#shes just a baby and shes doing her best without any more adulty adults help
witch-and-her-witcher · 2 months
Getting on my soap box for a minute in defense of Violet Sorrengail: (minor IF spoilers)
I love the terrible communication skills in Iron Flame. What people say Violet is stupid for? I say it is the most age - and situationally appropriate - response to the extreme amounts of stress in a life or death, multi-faceted scenario with next to no guidance from adults with FULLY FORMED BRAINS.
These kids are in their early twenties, hopped up on the invincibility of being an elite lethal fucking weapon. Sure, Violet is smart, but how many honors kids were the ones needing to get shit faced at parties to talk to their crushes? Making risky decisions because book learning is easy, but interpersonal communication doesn't come with an ancient scroll you can study to have the all of the answers ready?
There is a reason the military is an absolute shit show when it comes to relationship drama. It's a reflection of poor coping skills in young adults who don't have the life experience to match the power and responsibility they're given like Celsius energy drinks on the daily.
Let a girl be in her early twenties and fumble because it's a mind numbing reaction to the catastrophic level of fuckery going on on every other front of her life.
*steps down*
but I'll come back if needed
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