.
His fingers knew. They opened up an application and began scrolling. No, no, no, yes. Perfect. No, no, no, no, no, yes. This is her. And this went on for an hour or so, Thomas lost track of time. He’d be tired tomorrow, but he wasn’t going to get any sleep until he was finished. 
When he actually was finished, he smiled contentedly to himself. A wave of calm washed over him, and before he knew it, Thomas was back in his bed falling asleep. 
He looked terrible the next morning. Well, as terrible as a Jefferson could look. He had still had the sense to dress nicely, collared shirt, sweater, ironed pants, polished dressed shoes. Thomas was still sharp as ever in all his classes, but anyone who really knew him could tell he was a mess. 
“You okay, Thomas?” Y/n asked at lunch in Mr. Locke’s classroom (Mr. Locke was kind enough to let a group of moody teenagers eat lunch in his class, the lunchroom just wasn’t cool enough for them).
“Hm? Yeah. I’m great.”
Y/n cocked her head to the side. “You sure? You seem tired.”
“Don’t worry about me. Actually, I have something for you.” Thomas fished his phone out of his pocket.
“You have something for me?”
“Yeah, I’m sending it now. Check your phone.”
She raised an eyebrow, but Y/n opened up her phone to check the text Thomas had sent her. 
“Sophocles and Serotonin.” Y/n read aloud. “What is this?”
“I made you a playlist of songs I thought you might like.”
“Seriously?” A smile played on her lips; Thomas couldn’t help but reflect it. “When did you have the time for this?”
He shrugged. “I have more free time than you’d think.”
“With all your APs, varsity sport, and extracurriculars? I highly doubt that.” Y/n looked up at him, a teasing lilt transparent in her tone. “I appreciate the playlist even more, knowing you took time out of your rigorous schedule to create it. Thanks, Thomas.”
She leaned forward on the desk she was seated on to press a kiss to his cheek. Thomas froze like a deer in headlights, and if Y/n noticed, she didn’t say anything. He put himself back together before she could notice he was momentarily put-off, and leaned back against another desk in an attempt to look cool.
“S’what do you have planned for after school?” He asked in his best nonchalant voice. 
“Well, Sam and I are going to go see a movie.”
“That’s still a thing, then?”
Y/n shot him a look that had him raising his hands up in surrender. “Yes, it’s still a thing. I really like him, okay? He’s a good guy.”
“But is he good enough for you?” Thomas crossed his arms, his eyes not leaving her’s. It wasn’t that Thomas didn’t like Sam. Sam was great. It was just a fact that no guy would ever be good enough for his best friend. 
“He is.” She said with an eye roll. “Why do you care anyway?”
“Hon’, I’m just trying to look out for you.”
“I can take care of myself.”
“Oh trust me, I know.”
Summer had felt like an eternity ago, when in reality, it had been less than two months ago. The yellow leaves and the updated fall Starbucks menu were enough to convince anyone that it had always been October. 
It had taken a lot of convincing and a little bit of bribery to convince Thomas to attend the Homecoming football game, but with the assistance from Abigail, Y/n had eventually gotten Thomas to cave. She wanted him there, but more importantly, she wanted him to give her a ride there. 
Of course she could have taken her own car, but Y/n would rather not waste her own gas when she could use Thomas’s instead. It’s not like it mattered to him, his parents paid for his car, insurance, and gas anyway. Plus, his Mercedes Benz had a seat warming function that Y/n couldn’t get enough of. 
She spent most of the ride over to the stadium raving over his seat warmers, and Thomas spent most of the ride making fun of how excited she was about seat warmers. Eventually, they parked outside of the stadium, and Thomas paid for their entrance fee into the stadium.
“It’s co--” before Y/n could finish her sentence, remarking on the obvious cold weather, Thomas had handed her a sweatshirt. She looked down at the maroon sweatshirt, then back at Thomas, her mouth slightly open. “You brought an extra sweatshirt for me? I didn’t even ask.”
“You didn’t have to ask,” he shrugged. She put on the sweatshirt and stared at him with wide eyes. Thomas glanced at, bit the inside of his lip, and shook his head. “Now, don’t go thinking I care about you or somethin’ like that, hon’. Couldn’t have you taking the sweatshirt I’m wearing, then I’d be cold.”
She looked at him with a smug smile on her face that made him regret bringing her the sweatshirt in the first place. “Yeah? Is that all?”
“Yes, that’s all.” He was doing his best to act annoyed by all her questioning, but he couldn’t help but find it endearing. When he came up with another argument, he added on, “besides, ma would be upset with if she knew I let you freeze. It seems like she loves you more than she loves me sometimes.”
“That’s because she does,” Y/n pointed it out like it was obvious. “Can you blame her? I’m funny and adorable. You’re just a grumpy old man I have to drag to football games.”
“That’s it. Give the sweatshirt back. I hope you freeze.” Thomas was giving her the dirtiest look he could muster. Y/n had the audacity to throw her head back and laugh.
She reached into her purse, and after some digging around, she pulled out a five dollar bill from her wallet. Y/n thrusted the money into Thomas’s hand and pushed him in the direction of the concession stand. “Here. Go get us some popcorn, maybe you won’t be so irritable once you get some food in you. I’m going to go find some seats.”
Thomas grumbled something about “not being irritable” but nonetheless ventured off toward the concessions. Y/n climbed the steps up the stadium and immediately found Abigail sitting in the student section, all decked out in school colors and face paint. Abigail greeted Y/n with a warm hung, then holding her at an arms length, she took note of what her best friend was wearing.
“Is that Thomas’s sweatshirt?” Abigail asked.
Y/n looked down at the the University of Virginia sweatshirt she had wrapped around herself. “Hm? Oh yeah, it is.”
Abigail pursed her lips and mulled over this new information. “What’s going on between you and Thomas?”
“What d’ya mean? We’re friends.” Y/n pursed her lips. 
“And Thomas knows that?” Abigail observed Y/n. “Do you know that?”
Y/n narrowed her eyes at her friend. “Yes, of course I know that. I’m dating Sam now, okay? Thomas and I have always just been friends, and that’s all we’ll ever be.”
Abigail held her hands up in surrender. “Okay, okay. If you say so, I’ll believe you. I just don’t want any feelings to get hurt between the two of you.”
“There are no feelings between the two of us,” Y/n said, but she wouldn’t stop thinking about Abigail’s words for the rest of the night.
All week, Thomas had dreamt about the mint chocolate chip ice cream that was waiting for him in the freezer. 
It was his favorite flavor, and there was just enough left in the carton for one last bowl. He had promised himself he wouldn’t eat the last of it until he had really deserved it. After spending a productive hour studying for the test he had tomorrow, Thomas decided he had finally earned that delectable bowl of artificially colored green ice cream. 
He made his way to the kitchen, humming an upbeat tune and sliding across the hardwood floor in his socks. Thomas had made it all the way to the freezer when there was a knock at the front door. 
Thomas paused. He was so close to getting his ice cream. Maybe it was just a delivery? He debated answering the bowl or ignoring and continuing to dish himself ice cream. Thomas was leaning toward his bowl of ice cream when there was a knock at the door again. With a scowl on his face, he abandoned the fridge and any hope for happiness he had left and made his way to the front door.
“Y/n?” He said in surprise when he opened the door.
“Hi, Thomas. I didn’t know who else to come to. Abigail’s out with John right now. Dolly and Martha aren’t good in situations like this,” she was speaking quickly, sniffling between sentences, and trying not to let any more tears fall down her cheeks. “I just--”
He interrupted Y/n by pulling her into his house and his arms. Y/n melted into his touch, her hands gripping his shirt as she hugged him back. 
“What happened?” Thomas asked softly, rubbing circles into her back with his thumbs.
“Sam and I broke up.”
Thomas sighed softly and rested his chin on her head. He bit his lip, weighed his options, and came to a reluctant conclusion. Thomas pulled away just enough that he could look Y/n in her bloodshot eyes.
“I think this is the part where we break out the ice cream, huh?”
She offered him a miserable smile. “Ice cream couldn’t hurt.”
He led her to his kitchen and began digging through the kitchen while she hopped onto the counter to sit. Thomas hid a frown from Y/n while in the process of pulling out the nearly empty carton of mint chocolate chip ice cream. 
“So you want to tell me what happened?” Thomas asked, pulling out a bowl from one of the cabinets.
“It wasn’t a bad breakup.” Despite her words, Y/n still wiped at her tears with the sleeves of her shirt. “We mutually agreed it was best for both of us.”
She nodded. “He’s just not... he’s not the one.”
Thomas felt something twist and turn in his stomach, but he knew it wouldn’t be right to be happy when his friend was so miserable. He did his best to hide the smile that wanted to form in the corners of his mouth. “M’sorry about that, honey.”
“I know it was the right decision,” she said, staring up at the ceiling in an attempt not to let any more tears stream down her face. “Doesn’t mean it hurts any less, though.”
“It’s normal to be upset after a break up,” Thomas shrugged.  
“You’re not going to have any ice cream?” Y/n asked quietly as he handed her a singular bowl.
“Not in the mood for it,” he lied. 
“You get enough sleep last night, hon’?”
Y/n was in mid-yawn when he asked her the question. She held a hand over her mouth and nodded. “Yeah. Why?”
“You look terrible.”
She scowled at him. “Wow. Just what a girl wants to hear. Anyone ever tell you you’re a charmer, Thomas Jefferson?”
“You’d be surprised.” He gave her a teasing smile. “So who’s the cause for your sleepless nights?”
“Napoleon Bonaparte.” She held up her textbook for him to see. “Why’d I ever let you convince me to take an AP class with you?”
“Because you like spending time with me?”
“Nah, that’s not it.”
“Ouch.” Thomas held a hand over his heart. “You really stayed up late studying for the quiz?”
“Some people have to study, okay? Not everyone’s as gifted as Thomas flippin’ Jefferson.”
“Flippin’?” He stifled a laugh.
“We’re at school. Gotta keep it PG, right?” She shrugged. “So yeah, I stay up and study sometimes. High schoolers aren’t supposed to get a good amount of sleep. S’not a big deal.”
“Yeah, well, sometimes I worry about you.”
She tilted her head to the side and gave him a small smile. “You don’t need to worry about me.”
“Believe me, if I could just shut it off, I would. I’ll make you a Quizlet next time so you can get more sleep.”
Y/n was about to say something in response when her phone began ringing in her pocket. “I should get this.”
She went out into the hallway to answer the call, and Thomas turned back to his lunch, not even bothering to hide his smile. 
He jumped at the sound of a voice and turned to see Abigail sitting at the desk across from him. Had she been listening to them the whole time? Thomas had completely forgotten she was there; a fact he would be certain not to share with her.
“Yes, Abbie?”
“Do you have a crush on Y/n?” 
Thomas blinked a few times, certain that he hadn’t heard Abigail right. “Excuse me?”
Abigail rolled her eyes, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. “You heard me right, Jefferson. Do you have a crush on Y/n?”
“Y/n? Where’d you get that idea?” Thomas made a face like he was disgusted by the very thought of it.
“Oh, I don’t know. You’re always following her around and doing whatever it takes to make her happy. Not to mention you always call her “hon’,” seems pretty affectionate to me.” Abigail had a talent for laying out the facts.
“We’ve been friends since I can remember, of course I care about her. So what if I have a nickname for her? Doesn’t mean anything.”
“It’s not like you have a nickname for anyone else.”
“I call you ‘Abbie’. I have a nickname for everyone.”
“We both know that’s a load of B.S. Are you really telling me you don’t like Y/n?”
“I don’t like Y/n.” And it wasn’t exactly a lie, because the feelings he had for Y/n had progressed far beyond liking. 
“There’s nothing people appreciate more than a hand-made gift, right?” Y/n said, pulling out a ball of azure colored yarn.
Thomas crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back against a wall. “Sure, ‘cept maybe a nice Rolex or a new car.”
She scowled at him. “I don’t know what it is about me that makes you think I can afford a Rolex or a new car. I’m an unemployed high school student. My only income comes from birthday cards from my grandparents.”
“Ah, I see. Well, I’m sure Abigail will love the scarf you make for her.”
“Yeah, how hard could it be?” Y/n muttered, staring at the mess of strings in her lap.
Thomas’s eyes widened a little. “You telling me you’ve never crocheted before?”
“How hard could it be?” She pulled up a beginners guide on YouTube, and five minutes later, Y/n had a knotted pile of yarn in her hands. She huffed in frustration and began to aggressively pull at the yarn.
“Let me help.”
“You know how to knit?” Y/n raised a skeptical eyebrow at him.
Thomas rolled his eyes, sitting next to her and taking the “scarf” out of her hands. “This is crocheting. You don’t even have knitting needles.”
“Apologies. You know how to crochet?” 
“Lucy went through a stage where she was really into crocheting,” he shrugged. Thomas had quickly untangled Y/n’s “progress” and began to expertly thread together loops of yarn. He held up his work to her once a pattern had begun to form. “See? Perks of growing up with sisters.”
“I hate that you’re good at everything.” 
He snorted and gently began to move the work into Y/n’s hand for her to finish the rest. “’M’not good at everything. Just most things.”
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever.” Y/n was now laser focused on the project in front of her, determined to get it right this time. Thomas would advise her, but for the most part he let her work on it by herself. She was a fast learner.
“You’re never going to get it like that, hon--” Thomas caught himself, remembering the conversation he had had with Abigail earlier. “Y/n. You’re never going to get it like that, Y/n.”
She looked up at him with furrowed brows. “What?”
He swallowed roughly and shook his head. “It’s nothing. Just... You’re going to want to pull the yarn tighter or it’s all going to unravel later.”
“Oh. Thanks, Thomas.”
It was 2 a.m., and Y/n had already came to terms with the fact that she wasn’t going to get more than five hours of sleep. She wasn’t exactly trying very hard to sleep. She had tried to refresh her Instagram feed maybe a dozen times now, but it wasn’t like anyone was posting in the middle of the night. Instagram was doing a poor job keeping her mind distracted. 
Lightly biting her bottom lip, she threw her body back onto her bed with a loud sigh. She wrinkled her nose and caved, navigating to the facetime app on her phone. Hesitating one last time, Y/n tapped his contact with her thumb. Her phone began to hum while she waited for him to pick up.
“Hey, Thomas. I know it’s late,” she said when he finally answered the phone. Y/n frowned when she saw him rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. “Sorry, did I wake you?”
“No, no. Couldn’t sleep anyway,” replied his groggy voice.
“You’re lying. Hey, don’t worry about it. Go back to sleep.”
“I was already up.”
“No, you weren’t. Don’t let me bother you.”
Thomas stopped rubbing his eyes and looked at Y/n firmly through the camera. “Maybe I was asleep, but I’m up now, yeah? Don’t worry about waking me up. I’d rather talk to you any way.”
Y/n pursed her lips, giving him a doubtful look. Thomas was too polite to ever tell someone if they were bothering him. She couldn’t tell if he really wanted to talk to her, or if he was just too courteous to tell her otherwise. 
He noticed the look she gave him and rolled his eyes. “Don’t look at me like that.”
“Like what?” 
“Like you don’t believe me. Would’ve stopped bein’ friends with you years ago if I didn’t find all your annoying habits endearing. Promise.” Thomas shot her a smug smile that made her wish she hadn’t called. 
“So kind of you,” she said sarcastically. 
“I try.” His grin widened, if that was even possible. “So what’d you want to talk to me about?”
Y/n chewed on her bottom lip and shrugged. “I don’t know.”
“You don’t?” Thomas narrowed his eyes and leaned in closer to the camera. After he had examined her carefully, he leaned back and crossed his arms. “Yeah you do. What is it?”
She shifted, uncomfortable by how easy it was for him to see right through her. Once more that night, she caved. “I can’t stop thinking about how you called me ‘Y/n’ earlier today?”
He tensed up but the action was barely noticeable. “What about it? It’s your name.”
“Sure,” she nodded, “but you never call me ‘Y/n.” It’s always ‘hon’’ or ‘honey.’ Always. Did something happen? Are you mad at me?”
Thomas raised his eyebrows and shook his head. “No, ‘course not. Everything’s fine.” He paused. “That really upset you? Me calling you ‘Y/n’?”
“It’s just not normal.”
“It’s not normal for people to call you by your name?”
“It is, but you are supposed to call me ‘honey.’ Okay?”
He laughed through his nose and couldn’t stop an amused smile from spreading on his lips. “Okay, honey.”
“I’m finally going to get to see your mural, then?”
Thomas rolled his eyes. “It’s not my mural, Y/n. It’s the senior mural. It’s not like I’m painting it.”
“Yeah, but it was your idea.” She gave him a playful nudge. “I don’t know why you haven’t told me what it is yet. I’m sure if the great Thomas Jefferson designed it, it’ll be the best Senior mural ever seen at Charlottesville High School.”
“Don’t get your hopes up, hon’. I’d hate to disappoint you.”
“You could never disappoint me,” she said matter-of-factly. “You’re Thomas Jefferson.”
They turned the corner to see their fellow senior, Henrietta Johnston, working on the mural. The previously beige wall was now covered in black, gray, and light blue paint. In the middle of the painting was a figure made up of colorful hand prints standing above the blue-gray sea.
Y/n stared at the mural with an open mouth. She looked from Henrietta to Thomas, then back to the wall in front of her.
“It was my idea to make the figure all colorful with handprints,” Thomas said. “Thought it would be nice to let our class to literally leave a mark on this school.”
Henrietta smiled at the mural and set down her paintbrush. “It was a good idea. The splash of color is just what it needed. What do you think, Y/n? Do you like it?”
“Like it? I love it. It’s... it’s perfect.” She turned to Thomas with wide eyes. “Wanderer above the Sea of Fog. This is my favorite painting.”
“I noticed -- don’t give me that look. It’s not like I care that much. You just never shut up about that painting. It’s annoying, really,” Thomas muttered, rubbing the back of his neck and looking down at the ground.
She smiled and turned her attention back to the mural. “I can’t even begin to tell you how much I love this. I can’t believe you remembered.”
“Of course. It’s worth it, seeing how much you like it.”
There was a beat of silence.
“You’re the kind of person I could fall in love with, you know that?” She didn’t take her eyes off the painting, and Thomas was glad. 
Maybe if she had looked at him, she would have seen his breath catch in his throat and his eyes widen just a little bit. If he was the kind of person she could fall in love with, then why didn’t she? Thomas was flustered. If Y/n had noticed his lack of response, she didn’t say anything. 
Charlottesville High School was filled with rich kids. The Charlottesville High School debate team had a minimal amount of members. These factors resulted in Thomas and Y/n having their own hotel rooms when they attended a debate function in Washington D.C.
After a long day of debating, Thomas and Y/n walked side by side down the narrow corridor to their respective rooms. Every now and then, they spared looks at each other when they thought the other wouldn’t notice.
Thomas cleared his throat. “So that guy in the green shirt asked me for your number.”
She glanced up at him. “He did? Did you give it to him?”
“Why not?”
“Thought he was out of your league. Told him you snored like an ogre and I gave him Maria’s number instead,” he said with a shrug.
She gasped and shoved his shoulder. “Are you kidding me? I don’t snore like an ogre! He was cute and interested in me.”
“Can’t imagine why.”
Y/n scowled. “For your information, I’m adorable. I’m funny and enjoyable to be around. Even if I ‘snore like an ogre’ I’m also extremely attractive, so it makes up for it.”
“You don’t need to sell me on reasons why you’re dateable, honey,” he chuckled softly.
“Oh yeah?”
At the same time, Y/n and Thomas turned to face each other. Their teasing banter stopped when they realized they were only inches apart, he could hear every inhale and exhale. His eyes flicked to her lips. It was only for a second, but she hadn’t missed it. 
Thomas took a step back and cleared his throat. “It’s late, we should go to bed. Goodnight.”
“Goodnight,” she echoed. They both hurriedly stepped into their own rooms. 
Had he almost kissed her? Did that really just happen? Y/n leaned against her hotel room door. Maybe she had just imagined it. She shook her head and grabbed a sweatshirt and a pair of shorts out of her suitcase. Maybe Y/n could stop thinking about it after a good nights rest. She changed and was about to brush her teeth when she felt some kind of nagging feeling inside.
It was naïve to think she was going to get any sleep tonight if she didn’t confront Thomas about it. Y/n set down her toothbrush and made her way out into the fluorescent lit hallway. She had made it all the way to his door when she paused.
Is this really what she wanted to do? If Y/n brought up their almost-kiss, would they be able to go back to friends? Did she even want to go back to friends? Y/n bit her lip and glanced back at her own room door. She should just go to bed, it wasn’t worth putting their friendship in jeopardy. But then again, Y/n would always wonder what could have happened if she didn’t confront him.
She raised her fist to knock on Thomas’s door, but before she could knock, the door swung open. Thomas and Y/n once more stood face to face. She had a wide eyed expression that mirrored Thomas’s.
There was an accelerated heartbeat. A flutter. Thomas’s arm wrapped around her waist and pulled her closer to him. Y/n’s hand found its place on the back of his neck and guided his lips to her’s. His eyes were half open, sneaking glances at her to assure himself he wasn’t dreaming. Her overwhelming scent and the feeling of his hands threaded through her hair was all too real. 
Thomas pulled her into his room, kicking the door closed behind them. Placing both hands on his broad chest, she pushed him back onto the bed and climbed on top of him, straddling his hips. 
Thoughts were racing in Y/n’s mind. She tried to put reason to the way he gripped her waist tightly -- there would be bruises there the next day. She tried to put reason to the way his pupils dilated as she went in for another kiss. Y/n came up empty handed.
There was no way Y/n felt the same way, Thomas told himself. There was no way she loved him the way he loved her. For as long as he could remember, he had been in love with Y/n L/n. And for as long as he could remember, she had only seen him as her best friend.
Thomas missed the warmth of her lips when she pulled away, but he couldn’t help but admire the way her lips were swollen and her hair was a mess. Her bright eyes, and the way light highlighted the softness of her skin. Thomas took that moment to memorize every line and curve of her face, branding the memory into his head. 
She leaned in to kiss him again, but he pushed her away this time, sitting up. “Stop. We... we can’t do this. This can’t just be a one time thing.”
“Why not?” Her voice was quiet and delicate.
He felt his heart twist inside his chest and he clenched his jaw. “Because I love you.”
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Seeing genderbent CPC fanart makes me think about how so many characters' stories in this comic just... would not work with the genders swapped. Or at least they wouldn't hit the same
DEFINITELY. I think @the-queen-of-ships put it best from this post:
Anyway if we're talking genderbend there's gonna be changes bc we cant just flip the genders with the same story (unless this is like a world where women are 'dominant gender') like the CPC stands for Cursed Princes that never get saved because the princes are supposed to do the saving. A princess can wait forever and hope but a prince wouldn't have the same instilled hope of being saved.
They tackle toxic masculinity and stop trying to fit in the mold of perfection that they dont fit in. So basically dudes being dudes, bros helping out bros, but drink their respect everyone juice. Of course despite the Cursed Princes , they're pretty much open to anyone like the og but that doesn't mean they'll be changing the name.
this panel is a good example for this
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I think the concept is interesting though! if a cursed prince club did exist, I could see them tackling expectations that people like leland put on them, including stuff like relying only on yourself, being strong all the time, and taking charge
a character like syrah would probably be perceived pretty differently in general if she was a man (a self-described lying and cheating scumbag that flirts with every moving thing)
we'd also be missing out on the jokes about prez's curse being tied to her cycle too lmao
but we WOULD be getting old man abbi
plus, in a genderbend, would female nurses be the rare thing instead of male nurses?
in a genderbend world, instead of the princels I think they'd have some sort of man-hating group that thinks they're being feminist *but really aren't* like that princess that was rude to curtis when prez was looking for recruits (she asked if they would each get a "slave" like curtis in the club)
overall, I think the themes of the story would be traded in for different messages, so that and the characters definitely wouldn't be exactly the same. very cool to think about though actually :0
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