spungolden · 1 year
starter for @shihaino
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There's a strained silence as Dio stares at the woman in front of her. She had gotten an influx of contracts, and knowing Makima, she probably wouldn't be happy with the outcomes. "There's been many devil hunters signing contracts with me recently," Dio says simply. Red eyes lower to the coffee cup in front of her, nails tapping quietly against the side. "I just wanted to remind you that I'm not responsible for their fates."
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godofvillains-arch · 2 years
shihaino asked:
i've always hated this place.
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"If you hate it here... then why do you come here?" the god inquires. He sat at an old sofa of the abandoned home, seeming to make himself quite comfortable. "Could this place be an hold home of yours? Or holds memories?"
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sonorusgloom · 1 year
▒○╠   [[   @shihaino​   ]]    ╣○▒
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The creature tilts their head up towards the trees stretching across the sky. The city only has a few trees scattered about, just enough that there is some contrast to the metal buildings fighting for the space above. A shadow clad hand reaches over towards one of the trees, claws brushing against the bark seeming to inspect it with pale eyes. 
There shouldn’t be any differences between the tree in front of him and the trees scattered through out. This one looks like it has marks against the trunk. One’s that looks similar to the white trees baring marks that looks similar to eyes peering out. Yet this one seems different, the marks looking twisted in surprise and being far to close to a face.
Ears twitch at hearing footfalls across cracked pavement. Tilting his head towards the side to spot whose might be passing by or drawing closer to the silhouette.
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wouldhope · 1 year
☆ @shihaino / starter!
"Y'know, at first I thought it was totally nuts that y' had Power move in with me 'n Aki... 'Cause like, they didn't get along at all, and she's super nasty sometimes, but... Things are actually pretty damn good, somehow."
He could've just given a simple answer when Makima asked how things were going back at the apartment, a simple one-word answer would've sufficed - but he can't help talking too much, especially when it comes to her. He could talk to her all day about anything if she just asked, really, he'd be happy to tell her anything she wanted to hear... She was the first person to ever be kind to him, after all, so he couldn't help that clingy feeling every time she paid him even the slightest bit of attention. Surely this was the answer she wanted, right? It was an honest answer, too, so... She'd be happy to hear that the group she'd set up was working out, right?
"I never woulda guessed it'd go well, but you must know everything, huh, Miss Makima?"
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cultesdesghoules · 2 years
『•• denji & makima ••』
Submission was easy when well-fed. Demands were rarely, if ever, questioned, for that meant another night hungry, another night of unrest plagued by memories becoming more and more hazy around the edges with the ticking of the clock. Even those were easy to ignore these days, attention turning completely toward Denji's object of burning desire. Whatever she wanted, she would get, and all she had to do to get him to bark or play fetch or wag his tail was to give him a little smile. Makima's smiles held a hint of magical ambiguity, a certain veil of ironic melancholy mixed with a halo of superiority; an angel comforting a leper... A leper whose primary goal in life was to cop a feel and who had an eye for ❛ melons, ❜ but that makes this all the less serious, so we'll cut that out. ❝ Miss Makima... ❞ he started, drifting off momentarily the way he always did when that crimson-laced gaze turned toward him almost expectantly. Keep it together, Denji, lest you want to forgo dinner and a complimentary ❛ good boy ❜ from your master. His mind raced ahead, finally reaching what he wanted to inquire about. An unbearable, irritated flush rose up his neck as he narrowed his eyes and shifted his gaze away. ❝ I'm just gonna come right out and say it straight. I think I've proved long enough already with Power and whats-his-face that I can work with ya' now. Maybe it's 'bout time ta' promote me, ya' know? ❞ ... It had, in fact, only been one (1) week.
『•• @shihaino ••』
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deviltm · 2 years
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「    @shihaino​ asked ― “What happened here?”    」
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       𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 𝐊𝐄𝐄𝐏𝐒 𝐀 𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐊 𝐄𝐗𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍, 𝐆𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐀𝐖𝐀𝐘 𝐀𝐒 𝐌𝐀𝐊𝐈𝐌𝐀 𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒 𝐇𝐈𝐌.that urge to immediately answer creeps in the back of his throat but he’s able to stave it off for now, instead lifting his chin to meet her gaze. eyes flicker toward the pool of blood, knowing makima won’t rest without some sort of response. hands slide into the pockets of his dress pants, wings shifting against his back. 
       ❝ i’m just as confused as you are . . . i stumbled upon the scene only minutes ago. ❞
sentence meme. || accepting. 
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smilemuse · 2 years
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he's been summoned by makima himself, which is quite intriguing in itself. for what reason? he's not quite sure. he opens the door into her office before seeing the woman in question. yoshida observes the crisp uniform & the way she presents herself. ❛ what do i owe the honor of being summoned by you ? ❜ he's cautious but he has no intention of over stepping his boundaries. yoshida doesn't want to find himself into quicksand, sinking into an abyss that he can't climb out of.
@shihaino liked for a starter
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burdenedreverance · 1 year
My whole thing is loyalty. Loyalty over royalty; word is bond.
"Then I give you my word; I will not abandon you in your time of need."
He is always so straightforward that it feels painful sometimes. If he was more eloquent he might find words that could convince those around him he meant what he said. It might be difficult for some to understand but for Hayden; saying was to do. To do was to say. He didn't need to promise something, because the mere act of speaking was the same as doing for him.
His hand lifts up, hesitantly at first. But then it moves again towards her, his index and thumb takes her hand. Then the rest of his fingers follow, closing around as he squeezes. It was something he'd remember from his past, he just couldn't remember when. But the emotions it provoked was that of comfort, and genuineness.
"You have aided me in my madness. I will aide you in yours, wherever it might take me. That is the meaning of loyalty."
If one walks beside him, then he will do so beside them.
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godofvillains · 1 year
Apr 27
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It seems it had to take a threat to make the woman's attention shift, and Shigaraki become its only subject. "You can try," she returns, dull tone standing out like a puzzle piece forced into the empty space of another jigsaw. Even the body language seems wrong, unchanged even in the face of what can quickly become her death.
(What a blessing it is, this quirk of hers.)
"I work for myself and towards my own goals. And, whatever road takes me there the fastest..." Makima finishes with a shrug. So far, the commission was that path, straight and nicely paved so she won't stumble.
"It seems some of our goals match. You want to tear this world down, don't you now?"
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Unblinking eyes did not leave the woman. He stays in his offensive stance. Ready to strike like a viper if she acted strangely. But she seemed so calm, even when facing a god. He couldn't tell if she just didn't care, didn't take him seriously, thought she could fight him off, or what it was which gave that calmness.
"And working for the commission is getting you there the quickest? Don't make me laugh... The hero commission will toss you out like garbage if they find out you're using them.. Or will simply chain you down so you cannot escape them-- doing whatever the hell they want with you. Your chain will be so tight, you will choke and die if you try and get away.." He's heard a lot about it from Lady Nagant and how the commission treated her. Show defiance and they pull a trigger on your head.
"What is it you're after?" he growls and shifts his foot a bit. "How does some of our goals match? You are correct... I want to destroy this world-- destroy everything I don't like..."
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spungolden · 9 months
[ HOLD ] for dio
𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐌𝐀𝐊𝐄 𝐌𝐄 𝐆𝐎 👀. // @shihaino
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Dio was quiet for once, whether it be because of Makima or the people they followed. The moment of hesitation of surprise before she returns the action. Her slender fingers slid into place, as if they were meant just for her. Maybe they were after all this time. It only took hundreds, maybe thousands of years for them to happen. She looks over at the devil before back to the men in front of them. It had to be bad for Makima to not be leading the way. Either that or Makima wants to be next to her or it wasn't even that important. Regardless, Dio gently squeezes her hand, as if a reminder that she was there. Just in case.
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shackld · 1 year
what does your heart look like?
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a compass that doesn’t waver
You are someone who is certain of what you want. Maybe you always have been, or maybe you made a discovery that you haven’t been able to tear your eyes away from. Your heart is set and certain. You fight endlessly for your goals. Above all else, you know who you are and what you are trying to achieve. Just be careful not to tear yourself or others apart in pursuit of your ideals.
tagged by: @deathfavor <3333 tagging: @thornicidxs @bellusnymphine @shihaino @fatecrafted @imarahuyo @wistrea
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miraruinada · 1 year
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"Two dead, seven injured. Reports leave one missing, but it's clear from squaring off the area that this missing person just clocked in then skipped work."
Cigarette smoke wafted up from the lit end, the stench of cheap tobacco clinging to the frumpy white trench coat. The midday sun left the chill spring morning into a relatively warm afternoon, but the coat remained present. The uniform was completely missing aside from this one article of clothing.
"Lazing off saved 'em from the Escalator Devil. Guess they knew there's no easy climb up the steps to success."
A very terrible joke in an incredibly tasteless manner. Most would say it was dark humor to relieve stress, but it wasn't in the slightest. This person simply was what made one a successful hunter: insane. Not afraid of any devil, of anyone really. Casual scoffing at authority and law, lending itself to a certain immunity to the horrors of the job.
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"Filing is complete. Devil's exterminated. Can I get back to my patrol routes?"
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burdenedreverance · 1 year
“ you had a dream about me? ”
He's leaning back in a chair with the first two legs off the ground, his legs crossed with the flat of his foot pressed against the edge of a table. In his hands is a whetstone and a blade which he has been sharpening, the motion almost seems religious. He doesn't look up at her as she questions him, instead he takes a deep breath and exhales it with a soft groan. A mixture of thought and discomfort.
"It was hardly anything, nothing inappropriate." He'd clear his throat, his hand ceasing with the motion of the whetstone. It was admittedly a bit silly. "I had trouble sleeping, I took some melatonin. It supposedly can cause more dreams." He was purposefully sparse on the details of on the dreams. He wasn't very good at lying, or hiding things it seemed. The question remained what he was obfuscating.
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spungolden · 1 year
❝  don’t be a fucking martyr.  the world can function without you for a day.  ❞ and for Blake?????
“I know,” he says sharply, eyebrows furrowed together. Eyes stare down at the street below them as he tries to calm himself down. Blake knows the world can function without him for a day. Hell, the world could function without him for more than a day. It didn’t revolve around him. He knows that every day could be another life saved- but to save other’s lives, he needed to take care of himself first. He wasn’t in pain, thanks to the contract he made, but he could feel the bandages pulling at his skin, reminding him of his injuries. If he was to get into another big fight, well, he probably wouldn’t make it out alive. He barely won the last one, having passed out after winning. Not having pain didn’t make him fearless, it just took his mind off his limits for a little bit. “I know,” he says again, quieter. “It’s just hard… knowing I can save people right now and not doing it. I believe that my team can do it, but... I feel like I should be out there too.”
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