#shen qingqiu has been thrown in prison if i remember right luo binghe has just left after popping by for
tls123 · 2 months
can anyone link me one (1) spoiler free piece of art of liu qingge? 🥺🤲
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delicioussshame · 4 years
It’s the terrible return of the demon king/peak lord SY AU, courtesy of the Oscars. Usual warnings apply.
Shen Qingqiu flinches as the dreaded portal opens.
Before he can think, Luo Binghe has crowded him against the wall and is forcing his tongue down his throat.
To say Shen Qingqiu is taken by surprise would be an understatement. He doesn’t have much to recommend Luo Binghe for, but he was never this curt with him. Even if it’s just masquerade, he always asks before he starts taking.
Something is wrong. Shen Qingqiu braces himself to resist the fallout of whatever catastrophe Luo Binghe is looking to unleash upon him.
His clothes are ripped off him, thrown on the floor of his room before Luo Binghe pushes his thighs open and shoves barely oiled fingers inside him. Shen Qingqiu hisses in Luo Binghe’s mouth, scrambling to hold himself upright under the rough assault.
A moment later, Luo Binghe’s blood starts taking effect, relaxing him and arousing his very uninterested body into cooperation.
Luo Binghe’s hands slide behind and under his thighs, lifting him off the floor and onto his erect cock. It would have been too much, too soon if Luo Binghe hadn’t decided otherwise.
Shen Qingqiu’s head thumps against the wall, dislodging Luo Binghe’s mouth. It finds his way along his neck, leaving a string of bites before reaching his ear.
“You’re mine.”
Normally, Shen Qingqiu would tell him no one is contesting his claim, least of all him. He surrendered any right he had to choose his own path long ago.
It’s just that he’s not the one Luo Binghe is trying to convince.
Shen Qingqiu blinks, trying to keep his mind clear as Luo Binghe does all he can to fog it. What happened? Why is Luo Binghe doubting his hold on him now? Is this about Liu Qingge again?
Luo Binghe’s hands dig into his thighs harder. “You’re mine. I won’t let you go.”
Shen Qingqiu bites his tongue not to reply. He knows. He’s been made aware of this very often.
Luo Binghe’s eyes are wet with unshed tears.
Shen Qingqiu restrains his astonishment with difficulty. Is Luo Binghe… crying? Why?
Luo Binghe muffles his cries into his neck, his whole body crushing Shen Qingqiu’s against the wall.
When they’re so close, Shen Qingqiu cannot ignore the tremors travelling through Luo Binghe, who is too strong to shake with effort no matter how long he supports him.
What could have happened for the monster of the demon realm to be so shaken?
“I’m thinking of marrying again.”
Su Xiyan barely gives him a glance. “I’m sure she’s very pretty.”
“He is.”
She raises an eyebrow. “Unusual for you.”
He shrugs. “Not unprecedented.”
She lifts her cup of tea gingerly. It’s some of the best tea the demon world can provide. Even if his mother’s movements and influence have been confined to the palace since his father’s death, she managed to keep herself in luxury. “And you came here to tell me yourself because? You never bothered before.”
Luo Binghe hesitates. He’s never been very close to his mother. His father’s generals, allies and family hadn’t wanted her humanity to blunt him.
Now that he himself is their ruler, he can visit her whenever he wishes to.
It’s still somewhat nerve-wracking. “He hasn’t agreed to yet.”
His mother is one of the few people alive who dares to mock him. “Someone who can resist my son’s famous charisma? I might like him better than your insipid wives.”
He bites back his annoyance. “He’s human. A cultivator, like you.”
“From which sect?”
“Cang Qiong.”
She puts back her cup. “I suppose this has nothing to do with your sudden mercy on them, of course. Mercy you haven’t bothered to extend to my own sect, might I remember you.”
“Huan Hua didn’t deserve mercy.”
She doesn’t reply. He knows she still hasn’t forgiven them for the way they treated her, and neither did he. She’s just making a point. “And? What do you want from your mother?”
“He’s not… receptive to my advances.”
This time, she laughs out loud. “You plan to marry someone who isn’t interested? Bold.”
“He isn’t! He responds to me quite well when given the proper incentive.”
“So? What is your issue?”
“It doesn’t extend outside the bedroom. He’s still scared of me, no matter how careful I am with him.”
His mother’s amusement fades. “He’s scared of you?”
“Yes! I understand he’s human, so I don’t blame him, but it’s a hindrance.”
Su Xiyan isn’t smiling at all anymore. “You consider the fact that someone you’re bedding is scared of you a hindrance.”
“Yes. Wouldn’t you?”
“Someone scared of me wouldn’t want to bed me.” Considering who she is, Luo Binghe isn’t sure that’s the case. “Did your latest flame want to?”
He chose to, Luo Binghe wants to say. He gave Shen Qingqiu a choice! A lady of his realm would have been flattered by his attention!
He takes too long to answer. “Binghe, my son, you asked my opinion as a human regarding another human, so I’m going to give it to you. I don’t know how you managed to get that cultivator in your bed, and quite frankly I do not think I want to. Maybe a demon would find the interest of someone as powerful as you thrilling. Maybe they would appreciate the power play. But if the subject of your affections felt coerced, the best thing you could do for you both is let him go.”
Luo Binghe freezes all over. Let Shen Qingqiu go? Stop visiting him, stop pleasing him, stop holding his sleeping body and caressing his hair, stop waiting for the time where Shen Qingqiu will wake up, see Luo Binghe still lying beside him and smile? Give up on all of this? “No. He’s mine. I will have him. He just hasn’t accepted it yet. That’s why I’m asking for your help.” She doesn’t understand. He thought she would. He imagined what linked him to Shen Qingqiu must have been similar to what bonded her to his father. “Father and you must have struggled at first, haven’t you? It’s the same thing.”
“If your father had done anything to me without my explicit consent, you wouldn’t be here today. If you did, marriage isn’t a matter you can make happen, no matter how much you want it. He will only resent you more if you try to force him. If you’re convinced this is real, that what you did can be forgiven or isn’t as bad as it seems, apologise and retreat. Let him make the next move.”
Let Shen Qingqiu decide? If Luo Binghe gives Shen Qingqiu the possibility of leaving him, he’ll never see him again. He’ll run into the arms of Liu Qingge or whoever else, and never look back. He’s not ready yet. That doesn’t mean he’ll never be ready. With enough time, with enough of Luo Binghe, he’ll realise they’re made for each other. “You’re wrong. You don’t know him. I can’t let him remain by himself. It wouldn’t be good for either of us. I need to stay by his side until he changes his mind.”
“You can’t make him love you.”
Luo Binghe flinches. He never dared to think… “I can try.”
Su Xiyan stares at him, unblinking. “Then do it.” She gestures at her grand apartments, the space she made her own, both castle and prison since his father’s death at her people’s hands. “When you get your heart broken, I’ll still be waiting here.”
“You’ll be waiting a long time.”
She smiles at him with bright eyes. “I hope so.”
Shen Qingqiu remains puzzled even after Luo Binghe finishes and carries him to bed for another round, where he takes what feels like hours to tear down each and every of Shen Qingqiu’s walls. Luo Binghe looks vulnerable the way he never does, the way Shen Qingqiu didn’t think him capable of.
If he was anyone else, he might have let himself soften. He might have offered solace. Considering their position, that solace might have taken the form of physical affection, a hug or a gentle kiss.
But this is Luo Binghe. Whatever is causing him pain, he probably brought it on himself. He can suffer a little, see how that feels for a while. Shen Qingqiu will still be there when he’s done. Luo Binghe made sure of that.
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