#she's probably the best therapeutic fit i've ever had
magdaclaire · 1 year
mentally ill girlies will be so excited for therapy this week
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stargazing15 · 2 years
Hello again
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Bob x Fem!reader
Summary: Will you give Bob another chance?
Warnings: angst and fluff I guess
Previous: Oh how I was wrong - Next: What a timing
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It was now becoming a regular thing, Bob talking to your door and you listening on the other side.
He talked about the others, mostly Phoenix, Rooster's new flame, rambling about a couple of his failed cooking sessions and of course how sorry he was about his actions. You were still contemplating if you could see him or not, but for now this was okay. You were actually surprised by yourself by giving him a chance and by calming down with his voice. It was still extremely busy at work and listening to Bob made you forget about it all. And for Bob talking to you, or at least he hoped you were listening, worked therapeutic for him.
The first time you said something back, you could hear Bob's voice break, he finally got the confirmation you were always listening. And the fact that you did made his heart flutter for a moment. Could this mean that there still might be chance for him?
"Beautiful angel, hi." You heard through the door after the doorbell rang.
"Hi Bob."
"Have you had dinner?" There was a hint of something hopeful in his voice.
"Actually not yet, why?"
"I, uh, I might have brought Chinese takeout. And I was hoping we could share, if you want to. You don't have to see me if we eat, I wanted to try something different. I uh-"
"It's okay Bob, it's actually a nice idea and it helps me not breaking my head over what to eat. What a sec."
You quickly went to take a cutlery because you know how clumsy Bob could be with chopsticks, and a blanket. When you opened the door, you were met with a nervous looking Bob. Looking at you with the same big eyes as when you met him. Those beautiful eyes that had your immediate attention and made you melt within seconds.
"Oh, you look, you look beautiful, angel." A small tear started to form in his eyes, by seeing you again in person and it made him realize how much he really missed you. He wanted to hold you so badly, but had to control himself not to mess it up by overwhelming you.
"Here," you said with a small smile while giving him the blanket and fork, "for your butt and to prevent a mess."
"You didn't forget about that?" He smiled softly back.
"How could I? It was funny." Your growling stomach interrupted the small conversation.
"Oh, yeah here, this is for you."
"Thank you. Would you mind if I..." You pointed at the door, getting a little nervous. You liked the change, but you also liked it the way it was. The thought was still lingering in your head if you could ever trust him again. Bob nodded and closed the door.
"Thank you for understanding. Why did you do that that night?" Before he answered you heard a small sob coming from the other side of the door.
"I still don't know and I know I'm not making it any easier by saying that, but I genuinely don't know why I did what I did."
"Do you love her?"
"I hate her, she disgusts me, I hate that she had that kind of power over me to let me make such a foolish decision. I hate everything she said and did. I feel sick for what I've done and that I ruined what we had. Even Phoenix hates me and I can't even blame her." Bob was half in tears, half fuming thinking about her and you were shocked with his sudden outburst. You had never heard him so mad. "That bitch made me ruin everything good I ever had in my life, the best thing that ever happened to me." You choked on your food when you hear Bob said the b-word.
"Everything okay?"
"Yeah, I just never heard you talk like that before. Does that mean that-"
"Hell yeah, I dumped her, for good. Done with that, blocked and everything." You were already trying to imagine how Bob looked like telling you all that. The thought of him probably blushing, making big eyes and tilting his head sideways made you smile.
"Did I hear a smile behind the door?"
"Maybe, I, uh, maybe I'm a little bit happy because she didn't fit with you. When did you break it off?"
"That's actually a compliment. Uh, the first day I stood here. I was still so filled with adrenaline and guilt, I needed to apologize. It sound a bit unbelievable, but it's thanks to Hangman, I started to think about what I was doing. He, uh, smacked my head, hard. But I deserved it. And the Phoenix told me about your past, I needed you know that it was all me at fault. It had nothing to do with you. "
You interrupted Bob with a small laugh "Do I need to thank Jake? Never expected that one."
"Yeah. Thank you for listening, it must have been painful."
"I think I needed to hear what you said that day to stop sulking and hiding at home."
"Y/N, beautiful angel?"
"I am so sorry for everything. I miss us. Do you think we can ever be friends again?"
"Aren't you my door-buddy already? I think we can be friends again, but I think I need some more time. It really hurt Bob and I'm scared "
"Thank you. Thank you for giving me a possible second chance."
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Your doorbell rang fanatically, there were even some bonks on your door.
"Coming! Don't smash my door!" You were greeted with a gigantic hug and as you tried to wrap your arms around the person, you felt another body, more muscular and at the other arm another back. You took a step back to process what just happened.
"Nat? Oh, hi guys, come in I guess. I just texted you half an hour ago." You texted Nat if she would like to come over but apparently her coming alone over didn't really succeed as she was joined with some ecstatic looking pilots.
"I couldn't wait to see you and Rooster here saw the message too and yeah, now we're here. Hangman and Coyote were still doing pushups and Payback had to get his kids from school. We will fill them in later. Girl, you look good. Come here, let me take a good look." Phoenix took your hand and let you twirl.
"I have to agree with Nat. You look a lot better with some color and without those sunglasses. Hangman and Coyote are to regret having to do push ups and miss your radiant smile. Do you still have those sunglasses, for me, your smile is very bright."
"Are you seriously flirting with her, Rooster? It's good seeing you." Mickey nudged your shoulder.
"She looks good and I'm feeling like giving compliments."
"Thank you Mickey, and Bradley I didn't mind it." You winked at him.
"By the way, I know you have this thingy going on with a cute nurse, so I know you're not flirting."
"Okay, hold on, how do you know this?" Phoenix questioned you.
"Is there someone we need to know off?" Mickey eyed you suspiciously.
"Don't get mad okay, Bob came by a while ago, I think it's been more then a month already and-"
"HE DID WHAT?? I'm going to kick his butt! Or even worse, if I have to eject him, just say the word." Phoenix looked like she meant it.
"Wait a minute, something over a month? I know you're still mad at him Nat, but haven't you noticed he's been happier and smiling more lately?" Mickey noticed. The three of them started to talk and mumble all at the same time.
"Stop being mad at him okay! I'm the only one allowed to be mad at him, can you listen first, please." You stopped the chatter in your living room.
"Sorry Y/N" the three of them were looking at you like kicked puppies.
"I recently learned he dumped her, for good. I haven't forgiven him or forgotten about what happened. I'm trying to get over over it and listening to Bob is really helping."
"Knowing you and Bob it actually does make sense." Mickey encouraged you, he laid one hand one your shoulder. At first it felt weird physical contact, the group hug already forgotten, it had been a while ever since you withdrew yourself inside your place. But since it was was Mickey's hand, you felt at ease, even happy.
"You're a strong one Y/N, I'm amazed by how you're doing now. We were actually all, and with all I really mean everyone, scared when you left. With you inviting Nat over, does that mean our sis is back?"
"I think so, yes." Bob had started to melt the heart he froze after hurting you and your friends here are warming it up even more. This time you were not letting go of this wonderful feeling.
It was afternoon when your friends arrived and after midnight when they left. There was a lot of catching up to do, Bob might have told you everything, but hearing them say it in person made it even more enjoyable. Eventually they called Hangman, Coyote and Payback to surprise them by letting them hear your voice.
Two weeks had flown by after you had seen your friends, after some long days at work you and Bob still had managed to find time to talk. Today was friday, normally Bob would come around, but since it was pouring outside, you weren't expecting him anymore. If you were being honest with yourself, you were really looking forward to hearing and seeing him for a second, disappointment started to sink in as you were cooking dinner. You were making your famous spaghetti and of course you were making a lot, so you could freeze some in for busy days.
And then your doorbell rang. Without thinking further you you went for the door with your apron on covered in some tomato stains, hair in the messiest bun in history and your bunny-slippers. You were dumbfounded when you saw a drenched Bob standing on your porch.
"You came?" You were able to whisper, surprising yourself by being able to say something. A couple raindrops flew on your face and that made you realize how drenched Bob was. "Oh my god, come in." You took his arm and pulled him inside.
"Angel, you don't have to-"
"Stop it, your soaked, wait here and get out of these wet clothes, I'll grab some dry-"
"No, no, you don't have anything-"
"Did you forget my lounge wardrobe already?" You smirked at him.
After letting Bob dry himself and change in one of your oversized joggers and shirt, you found yourself staring at him. He still locked cute in your clothes. They fit in length, but the shirt made him look smaller as it was a very large. Something in you wanted to take a picture, but that might be a little creepy right?
"Are you okay with me being here, beautiful angel? If it's too much please say so. I don't want to overstep."
"It's okay, I pulled you in. And I think I am ready for the next step, to see you."
Bob's stare landed on you, those big eyes, they were already doing all the talking. They were filled with adoration, but there was a slight hint in them of him being scared. His hand was resting on his neck. You could see a thousand thoughts racing through his mind.
"C-can we start over again? I wish I could erase all the bad. I want to start over, with a clean slate."
You reached your hand out, agreeing, "Hi, I am Y/N Y/L/N."
Bob follows your lead by shaking your hand. "Hi, my name is Robert Floyd, but my friends call me Bob."
"Hi Bob, can I say you look dashing? And right now my famous spaghetti is ready, would you like to join?" You still couldn't help yourself to giggle at Bob's cute outfit.
"I would like that very much. And thank you for liking my style." A blush crept on Bob's cheeks, he was the happiest man on earth that you were letting him in your life again.
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Taglist: @mrsjaderogers @bradleybeachbabe @mavrellover91 @iamdannyday @rhirhikingston @luckyladycreator2 @cycbaby
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mosraev · 1 year
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Lyrics through the decade 10/11
I've decided to collect all the songs I've made through the last decade and share my favourite snippets with you guys. The pictures for the backgrounds will (as much as possible) be pictures I've taken the same year as the lyrics were written. The full lyrics may or may not be made official someday.
Part 10; 2022
Last year was probably my most productive year in that almost all the songs I made I finished and have performed for others. It was also a year full of introspection and changes. The themes is still therapeutic yet outside of gender dysphoria I also explore themes like loneliness, existential dread and loss.
More info under the line
Stay creative, my fellow foxes 🦊💚
Song 1 (pic1); Himlen Falder Ned
Starting out strong with my second ever current affairs/politics/war song this time about Ukraine. It hadn't been a day after learning about the first attack on Ukraine that I felt moved enough to make a song about it.
Featured lyric:
Original: Den due som du skød i nat, det var den hvide due af fred.
Hvad var det ved dens sang der fyldte dit hjerte med had?
Translated to English: The dove you shot tonight is the white dove of peace.
What was it with its song that filled your heart with hatred?
Song2 (pic2); Adulthood
Changes gears completely this is a song I wrote in May about feeling quite bad at being an adult - so of course it is played on a ukulele as a cherry on top. Jokes aside this silly little song was actually quite therapeutic as well letting me know it is okay to be a mess of a human.
Featured lyric:
How can I call myself an adult?
I'm barely holding on.
Song3 (pic3); Golden
This song was the first I wrote on my new guitar that has a golden colour so I knew it would be a song called Golden. What I didn't know at the time was how full of existential dread the lyrics would be. It is pretty much a song about feeling left behind by your peers after being told your whole life you are the golden/gifted child. It is one of the few songs featured here I actually haven't payed for others yet.
Featured lyric:
In the light that's our world burning we look golden now.
Song4 (pic 4); I Am Here
In June I wrote this song about my experience with gender. I'd challenged myself to only use four or less words for the chorus. I really like the nerve this song ended up having so it is probably the one song about my gender experience I feel best fit (so far).
Featured lyric:
((Extended)) I'm a liar, impostor, the list goes on.
I failed to be a daughter, and I'll fail to be a son.
Song5 (pic5); Ensomhedens Ven
My summer camp song this year - it was created through another challenge where I was challenged to personify a concept so I chose loneliness and gave them an arch from seeking a friend, finding one and changing into another being (loneliness becomes immersion). Silly on the surface yet I hope a bit deep when you look into it.
Featured lyric:
Original: Ensomhed hedder nu fordybelsestid - tid til at finde sig selv.
Translated to English: Loneliness is now called immersion - time to find yourself.
Song6 (pic6); What's In A Name?
After summer camp I was visiting my mother's house staying in a room filled with old stuff of mine with my deadname on it so I wrote this song as a song to come to terms with my experience and my parents' experience of my name change. Another song I haven't played for people yet.
Featured lyric: You put your memories into a six-letter frame
that no longer describes me, so remind me:
What's in a name?
Song7 (pic7); Don't Call Me She
This song was born after an unfortunate experience at summer camp when my choir leader gave me strong dysphoria pretty much calling me a woman to my face. I ran to the bathroom crying and wrote the first verse. The rest of the song was finished a month later, and it is a song about how words can hurt as a trans person. You can listen to the song here.
Featured lyric: These words hurt like tiny knives programmed to act on voice cue.
Song8 (pic8); Little Red Bird
This song is about the loss of losing my grandmother. She died around the time the season 3 premiere of the Owl House was airing so my mind blended her loss and (spoilers) Flapjack's together. I later learned that cardinals are said to be souls of deceased loved ones visiting you so it fit. Also my grandmother wanted me to promise not to get a tattoo yet my first tattoo became a tribute to her; a Flapjack on my arm.
Featured lyric: I have to break a promise, I never fully made.
Because I see you in the little red bird, and I don't want to forget you.
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visualbandaids · 2 years
MidnighTS, the stories of 13 sleepless nights.
Lavender Haze - I love how this song has a message of ignoring media speculation while also making it an OPENER and a BOP. I'll never forget the ecstatic sensation I had upon hearing it for the first time.
Maroon - is literally a color and a phrase that denotes loneliness and seclusion (like being marooned on an island). I love how this song captures both meanings. Lyrically SO cruel and haunting yet beautiful. Now, that's a real fucking legacy.
Anti-Hero - a song about self-loathing is literally my brand lmao. This is probably one of the most relatable Taylor songs ever. Everyone's been their own Anti-Hero at some point and "I'll stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror" is the perfect way to capture that struggle.
Snow On The Beach - it's giving "first fall of snow and how it glistens as it fell" vibes. Taylor’s voice is just like the waves, coming back and forth. And Lana’s voice is the snow falling into the marine, falling on the coastline. SO therapeutic.
You're On Your Own Kid - this song is a love letter to our younger self. "Everything you lose is a step you take..." hits so hard at first, but in the end, it feels like a hug. It was very comforting and empowering in a sense, especially during these days when you can easily lose something you love or care for. Losing something is NOT the end, but a step.
Midnight Rain - I was NOT prepared for this! That pitched-down/distorted chorus is really addicting, to be honest. It's experimental yet effective. The only thing I hate about this song is WHY IS IT SO SHORT?!?
Question…? - "Does it feel like everything’s just like second best after that meteor strike?" The way it starts slow and then builds up and accelerates like it needs answers. CLEVER! One of the standouts for sure. Also, it referenced her 2014 song 'Out of The Woods' which again, is clever.
Vigilante Shit - fantasizing about revenge? Oooh, my other brand lol. The dark lyrics and production with THAT deep menacing baseline? *chef's kiss* It screams the 'reputation' era without a doubt.
Bejeweled - The Category Is Burlesque Showgirl Fantasy Bathe In Diamonds. The production literally sounds like diamonds glistening and glimmering because "What's a girl gonna do? A diamond gotta SHINEEEEE" SO fun and sparkly.
Labyrinth - this song is written beautifully to emphasize her state of mind is chaotic and in a labyrinth. You can hear the distortion in her voice, the scratched note, and the directionless melody that seems fitting for this track. When the outro came in, it ascends me to the heavens. SO GOOD
Karma - I love how she pictures Karma as a positive motivation instead of a revenge medium. I DID NOT EXPECT IT TO BE THIS POSITIVE lol. It makes me realize that the best revenge is being at peace knowing you did nothing wrong and leaving it all to the universe. Step into the daylight and LET IT GO.
Sweet Nothing - this is the softest and sweetest song I've heard in a while. It quite feels like a soft kiss on your forehead from someone you love. The fact that she wrote this song together with her lover for 6 years speaks volumes about their entire relationship.
Mastermind - Ethereal, catchy, and romantic. Great way to end the album.
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@taylorswift, love you so much!!! 🫶🏻
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