#shen kotodama
shadow-and-quill · 6 years
.:RP:. Politicking
Characters: Ritsuka Aoki (male Keeper), Shen Kotodama (male Raen)
Rating: General
Origin Date: 4 Nov 18
Shen and Ritsuka discuss ways forward dealing with the Yukimura and other manners. The eldest of the Kotodama and their loyal shinobi tend to be quite an amusing pair.
“>blah<” indicates Doman
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Ritsuka Aoki blinks as he walks into his office. "Kotodama-sama, we didn't have a meeting." It was said with such certainty, his schedule memorized.
Shen Kotodama had only just been there, a cup of tea in hand. Head canting back. "No. I didn't have bothersome juniors until today. Do you have any pressing matters?"
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Ritsuka Aoki shakes his head, going to his desk to pull out a new set of glasses. There are about a dozen or so stashed there. The cracked ones from the practice spar are set aside to be repaired later.
Shen Kotodama observed this stash with some quiet bemusement playing upon his eyes. "As many glasses as the shoji we've replaced?" A tease. He'd almost lit the last person to run through them on fire himself.
"I would need an entire shelf to match that number," was the dry tone. "Can I get you anything?" Ever the host. He goes to move the plushie off his desk and to the corner. More toys had appeared with Saeha staying with him.
Shen Kotodama hefted up briefly his own cup of tea. "You honor me with your graciousness; so I thought to do so equally in preparedness," was the slow reply as he switched to Doman. “>Have you trained someone in the ways of the diplomat before?<”
Ritsuka Aoki shifted his glasses up his nose. ">I have not. I was self-taught as it was. Is there someone that you're considering?<" An eyebrow raise.
Shen Kotodama sighed softly to this. “>This makes you even more impressive, Aoki-san. If you were born a Raen you would hold an office in the Bakufu.<” For once he didn't sound like he was playing at someone. Rather he respected Ritsu's abilities quite a bit. “>Yes. I had intended for you to teach Kiyo before her emotional nature swallows her clan.<”
Ritsuka Aoki knew that fact /very very/ well. A bit of an annoyance in his life but fortunately his spot had more than enough financial stability to suit him and his sister. His tail swished in a rare content motion at the praise. ">Daimyo Yukimura?<" The tone in his voice betrayed how he felt about how successful THAT would be.
">You can call her Daimyo with a straight face?<” A subtle rising of his brow to this. His face it's usual socially kind mask. “>Though yes, Daimyo Yukimura. Only lightly less of a lost cause than our own sitting Daimyo.<” The sitting part stressed softly in his tone.
 ">She has inherited the title as tradition dictates so I will address her as so.<" Just as neutral a tone. ">Both of the Daimyo are quite young.<" He sets his book on the desk after retrieving it from his robes. ">And untrained. If there was a more experienced one of their station, that would be the best way for them to learn.<"
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Shen Kotodama momentarily has an actually genuine look of disgust come across his features. But this is soon gone. “>Both are young and raised outside of the traditional bounds of our culture. If we find no other option, there are my ancestors to consider towards their training.<”
Ritsuka Aoki tilts his head to the side at that. ">Or look about Doma. Clans are reforming and those that were in hiding are re-emerging. Surely there is one that the Clan has ties to that would be willing to mentor two young leaders?<"
">We have ties to other clans; this is to assume that they are trusted however. To influence our leaders as this, Aoki-san, I'm sure you understand I want to keep our influence and control of the heads.<”
">Of course, Kotodama-sama. I understand completely.<" A shift of his glasses. ">That is why I will go and monitor the lessons myself if one is found worthy.<"
Shen Kotodama closed his eyes for a moment. Offering a minor nod. “>Then I will entrust this to you. Perhaps it is a thing I should have seen set in motion sooner as I will be speaking to Yukimura-dono soon about the siege. Perhaps I can have her draw on me.<”
Ritsuka Aoki can't help a bit of a wry smirk at that. ">My suggestion is that you stop antagonizing the woman. I caught the last of your bickering earlier after Rokuyo-san arrived. You are just as guilty for antagonizing here.....ser.<"
Shen Kotodama sighed deeply. Canting his head back a bit. “>She reminds me of my junior sister, in truth. I assumed such hard lessons and her losing with her outburst would be sufficient. She is valuable even should her request be difficult.<”
">She is on the defensive. And when some feel backed into a corner they lash out. The constant poking at her while she is in such a state will only make things worse.<" He rested fingers on his book for a moment, leaning a bit forward on the desk. ">I overheard she is to meet the kifujin of Hausuganji concerning a political marriage.<"
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">Mmm.<” Shen looked down at Ritsuka at this. “>This would be quite troublesome. With us actively losing our host reclaiming their mountain.<” Though the man was in the traditional way far underselling it.
Ritsuka Aoki raises a dark eyebrow again. My goodness, were all born Domans this silly? ">I would think you would be concerned being the only suitable male in the running for the Kotodama. Even if you are perhaps past your prime for your husbandly duties.<" Said so plainly.
Shen Kotodama would have agreed, people born Doman were quite silly creatures. “>I am the only suitable male currently free. A younger brother did survive... last I had seen him in the prisoner camps.<” The mark upon his forehead was a brand, after all. “>Even aside. I am hardly concerned for myself. The marriage is more important than the contact; one of her consorts can fill the role for bringing a child. Though I doubt my body lacking in ability.<” Pride, or something else!
Ritsuka Aoki does his best to repress a smile. All men were the same. But he soon regains himself. ">Firstly, if you have family in the camps, they should be freed now. Should we set out to find him? Secondly, you had better improve your interactions with Daimyo Yukimura if you wish to keep her swayed to the Kotodama.<" He opens his book, clawed fingers running down a line. ">Though...<" A pause. ">You always leverage her honor in the fact that you /are/ giving her her home back.<" A glance back up.
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Shen Kotodama cocked an eyebrow to this. The other point could wait for a moment. “>I do, as this is the fact of the matter. Her father was lacking valorous honor; but his daughter is a woman of fire... ironically so.<”
Ritsuka Aoki is quiet for a few, tapping his page. "> You are fond of her then.<"
“>Of her potential,<” Shen corrected. “>I believe she wouldn't have abandoned her homeland. That her pride wouldn't have let her do so.<”
Ritsuka Aoki tilts his head. ">She admitted today that she made the call to retreat when the attack happened.<"
Shen Kotodama hummed softly to this, making to sip at his tea, but it was all gone. “>I find it hard to believe a child could have called a retreat; she was little more than this when they fell.<” Though it certainly brought doubt to his thoughts. “>If she is the same coward as her father however we're wasting considerable resources.<”
Ritsuka Aoki walks over to take his cup and go to fill it. ">Think of it. She was likely in her later teenage years when it happened. Freshly assumed the mantle of Daimyo due to her father's sudden death. And her village slain by a yokai twin. Her Clan would be gone if they hadn't run. That has to be admired.<" Back and forth he flopped on opinions, curious of reactions.
Shen Kotodama sighed. Eyes closing as the cup was filled. Ritsuka would have been frightening if he had been born anything but a miqo'te. “>There is nothing to be admired in retreat, Aoki-san.<”
 ">Not even in survival? Ensuring your blood lives on?<"
">What worth is that blood if it is tainted by meekness?<”
">It's life.<" He leans his hip against the desk, a bit of his formality fading. ">I am here, alive, with my sister because I left Eorzea. Was your praise from earlier given to the meek?<"
">It would seem so.<” Though Shen was simply being prideful now. The man only sighed in the end. “>Can you have a gem retrieved from the Clan’s temple? I will be taking to the field.<”
Ritsuka Aoki is hardly offended, in fact the curl of his lips implies he's amused. ">If you trust a meek miqo'te like myself to do so, Kotodama-sama.<"
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Shen Kotodama glanced down at Ritsuka. Eyes narrowed; towards anyone else it would be a glare! “>I would rather you go. The Ancestors won't bother you. I will admit to Kiyo she was correct before I go to assuage her ego.<”
">You'll just have to give me a location so I can gauge how far I'll have to prepare. There are still rogue Garlean elements roaming Doma.<" He doesn't remark on his latter words but that shite-eating smirk remains on his face.
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Shen Kotodama wondered if he should have burned this miqo'te instead of the Daimyo! “>It's an island off the coast. I'll have it's location sent to you. Perhaps a half day’s travel If you need a body guard I'll have one sent with you.<” It went without saying; Ritsuka had won.
 ">A bodyguard will simply slow me down. I work best alone. Please just send me all the details. I will head out after some planning once I receive them.<" A more proper bow.
Shen Kotodama returned Ritsuka's bow. Only pausing once he stood. “>If I didn't enjoy your company I would have to sneer at such smugness.<” And that was close as admitting he enjoyed someone as he would give. “>I'll leave you to your evening now. I imagine Saeha-chan will be back soon.<”
">Indeed she will be. Hopefully she didn't completely exhaust X'nihru-san.<" An adjustment of his glasses. ">And it was a pleasure to have such an enlightening discussion with you as well, Kotodama-sama.<"
">I fear it was too enlightening. Do make sure to find someone to train Yukimura-dono. I would do it myself, but she might actually try to kill me and I would hate to have to act upon such.<” Though it's unlikely he actually would.
">I will see what I can arrange. She is a beautiful young woman,<" even he could admire that despite his preferences, ">I am sure an eager young man would be happy for such an opportunity.<"
">If their eagerness comes from beauty he'll find himself beneath her boot.<” It earned an amused snort. “>May the ancestors watch over you, Aoki-san.<”
">That is what will be entertaining. And it would eliminate some annoying competition in the government offices.<" Another fix of those glasses. Two birds with one stone. ">Be careful in the field. The latest supplies leave in two days' time. You can likely travel with the caravan.<"
">You've kept up with the timetables well. I'll ensure to join them. I have some other small tokens to put into place...<” Then an odd grin. As he strode away he couldn't really lie to himself; he was looking forward to the field.
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Stones, Part IV
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Mori quietly sat there in the tavern.
People were all around him, but their presence was hardly registered as he quietly worked on the hairs to make the threads for the hair tie. A wailer was off to his right going on about the elementals being restless today. It made sense. Mori had come here just the night before. He could feel and hear the oppressive nature of the elementals as they weighed down upon the shroud and tried to sniff out the foreigner that wasn’t so welcome amongst them.
Was it him? Was it the fox? Mori wasn’t quite sure to be honest.
There were moments since he came that he could sense the kitsune’s presence following in the shadows. It couldn’t just eat him. Mori had to agree to it just as Saranqerel had agreed to give up those memories.
“See,” the voice had mused at him, “another friend who just walks away after pretending to give any care about you. The Kami have decided your path will be spent alone. So why not give them up? Throw them to the flames just as they have drowned your life in misery?” The voice was detached, and the cold didn’t pierce through him with its presence. If he focused on the flames and transformed violent brilliance into ambient warmth, the icy void that phantom brought with him would not reach his throat. “If you feed me your Kami, I’ll even spare your life and let you kill the person whose actions helped drown Shizunda.”
The memory was shoved away, and he finished the last twist to the thread before beginning to braid them together. One of the threads from Saranqerel’s hair tie had become a bit frayed. So, he was just going to replace that one chord with a new one. Mori’s lips moved as he uttered the syllables of a protective mantra as the threads were braided together once more. A drunk huntsman tottered behind him, bumping the chair.
“Ehy!” The word barely made sense; just as his intoxicated actions didn’t. “Watshhh where fuuu are going-cha.”
Mori didn’t say anything, just let his fingers freeze so his delicate work didn’t become a mess and halted the chant for now. If he was quiet and still the man wouldn’t notice him. There would be no violence directed his way. What an easy ploy to see to.
Eventually the man gave up his fight and walked off.
“Foreigner weirdo.”
Mori continued to work.
The Eorzeans left a bitter taste in his mouth. Far more bitter than that sake they called Oni Sake back at the Kotodama estate. How could all these people be so awful and crude? He bit his tongue and felt the roil of fire. The violet upswing that was the anger and frustration the astral fire wanted to use for kindling. Even with consideration and meditation the anger couldn’t go away. Shen’s words were futile. Mori was pissed at far too many things.
Maybe he could find some place to spend that power? Someplace the elementals wouldn’t hinder him or rise to meet his power? His tail swished as he considered other methods and there was the flicker of some thought at the back of his mind. The green eyes narrowed at the hair tie twisted about his fingers and not quite finished yet. A soft tinkle of the bell drawing his memory and thoughts back over to Saranqerel. Sitting there at the estate’s kitchen so close to the time he had lost Yoichi and just after the Ritual of Fire was done. Were his emotions that frivolous? The mere thought brought shame. His friend should hate him, Mori reasoned, Saranqerel should have been far crueler when he had asked to kiss the Qalli.
How could Mori be that way?
Had he just been chasing the idea of Yoichi to alleviate the pain of being alone?
It made sense.
It all made terrible sense, and Mori hated himself for it.
Shallow things for a shallow creature.
“But I’ll do better this time,” he reasoned to himself, “and I’ll cast away these stones just as you said I should, Kurenai-san.”
Even then he couldn’t chase the thought away of being close to Saranqerel and those lips. Kami. If there was anyone in this world he wanted to kiss it was that ridiculous song bird! 
No wonder he had froze that time at Yoichi’s office.
Mori got up and made his way for the tavern keep. 
A room. He needed a room. Maybe there in the quiet he could clear his head and work.
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dainkotodama · 6 years
Narisada. His elder and long time rival; this man had been the greatest chasm he’d ever faced. In terms of skill, character and purpose. At first it had inspired frustration. Then hatred. Now one of the oldest and calmest friendships he enjoyed.
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It was no wonder Narisada had so readily defeated him. The fact his eyes were still recovering and the world was as darkness didn’t occur to Dain as Narisada winning was simply the natural order of things. As was the pair sharing a quiet conversation in the aftermath.
Duty. Purpose. Future. These were things the blooded brothers commonly went over.
“I have no doubt someday you shall surpass.” The Elder Narisada had spoken with a snort to come flowering words Dain had spoken. “Even now you will soon turn a limit into a strength. As you always have.”
To have this great confidence placed in him. Dain couldn’t help but to smile softly. “I will make sure I live up to your expectations, brother. Thank you for such kind words and humoring my efforts. Though forgive me; surely you hadn’t come merely for this?”
“Ah.” A stock word of consideration left the elder. “I had simply come to practice my forms, I have only recently recovered from a shoulder injury; and fear I have grown rusty over the course of mending.” “If this is rust you truly are to frightening.” Dain commented stubbornly; earning a guffaw from Narisada and a short respost. “Brute force was ever my strong suit. Dain.”
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Of course seeing Dain throw up his hands in exasperation; this earned it’s own head shake from Narisada. Though they quipped back and forth Narisada was soon on his feet. Moving through his forms.
Briefly they talked over Shen. A Kotodama by purest blood; and a man ever a reflection of his brother. The mans name alone brought a wrenching unease; Dain believed himself a blade. Yet a blade that he himself would wield. So what now? The brother of a man whom had enslaved him appeared; was he controlled as the Daimyo?
Even to this Narisada had something to say however. “Then act under your own command, for the moment train and renew yourself, then take a more active role in your own fate… though perhaps his controling nature coomes at an opportune time for you.” “How is that?” Dain asked immediately; brow knit in confusion.
“You have a child now; do you not? IT may be an opportunity to ensure you are there for them as you recover.”
To this Dain could only dip his head; admit some short sightedness there. There was little the Daimyo understood about children; to which Narisada was unfortunately bombared over! There was a disconnect between his upbringing, realizing it was cruel, and then wanting to defend that child whom would come.
As he would need to be defended.
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It drew memories of golden eyes, raven black hair, and violent splashes of red. A sort of anxiety that he could feel building up in his missing arm and legs.
A malicious creature had once kept Kotori; and when her father Gyousei ordered her left for dead the Xaela couldn’t handle it. He’d been tasked to watch over, had found someone with value, someone that had shown him kindness without gain. Someone he was now wanting to marry.
Yet in going himself to rescue her all that had happened was a lifetime of ability had been cast asunder. With a bare hand his katana had been shattered, his arm torn from his body and either leg blown apart in an explosive spell.
And so there was no ‘if’ Noah would come again. Only ‘when.’ Though their conversation continued a cold and burning determination choked his heart.
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