#she's sooo pretty in the manga refs I found
one-bunny-a-day 1 year
Bun request? 馃ズ馃悋 Since you do a lot of anime characters as buns, could you please do one of Sister Esther from Trinity Blood? Thanks for the consideration!
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lumilasi 2 years
Surprise ask game! Pick your 5 favorite blorbos from your shows (or your own, or both!) And list 5 random facts/things you like about each! Tag or send this to 5 other ppl and spread the joy of rambling about things you love!!!
Ohh, since I can do both, I'll do both.
Show Blorbos
Tomura (bnha)
He didn't start as my fave, but dethroned Aizawa insanely fast lmao
I love how his design tells a tragic/disturbing story on its own, no words needed
I want to fluff his hair, no matter the color or length
I don't need a ref anymore, I've drawn him sooo many times by now
I hate that my fave's design included shit ton of hands, thy are a pain to draw lol
Grimmjow (bleach)
I love how his colors are essentially the inversed versions of the protag. Ichigo.
I love how his personality ALSO shares similarities with Ichigo. He feels much more of a special rival to berry boy than anyone else
He survives to the end of the story and even sorta turns into more of a antihero. Ichigo even starts treating him like one of his friends, whenever Grimm realizes/likes it or not lol
Rukia (bleach)
She's actually a very well written shonen female protagonist
She feels like a person & is allowed to be both ridiculous/awkward AND cool & competent, have moments of self doubt as well as confidence based on her own abilities, and these are just couple of things I like about her writing. Basically, again, to summarize, she feels like a proper, well rounded person which I find kinda rare with shonen girls.
Her drawings crack me up
Her Bankai is super pretty...and cool (pun intended lol)
she's my all time fave manga woman (so far)
Death the Kid (Soul Eater)
He's funny as hell
He's also cool as hell
I love his dynamics with his friends
I like his design
I found it actually pretty interesting how his comedy gag actually is quite central to his character, beyond being funny. It has a story reason behind it and is tied to his character development in a sense (as far as I remember, been a while I read SE)
Himiko (bnha)
The best written girl of bnha imo (tho could be better still)
While I complain about it, I actually like her hair!
Writing her as the lil sister character is fun
I like how she's actually considered one of the most dangerous ones, not due to brute force, but intelligence, survival skills, etc.
I still feel like we haven't truly heard her story yet, since what we did get wasn't from her perspective...
Mind Blorbos
I have two versions of him now, the main difference between them being the setting they live in (and one being a protagonist while other is a side character) One lives in a modern setting, other more traditional/fantasy type
His voice claim is the same guy who voices AFO (japanese va)
His modern AU version is grumpier due to his different story. He's still a DILF in both tho lol (according to my friend, I regret teaching her that term lol)
In the fantasy version, Hitomi is adopted, in the modern AU, Hitomi is his biological daughter
He was difficult to design but once I got it down, he quickly became one of my faves
He's my second fave, his design just sort of sticks to my brain better than anyone elses I've made?
He can even turn his hair to vines eventually, as well as create different types of vines instead of just spiky thorns
His voice claim ended up being Kankuro's japanese VA from Naruto lol
His and Jinchou's dynamic is the ultimate Himbo x Gremlin tsundere thing lol
He has a nephew and niece later on through his half brother Yaguro/Asahi, and the baby niece especially likes to glomp his face as a greeting lol
His relationship with lil Youko is my favorite thing with him
Chouma's voice claim is Dabi's VA essentially
I haven't yet figured out his full backstory, which is rare for me OTL
He will have a modern AU version whose bf will be another character instead of Angus, as their dynamic wont work in a different kind of story setting (and he deserves a proper bf lol)
Chouma often uses his wings as a blanket cape
One of my fave girls, I enjoy her strong willed, temperamental & lil grumpy personality
I still dunno exactly how her outfit works at the back lol, need to figure that out
She's an excellent archer, and a shadow bow is her main weaponry she tends to form from her magic
Her favorite nap spot is Yaguro's back fluff
She's demiromantic pan, this is something I only recently realized makes the most sense for her lol
Aand finally....Toshiko
Her personality is probably closest to my own while not an exact match, and I did not make her that way consciously lol
She enjoys seafood the most, and pork the least
She's awkward around kids and doesn't want to be a mom ever, but still tries her best to be a good role model to those kids who do look up to her (specifically Jurou's kid Hitomi)
She's the one with braincells among her friend group (namely her, Claude, Caelan and her bf Raitei)
Her and her sister Akiko are opposites in almost every way possible, but she still doesn't mind spending time with her
Idk who to tag, maybe I'll send this to someone else, but for now its an open tag!
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