#shhhhhhhh dont question me and my weird aus
lets-try-some-writing · 6 months
Young Titan
Primes do not live long. This is a fact that everyone on Cybertron has long come to understand. To take the Matrix is to become a martyr, an offering to the people to preserve Cybertron. No Prime has lived long... at least until Optimus.
Now millions of years old and nourished by war and millennia of memory, the Last of the Primes will show all of Cybertron what happens when a Prime is allowed to progress naturally.
(In short: Another funky jam Au for all yall. Enjoy)
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War followed them through time and space. There was no escape, not even on Earth. Part of Megatron wanted to stop, but how could he now? So many millennia at war with his foe ensured that there was simply no other choice but to win, to end this conflict.
Optimus Prime had exceeded his every expectation. In the beginning he had fully expected to have to throw his very spark into the war effort. Primes were strong when they were young. But ultimately, Megatron was living under the assumption that the war would come to a close when Optimus inevitably kicked the bucket. The Prime was too strong and too clever to be killed in battle. The most logical end for the war would have to then be when Optimus lived out his life as every Prime before him.
Primes never made it past a million years. Every single one of Optimus's predecessors all met their end long before the million year mark. There was no reason to think Optimus would be any different.
He really should have known his former brother would exceed expectations.
The war went on, and Optimus kept. On. Living.
Nothing kept him down. The Prime got back up and continued the war. Megatron waited, and as the cycles ticked by and the million year mark grew closer, he became more and more concerned. There was no waning in Optimus's power, nor did his mind seem to be deteriorating. If anything, he grew more cunning with time. It was a slow progression, but Megatron saw it. The way Optimus's passion dulled and his rage and empathy shifted. The war stopped being about them and instead became a concept.
Megatron fought, but as he did so, part of his drive changed. Optimus stopped looking at him with the rage of the archivist who was forced to raise a blade as cities burned. Now he watched simply, calmly even. He observed and did what was required. There was no true wrath there, only sorrow and the anger of something unnatural when Autobots and Decepticons alike fell in the line of duty. Megatron did everything in his power to bring out the rage he knew so well. He wanted to see Optimus seethe. He wanted to know that he was not the only one invested in their war. He had to be sure that he was no the only one feeling the loss, the anger, the desperation to win.
Few times did he manage to succeed in his goal. He could count on his digits the number of times Optimus raged as the war started to reach its grim conclusion. By the time the Allspark was sent away, the Prime no longer showed much of anything. He was stoic, unfeeling in the way one feels nothing for insects beneath their pedes. Against Megatron's fears, Optimus did not grow corrupt. Instead, he took his people to the stars and their war continued.
On and on it went, even on Earth. Then, shortly after the arrival of the Elite Guardsmech, things changed. Megatron sensed something was brewing long before, but when the Autobots fell to panic, he knew that whatever his spark warned him of was beginning to form.
Optimus vanished. Not a spark knew where he went. According to reports and what could be gathered from frantic Autobot patrols, the Prime had simply wandered off into the night and never come back. His signal was still active, but his Autobots were unable to trace his location. Megatron couldn't help but search. He reasoned it was to kill his foe while he was weak and alone, but deep down he knew it was because something big was happening. Weeks went by without any sign of him. Megatron was never one to write Optimus Prime off as dead after so many shattered expectations, but he couldn't help but wonder if his life had finally reached its end.
Three months after Optimus's disappearance, Soundwave reported the Autobots gathering around a point of interest. When the Nemesis reached the location in question, Megatron could hardly believe his optics. The Autobots swarmed the area, fortifying and guarding it with their lives. The basic structure of walls and other buildings was clear as day. Wires crept long exposed beams and energon crystals had been turned into liquid which pooled at the center of it all.
But more than that, what left Megatron in awe was the simple fact that spreading along the ground-
Was living metal.
Ratchet had been with Optimus since the beginning. He watched his friend take on what was essentially martyrdom for the sake of their people. He watched Optimus come into being. He watched his friend turned Prime lead their people to war. And most notably, he watched the changes that occurred in the Prime as time passed.
He grew distant, and not necessarily in the manner of the corrupt. He still mourned the dead and he still felt rage for the loss of their world. But from what Ratchet saw, Optimus felt no solid connection to their faction or any direct function. He said he was a Prime for all of Cybertron, and despite fighting Megatron, to Ratchet it looked as though it were merely a force of habit rather than true conflict.
He cared, he loved, but he did so in a manner more akin to a watchful guardian vaguely displeased with the antics of sparklings. It was infuriating at times, and Ratchet was only able to confirm his friend was still in there when Optimus had moments of rage.
He sensed something in Optimus as he aged. Ratchet grew weaker, bitter, weighed down by aches and pains. Optimus on the other hand seemed to grow stronger. His power did not outright increase, but his spark readings came back stronger than ever and he seemed to be accumulating mass. He didn't get much taller after his initial transformation to Prime, but he got denser. He could put away energon like no one's business and the mech just seemed to gain a more oppressive presence with every passing vorn.
He asked Optimus about it. Optimus had no real answers.
"None have lived as long as I have. This is new, but it is right. I feel that soon I will find my true function. My design shall be made clear."
On and on it went. Times changed, war continued, and Optimus grew more and more imposing. Ratchet half expected him to combust or to lose his mind like many a Prime before him. Instead, a few years into their stay on Earth, Optimus vanished like smoke. He left a simple note telling Ratchet that they would be meeting soon, but that was all. Weeks of frantic searching yielded nothing... at least until they found the only place on the planet where living metal creeped across rock and soil.
Ratchet led the team there, Ultra Magus serving alongside them. When they arrived, they did not know what they were looking at. The beginnings of buildings were forming on their own, and they were quite obviously of Cybertronian origin. Energon gathered on the ground in pools and ran through fuel lines imbedded in the very earth beneath their pedes. The ground itself shifted as they stepped upon it, wires crept from cracks to brush against them.
The land itself was greeting them, and the further into the strange collection of half finished structures they wandered, the more and more familiar it all felt. Ratchet really wasn't sure what he should have expected, but it most certainly was not the frame, or at least what remained of Optimus Prime's frame, sprawled out on the ground connected to a million and one wires. The Prime's spark was not in its chamber, instead it was contained by a structure just beyond what looked to be Optimus's corpse. It thrummed and flared, just as bright and active as ever. The wires continued to run along their frames, the ground shifted beneath them, a gentle rumbling greeting them.
Ratchet looked on, and he did not feel grief. His Prime was not dead. He was welcoming them.
"Optimus greets you."
A voice spoke and that was when Ratchet and the rest saw the true purpose of the place before them. A newbuild, one whose paint still gleamed with the freshness of the newly forged stood before them. A brand new life, a phenomenon that had not been witnessed since the Exodus. Others were developing, their sparks connecting to the living metal all around. This place was a hotspot, and life was forming right before their optics.
"He is happy to see you."
The newbuild smiled, and Ratchet was unsure whether to laugh or to cry. Of course Optimus would do something like this.
Of course he would turn himself into a fragging Titan.
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