#shia the spirit healer
alienturnipp · 2 years
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Went into a doodling spree on the plane, I drew my OCs & friend's OCs (plus some flowers)!
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usagi-mitsu · 4 years
For shia and graha, the domestic asks: 36, 37, and 41! >:D
Thank you <3 <3 <3 
36. typical date night? out or at home?
That one really depends! Their first “real” date was G’Raha spiriting her away to a spring festival in Gridania, while she made an effort to find some new Allagan ruins to distract him on their second one. With Shia living in the Risings Stones and G’Raha camping in Mor Dhona, they don’t really have a home to stay in. So they would usually meet up and go to check out something new, that might help them with the mystery of the Syrcus Tower. It’s always less of “let’s go on a date” and more of “what do you have to do today, I want to accompany you.” And they end up digging in dirt, blowing dust of old library books - or getting trashed by morbols.
37. do they celebrate birthdays, valentine’s day, anniversaries?
Oh gosh yes - Shia would love to. She’d love nothing more than to just celebrate like normal couples do. And they do, if they get to it! They celebrate the parties as they come. But because of *redacted for spoiler*-reasons, they never got around to an anniversary. Or valentines day. Or either birthday. <.< But if they had, they would most certainly have put in an effort, while being super awkward about it at the same time. (”... WHAT DO YOU GIVE THE WOL FOR HER BIRTHDAY?!?! JEWELRY OR ARMOR?! WHAT DO I DO!!!” and “he’s read that book, hasn’t he? Krile, you need to tell me exactly what books they did NOT have at Baldesion!!!”)
41. what would they do if the other one was hurt?
Shia would stay as calm as she can. She is not a healer. So she would make sure that he was ok and get them to safety. There, she would stay by his side no matter what and nervously chew off her nails. She knows that she cannot actually heal him, perhaps stabilize him if needed. But her own incapability would give her the biggest rush of anxiety and she’d make damn well sure, that he would be ok, before she’d then turn to whatever hurt him in the first place and let her frustration run wild. She’s not one to tell people, that everything is going to be ok, if she cannot make sure of that herself. Instead, she’d fuss over him until he’d tell her to stop; until he’d assure her, that he was fine.
G’Raha on the other hand would try to stand up to whatever got her down, until he realised, that if that thing downed her, he’d probably not stand a chance. But once he’d have gotten her to safety, he’d start researching on how to help her. He wouldn’t sleep, probably not eat or drink and just try to find a fast cure or counter to whatever it is, that she has. And if it was a cure that could be found literally anywhere? He’d be up and out to get it asap. 
And if either of them fell ill with... the common cold? They’d tease each other about it endlessly! Of course, they’d be there to make soup, to bring them tea and to shower them with affection. But oh god - the banter and “I told you so” would be over the moon. Until they both would end up sick in bed. 
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