#sherlock Holmes canon spoilers i guess? if we’re still putting spoilers on things old enough to be public domain
nevergeneralize · 2 years
An incomplete list of bizarre yuumori details I thought were Anime Weirdness License but turned out to be Arthur Conan Doyle Holmes canon (hereafter, “ACD” or just “canon”):
- All Moriartys are named James!! (or at least we have Professor James Moriarty and his brother Colonel James Moriarty; the possible third brother is disappointingly unspecified. It’s also possible that there are only two brothers, the named Colonel and the unnamed “station-master” being the same Very Employed brother mentioned differently in different stories, but it is hard now not to picture Albert in uniform and Louis in a jaunty railway cap)
- Colonel Moran the platonic ideal of a sharpshooter
- …his near-perfectly silent and accurate airgun sniper rifle that fires revolver bullets for some reason (I don’t know anything about the history of weaponry so maybe this only strikes me as implausible because I’m uninformed)…
- …built by an eccentric genius blind German named Von Herder (really really thought he was mostly just M + engineering genius in a spy media so he must be German by definition + anime trope of blindfolded weird smart guy. We don’t meet him in canon so this is still probably the recipe for his character traits/personality but the basic ingredients were suggested right there in ACD!)
- “Good night, Mr Sherlock Holmes” and Adler’s perfect disguise
- Also Sherlock’s house burning plan is bonkers in canon and in every adaptation and I’m delighted every time. (I tricked you dear reader, I already knew these two truths because I love A Scandal in Bohemia in particular. Everyone within the sound of my internet voice should just go read it, it’s so short and so unhinged)
- Sherlock does indeed repeat The Line (“once you’ve eliminated the impossible…”) absolutely as often as he can plausibly fit it into conversation
- Mycroft is The Government. Totally forgot this was not an invention of the BBC show, it’s just late in canon and retconned to have always been true. We meet Mycroft in The Greek Interpreter as a regular boring government employee and he gets the upgrade in The Bruce-Partington Plans; the in-universe explanation is that Sherlock can trust Watson with the truth now, and…
- …Watson being generally trustworthy according to Sherlock’s judgment definitely makes it totally fine for him to have government secrets
- Milverton plot beats are shockingly similar up to the involvement of Moriarty: “oh no milverton has blackmail on a client I better go burgle his house, stay out of it watson” “I’m coming too we’re best friends and roommates even in prison!!” “Ok fine” “awesome. I’m going to go sew burglar masks” (even the fancy-night-out alibi! And in canon, Holmes himself rather than Watson is the hot boy bait / fake plumber who pretends to court the maid so that she will tell them how to get in but it still happens this way!) ((another side note holmes loves 2 burgle. Every opportunity for a break-in he is THERE, and he’s so psyched to tell cops that he would be great at crime. In the Valley of Fear he mentions to a Scotland Yard officer that he’s been to Moriarty’s office three times, the officer says “I thought you hadn’t met him” and he says “I haven’t and you probably shouldn’t ask any more questions about this [smiles innocently].” I love him))
- also the anime version’s “wow milverton is here at the door right exactly when we are just finished talking about him, what a crazy random happenstance” aligns with approximately 100% of character entrances in canon
- “Clearly the only way to solve this Treasure of Agra issue safely is by getting Small to throw it into the river” and thus LESTRADE AND THE BOYZ GO ON A SICK HIGH SPEED BOAT CHASE
Bonus: Not really that weird but a fun oddly-accurate nod that made me smile to discover:
- We meet Fred Porlock in ACD as a character who has betrayed Moriarty by writing Sherlock letters tipping him off about their criminal organization’s plans, then he’s discovered and has to stop sending tips. I think it’s sort of cute, then, that we see him writing to Sherlock when he planned to “betray” William/disrupt the Final Problem to save him, and he’s discovered and interrupted by Louis
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