#she's so venomous with the Guerrins because she has them around
greypetrel · 11 months
🌟OC Tag Game🌟
Thank you to the lovely @shivunin for tagging me and... Oh damn. It's hard I can't decide shit!
I'm keeping this on Dragon Age OCs, with the originals... I'm not ready to dig up old OCs from high schools, no sirree.
Favourite OC: Aisling is the one I'm having the most fun with, honestly. She's a ray of sunshine and she's just good and fun to write and I like dressing her up in 104958040 different AUs. I have particular affection for Raina because she's just such a fire dumpster and I want to hug her.
Newest OC: Mh, I think the latest one that was developed was Garrett. I wanted to play a Fenris romance and just went for most basic Hawke... I got affectionate and added him too in my canon.
Oldest OC: Alyra. I made her when I first purchased Origins and tried to play it... In 2015. But I was playing on an old pc that was a champion of base jumping from my desk (thanks cats). I couldn't go past the Korcari Wilds because whenever I played the game the pc just... Switched off on its own after 15 minutes. Playing was stressful and I left it on the side. Alyra was there to wait for me when I changed to a decent gaming pc and downloaded Origins again. She was there huffing and scolding me because I was so late.
Meanest OC: Radha, hands down. Radha speaks very little and observes, she's good at reading people and has an iron memory. She is chill and in spite of a resting bitch face, won't quarrel with you most often. But when she does? Oh man she just has sharp words to hit you right when it hurts, and without many embellishments. She will serve you the worst parts of your personality right in your face, without even flinching.
Softest OC: One would think it's Aisling, but I think that actually it's Raina. Raina just craves some comprehension and is surprisingly tender when she likes you and sense you're upset. She's incredibly caring if she likes you for real and you show her that you care for her and don't mind if she eats food from the ground.
Most Aloof/Standoffish OC: Alyra. She cares for people and will work extra hours to make sure everyone has enough to eat and will survive the night without getting eaten by a bear... She won't show anything. She is very open when she judges you and doesn't look like an easy person to approach, at all. Hates losing time, and loathes small talk.
Dumbest (affectionate) OC: Raina as in "not so knowledgeable", LOL. She's not stupid meaning she's dumb, but she is horrible at coping with her own feelings... She is too restless to sit there and read, unless she's very interested. Surprisingly, she has a knack for languages. Will take an accent in no time, and when Merrill will try to teach her Elven, she'll pick it up easily.
Smartest OC: I think it's a tie between Aisling and Radha. Aisling is for anything practical and scientific. She'll click with Dorian because they reason in a very, very similar way that can combine easily. She has idea for practical stuff, has a terrific memory and a proactive mind: she can and will try and bend spells and get them better. Radha is all for historical knowledge and is probably the most emotionally intelligent of the bunch. She craves in knowledge and is very curious, will stay up at night reading of everything and everyone. Loves non-fiction. She's more for humanities and theory.
OC I'd Probably Be Friends With: Ouch. I think that the one I'd be the most friend with is Radha. She loves reading and doesn't feel the pressure to speak, I like to talk but also to stay silent and do things together without much speaking. Also, we're both history nerds, LOL. Or Aisling out of let's befriend animals together and pet that one thing that maybe doesn't want to be petted (... I petted a swan, once. It was soft. I still don't know why the bird didn't attack me), and honestly will love the hugs. And Garrett, he may be a gym bro, but he's very chill and curious as per everything magic. Raina would be lovely but Raina's an extrovert. He's funny and an introvert, great for netflix and chill and commenting shit over tv shows.
Tagging: @ndostairlyrium @idolsgf @scribbledquillz and YOU who are reading (seriously it's been a long day and my brain is mushy send word if you'd like a tag!)
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