Levia was minding her own business, or well was trying too for once. No matter what she did there were thoughts scraping at the back at her mind, the meaning of her existence, her purpose, the people here, how she was supposed to act around them how she was supposed to ‘live’.
She sat down on a bench, wooden scythe in hand- apparently it wasn’t very normal for people to carry around weapons like that but, she didn’t know this place yet. She didn’t feel safe here yet. Other people didn’t seem to have an issue at all, there was some guy in the park playing an. . . Instrument. She had never been allowed to use instruments although this persons sounded a little funny. Maybe something was wrong with it? Or maybe the person didn’t really know what they were doing.
Humans interacted with each other a lot right? ‘hey’-s and ‘hello’-s and all that, if she wanted to even remotely resemble a human maybe she needed to start with something simple like that. There were other people in the park but, most of them were in groups or running around a lot they didn’t seem very optimal. She decided to approach the guy with the funny instrument, he seemed to be around the age of one of her other team members from her world, though she doubted he had the same. . . Conditions.
In her most proper and polite voice she could muster. “Hello, sir, if you don’t mind me asking what is that, instrument thing you’re playing? And is something uh, wrong with it? The sounds seem. . . Off.”
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nnhlemonsyes · 7 years
The area around Lemongrab’s mouth was covered in smeared chocolate, and he would only continue to get messier as he gathered more and more candy from the surrounding trashcans. He glanced over briefly at the stranger who he perceived to be a slight threat to his new-found food source. “No. It is mine.” He hissed, and wiped his mouth with the back of his arm. 
“I was here FIRST.”
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einwish · 7 years
44. — study
one word writing prompts | headcanon
back in the madokaverse QB has enough telepathy to gleam girls’ names from their heads, but he still needs time to study their lives, preferences, dreams, and desires before striking at the perfect moment.
stalking is the easiest way to find that out, and over the course of millenia he’s worked out a rhythm from tailing a girl on her daily routine to spying on her family and friends. still, though a creature of logic, he’s gotten used to relying on his instincts and intuition to find a girl that ‘clicks’ so as to save him some time. (it’s not always potential that guarantees a contract by the end of day!)
ofc QB doesn't call it intuition, but 'a series of predicted outcomes based on exhibited patterns of prior behaviors,' but it can't be denied that he's acquired a 6th sense for choosing good prospects. 
ironically, that’s probably the closest he’s gotten to 'feeling' anything.
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sheaththeflames replied to your post: "Marry me?"
“It can be a reeeeeally big wedding. With lots of flowers, and a cake that’s five meter’s tall! Oh, what’s your favourite flowers?” It looked like he was also taking this mater quite seriously.
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“And a horse drawn carriage?” Someone stop these two. “Flowers? Hmmm I like dandelions and daisies~” 
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