#sheep faun Henry au
rosies-batim-blog · 6 years
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My friend, @liliflower137, suggested I draw Faun Henry as a baby. He came out so cute! I've decided to dub him Lamb Henry.
Honestly he's the cutest baby I've ever drawn.
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I also drew Boris and Norman going mushy over Lamb Henry.
Now the question is, are they seeing baby pictures of Henry? Or are some kind of ink magic shenanigans to blame here?
What would this be called? Little Lamb AU?
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mook-pooltable · 6 years
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Sheep Faun Henry! Lookit him! He’s so fluffy!
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rosies-batim-blog · 6 years
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I've decided to take a trick from Optic Ink AU artist to give Norman/The Projectionist a more expressive face. I really like how it looks. Henry's for more than his wool to worry about.
You know, thinking of it.
Faun Henry is probably having a harder time than canon Henry.
After all, sheep are PREY animals.
And in the Studio, everything is danger.
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mook-pooltable · 7 years
Sheep Faun Henry
Cyborg Geek Girl: I read somewhere that some Satyr's bare a stronger resemblance to sheep than goats, to the point of growing wool instead of regular fur. And now for some reason my brain is picturing Henry as a Sheep Satyr; he's human from the waist up, but sheep from there down, and with Ram horns on his head. He normally wears a charm of some kind to keep people from realizing he's not actually human. He had to leave because of something magic-related (or something). When he came back, he lost his charm at some point in chapter 2, and that's one of the reasons Sammy calls him a "Sheep".
Mom’s Lili Kittyflower: Oooo. Neat.
Cyborg Geek Girl: He wears pants (for modesty) after sheering himself in the spring, but during fall and winter, the wool on him is too thick to allow that. And he has specialized leg warmers he wears during the winter (for the areas that aren't covered in wool) Satyr Henry is very flexible since he has to do all kinds of fancy twisting to sheer himself without cutting himself.
Some Bastardisation of “Mango”: yesss
CGG: Satyr Hen is a floof. I want to talk more about the sheep or see a picture of him.
SBOM: yesss
CGG: Joey didn't know about Henry being a Satyr. He suspected he was magic, but something more grande then a sheep.
SBOM: Ye, lol
CGG: Henry is going through the studio in the fall, which means there's ink soaking into his wool. He's very unhappy about it. He'll have to sheer himself early to get rid of the mats. People are confused by the sheepman making his way through the studio. Alice wants to hug him because he looks so fluffy, but he's drenched in tainted ink. Bendy is confused by the clopping he's hearing instead of footsteps. Boris found Henry a brush to get rid of the worst of the tangles in his hair and wool.
SBOM: Yesss. the butcher clones are fascinated by henry's wool
CGG: Pfft, yes. They want to pet the floof. There are no Satyr toons, so they've never seen anyone like Henry before.
SBOM: i love this. ooo satyr henry meets benry
CGG: He's so tired of the feeling of ink in the gaps of his hooves. That would be interesting.
SBOM: s!hen: i'm guessing you weren't always like that
b!hen: what gave it away?
CGG: Henry keeps being startled by them because they keep trying to grab some of his wool or his tail. And it's all on his lower body, so it's very uncomfortable. Especially since they're all butt level against him.
SBOM: when some of the wool gets cut off somehow, the butcher clones all mob on it, trying to look at it
CGG: Henry is very confused by it. Like "It's just some wool?"
SBOM: i feel like toons, in general, are just fascinated by wool aLSO NORMAN he's just like "my life is already weird enough, might as well add this onto the pile"
CGG: I don't follow. What would Norman's reaction be?
SBOM: that's norman's reaction i was just exclaiming because *i forgot my boy*
CGG: That Henry's actually a sheep man? He's just kinda rolling with it?
SBOM: Yeah.
CGG: Henry escapes the ink demon once by accidentally bleating when it startles him. The demon just... Stops. It doesn't know what to do because bleating is not something humans do when scared. Henry takes the chance to run as fast as he can.
SBOM: pfft there's no horror just comedy, confusion, and odd fascination
CGG: Which is just as fun as the Horror. Well, there's still body horror from the toons. And the coffins from the earlier chapters. Henry and Bo still get dropped down an elevator shaft.
SBOM: but it's not pure horror
CGG: That's true. I want to talk more about Satyr Henry. But I’m not sure what to talk about.
MLK: I want to talk more about him too How does he lose the charm?
CGG: I want to say it was some carved beads (or something like that) that he kept one of those leather pouches that you can wear around your neck, and a searcher ripped the pouch, and the beads ended up scattered on the floor. Henry couldn't fix the pouch right then, and even if he could, he hadn't been able to find all the beads.
SBoM: he's just annoyed that he'll have to recraft the charm from scratch again
CGG: Oh yeah. I’ve just decided Satyr Henry has sheepy ears too.
SBOM: yessss4
CGG: [image] I’m not really an SU person, but I love these Satyr designs. I want Hen to have horns like Rose's and a tail like Pearl's.
Some Bastardization of "Mango”: yesss
Cyborg Geek Girl: Also, I finally found what a proper black sheep looks like. [image]
Some Bastardization of "Mango”: BROWN FUZZY FRIEND
Cyborg Geek Girl: YUS Hen is gonna be that shade of brown.
Mom's Lil Kittyflower: FUZZY FREEEN
Cyborg Geek Girl: Their legs are so skinny.
Mom's Lil Kittyflower: I wanna hug the sheep
Some Bastardization of "Mango”: saaaaame
Trash Mom: SHEEP
Mom's Lil Kittyflower: Fluffy wooly freeeen
Some Bastardization of "Mango”: yeeeee
Cyborg Geek Girl: If Bendy is separate from 'Bendy' in this AU (or even if he's healed from that form), He loves trying to play with Henry's long tufted tail.
Some Bastardization of "Mango”: yesssss
Mom's Lil Kittyflower: He's a cat. Bendy is always a cat X3 And honestly same I would too
Cyborg Geek Girl: Boris is fascinated by the Sheepman, and asking all kinds of questions about how magic is supposed to be outside the studio.
Mom's Lil Kittyflower: Joey; So you're just... A sheep? Henry; One, I'm a satyr. Two, WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN
Cyborg Geek Girl: Lol, yes. Joey; Sorry, I just expected something a bit... More… Henry; rolls eyes Oh, like you have room to talk. Imma need to swap things around for Henry, turns out I was confusing Satyrs for Fauns. Satyrs are... different. From now on it's Faun Henry.
Some Bastardization of "Mango”: fair nuff
Mom's Lil Kittyflower: Ah okay Snippy is going to love Faun Henry when she hears about him
Cyborg Geek Girl: [image] This is closer to what I picture for Faun Henry. But with fully curves ram horns and wool. (And older o' course) As much as I love the long swooshy tail, I think he's gonna have the cute little nub-tail most sheep have. Henry is so floofy. Joey is so caught off guard by Faun Hen, he just kinda freezes and goes "Wat?" He'd expected Henry to be something a bit grander than a sheepman for him. Like a Vampire, or a Werewolf, or a Wizard or something like that.
Some Bastardization of "Mango”: pfft
Lil Lilipad: We gonna talk more about Faun Henry today?
Cyborg Geek Girl: I want to.
Lil Lilipad: Why don't we talk about why he left? You said "magical reasons" right?
Cyborg Geek Girl: “Magical or something" yeah. I want to say it was partially the stress of working at the studio, and Joey starting to stick his nose where it shouldn't be.
Lil Lilipad: I’m kinda wondering what Henry's family is like
Cyborg Geek Girl: Probably distant. He might not terribly close to them.
Lil Lilipad: Joey just starts dropping hints that he thinks Henry is something magical but all his guesses are completely off base so Henry leaves because it's annoying
Cyborg Geek Girl: Lol, yes. And because He's pretty much running the studio and not getting credit for it.
Lil Lilipad: Does he confront Joey about it before leaving?
Cyborg Geek Girl: For the Credit thing? Yes. It gets very bad. Joey walks out with a black eye and Henry's got some bruises too.
Lil Lilipad: Sorry I feel sick can't really talk
Cyborg Geek Girl: That's fine At first, Joey trying to guess what he really was had been amusing, but then it started to get on Henry's nerves.
Lil Lilipad: He never even gets remotely close
Cyborg Geek Girl: The closest he gets is Satyr, but that just visibly offends Henry. People often mistake them, but that's still pretty rude.
Lil Lilipad: “I’m sorry I guessed something that boring" Henry is further offended
Cyborg Geek Girl: (Satyr's are built like humans, but with Horsetails and ears. They were supposed to accompany Dianonsis, the Greek God of Wine, Celebrations and [ahem] "Sexual Activities") (Henry is less offended by the "boring" comment and more by the suggested activities) "My God Joey! Do you really think of me like that?!" Highly offended tone I want Sammy and/or Wally to be suspicious of Faun Henry not being human.
Some Bastardization of "Mango”: yesss
Cyborg Geek Girl: They find something like some wool, or maybe a chip from one of his horns or hooves. He was helping carry something heavy and it smacked against his head and they found a chip from one of his horns. Henry yelps after having to squeeze his way through a partially blocked doorway, and claims he was just startled by a splinter digging into his hand.
Some Bastardization of "Mango”: ouch
Cyborg Geek Girl: They go back and find some wool caught on the wood.
Some Bastardization of "Mango”: they start getting suspicious
Cyborg Geek Girl: He didn't hurt his head, because it hit his horns and not his actual head.
Some Bastardization of "Mango”: idea: henry makes and sells yarn made from his wool
Cyborg Geek Girl: Only during early summer and late spring
Some Bastardization of "Mango”: he has a little old lady for a neighbor that knows how to knit and she always buys his yarn
Cyborg Geek Girl: He had a few things he makes himself.
Some Bastardization of "Mango”: yep hen doesn’t knit or crochet he does macrame
Cyborg Geek Girl: He makes cord bracelets.
Some Bastardization of "Mango”: yesss
Cyborg Geek Girl: Just with leftover yarn.
Some Bastardization of "Mango”: he also sells roving wool for needle felters
Lil Lilipad: So his horns are just invisible with the charm? He can still knock into stuff with them? What is macrame?
Cyborg Geek Girl: He doesn't have a lot of yarn. 1/2 of a usual wool bag
Some Bastardization of "Mango”: it's doing yarnwork with your hands
Cyborg Geek Girl: From his self-sheering.
Some Bastardization of "Mango”: “I have a very small sheep"
Cyborg Geek Girl: The charm is to basically trick peoples brains into not notice he wasn't actually human.
Some Bastardization of "Mango”: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macram%C3%A9
Cyborg Geek Girl: Pants and shoes are normally considered "Not important" to peoples brains beyond, "That person is wearing them".
Lil Lilipad: He has a pen out back for a sheep and whenever people come over "She's out hiding somewhere" Oh I see
Some Bastardization of "Mango”: in reality, he has a pet goat named Sheep
Lil Lilipad: Thanks THAT IS ADORABLE
Cyborg Geek Girl: He claims it's an old ram that's not very sociable. So people should just leave the old boy alone.
Some Bastardization of "Mango”: pfft
Cyborg Geek Girl: He should actually have an old ram. He got it when he was a kid, and stupidly named it Rammy. He argues with him sometimes. Like how Lili argues with her cat.
Some Bastardization of "Mango”: yesss
Cyborg Geek Girl: Everyone suspects Henry isn't actually a normal human. Joey is just the only one trying to figure out what, exactly, he is. Someone should be a farm kid and knows that Henry's wool haul is more than he should have for only one old ram.
Some Bastardization of "Mango”: also, yes, Grant is the farm boy
Cyborg Geek Girl: Sammy finds the wool from Henry, while Wally finds the chip, and it's Grant who identifies them as "possibly sheep".
Some Bastardization of "Mango”: yes
Cyborg Geek Girl: Everyone thinks Henry is odd, but no one really points it out.  Except for Joey. Henry does yearly hair-cuts at home, but again, no one questions it. They just think he's trying to save money. Head hair has to be trimmed a bit more often since it grows at a human rate. But Henry still does it at home.
Lil Lilipad: Imagine Henry accidentally bleating when someone scares him
Some Bastardization of "Mango”: yesss
Cyborg Geek Girl: Yes, people look at him funny when he does. Also, apparently Sheep/Rams can shed the outer covering of their horns. This is how Henry's horn had chipped but still healed later.
Lil Lilipad: Henry almost never laughs, so a couple people make it a challenge to see who can make him laugh first When they finally succeed, they find out that Henry has a really weird sounding laugh
Cyborg Geek Girl: Wally: whispers “No wonder he doesn't laugh.”
Lil Lilipad: Wally, Shawn, and probably one other person
Cyborg Geek Girl: Thomas. His curiosity couldn't be contained. (Before the Machine, he was their Heating and Plumbing guy)
Lil Lilipad: He always struck me as someone who has really serious but okay
Some Bastardization of "Mango”: Henry and his nice old lady neighbor [image]
Lil Lilipad: Cuuuute
Some Bastardization of "Mango”: she wears a snuggie 24/7 cause she gets cold easy
Cyborg Geek Girl: Snuggies weren't a thing then, but a good robe/shawl wouldn't be out of place.
Some Bastardization of "Mango”: She just wears a robe all day then :P
Cyborg Geek Girl: Lol, I just found out sheep scream like people.
Lil Lilipad: Oh my god X3
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rosies-batim-blog · 3 years
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It’s been ages since I’ve drawn faun Henry, and had the urge to draw something AU related, so here is the sheepy boi.
I also realized that all the faces I’ve draw for him before have been either annoyed, frustrated, scared, or worried. Therefore, it was high time I drew him relaxed/happy.
Who is he talking to? And what is he saying? I don’t know, but it seems like a nice conversation.
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rosies-batim-blog · 6 years
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I decided to draw Faun Henry in his usual winter wear. He's even wearing his winter leggings, to cover the parts of his legs that don't grow wool.
Also, hooves do not get traction on ice. At all.
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rosies-batim-blog · 6 years
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Some more sheep faun Henry sketches.
Henry working at his desk, Henry giving an unamused No, and Norman getting protective over Lamb Henry.
Henry being protected by Norman would probably do wonders for the faun's nerves, Lamb or no. Because the Projectionist is big, strong, and everything takes him seriously.
Also he wouldn't be having to go through the Studio's dangers alone.
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rosies-batim-blog · 6 years
Little Sheep AU: Tests
It was an open secret at Joey Drew Studios that it's cofounder, Henry Stein, was a bit…  Odd.
No one could really name one specific reason that he was different, but they all knew.
There were only two members of the studio who tried to figure it out.  One was Wally Franks, the Studio's young, curious Janitor; but the other was the studio's own and namesake, Joey Drew.
Both men thought the reason he was so different, was due to him not actually being human.
Henry was used to their antics as they tried to figure out what, exactly, he was.  It was funny, because they were both right. But he had no intention of telling them that.
And honestly?
He found their attempts at guessing his true nature were actually pretty funny.
Mostly because (in his own mind, at least) he was so much more mundane than the various supernatural they would throw out at him.  A Wizard, vampire, bugbear, demon, a werewolf… It was a riot.  Also he was pretty sure at least one of those would be considered more of a predator for his kind, which made being compared to them even funnier.
Henry was none of those.  He was just a Faun, plain and simple.
Fauns were known shy and solitary woodland beings, with the legs/lower body and horns of a goat.  At least that was the general image shown of them. Henry, specifically, was actually a rather sheep-like Faun.  He had a sheep-like lower body, complete with wool that he needed to shear off every spring, and horns that curled around his head just like a ram's.  He was also a lot more sociable than most of his kin, he liked being around others more than hiding himself away in the wood.
That didn't, however, mean there weren't days where the idea of fleeing to the forests to escape the people in his life was really tempting.
His jaw twitched.
“Joey, why is my desk covered in herbs and surrounded by salt?”  Henry asked, only just keeping his tone even as he spoke.  He was pretty sure the salt was in a circle, which was a common warding technique, but it was useless against a Faun.
And the herbs were some of the strongest smelling ones he'd ever come across. He was getting a migraine from proximity alone.
Joey gave the faun his best innocent look, but all it did was make Henry's frown deepen.
“Sorry Henry, I was trying store some stuff in the closet behind your desk and ended up spilling some things by accident. I've already called Wally and I'm sure he’ll be able to clean it all up.”  Henry pulled a slow, deep breath (holding back a wince from the smell) then slowly let it out.
“Joey, is this another one of you “supernatural” tests?  Because, in case you've forgotten, you already know that nothing here has any special effect on me.”  Henry said in a tired, aggravated tone. “Heck, you've seen me eat a lot of these with various meals over the years.  But we really need to get rid of them. Because this amount is giving everyone over here, myself included, a killer headache.”
Joey was an old friend, but that didn't make dealing with his supernatural fascination any easier at times.  Henry shook his head in silent annoyance the carefully stepped over the “spilled” salt on the floor, struggling to ignore the way herbs made his sinuses burn and started fussing with his stuff.
He heard more than saw Wally arrive, the younger man immediately exclaiming at the stench coming from the nook Henry’s desk was in.
Henry froze, his nose twitching, then gave a huge sneeze that made the faun stagger from the force of it.
“Woah, you alright there Henry?”  Wally asked worriedly, stepping forward.
The faun snuffled, rubbing at his nose with the back of his hand.
“I'm fine, the herbs are just really strong.  I don't think I'm gonna be able to work at my desk until this stuff is cleared out.”
Joey frowned while Wally nodded, wrinkling his nose slightly.
“Yeah, why don't you take up one of the spare desks off the entrance room and I’ll get on cleaning this up.”  Henry sneezed again and nodded, gathering everything he knew he would need for the day and heading back to the main entrance, thanking Wally as he went.
He knew there was a smaller room connected to the entrance that was set up as a spare animation station, but most didn't use it due to how cramped the room was.  But with the deadline coming up, it was the only free desk Henry could think of. Henry could handle being in a cramped room for the next couple of days it would probably take for Wally to clean and air out his usual work space.
He didn't really mind small, cramped spaces, which was why he didn't mind having his small, back hall work desk.  It was working in a room where there was constantly someone in his peripheral vision that bugged him.
It rankled his faun instincts, having someone in that space.  So for his peace of mind, it was better to have his own private space to work in, instead of trying to share a space facing away from someone.
Arms laden with papers and inks, Henry opened the door and carefully stepped into the space.  He knew he would probably end up filling the room enough to have to squeeze his way in later. He could only hope he wouldn't end up catching some of his wool on the door, that would hurt.
Well, he would just have to make due until his desk was usable again.  That shouldn't take too long. Hopefully.
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rosies-batim-blog · 6 years
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And now; Henry arguing with his pet sheep, Rammy.
I based Henry's side of of the argument off of an argument my Dad once had with one of our cats. The cat is question, a lovely Maine coon named T'pring, had been trying bring a live squirrel she'd caught inside the house.
They'd argued just like this, and you could tell they were actively arguing with each other.
It was hilarious, and something I can totally picture Henry doing with his sheep.
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