abbimassu · 5 years
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kibounohane · 6 years
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shigeeeaki · 8 years
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NEWS 大集会 2020
On Juli 26th, NEWS held two fan meetings titled NEWS 大集会2020 that fans could participate in either by zoom or by chat.
Each event had a sketch part (VTR), a quiz corner that included some interaction with fans, a question corner where they read fan comments/questions and a performace.
The sketch VTR was the same both events.
I wrote a summary for the first event (3:30pm) including the quiz questions and what the sketches were about. Enjoy!
For the 3:30pm event, NEWS appeared on a small stage, surrounded by screens. Behind them, 200 zoom participants can be seen at once. NEWS greet everyone like in a real school assembly and start out with a VTR.
Back in the studio, Shige talks about 大集会2020 being a reference to NEWS' first event. Koyama pushes Shige to tell the story of a fan from that time who came to meet YamaP and got angry when she could only meet Shige. It happened to Shige several times.
Massu and Shige can be seen (with a camera and a "GOT PRANKED" sign), trying to prank Koyama. They bring in three eclairs, claiming that one would be super spicy. Koyama tries them with increasing horror, just to find that none of them are actually spicy. Massu looks disappointed at the lack of actual pranking.
Each member prepared one question. The answers were colour-coded so fans could take part by holding up something green/violet/yellow.
Koyama shows a home video of pre-school Kei-chan on the beach and something like a night market.
QUESTION: What souvenier did he get?
- stuffed animal
- clothes
- sweets
For his question, Shige wrote a song about how he wanted to text his manager but texted the members by mistake. To be funny, Massu replied and drew out the joke. Shige sings about how annoying Massu was but that he's happy he took the time out of his busy schedule to make him laugh.
NEWS randomly connect to one fan to ask them about their answer, which was beyond cute.
Most fans guess the stuffed animal but baby Kei-chan actually got some clothes.
NEWS connect to two fans, who ask everyone (fans and NEWS) to make hearts, which looks super cute!
QUESTION: What is the song's last line?
- Koyama-san, join in
- Koyama-san, how did you spend tanabata?
- Koyama-san, come and buy me some sliced bread
The answer was "Koyama-san, come and buy me some sliced bread", which is also the song's title, despite the rest of the song being about Massu.
For Massu's question, he has some gyoza brought on stage.
QUESTION: Will I eat the gyoza???
- Yes!
- No!
KoyaShige complain about working hard for their respective quizzes while Massu's is too obvious.
They connected to a fan before revealing the answer: They made a big spectacle out of this obvious question and as expected, Massu ate the gyoza. 
That concludes the quiz corner and they show the second sketch while Massu continues to eat his gyoza.
This time, they bring in three glasses of some juice with the same kind of set up. When the first drink tastes okay, Koyama starts to think that HE might be the one who is doing something wrong here. Shige and Massu urge him to drink the rest but when all drinks turn out delicious, Massu checks the script again.
Next, they bring out three pieces of strawberry short cake with unlit candles and a lighter. Koyama claims that he's seeing through all of this already so he's not afraid of the cake. However, when he wants to light the candles, the lighter shocks him and despite that being the first prank that actually worked, Massu forgets to hold up the GOT PRANKED sign.
They read some messages/requests sent in prior to the event. They also connect to a Korean fan who Koyama tries his Korean with and who asks NEWS to come to Korea. The next fan asks them what they did before the event: Massu listened to music, Shige played the guitar and Koyama would sing along sometimes. Massu suggests then that Shige should play the guitar to Koyama and Massu singing.
A fan writes in the chat that they're waiting for WORLDISTA and NEWS say that they are preparing its release right now. Shige points out that many fans ask for a tour or Beautiful to be released and Koyama answers smiling "We're having lots of meetings! Don't worry!" and Massu adds "we're not slowing down".
That's the end of QUESTION CORNER.
ShigeMass hold a small wall of plastic wrap in front of Koyama, pretending that it isn't there and prompting him to go (through it) to the other side of the room. Koyama argues a lot but eventually just does as he's told, just to have his face stuck in the plastic wrap. He is then told to change into the clothes that have been prepared for him. When he reappears, he's wearing a fake ballet costume with a swan head emerging from his crotch, which he uses to hit ShigeMassu. The scene concludes with him sitting down on a whoopee cushion and being shocked by another pen. A+ comedy.
A fan asks them to say what they like about each other, which results in lot of love for Massu, lots of love for Shige and Koyama being praised for his legs.
Prompted by a question, they discuss which ones of their songs go well with sports events.
Someone asks what clubs the members where in in primary school:
Massu: softball and soccer
Shige: basketball
Koyama: badminton
They connect to another fan to talk about Kagoshima and Massu's fanservice. The last fan they connect to asks if they decide on their hair styles by themselves or if the office gives them directions. They answer that they can do whatever except for dramas.
Finally, they talk about ENDLESS SUMMER and perform it.
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leyatumbles · 7 years
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Which NEWS pairing are you?
TegoMass - official pairing. Like fire and ice, but in perfect harmony--and synchronicity. People are devoted to you because, well, you're golden.
KoyaShige - actual pairing. Best of friends, Mom and Dad. Together forever. People have a soft spot for you because, well, you're real.
KoyaTego - obvious pairing. Sugar and spice, affection fills the room. Loving in any manner. People flock to you because, well, you're striking.
ShigeMassu - quiet pairing. Both introverts, minds marry at some point. Very cute without knowing. People root for you because, well, you're pure.
TegoShige - magnet pairing. Unlikely at first, then there's a spark. Differences and similarities are aligned. People are drawn to you because, well, you're enigmatic.
KoyaMassu - savvy pairing. With common tastes, reaches out to each other more than meets the eye. People cherish you because, well, you're winsome.
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endlessnews · 9 years
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shigenimia-blog · 10 years
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~NEWS otp~
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kibounohane · 6 years
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the-paana · 11 years
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Haha I see some sneaky Massu~ XD
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twinklemassu · 8 years
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I don’t know where this came from, but isn’t it cute!!!!!
I want to take selfies with them~
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katokingdom · 12 years
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ree-fly · 13 years
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Marching J / ShigeMassu
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chiekorita · 12 years
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